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by Marianne LaCroix

  “Ares, my love, you were my greatest lover. When you swore off women, I never thought you could do it. And here you are, about to take part in a human war…again…and have fucking a mortal on the brain.” She paused and stepped next to him. “And a very plain mortal at that.”

  He glanced over at Aphrodite’s shiny blonde hair, and her sheer gown made of golden silk, shimmering in the night like the goddess of love. She had a face that could bring a man to his knees, and many had done just that, including Ares. But now, a pair of dark eyes and a courageous soul filled his mind with lust and something else...something tender.

  “Could it be that the god of war is falling in love with a mortal?” Aphrodite voiced the thought that caught within his throat.

  “I don’t love anyone. The emotion has no meaning to me.” Turning his eyes back to Belle approaching the railroad checkpoint, and the appearance of the guard stopping her, Ares clinched his fists with silent rage.

  Aphrodite laughed, a tinkling sound as she moved, her gown brushing seductively against her naked form beneath the gossamer dress. “Ares, dear, you’re besotted. When a god of your power falls in love, I know it. I sense it. I’m drawn to it.”

  The guard talked with Belle, and Ares watched as he touched her hair, pulling the clip from the back of her head, letting the black tresses fall about her shoulders.

  Aphrodite chuckled softly. “See him caress her hair, Ares. How do you feel about some other man touching her so intimately?”

  His anger charged his powers. His own fury fueled the magic he held tucked beneath his mortal appearance. “I want to blow his brains out,” he growled, aware his skin began to glow with his godly aura. The rifle he held was a child’s toy compared to the destruction he could do with a simple wave of his hand.

  “Take her, Ares. You’ve waited long enough. She has the courage of a warrior, fit for a god. Don’t let that man bruise her skin—or her soul.”

  The soldier escorted Belle inside the guardhouse, and Ares was set to explode.

  * * *

  “Fräulein, you’re not permitted to be out about walking at this time of night,” the guard said, stopping her as she approached the checkpoint. His German accent and broken French fractured her native language with a guttural enunciation.

  “Oui, I know. But I have been thinking about you, Luther.” She’d been approached by this guard before. She had taken great pains into setting up this seduction for months, tempting him with a smile and a flash of leg. After which, she would promptly find a patch of grass and vomit.

  He reached up and pulled the clip from her hair. “It’s been a long time since I first saw you, Fräulein. I’ve wanted to taste you for months.”

  She suppressed her nausea as she smiled. “And I’ve been wanting you, Luther.” Then she added with a breathy voice, “I need to be handled…desperately.”

  “I want to fuck you.” His hand wrapped about her hip and he pulled her closer. “I want to fuck your tight little pussy while you come around me.”

  His vulgarity was not unexpected, yet it made her insides lurch with dread. It took all her strength not to turn and bolt back to the woods—and into the arms of the lieutenant.

  What was it about the lieutenant that made her want to clutch to him? Within moments of their meeting, she felt a connection to the American that was not only unexpected but unexplainable. His eyes called to her, filled with pain and humor, an odd combination here at the front. Why of all days of the war did he have to arrive tonight? An overwhelming need to have him kiss her was eating upon her soul. For the first time in years, she wanted to escape from the daily fight for a few moments of pleasure.

  A moan escaped her lips at the images of the lieutenant suckling her breast and kissing her into oblivion.

  “I knew you were a lusty woman. You want Luther to eat your cream.” The guard misunderstood her moan, but no matter. The diversion was working, and he led her into the small guardhouse.

  For her, sex was never for fun or pleasure. Raped years ago, she harbored painful memories of the act. The concept of letting this animal have her made her sick. Yet, her body was alive with dreams of gentle caresses by the American. Perhaps if she thought it was he who now tugged at her blouse, she could endure the next few moments.

  “Let Luther see those breasts. My mouth waters to taste your buds.”

  She moaned closing her eyes. “Don’t talk. Just take me.” She pictured the lieutenant within her mind, surrendering to him, not the Nazi before her.

