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Waltz into Fire (The Sentinals Book 1)

Page 21

by L. J. Garland

“Yes,” she whispered.

  Easing around to face him, she soaked in the sight of him—his sleep-ruffled hair, his T-shirt and jeans from last night, now wrinkled from his sleeping next to her. Images of Haileon’s attack flooded her mind, how he’d tossed her brothers like stones, how he’d fended off her fireballs, how he’d snatched up Zane.…

  “I thought…you had no….” Fallon blinked. “You’re alive.”

  His chuckle rumbled through her. “Yeah, I am. Thanks to you, and, well, Erik, too. I guess he had to beat on my chest a bit, but we all made it through.”

  Without thinking, she threw her arms around his neck. “Oh, thank God.”

  When Haileon had seized him, seeming to drain the life from him, she’d thought Zane was dead. After checking for his pulse and finding none, a pain unlike any she’d ever experienced had ripped through her. With Zane gone, her whole world had ended.

  He wrapped his strong arms around her, and she savored the warmth of his body. Oh, dear Lord, she loved this man. No matter how hard she tried not to, she couldn’t stop herself. He was the only one for her.

  She swallowed, unnerved by the realization, and pulled from his embrace. So much had happened so fast…. She just wasn’t quite ready to face her love for him. Soon though. There was no running from it anymore.

  Zane had helped her fight the demon. With him, her powers had been stronger. But even so, Haileon had been formidable. When things had spun out of control, Zane had stepped in, attempting to protect her. She knew, beyond a doubt, he would fight to the death for her just as she would for him. Really, she’d known the depth of his devotion all along but had allowed her stubborn pride to get in the way.

  “How long have I been sleeping?”

  “Around twelve hours. It’s a little after one right now.” He swiped a lock of hair from her face. “Erik said the use of your powers wiped you out, but I was getting worried. Apparently, you pulled out all the stops last night. I was afraid of the effect it might’ve had on you. You didn’t even stir in your sleep.”

  She remembered the loss and anger that had swept through her after seeing Zane’s crumpled, lifeless body. It had seized hold of her powers and taken on a life of its own. And scared the hell out of her.

  “The last time I went up against him, I only needed a few hours of sleep.” She massaged her temples. “I guess I need more practice at harnessing the energy.”

  “I don’t think any of us were expecting the battle we got.” He searched her eyes. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

  “Bit of a headache.” Fallon slid to the edge of the bed and rose. “I need to use the bathroom. Would you mind terribly finding me some aspirin and something to wash it down with?”

  “Not at all.”

  She entered the bathroom, making quick work of emptying her over-full bladder, and padded to the sink and mirror. Lord, but she looked awful. Her face was pale, and dark circles hung beneath her eyes. Maybe more sleep would help. After splashing cold water over her face, she dried off and returned to the bedroom.

  Zane was there, waiting for her. “I found ibuprofen and some orange juice.”

  She stared up at him, warmed by the concern etched in his eyes. “Thank you.” Swallowing the pills, she eased onto the mattress and scooted back under the covers. “Lay with me for a while?”

  Zane rounded the bed and climbed in behind her, gathering her to him. Resting her head on his arm and nestling her back against his chest, she sighed in the warmth of his embrace. She was safe here with him where nothing could hurt her. If she could only stay here, cocooned by him forever, life would be complete.

  “Wyatt and Erik? Are they okay?”

  “Wyatt got knocked around a good bit. I sutured up a few wounds, but by this morning, they were both almost healed.” His palm skimmed over her skin from her hand, up to her shoulder, and down again. “Which reminds me. Your ribs…they’re healed, aren’t they?”

  Fallon thought back to when she’d glimpsed her side in the mirror after her shower. “Yes, I think they are. I’ve always healed fast, but nothing like this. How can that be?”

  He shrugged. “I don’t know. Some kind of genetic thing you guys have. Goes along with your powers. Erik looked it up last night and found a few mentions of it.”

  She let out a heavy breath. “There’s so much we don’t know.”

  “You guys are learning more every day. Somehow, I have faith you wouldn’t have been granted these gifts if you couldn’t handle them.”

