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The Rising Darkness (Ascendancy Legacy 5)

Page 14

by Bradford Bates

“Just heal the stumps.” I waited until Marcus was done, and then I took off the demon’s feet. I nodded at Marcus, and he did the same thing again. “Now, I could have sworn I saw a hammer around here?”

  IT HADN’T TAKEN that long, and now that we were back in our car with the demon’s GPS, I wondered if it had really been necessary. Something had snapped inside of me when I saw the basement of this place and I had to kill the young woman we had found down there. What had been done to her made what I had done to the demon look like mercy. As guilty as I felt about it now, he deserved every second of it.

  I adjusted the rearview mirror and looked back at the house. The demon was nailed across the doorway, arms and legs spread out. His intestines had been pulled out and laid in a sloppy pile on the patio below him. His head was turning from side to side as he screamed out in pain, begging anyone and everyone to help him.

  He had the opportunity for a swift death and instead chose retribution. I gave Marcus a quick look and could tell that he was feeling a little queasy. It made me feel better that one of us had been sickened by our actions. I would do it again and worse if that was what it took to prove the point.

  Marcus turned his head and looked at me. He broke out in a grin when he saw me smiling. “April, you are one sick fuck.”

  It takes one to know one burned on the tip of my tongue. Instead, I said, “Is that the way you should be talking to the woman who is about to get you a luxury suite at one of Vegas’s finest hotels? Not only that but I’m going to let you spend the rest of the night doing whatever you want in Sin City.”

  “I take it back. You’re the most perfect woman in the world.”

  “That’s more like it,” I said, punching the gas. Our new door decoration was still firmly in place, and the ruins of the demons’ trailers were scattered about the property. I wasn’t sure how the human police would explain it if they found the carnage first, but I didn’t really care. Justice had been served.



  We were back in the throne room, and I couldn’t stop smiling. I had done it. My dad was safe, and we were going home. Adramelech only needed to seal our deal by releasing him. I knew that everything would work out when I got back. Nothing had been done that couldn’t be undone. I hoped that Marcus and April would be able to forgive me. Even Britta deserved an apology. I had put her in a tight spot asking her to do this for me.

  The excitement that I felt was brought up short by the look of weariness on my father’s face. Something in his body language and demeanor told me that he wouldn’t believe this was over until he was resting comfortably back in our world. I couldn’t really blame him; there was nothing worse than having hope snatched away from you at the last possible second.

  I nudged him with my shoulder. “Are you ready to go home?”

  He turned toward me and placed a hand on my shoulder. He had a dour expression on his face. “Just don’t be too surprised if things don’t go as planned. The demons have a purpose for everything they do. The last thing they want is for us to be free.”

  His words rocked me, but I knew they were the truth. After everything that had happened it almost seemed too easy. On top of everything else, they had given me the chance to avenge my parents’ murders. Something didn’t quite fit. I wasn’t sure what would happen when Adramelech showed up, but my dad had brought me around to his way of thinking. The demons had something else in store for us.

  The large wooden doors opened, and the giant Adramelech strolled slowly toward his throne. Salina walked behind him, keeping her eyes downcast. Salina stopped beside us and dropped to one knee, bowing her head. Adramelech took his seat and motioned for her to rise. His smile seemed almost predatory in nature. Not the kind of look that I had been hoping for.

  “Jackson, son of John. You have fulfilled our bargain, and I will now set your father free.”

  John shot me a look, and I knew exactly what he meant. This was too fucking easy. Something was up. “Adramelech, all I can say is thank you.”

  “Think nothing of it,” he rumbled. With a wave of his hand, he opened a portal in front of us.

  We both started to walk forward, and I felt Salina’s hand close on my shoulder, pulling me back. John faltered when he noticed that I wasn’t beside him. He noticed Salina’s hand on me and turned to face Adramelech.

  “What is the meaning of this?” John shouted.

  I could see the fury he had been suppressing for years being released in that one statement. We were so close; the portal was open, and earth was within our grasp. The same questions burned at the tip of my tongue, but I waited to see what the demon would say.

  “Our bargain was for your freedom, John. I never promised that your son could join you. He will take your spot as my prized fighter inside of the crucible.”

  John stood his ground; his stance was ringing with defiance. “Then keep me and let my son go.”

