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Step Beast

Page 23

by Selena Kitt

  Tilly found herself completely carried away, giving him pleasure, hearing his breath coming faster. He was giving into it, to her. Struggling against it, to maintain control. Fuck, that was good. So good. Her pussy dripped and throbbed and she knew she couldn’t touch herself, but her hands unclasped and one of them drifted forward to her lap.

  She stopped herself, realizing what she was doing, and hurriedly clasped her hands behind her back again, hoping he’d been too distracted to notice.

  Yeah, right. When monkeys fly out of my butt.

  “Stop,” he said.

  Tilly gulped.

  Beast stepped away from her, towards the corner table. There was no hesitation in him, no shame. His enormous cock bobbed as he walked, and he selected one of several straps there. This was the same strap he’d used during their first session, to tie her elbows together behind her back.

  “I can’t overlook it, Tilly.” He shook his head sadly. “You disobeyed me.”

  Funny, a few weeks ago, she was openly defying him. Now all she wanted to do was please him.

  “I’m sorry, sir.”

  “I know.” He nodded. “You forgot yourself. But there have to be consequences.”

  Beast took Tilly by the shoulders and made her stand up. Then he bent her over the table. Firmly, he tied her elbows together behind her. Going back to the corner table, he selected what looked like a ping pong paddle encased in leather. He stepped to the far side of the table, so she could see him.

  “You’re inexperienced.” He hefted the paddle in his big hands. “I should probably punish you more than this. But I’ll make allowances, because you’re so new to this.”

  “Thank you, sir.” She managed to keep most of the tremble from her voice. She’d been corrected a few times, for small infractions, but this was a big one. Touching herself was strictly forbidden, unless and until she was given permission. And that didn’t just apply here, in this room—but at home, too. Everywhere. As long as she was in training, she needed to learn to obey her dom. Even when he wasn’t looking directly over her shoulder.

  And she had defied him—not behind his back, but right under his nose. Not once, but twice.

  “I haven’t spanked you with a paddle before.” Beast slapped the paddle against the flat of his hand and it made a loud, sharp sound that made her whole body jump. “It will hurt far more than my hand. It’s a modest punishment, actually. But you need to be marked—I can’t just let this slide, Tilly.”

  He sounded sad, sorry he had to do this. And she remembered her grandfather saying something like, “This is going to hurt me far more than it will hurt you.” That was exactly his tone as he moved around the table, behind her.

  “Eyes front,” he directed when he saw her turn her head to anxiously watch him go by.

  Tilly did as she was told. She couldn’t see him anymore, but she could hear him. He was telling her about the paddle, how it was used, what it was used for—things she’d read in the handbook—and his words were hypnotizing. She found herself hoping he wouldn’t stop telling her how much worse it could be—he could have chosen the riding crop, for example, that would likely leave welts—because as long he was he talking, instructing her, he wasn’t punishing her.

  But she knew it was coming. Inevitably, eventually, it was coming. Not knowing when she’d feel the sting of the paddle on her backside increased both her anxiety and excitement. She closed her eyes in anticipation, swallowing, listening to the low cadence of his voice talking about the difference between a cat o’nine tails—which she’d experienced—and a bull whip, which she had not. He was in mid-sentence, and gave her no indication when suddenly—


  The sound filled the room, and her ass sang out in pain as she howled.

  “Ow!” The blow was a shock, but the sting was tremendous. His hand hadn’t ever hurt that much. Her left cheek smarted terribly.


  “Ow!” The second smack made her right cheek feel the same. Now she was even, a painfully arousing symmetry. Her pussy was already on fire, from sucking his cock for so long. Her thighs were sticky with her juices and her face wet from watering eyes. Now her eyes streamed with real tears as he smacked her again, but the spanking didn’t quench the heat between her legs.

  It just made it worse. He was right—it was very painful. Each smack made her squeal and squirm. She wanted to cover her ass with her hands, but she kept them up, out of his way. And she found herself going up on her tiptoes with each blow, feeling a hot jolt to her pussy every time.

  Tilly moaned.


  “You’ll learn,” he soothed. “It’ll become second nature, not touching yourself without permission.”


  Tilly groaned, arching, her clit throbbing with heat.

  “Your pleasure is a gift that I give you.”


  Her face was wet with tears, saliva, probably even snot. She sniffled and tried to control her reaction, but she couldn’t. She dreaded it and yet wanted him to continue her spanking. It was a paradox that was hard to fathom, this pain that triggered such a pleasure response.

  “Your pleasure is mine, Tilly.”


  “Yes sir,” she sobbed.


  “Even right now.” He nestled the paddle up sideways against her ass, pressing it hard into her flesh, into the seam of her sex, and she cried out, trembling. “Don’t you dare come, Tilly. Your orgasm is mine. You are mine. Do you hear me?”