  She wanted to believe that, needed to. “I can’t wait to tell those two brothers of mine we told them so.”

  He snorted. “I chewed their asses.”

  She cringed, imagining what he’d said to them. “You didn’t hurt them, did you? Am I going to have to make peace between you?”

  “No, I didn’t hurt them, and we’re fine.” Chuckling, he squeezed her shoulder. “Anyway, they left the island earlier this morning. Erik needed to catch a flight to Colorado and Wyatt had an appointment. They said to tell you they were sorry, that they were idiots, and to give you their love.”

  Her heart sank a little at the thought of not having said goodbye to them. Zane stroked her hair and gently massaged her temples.

  “They love you a lot.” He placed a soft kiss on her ear. “Sleep. Let the medicine work. I’ll be right here.”

  Fallon turned and buried her face in his chest, the events of the night before catching up with her. Wyatt tossed through a window. Erik thrown into the wall. Zane and the incredible pain he’d endured. Haileon had tortured him, killing him bit by bit. Zane had died.

  At last, the tears flowed. “I was so scared.”

  “Hey, it’s over now.”

  “What that thing did to you…. It was awful. And I couldn’t stop him from hurting you.”

  Zane’s arms tighten around her, drawing her closer against him. He trailed kisses over her head, down to her ear. “Shh. You did stop him. You’re the strongest woman I’ve ever met, Fallon. You’re my heart and soul, and you’ll never lose me. Never.”

  Exhaustion tugged on her eyelids, and she drifted off, secure in his embrace. But sometime later, she jolted awake amid the nightmares of Haileon’s attack.

  “Zane!” She bolted upright, the covers falling away. Drenched in sweat, she stumbled from the empty bed. “Where are you?”

  Heart pounding, she stumbled through the room, now veiled in shadows. The bathroom door had been left cracked, and brightness peeked through, a beacon to guide her. She found the bedroom light switch just as the door opened.

  “You’re up.”

  She whirled toward his voice. “Zane.”

  He stared at her, his brow creased with concern. “Brought more ibuprofen and juice.”

  She sighed, her shoulders sagging. The horrific images that had awakened her hadn’t been real. Only dreams. He was all right, standing in the bedroom doorway and attempting to take care of her.

  Though her headache had dimmed, her body still ached. She accepted two more pills and emptied the glass, handing it back to him. Swiping a hand through her hair, she said, “I need a shower.”

  She turned and crossed to the bathroom. Treading barefoot over the cool tile, she grabbed a towel from the vanity and tossed it over the shower rod. She leaned in and twisted the faucet to let the water heat.

  Grasping the hem of her shirt, she pulled it up and over her head, dropping it to the floor. She wriggled out of her pants and added them to the pile. Remembering a bottle of body gel on the counter, she rounded toward the sink.

  “Need someone to scrub your back?”

  Her gaze shot to the doorway. Zane leaned against the jamb, his arms crossed over his chest, a sexy smile on his lips. She trembled, desire swirling through her while she stood before him in her panties and bra.

  “Zane,” she said in a whispery breath.

  He stepped into the bathroom and stopped. “I can’t help it, Fallon. When I’m near you, I want you. And when I see you like this….”
His gaze dipped lower. “God, you’re gorgeous.”

  She angled toward him, wanting desperately to kiss him, to feel his hot skin pressing against hers, to feel him moving inside her. But her world had almost shifted off its axis, what with the discovery that she could wield lightning and had used it to destroy a demon. Not an everyday occurrence—at least not for her anyway. Her Aunt Serida, however, had alluded to just such a life. Was she ready for that? She stared at Zane and frowned. Could she risk him for that?

  He moved closer, trailed a finger down her arm, and nodded. “It’s okay. I get it. I’m an ass for even asking.”


  “You’re still recovering.” He returned to the doorway. “You take your shower.” He took a step backward into the bedroom, his gaze roving over her again, lust blazing in his eyes. “I’ll make us something to eat. Book us a flight home.”

  He exited the bedroom, the door closing softly behind him. She leaned against the counter, her knees shaking. Damn, that man made her quiver with just a look. She glanced toward the doorway again.