  “The gamers have grown bored with your fights, John. Your time serving me has come to an end.”

  My dad turned toward me and started to run. I felt Salina’s grip stiffen on my shoulder, but she didn’t have to worry. Adramelech didn’t make a motion to interfere. I reached out a hand and cast a wall of wind out at John, sending him tumbling toward the portal. It was the only reason that I was here, to see him set free. It was my turn to make sure that he was safe and at home. I knew it would be hard for him, but my spirit was resolute.

  He broke the spell and rose to his feet. The portal shimmered and wavered behind him. “Jackson, I can’t let you do this. Let me stay in your place.”

  “Now it’s my turn to protect you. Tell Mom I love her.” He started to cry and reached out a hand toward me. I stepped forward and snatched it, pulling him into a fierce hug. “This isn’t the end. I will see you again.”

  “Promise me that you will find your way home.”

  I knew that it killed him to accept this. That even now he was trying to figure out a way to take my place. That kind of love was something special, something that couldn’t be bought or sold. The love of a father for his only son. “I promise,” I whispered in his ear. Our hug broke apart, and he stepped into the portal. A moment later, it winked out of existence.

  Adramelech started to laugh. “For such wrathful fighters, you are such fragile things.”

  Turning toward him, I felt my rage finally boiling over. The power I pulled into myself started to consume me. Salina stepped backward behind me, ready to flee. Adramelech’s laughter stopped, and he rose to his feet. This time, instead of backing down, I smiled up at him. I was ready to find out just what this demon was made of.

  He boldly walked down the steps of his throne. “I warned you what would happen if you disrespected me again in my home.”

  “You did, but I’ve decided it was worth the risk. I am happy to take your measure. Something tells me that I will find it lacking.”

  A roar escaped from his mouth, and the cavern rattled around us. Dust fell from the roughly hewn ceiling, and Adramelech changed forms. The change came quickly. The giant of a man disappeared, and a squat gargoyle-like demon filled the space. I had forgotten just how big he was, but there was no going back from it now. The demon tapped his foot-long claws on the ground and howled again.

  I let the howl wash over me. Outside of his dangerously bad breath, it had no effect. Salina flew into the air and fled out of the throne room. Adramelech reared and then, with a push of his wings, charged directly at me. A wall of ice leaped from the floor, and the demon slammed into it head first. The wall held but started to fracture. With a word, it broke, and the shards flew out into the demon. The razor-sharp shards left scratches along his flesh but didn’t do any serious damage.

  Adramelech swept out with one of his massive clawed hands. The claws bounced harmlessly off of my shield, but I was still thrown to the ground. The demon beat his wings twice, lifting into the air, and then used that momentum to try and crush me. I was able to roll out of the way but was hit wit
h one of his massive wings as I stood up. The sharpened tip at the joint missed me, but again I found myself flying through the air.

  Those damn wings were going to be a problem. I was never going to be able to compete with the demon for sheer size, but without those wings, at least he would be slower and wouldn’t have the range that he did now. The ice shards had skipped almost harmlessly off of the demon’s body, but would they penetrate the thick membrane of his wings?

  Six spheres of ice appeared in front of me, and I sent them out at the demon. He folded his wings around him, and the ice spheres shattered against him. With a wave of the hand, I gathered the shattered fragments and sent them flying back at him. Small tears appeared in the wings but nothing significant enough to hurt him.

  If my magic wouldn’t work, then I was going to have to get closer. That meant I would have to brave the demon’s claws and teeth to have a shot at beating him. I called my power to me and slid my swords free. A grating sound came from the direction of the demon. It took me a moment, but then it dawned on me that he was laughing. A smile stretched across the demon’s muzzle, and he roared another challenge.

  His jaws snapped closed as I started to charge forward. My magic made me faster than I had ever been in my life, but would it be fast enough? One of Adramelech’s giant wings swept out, and I threw myself onto my back. A sheet of ice appeared on the ground, and I slid forward at breakneck speed. I thrust my swords upward, and as I went under the demon’s wing, my swords tore through it.