  He pulled forcefully upon her clothes and she let him. She could endure.

  The German took her nipple into his mouth, sucking rough and hard. Pain shot through her body. Was it truly supposed to be like this? Ares would never hurt her. This man would. They were two different men. There was no pretending. No dream lover could save her body from the coming assault.

  When he shoved her down upon a desk, she changed her mind. This was a mistake.

  Just then, the door crashed open and the guard was lifted off her body in one mighty heave of strength.

  She opened her eyes to see the lieutenant plunge a knife into the guard’s abdomen, and his bleeding body slipping to the floor.

  Numb, she lay there staring at Ares as he turned to her, her clothes ripped from her body, bared before him.

  “That is not the behavior of an honorable soldier,” he said.

  The room began to fade about her into a mist, rainbows of colors swirling about his body. He stepped to her and lifted her from the desk. The trauma of the past moments fled from her mind as the rough feel of his clothes against her bare skin burned into her.

  “What’s happening?” she asked with a croak.

  “I’m taking you from here. I can’t bear to have you used or hurt.”

  She glanced about her and saw the inside of the room had disappeared. Columns were lined up in rows making out a faint outline of a place carpeted with sparkling clouds.

  Simple pieces furnished this heaven, gold-leaf wood with white fabric draped over comfy looking cushions. A grand chair, or throne as it was so large, sat alone on one end of the room before a pool filled with crystal clear water and lotus flowers floating on the surface. A four-poster bed stood nearby, large enough for a king and several others to sleep in complete comfort. Gauzy curtains encircled the bed in an ethereal flow, and gold trimmed pillows were piled upon it in a large mound, inviting and enticing. The comforter was like a cloud captured and sewn into a dreamy covering.

  “What is going on?” Was she going insane? Did she just die at the hands of the German and this was her angel taking her to heaven?

  He held her close, his scent of masculine arousal filling her nostrils. It was spicy and alluring. Never had she smelled this scent before.

  This was when she noticed the glow about his skin. She gingerly touched his face and he stopped, his eyes melting her under their heated gaze.

  “You are now mine, Belle.”

  Without another word, he kissed her.

  Chapter Three

  His mind had snapped. Knowing she’d dreamed of him while that guard touched her was too much. Sometimes, being a god with special powers was a curse. He couldn’t take her thinking it was him kissing her nipples while another used her. Ares wouldn’t stand for any of it. He sped to her side and killed the human touching his woman.

  Was ‘Dite right? Has Ares, the great warrior and god of war, fallen in love with a mortal?

  No, he did not fall in love. Lust, definitely. Affection, maybe, but not love. A warrior did not feel such tenderness.

  Gazing down upon the woman in his arms, his heart jumped. Had to be affection, nothing more.

  Her lips, pink and full were moist and her eyes, dark brown drops of chocolate, tempting him to taste her sweetness. Before he realized his actions, he kissed her.

  Feminine laughter was heard in the distance as his mind exploded in the tenderness. Sensuous and appetizing, he feasted upon the woman within his arms. It was unfair to
rip her from her world to bring her here to his private retreat on Mount Olympus, but he had to protect her. Her body molded to his, her heat radiating through his clothes, she was alluring and he needed her.

  He wanted her. For the first time in eons, Ares needed a woman. Not just any woman, this woman, this mortal.

  Her fingers threaded through his hair and their kiss deepened. He was painfully aware of her nakedness against his body, and his fingers dug into her, pulling her even closer.

  “You’re mine,” he whispered again against her lips, and she groaned in surrender.

  “Mon chere, make love to me.” Breathless, she wriggled in his arms.

  He floated across the room to his bed and placed her down upon its soft surface.

  The tinkle of Aphrodite laughing brought him back to reality.

  “No,” he said leaving Belle upon the bed. Stepping away he watched her. She was confused and her half lidded eyes were thick with desire. He could smell her juices flowing from her slit, beckoning to him. “I’m supposed to be on earth taking part in the battle.” He tried to convince himself of his duty.