  “Fallon, you gotta get your act together, girl,” she murmured. “A guy like that won’t wait around forever.”

  Snatching the body gel from the counter, she stepped into the shower, the hot spray sweeping over her achy body. She moaned, whether from the water soothing her muscles or her disappointment at not accepting Zane’s offer to join her, she wasn’t sure. She poured some gel onto a scrubbie and worked it into a lather while the scents of jasmine and musk swirled with the steam. She dragged the sponge over her skin and came to a decision. Once they were home, they would sit down and discuss their relationship and the apparent inherent dangers she brought to the mix.

  Thirty minutes later, Fallon wandered into the kitchen. Delicious scents wafted through the air.

  “Is that chicken I smell?”

  Zane turned from the built-in grill in the kitchen island, his gaze taking a quick skip over her body. Heat shivered through her.

  “Yes, ma’am. Got potatoes and beans, too.” He shrugged. “The beans are canned. And I snagged a bottle of wine from the cellar.”

  He poured her a glass, and as she took a sip, a floral mix with a hint of citrus washed over her tongue.

  “Delicious.” She eased onto a stool.

  “I decided we deserved a nice meal”—he rounded back to the grill—“before we return to our real lives.”

  Pivoting toward her, he set a plate in front of her. He snapped a cloth napkin in the air and smiled as he laid it on the counter next to her. Opening a drawer on his side of the island, he reached inside. “Guess this would help.” He held up a fork and knife.

  She laughed. “I was about to grab up the chicken and eat it medieval style. But I suppose your way would be less dramatic.”

  He handed her the utensils, and her fingers brushed against his, an electric spark igniting between them. Zane jumped and shook his hand.


  He shook his head. “No problem. I’ve come to enjoy your unexpected qualities.”

  She laughed. “Really?”

  He gave her a look that set her nerves tingling. “Yes, ma’am.”

  Fallon forked a bite of chicken into her mouth. “Mmm. Wow, that’s good.”

  He grinned. “Eat up. Our flight is at ten.”

  She finished the meal, consuming every bite. It appeared battling a demon had left her not only exhausted, but starving as well. She peered at Zane from beneath her lashes, only able to guess at what he must think of her after she’d made a complete pig of herself. But when he took her plate, his mouth curved in satisfaction. He washed and dried their dishes then placed them in the cabinet.

  He cocked an eyebrow. “Guess we should get moving, or we’ll miss our flight.”

  Four hours later, they were in the air, flying toward Texas. Zane took her hand, twining his fingers with hers. He stared down at her, and she noted an odd light in his eyes. Was it just concern for her or something else? Perhaps he sensed they needed to discuss their relationship. Or maybe he worried they had no relationship at all.

  He squeezed her hand. “No matter what, I want you to know that I’m glad I came with you.”

  She shifted her gaze to her feet, unable to handle his serious tone at this moment. “Even with these two-inch wide seats with a half inch of leg room? Man, you are a masochist.”

  He chuckled. “Sorry. First Class was booked.”

  “Well, I’ll be happy when the Forrester Jet is finished with whatever inspections it needs.” She stifled a yawn. “If it even really exists.”

  “Yeah. It would be nice to fly off wherever you wanted. Miami. The Bahamas.” He patted his shoulder. “Lean against me.”

  “Guess I drank more wine than I realized.” She snuggled into him. “Fiji.”

  “What’s that?” He kissed the top of her head.

  “The Fiji Islands. I’d like to go there someday.”

  A moment later, Zane tapped her arm, and Fallon sat up.


  “We’re landing.” He jerked his thumb toward the window. “You slept the whole way.”

  “Oh, wow.” She spied stars littering the sky and a web of lights trailing over the ground. “We’re in Texas?”

  “Circling to land. Thought you’d want to wake up so we could get through the airport.”

  She glanced at her watch. “It’s four. We still have to get through the airport and pick up our luggage, but if we hurry, I can help Johnny with the breakfast prep at the restaurant.”

  He nodded. “Better let me drive, then.”

