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Page 13

by K E Osborn

  Sensei chuckles and pulls his hands up in surrender when I turn to glare at him. “I am in complete agreement with Surge. You have not had a real relationship in an extremely long time. You are bound to fuck it up somehow.”

  Mom scoffs and waves her hand through the air. “Bollocks, boyo. Don’t listen to these wankers. You’ll do just fine. I want to meet this Heeley lass. Bring her in, will ya?”

  My jaw ticks, and I crack my neck to the side. “Ahh… eventually. I think I need to warm her up to the lifestyle a little more before I bring her to the clubhouse.”

  Mom nods and smiles. “Aye, don’t want to scare her off, do we? But I want to meet her. If she’s captured your attention, then she’s captured mine as well.”

  Surge chuckles wrapping his arm around Mom’s shoulders and pulls her to him. “Don’t be a helicopter parent, Freckles. Let the boy work his love life on his own.”

  Mom snorts and leans into his side with a smirk. “And you’re one to talk about love lives are you, Surge?” Mom teases looking him up and down. He screws up his face like she wounded him deeply, and I chuckle shaking my head.

  “You guys and your fuckin’ banter drive me crazy,” I joke and move to eat my breakfast, forking a piece of sausage.

  “Surge loves my banter,” Mom replies still in his grip.

  Surge leans down planting a kiss on Mom’s head. “I love everything about you, Freckles.” His tone is sincere, and I appreciate the friendship they have. They might mock each other as good as they get, but they’ve been friends for over a quarter of a century, and it shows. A friendship that deep seeps from their pours and oozes off them. It’s nice to know friendships can last even with everything they’ve been through.

  It’s been a long day. The only thing keeping me going has been the few texts from Heeley letting me know how her day’s going. She had no idea I picked up her cell last night and rang my phone from it, so I’d have her number on hand. But fuck am I glad I did that because, by the looks of things around the clubhouse, I might not be able to get out to see her tonight. I’m glad Zane has had a tail on her all day. I’ve been checking in with him relentlessly too. He’s given me the all-clear as far as he’s concerned, and there’s been nothing to report, which sets my mind at ease.

  It’s late, and I know Heeley will be heading into work at Fox Froyo Bar for another late night with her brother and Ari, and I can’t help but be a little jealous. I wish I was spending the night with her, but instead, I have to be here shoveling through the shit my family’s legacy has created with the Andrettis. Sometimes being in charge fucking drains. But, I suck it up because that’s what good leaders do and we are a family and families are there for one another.

  Taking a chair at Ace’s desk in the chapel, he types away at his computer as Trax, Surge, Chains, and Sensei stand behind us looking over our shoulders. “So... what’s so important you called us all in here, Ace?” I ask as he continues to type away frantically.

  Something random pops up on his screen, something I have no idea of understanding let alone comprehending.

  He nods, his man bun bobbing with the movement of his head which makes me smirk. “Right. So it’s taken me all day to find something interesting. But there’s definitely something happening around the city that’s peculiar. Something recent and is making an impact.”

  I raise my brow as everyone behind us steps closer looking at the computer while Ace brings up a bunch of business profiles on the screen.

  “Okay, so these businesses in town, they have no relation to each other. I can’t find a link. No family ties, no gangs or outside sources or influences linking them to each other—”

  “Is there a point to this, Ace?” I ask becoming impatient.

  He nods while clicking on something which brings up another screen showing them all under business purchase agreements, and I tilt my head.

  “They’ve all been sold in the last two weeks for a price lower than their market value. And from what I can tell, they’ve all been sold to the same person. But for some reason, that information is restricted, and so far, I can’t access it.”

  Shaking my head, I chuckle. “Yeah, well, one guess as to who that’ll be.”

  Surge shakes his head. “Andretti,” he almost spits out the word, and I nod.

  “I don’t know what he’s playing at by buying up businesses which mean nothing to this town. But from what I can gather, he seems to be attempting to take over everything and anything he can. Fucking scum.”

  Trax lets out a huff and turns to start pacing the room. “How do we stop him purchasing the whole town from beneath us?”