  “Yes, yes, yes,” she moaned, and it was true. It had been the only truth she’d known since the first time he kissed her. She’d been his since that moment.

  “Yes, what?”


  “Yes sir!” She winced, waiting for the next blow.

  “I don’t want you distracted.” His hand moved slowly, softly caressing her reddened flesh, and Tilly gasped and moaned at the sensation. Nothing, nothing, had ever felt so good before. His fingers probed, sliding deep into her pussy for a moment, then withdrew. “You like sucking cock, don’t you?”

  “Yes sir,” she confessed, her pussy clenching, wanting his fingers back inside her. Wanting something, anything, inside. Most especially wanting his cock. She ached to be fucked. He squeezed and kneaded her ass, making her cry out. The sensation was incredible. Her pussy spasmed, aching, her ass stinging, and her thighs trembled, the muscles tight from kneeling so long, and now, being stretched as she went up on tiptoe.

  “You’re good at it, baby.” His hand moved down the crack of her ass. His fingers, still wet from her pussy, rimmed her asshole, making her face blush as red as she knew her ass must be. He stroked her there, lightly, absently. “Mark was right. You’re a natural submissive. A hungry little cock whore.”

  His words made her sob with humiliation. He made her feel dirty, desperate, and yes, so very hungry.

  “You were born to be on your knees, worshipping cock.”

  “Your cock,” Tilly whispered, the tremble in her legs shaking her whole body, making her feel unsteady.

  “What did you say?”


  The blow was sudden, hard, a horrible assault after his caresses.



  “What did you say, Tilly?”

  “Your cock!” she gasped, squirming, her belly slick with sweat, making her slide on the table. “Your cock! I want to worship your cock… sir.”

  “Just mine?” A big hand pressed against her lower back, stilling her quivering flesh.

  “Yes sir,” she confessed, tears streaming down her face. “Just yours. Only yours. Oh, Beast. Please. I…”

  He grabbed her by the upper arms, pulling her around and shoving her down. The rug burned her knees but she didn’t care. Tilly looked up at him with blurry vision, already opening her mouth for him, and he moaned when she swallowed his length, tilting her head back like he taught her, so she could take every last glorious inch of him. />
  “Fuck, baby,” he whispered, grabbing a handful of her sweaty red hair and thrusting, burying the last few centimeters in her throat, blocking her airway entirely, not that she cared. Tilly held still, meeting his dark gaze. “You kill me. Fucking little heartbreaker.”

  She would have sobbed, if she could have taken a breath.

  Then he eased back, and she gasped air through her nose as he began to fuck her mouth. This wasn’t about training anymore. She was dizzy with him, filled to the brim with his flesh as he bruised her mouth with his cock. When she lost her balance and he speared the back of her throat, making her gag—the strap around her upper arms made her unsteady—he grabbed her head and kept on, moaning as he pounded his cock into her open, waiting, wet, hungry little orifice.

  She didn’t complain, not once. She didn’t whimper or call out her safe word. She didn’t beg him to fuck her, although she wanted that. She didn’t ask if she could touch herself—not that she could have anyway, with her arms bound—even if she wanted that, too. She didn’t even squirm and squeeze her thighs together, to try and force herself to climax. And oh, fuck, did she want to do that.

  Tilly couldn’t get his words out of her head. You kill me. Fucking little heartbreaker.

  He hadn’t told her he loved her—but he might as well have. And he knew it. He was mad at himself for losing control, for giving her that little bit of truth, and he was punishing her mouth for the words he’d spoken from his. And she relished it, every hammering jab into her mouth. He was hers. He was hers. That was all she could think.

  Mine. Mine. Mine.

  “Stop!” This was no dom’s command. This was a plea, ripped out of his throat like it hurt him. So far, Beast had been the perfect dom during their sessions. Perfectly composed, perfectly controlled. Perfectly detached. But this—he was different now. She had reached a part of him that he’d been keeping from her, and he tried to push her away now, to keep it from happening. She looked up at him and wondered if it was really fear she was seeing in his eyes.

  Tilly wobbled, off-balance, with no hands to keep her from falling.

  But Beast quickly knelt and caught her. He pulled her into his arms, his mouth capturing hers. She tried to protest—her mouth was buzzing, hot, swollen, smeared with saliva and precum and mascara and God only knew what else—but he crushed her lips with his, forcing his tongue deep as he unbuckled the leather restraints holding her arms together at the elbows.

  He sucked and licked the seam of her lips, flicking at the corners of her mouth before fucking her with his tongue again. His cock rose up against her belly and once her arms were free, they went about his neck. Her shoulders ached from holding them in the same position. Her whole body ached, actually. But the hot throb in the middle of her chest, as if her heart might burst with feeling, was far worse.

  Beast tossed the leather strap aside, his big hands moving over her, covering so much ground in such a short time, it felt as if he had a hundred hands instead of just two. Tilly moaned into his mouth when he grabbed her ass and lifted her higher, slanting his mouth across hers. She lifted her legs, wrapping them around his hips, climbing him like a tree.