  True to his word, Zane drove them to the Engine House in record time. He veered into the parking lot, the gravel crunching beneath the tires, the first hint of the day lightening the dark sky. Fallon spotted Johnny’s truck parked next to the building and Zane’s Jeep sitting in its regular space near the creosote pole with the light on top.

  He pulled the truck to a stop near Johnny’s and shifted into park. With the engine still idling, he stared out the window. Fallon leaned forward, attempting to see what he might be staring at, but only saw the lights from the restaurant glowing through the windows, illuminating the sidewalk out front.

  “Something wrong?”

  “What?” He jerked back toward her. “No. Just nerves, I guess.”

  His so-called “nerves” rolled off him in waves, and she shot a glance over his shoulder. Seeing nothing out of the ordinary, she sighed.

  “Well, I need to get in there and work with Johnny to get ready for the breakfast crowd.” She opened her door and scooted to the edge of the bench seat.


  She peered over her shoulder.

  “I know I broke your trust.” He swallowed. “I hope you know now that my intent was to protect you.”

  Fallon blanched, the mix of guilt and love pervading his eyes tugging at her heart. She wasn’t ready to discuss this. She knew she loved him, though. They’d make it work. “We’ll talk later.”

  He shut the engine off and reached for his door handle.

  “Zane.” She laid her hand on the seat, her fingers stretching toward him as he lifted his gaze to hers. “I promise. I really want to figure this out. You’re important to me.” She tilted her head. I love you.

  “Sure.” He exited the truck. “Later.”

  Never had Fallon wished he could hear her thoughts like her siblings could more than now. She slid from the seat to the ground and closed the door. God, why couldn’t she just tell him how she felt? After all they’d been through, after almost losing him forever, why was she stalling? She ground her teeth, determination suffusing her nerves as she rounded the rear of the truck.

  “Zane, wait.” She hurried after him, trying to make up for his long strides. Catching him at the edge of the sidewalk, she clutched his arm and yanked him around. “Just wait a minute.”

  “What?” Frustration laced his tone.

  She stared at him, praying her heart shone in he
r eyes. “Zane, I lov—”

  The night quieted, and Zane jerked his chin up, his gaze scanning the area. Something was wrong. She could sense it now—the wrongness that surrounded them.

  A discordant buzz trembled the air.

  Zane stepped in front of her. “Get in the truck, Fallon.”

  “No.” She moved next to him, took his hand in hers.

  A feral growl rumbled so deep it vibrated through her. The sound increased into a roar. “Faallonn!”

  Her fingers tightened around Zane’s. Her heart banged against her sternum. Damn, she recognized that voice.

  Haileon exploded into existence before them, not as the little angelic boy, but in his full horrific, demonic form. His red-eyed gaze landed on her.

  Fallon shifted in front of Zane and held her hands out to her sides. She inhaled, fireballs igniting over her palms. “I need you, Zane.”

  He slid his palms down her arms, his fingers imparting warmth and strength along her skin. “I’m with you, love. Always.”

  Together, they exhaled. The fiery orbs enlarged.

  Haileon gave them a nasty grin. “I promised you would pay. And so you shall.”

  He twitched his hand, and the Engine House burst into flames. The windows blew out, glass spraying across the sidewalk. Fire engulfed the roof and ran along the eaves with blinding speed.

  Fallon jolted, the fireballs slipping from her control to land harmlessly at Haileon’s feet. The demon snickered. He flicked a finger, and flames swallowed the far end of the building.

  Yanking free from Zane’s grasp, she lurched toward the restaurant door. “Johnny!”

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Zane wrapped his arms around Fallon, stopping her from running inside the Engine House, just as the roof at the far end of the building collapsed, smoke and ash pluming into the air.

  “Johnny!” She struggled to free herself.

  “Fallon.” He tightened his grip. “Stop fighting me.”

  She pivoted toward him, a fierce light in her eyes, her mouth an open slash of grief. “Oh, Johnny.”

  “I know, but—”

  Her fingers dug into his biceps, piercing the skin. She bit her lower lip. Her face, marred with the ache of loss, morphed into an expression of wild anger.


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