  Shaking my head, I rub my chin and turn to look at Surge for guidance. He shrugs, and for the first time, we’re all left feeling clueless. This is something we need to work on. Something we need to put all our heads together to try and fix. Because if there’s one thing we don’t need, it’s this town being owned and operated by the Andrettis.

  That can’t happen.

  We need the power.

  We need the pull, and we must stop him from purchasing everything in sight.

  We just need to figure out how.


  The Next Afternoon

  I’d spent all day at college studying, and I’m tired today. I feel like I didn’t sleep as well last night as I did the night before when Torque was in my bed. I have no idea what the hell is up with that, but I loved having him wrapped around me all night. The feeling of having his strength surrounding me— well, it made me feel totally protected and safe. I haven’t experienced that before.

  Not to mention, he was a total gentleman and didn’t try to make things sexual. I’m shocked he did that, but I’m also glad he kept the tone down between us. It’s good to know he isn’t just after me for sex. Even though I’m dying to have it with him after having a dry spell for so long, and the thought of him between my legs does something curious to my insides. But as I sit down to a cup of coffee on my loveseat, finally free from a night of work at the froyo store, I can’t help but wonder what my handsome biker boy is doing tonight. What mischief he’s getting himself into.

  So I pick up my cell and type out a quick message.

  Me: Hey, biker boy, hope you’re having a good night. I’m bored. Tell me something funny.

  Hitting send, I smirk to myself wondering what smart-assed comeback he’ll have for me. I know he’s been occupied with club business, but hopefully, he has some time to chat with me. A reply comes in quickly.

  Torque: Something funny…

  I burst out laughing shaking my head as I roll my eyes. “Dickhead,” I murmur as my cell starts to ring. I glance at the number and note he’s calling. With a smile, I swipe the screen answering it promptly.

  “You think you’re so funny, don’t you?” I ask, and he lets a small chuckle down the line.

  “Actually, I know I am. It’s a fact, foxy, that you’ll need to get used to.”

  Snorting, I pull my legs up onto the loveseat and sit cross-legged. “So, what’s happening in your world? Anything new and exciting?”

  “Yes, actually…” he pauses for effect making me smile, “… I’m going on a date.”

  Furrowing my brows, my stomach sinks a little as I chew on my bottom lip wondering what he means. Is he asking me on a date? Or is he going with someone else and letting me know? “Oh…” I simply reply.

  He lets out a laugh which does not help my nerves one iota as I chew harder on my lip. “I’ll be by in ten minutes. You’re not working tonight, right?”

  My stomach moves from churning to instant butterflies. “One, I’m not sure how you know that? But yes, I’m not working. And two, what makes you think I want to go on a date with you?” I grin while saying it.

  He lets out a chuckle. “I don’t care if you don’t wanna, I’ll drag you by your hair if I have to. You’re coming, Heeley.”

  Giggling, I shake my head. “You’re an animal.”

  “Don’t you know it? Now get dresse
d to go out. Nothing too fancy, we’re just gonna go to the movies and then dinner.”

  My chest fills with excitement. “Wow! Like a real date? Do bikers even do this?”

  “Shut up and get ready, woman.”

  “You’re so bossy, you know that?” I tease, and he chuckles.

  “Yes. You’re wasting time. You better be ready for me when I get there.”

  Standing up, I walk toward my bedroom and giggle. “I’ll be ready… will you be?” I let that hang right there in the air for him to mull over.

  He lets out a muffled groan as I hear him moving about. “Fuck! You know the right shit to say to get me all worked up, Heeley. See you soon.” And with that, he hangs up, and I chuckle striding into my room to get dressed.

  Seven minutes later, I have three not quite right outfits on the bed, but I’m finally dressed. Makeup patched up and hair down in waves as I walk out with my ballet flats on and ready to go. It’s the end of spring, so I figured I’d dress nicely for him tonight in a black knee-length skirt and a matching top, where the sleeves sit off my shoulders. It’s a half-playful, half-retro look. As I gather my things, I step out into my living room to the sound of his Harley coming down the street.