  “Who are you?” she asked, scooping up the downy coverlet and wrapping it about her body.

  “I’m more than a mere man, Belle.” He sighed then added, “I’m the god of war, Ares.”

  * * *

  She lay back on the heavenly bed looking at him. Before her eyes, he changed. He went from the grizzled soldier set for battle to the immaculately groomed man, well oiled and godly. Light shone behind him like a halo about him, his dark hair gleaming and his skin toned and tanned. His full lips were drawn in a serious line.

  She was going insane.

  “No, you’re not,” he said approaching her. His chest was perfectly clean of hair and her fingers itched to touch its smooth surface.

  “I must be, or I’m dead. Things like this don’t happen. It’s impossible.”

  He sat upon the bed and the mattress gave under his weight. “I assure you, you aren’t dead, nor are you losing your grip on reality.”

  “Then how is this happening? I just don’t understand how and why this is happening.”

  “As a god of war, when the humans go to battle, I am there. It calls to me like a flower in spring attracts the nectar, gathering honeybee. War and battle sustains me. It’s what I was created for. Father and Mother knew my purpose the day I was born.”

  “And your parents would be…?” She almost hated hearing his answer.

  “Zeus and Hera. I am the son of Zeus.”

  “Of course you are.” He was insane.

  “I’m not crazy, Belle.”

  She paused. “Can you read my mind?”

  Smiling he nodded. “Sometimes. Usually I hear thoughts better when it pertains to battle, hatred or fear.” He paused then said, “You’re afraid right now, which is understanding.”

  “But if you are Ares, a Greek god, what were you doing with the Americans?”

  “I disapprove of the Nazis. They torture for no cause. Their leader is truly insane. And I believe the Americans have the best chance to win. I don’t do defeat very well.”

  “Can’t you predict the future being a god?”

  “No, it doesn’t work that way. Humans have free will, and no one can predict how each will act or react.”

  She thought for a moment then leaned into him and kissed his mouth gently.

  He touched her face with his fingertips, tracing her jaw with a tender caress.

  “You’re so beautiful, Belle,” he whispered.

  “Why did you bring me here?” She couldn’t think clearly with him so close. His body was build strong and powerful, and his face was handsome. What woman could resist such masculine beauty and allurement?

  He wrapped his arms about her and she nestled into his embrace. She fit so perfectly, and the steady thump-thump of his heart by her ear was oddly comforting.

  “I wanted you safe. I heard your thoughts when the guard touched you. I couldn’t stand it. I needed you to be…” He didn’t finish and she inhaled deeply, breathing in his spicy scent.

  “Tell me,” she encouraged.

  “Because I needed you. That’s all.” He captured her face with his hand and said, “I haven’t wanted a woman for a long time, content to sink into men’s wars. That was where I felt at home, secure, glorious. But seeing you afraid…I just snapped.”

  She touched his face and felt the rough hint of a beard along his jaw. “I’m glad you saved me. I never reacted to a man like this. It’s completely foreign to me.”

  “I don’t believe in love. That is Aphrodite’s department.”

  Did she need love? Of that she was unsure. Her body ached for his touch, yearned for him to take her, but did she really desire his heart too?

  “You have such a serious look on your face. What are you thinking about?”

  “You couldn’t read my mind?”

  “Only hatred and fear. Sexual desire and lust, I can’t.” He inhaled deeply and added, “But, I can smell your excitement.”

  He pushed away the comforter, revealing her body and laid her down into the soft comforter, its cottony thickness embracing her from the back. He covered her with his body and she relished the warm heat radiating from his skin. His cock, hard and hot, lay between her legs. She was incredibly aware of how vulnerable she had been to the guard…and now to Ares.

  “I’d never hurt you. You can rest assure of that.” He kissed her neck and she held onto his shoulders riding the shudders of delight running through her veins. “I’d only give you pleasure, my sweet Belle.”