  He stood with her in his arms, carrying her easily. Tilly smiled to herself when she realized he was taking her over to the futon. He lay her down on it and stretched out beside her, twice her size. He didn’t fit fully on the futon’s length.

  “You…” He swallowed, his throat clicking as he looked at her, brushing wet strands of hair away from her face. “You did well, baby.”

  “Thank you, sir.” Her voice was so hoarse. She felt like she’d just run a marathon.

  “Now it’s time for you to learn how to accept pleasure as well as give it.” He pressed his lips to her temple. “For some women, this is a much harder task. You need to learn how to be worshipped.”

  Just his words made her flush as his lips moved down over her shoulder toward her breasts.

  “I want to make you fly,” he murmured, his wet tongue flicking at her nipple, making her moan. “That’s right, baby. That’s just what you need to do. Be my instrument panel. I’m at the controls, but you need to give me feedback, otherwise I’m flying blind. Hot or cold?”

  His tongue lashed her nipple, moving it back and forth. Tilly gave a soft, happy sigh and whispered, “Hot,” looking at him through half-closed eyes. She felt that like a lightning bolt between her legs.

  When his teeth captured her nipple, biting down gently, she yelped. “Cold!”

  “Good girl.” Chuckling, Beast went back to licking. “I have a feeling we won’t be doing nipple clamps any time soon.”

  Beast licked her skin, here and there, everywhere, and Tilly gave him constant feedback, moaning softly when he pleased her, gasping and shaking her head when he bit or sucked too hard. He grasped her arms and massaged them, first gently, then firmly. He grabbed her by her little shoulders and did some kind of wonderful motion that instantly let all the tension out of her upper chest. This made Tilly cry out in surprise. Even her masseuse had never done anything so wonderful before. Some physical knot in her upper body, a tightness in her psyche, was suddenly loosened and released.

  She looked at him in wonder and he gave her a smile when she melted against him. Beast began to kiss her neck, licking, softly biting. Tilly shuddered with pleasure and moaned.

  Beast licked her fingers and stroked her back. Oh, to be treated like this. It made her want to cry with some sort of grateful relief. He was so tender, loving. It was too delicious.

  Just when she thought it couldn’t get any better, he worked his way down to her belly, kissing her soft, quivering flesh. Tilly groaned lowly and dragged her fingernails through his very short hair. He bit her tummy, in a questioning way, and she giggled. He bit her again. He worked his way downwards even further, until he began to feather kisses around her crotch.

  “Yes,” Tilly groaned. “Yes.”

  That was what she wanted. All the rest was delightful, but what he was doing now, easing his way slowly toward her center, perfectly addressed the pent-up desire he had been building in her all along.

  As if to tease her, Beast started working up towards her belly again.

  “Nooo,” she gasped, hands in his hair, pushing him down, down. “Lower… yesss… oh yes, yes, there. Ohhhhh…”

  It was such a decadent feeling, being served this way. Worshipped.

  His lips moved over the soft, shaved lips of her pussy, brushing them ever so gently over her clit.

  “Please,” she begged, lifting her hips.

  “Please, what?”

  “Please… sir?” She cocked her head, half-smiling at him.

  “No, Tilly.” His lips brushed hers again, his breath giving her shivers, so deliciously hot. “You’re my instrument panel…”

  “Ohhh,” she breathed, sliding a hand through his hair. “My clit. Harder.”

  His tongue pressed, flattened. She moaned and moved her hips.

  “Yes, like that,” she whispered, rocking. “Hard and firm… Ohhhhh God!”

  He was listening to her, but he didn’t always give in to her. It was maddening. Masterful. His tongue hovered, barely touching, and then pressed down, a slow, steady compression that increased until she cried out. And then he would pull away, teasing her clit again, flicking it lightly before applying that sweet, dizzying pressure.

  It was a delightful tease. Her clit ached and throbbed, growing hard and then withdrawing under its fleshy sheath. Press and release, press and release. She liked that, and he did it for a long, long while. Then he began to suck on her clit, and Tilly groaned loudly, her fingernails scraping over his scalp. Beast let out a little groan against her pussy when she did that, sucking harder at her clit.

  She discovered, if she wanted him to suck harder, she just had to scratch her nails over his skin, and his intensity would increase. The harder he sucked at her clit, the more she writhed and scratched at him. Her pussy burned with heat, so swollen and wet it was almost emba
rrassing. But the wetter she grew, the more enthusiastically he licked and sucked. It was a lovely feedback loop that spiraled up and up.

  Tilly got lost in the sensation, forgetting how to articulate what she wanted him to do, but fortunately, he seemed to already know. Her hips bucked and lunged up, thighs gripping his head, her whole body quivering. So close. Oh, God, so very close.


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