  I glance at my skirt and grimace. Why on earth did I think wearing a skirt was a good idea? I totally blanked about the fact we’d be going on his bike.

  Of course, we’ll be going on his bike. Dah!

  God, sometimes I swear I don’t have my head screwed on. I think about going to get changed into jeans when the unmistakable sound of his Harley pulling into my drive makes me smile as I rush to the door and open it to see him sliding off his ride. He looks impressive as he strides up to me with that unmistakable saunter he has going on. With a few blinks, I take the sight in before me. Helmet under his arm, but that’s a standard sight. What isn’t is the fact he’s wearing jeans which aren’t too severely tattered and a black button-down shirt—no cut. He looks like a regular guy going on a date, definitely not a biker.

  Pulling my bottom lip in by my teeth, I grin widely as I jut my hip out to the side and raise my brow. He shakes his head, placing his helmet on the ground beside him. “Don’t say a fuckin’ word about how I’m dressed, foxy.” He steps up to me, his hands moving either side of the doorframe holding himself in place. As he looks into my eyes, his are sparkling with mischief. He leans down pressing his lips to mine quickly before pulling back and looking me up and down.

  “Wasn’t going to say a word about how you actually scrub up quite nicely when you put some effort in.” I shake my head. “No, I wouldn’t dare say anything like that.”

  A low grumble echoes from his chest as he narrows his eyes at me. “It’s lucky I like you, Heeley. I let you get away with way too much.”

  Running my hand up his chest, I grip onto his shirt and smile. “Best you keep letting me get away with shit, too. If you know what’s good for you.” I lean up at the same time and yank him to me pressing my lips to his again before I quickly pull away. Turning, I walk into my house leaving him leaning against my doorframe with a cocky smirk on his face.

  He chuckles as I grab my cell and bag, no time to change into jeans now, then I turn back to see him watching my every move like a creeper. I let out a laugh and shake my head, walking up to him and push his chest making him turn around as he grabs his helmet from the ground and heads back toward his ride. I close the door behind me and lock it as I place my keys in my small clutch then wrap the long strap around my torso. He smiles at me as we walk to his bike, and I can’t contain my smirk.

  He chuckles. “Like the idea of riding something with some real power?”

  I nod. “Yeah. Plus, hanging onto you kinda gets me excited.”

  He raises his brow. “Wait… what? Did you just say something nice to me instead of throwing me sass?”

  I jolt back in fake shock. “Shit! I’m losing my touch. This whole you asking me on a date thing has thrown me off my game. Quick, call me woman and remind me you’re nothing but a caveman.”

  He steps in close to me, so close his aftershave floods my senses and makes my stomach dance in appreciation. His hand gently slides up my arm making goosebumps pop up all over my skin as he looks deep into my eyes. “Tonight, it’s about you and me. No club business. No Andrettis. Nothing but you and me. No caveman necessary. I wanna do this right, Heeley.”

  My chest tightens as a wave of excitement flows through me. This is a different side of Torque—I haven’t met this man. He seems interesting, not that I don’t like the bossy caveman, but I like this side of Torque just as much. I merely nod with a genuine smile as his hand shifts up and caresses my cheek. I curl into his hand, needing to feel him as he leans in pressing his lips to mine tenderly. The kiss isn’t rushed. It isn’t hard. It isn’t furious. It’s soft. Gentle. Passionate. So I kiss him back letting him know he couldn’t have said anything more perfect if he tried.

  My lips tingle, a popping sensation igniting, sending a wave of energy all around us. Kissing him is a euphoria I’m quickly overwhelmed by but loving every second. I could kiss him forever, and it still wouldn’t be long enough. Eventually, though, he does pull back with the biggest of grins on his face as he looks into my eyes. His stunning blue orbs are sparkling with light and life in them I haven’t seen before. He looks illuminated, and I relish watching the energy I see in him right now.

  He lets out a deep, contented sigh and subtly looks at his watch. “As much as I want to stay here and kiss the shit outta you all night in your driveway, if we wanna make the movie, we need to go.”