  His fingers mapped her body as he kissed her neck and back below her ear. She was surrendering to his touch, a man she hardly knew for more than an hour, and one who claimed he was Ares.

  She froze. This was all too unbelievable. He must have felt her tense and he leaned back to gaze into her eyes.

  “I know this is too much for your mortal mind to comprehend. I’m real, just like you. However I am immortal, having been created centuries ago.”

  “And I’m in your little get away?” Then she added with a chortle, “Where is this, Mount Olympus?”

  “That’s correct.” He was serious.

  She began to laugh. “This is all impossible. I don’t know you and here I am laying in your bed about to…”

  “Get fucked.” She gazed up into his green eyes, flashing a fire within like emeralds glinting in the morning sun. “And honey, I am going to fuck you.”

  Awareness washed through her, hot honeyed desire gathered between her legs at his declaration. Could she let him steal a few moments of passion? What would it be like to submit to her innermost desires? From the first moment she saw him, she wanted him. She had never been with a man for the sake of sexual pleasure. Only as a victim of rape, she’d never known the loving touch to bring her to sensual completeness.

  He pushed her gently into the softness of the bed beneath her, and whispered, “I’ll make this pleasurable for you, I promise. If I don’t satisfy you, you will be free to leave here and go back to your mortal world.”

  “Am I prisoner?” she croaked, tracing his jaw with a fingertip. So handsome. So gentle. Yet, if he was who he said he was, would he be a brutal lover?

  No. She couldn’t believe that as she gazed into his sea green eyes. Tenderness was reflected within their depths. He’d never hurt her.

  “You’re a prisoner to my desire, Belle. I hope a willing prisoner.”

  She moaned as he closed his mouth over hers.

  Her senses reeled in the flood of sensations that crashed into her. His hands burned paths over her skin, his mouth seared heated kisses, and his tongue delved deeply, tasting her, dancing with her intimately. Her tongue glided across his and the gentle loving became frenzied. He needed more. She wanted more.

  Chapter Four

  Surrender to his expert skills was inevitable. “Ares,” she moaned in a voice thick with desire. Arching her back, she offered her body to his touch. His skin,
smooth and warm against hers, was unlike any other experience.

  “I’ve waited so long…so long to feel a woman beneath me.” He murmured against her ear, sending tiny shivers of delight coursing through her veins.

  “I’ve never…” She clasped his shoulders with her hands, guiding him to continue his loving against her ear and neck. “I never knew it could feel so beautiful.”

  “You were meant for me. No mortal man could do what I was meant to do.” He moved his body, covering hers, his erection, hot and hard, brushing against her thighs. “And no man, mortal or immortal, will ever have you.”

  The head of his penis lay at her slick entrance. She groaned at the beauty of the feel of him poised at her folds. Her channel was ready, pulsing for the invasion. She ached for him to fill her.

  “Ares, take me. Make me yours,” she panted, flexing her hips upward, urging him to enter her.

  When he plunged into her core, she screamed. Not in pain, but delight. Instantly, her body climaxed as he filled her sheath.

  Colors burst about her eyes as she rode the spasms beginning in her belly and shooting through every muscle. She reacted in whole, unable to control the orgasm that over took her.

  As she eased down from this unexpected reaction, he began to move.

  “You’re not done, my sweet. You’re just beginning.”

  In and out, his cock slid through her folds into her center, and she gloried in every inch of his size. Her walls stretched about him, and she quickly recovered from one climax and began building into another.

  She didn’t care who he was, or what he claimed to be. All that mattered was that his cock entered and retreated, entered and retreated in tempo with the ache within her soul. She opened her eyes and stared up at his face gazing down upon her. A glow, white and pure, emanated from beneath his skin. He was not a normal man. He was special. He was a god.

  “Belle, my sweet I waited for you so long,” he gasped, as he grew larger within her body. She didn’t think it possible, but it was true. She engulfed his penis deep within her, his head striking the mouth of her womb. Such ecstasy!


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