  Nodding, I let him go, and we move to his ride. He hands me the passenger helmet, which I’m grateful is not pink, and I slide it on as he throws his leg over his bike. I jump up on my toes excitedly as I look to him, and he tilts his head in a gesture of ‘come on.’ So I grab hold of him and slide on behind him. My legs wrap around him effortlessly as my feet find the rests. My hands slide in around his waist, and I grip on tight as the engine starts and the vibration rumbles between my legs. It’s like an instant aphrodisiac. The moment I feel the power of the engine, I’m already weak at the knees. I find the rush of riding my bike somewhat euphoric, so I can only imagine what being behind Torque and feeling the power of his Harley is going to be like.

  I can’t wait!

  He starts to back the bike out of my drive, and I’m grinning so hard my cheeks hurt. He reverses out on to the road then moves it into position to pull on the throttle, while I twist my fingers together around his stomach and hold on tightly. I know he isn’t going to go easy, so my knees push into his thighs. I want to wrap myself in him completely. I’m beyond excited.

  He revs the engine a couple of times to let me know we’re ready, and before I can prepare myself, he pulls back, and we’re off. The wind is flowing through my hair as I let out a small shriek at the pure power of his baby. I hold tightly and move with him as I need to in just the right way, our bodies riding the bike as one. We’re moving in perfect unison as he takes turns, and he doesn’t take anything lightly. He makes no hesitations. Let’s face it, he doesn’t take anything easy.

  Right now, the bike is full throttle—to the max—and I’m loving every fucking second. My energy levels are spiking as I cling to him. It may be a wild ride, but the thrill of it arouses me even more.

  The fact I’m having my first Harley ride with Torque? That thought’s even better.

  The fact my pussy’s pressing against his ass, and add in the vibration of the engine? Well, it’s only making for an invigorating experience as my libido gets a work out too. I chew down on my bottom lip as my clit begins to throb. I inch closer to him needing that little bit more pressure against myself as I rub against his ass.

  The intoxication of being free on the road, the power of the engine, and the pure energy of Torque all wrapped up in one is having a profound effect on me. I never thought I’d be the type of woman to openly try to seek my pleasure in public, but right now, I need some relief, and if
pressing myself against Torque’s ass is going to do that, then I’m all for it. I just hope he thinks I’m hanging on tighter so as to not fall off, not trying to ease the ache in my pussy.

  I press harder, biting my bottom lip as the pressure releases slightly, but not entirely as he turns into the parking lot of the theater. I grimace as he pulls into a parking space and turns off the bike. I distance myself, trying to calm my breathing and gather my thoughts before he sees me, and I make a fool of myself in front of him.

  He taps my leg, so I slide off behind him making the tension roll away from my clit. As I move to undo my helmet, he slides off the bike and quickly loosens his. He looks at me, and a cocky grin adorns his face. “You okay?”

  I raise my eyebrows and swallow hard while pulling off my helmet. “Yeah. Why?”

  Shit. My voice comes out higher pitched than I mean it to, and I’m more defensive than I was aiming for.

  Torque places his helmet on the seat of his bike as he looks me over assessing me. “You were holding on really… really, tight.”

  Smiling, I nod. “Excitement. The power of your bike… yeah, sorry, got a little carried away.”

  He grins knowingly. “Okay. As long as you weren’t scared.”

  I scoff. “Hell no!”

  He steps up to me and reaches out taking my hand. “C’mon, we got a movie to see.”

  “What are we watching?”

  He snorts. “I have no idea. Some RomCom or some shit.”

  Tilting my head, I smile. “You want to see a RomCom?”

  He shakes his head adamantly. “No, not particularly. But I figured it would be your kind of movie, so I picked that one.”

  As we walk into the building, I let out a surprised huff. “Huh! Well, aren’t you pulling out all the stops.”

  He shrugs. “I told you, I wanna do this right.”

  Smiling, I tighten my hand in his. “So far, so good.”

  His grin is extra wide as we approach the cashier’s desk. We step up, and he purchases the tickets, a large popcorn, and two massive sodas which I’ll never be able to drink in a month of


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