  The demon roared and turned to stomp on me, but the ice carried me free of his range. The ice on the ground shattered, and with a flick of my blade, I turned it into a flame and tossed it in the demon’s face. The fire didn’t bother the demon at all, so I snatched the flames away and sent them to bounce harmlessly off the cavern's ceiling. Adramelech turned to face me, and I knew that the same trick wouldn’t work again. Now that I had drawn blood, he would have to be more careful.

  Sprinting toward the demon again, I waited for him to lash out. At the last second, the wing darted toward me, and I dove forward, blades extended in front of me. My blades tore through the wing, but my body got stuck on my way through. The demon shook his wing, but I was firmly lodged in it. I could see a clawed hand rise into the air on the opposite side of the demon. I had to get free before it could rip me in half.

  The claw came down, and I reversed one of my blades and jammed it into the wing below me. The blade sliced through the wing as I slid to the ground. I felt the demon’s claws scrape across my back. A scream tore from my lips. I hit the stone floor in a bloody mess. Rolling to the side, the next swipe of the demon’s claws just missed me. A huge foot slammed down next to me, cracking the stone floor. I continued to roll, and then when my feet found purchase, I pushed forward.

  The demon’s back came into view, and I jumped as high as I could. My swords came down in a perfect arc at the junction of where the demon’s wing jutted from his back. The blades tore through the bone, and Adramelech’s wing fell to the ground. He spun with speed he hadn’t shown yet and sent me flying through the air. My magic slowed me down, but I still hit the wall hard and rose gasping for breath. I looked up, and Adramelech was already bearing down upon me.

  I cast out a sheet of ice, but the demon’s claws just tore through it. The cavern shook with the force of his charge. If he hit me moving that fast, I would end up as a stain on the wall even with my shield in place. He was closing in. I had to act fast. The ground shook underneath Adramelech, but he kept charging forward. The ground shook again, and this time, I hit him with a blast of wind from the side just as he leaped for me.

  The demon smashed into the wall next to me, and I rolled away. He rose from the ground, shaking his head. This was time for me to take a risk. I rushed forward and brought my swords up in a wild swing. Thankfully it connected with the demon’s wing. Just as my sword finished cutting through, Adramelech’s foot kicked out, catching me in the stomach. The large spike on his heel ripped through my stomach, sending me crashing to the ground.

  My swords clattered from my hands as I landed on my back fifteen feet away from the demon. I placed my hand over the gaping hole in my stomach. As far as I could tell, everything was still inside, but I had to stop the bleeding. The demon turned around to face me. I couldn’t worry about him now. If I didn’t fix some of the damage, I was dead anyway.

  Magic surged through my hands, and pain ripped through me. Something sparked inside of me, and I felt the power surge through my body. The change had me firmly in its grip, power rippled across my skin, and then I screamed. The bones in my legs snapped, and then my arms and back. The wound in my stomach healed as I rose to my feet. The beast inside of me screamed out in challenge.

  The demon paused and let his eyes rove over me. My beast fought against my control at the challenge the demon was making. I still had to be careful. The demon was three times the size of me even now. The control I had been able to exert over the beast broke, and I charged forward. The demon started running forward to meet my charge. In this form, I was much faster and more agile than I was as a human. I darted around the demon’s legs, jumped onto his back, and sunk my teeth into the junction between his shoulder and his neck. My teeth penetrated the demon’s skin, but not deep enough to do any real damage. I tore a chunk of flesh out and then slashed my claws down his back as I dashed away.

  Spitting out the demon’s skin, my beast roared at the lack of damage it had been able to cause. The demon smiled again, and his grating laughter washed over me. He knew that eventually he would kill me. If I switched back now, I wouldn’t have the strength to do anything. I wondered if I would have just enough time to cast a spell before unconsciousness took me into its icy grasp. I wasn’t sure if it would even be possible, but it might be worth a try. An idea started to formulate in the back of my mind as the demon rushed forward.

  He seemed so much slower now. Maybe it was because his wings were gone, or maybe I was just that much faster when I was a Lycan. I skirted around the demon’s charge. One of his claws ripped down my side, but the wound closed almost instantly. I dug my claws into the stone and changed direction, sprinting for my swords. The blades found their way into my clawed hands. They seemed so much smaller now, almost like two utility knives.

  The demon was still turning around as I charged forward. My feet gripped the stone floor, and I ducked behind the demon, slashing out with both blades. They sliced deep, cutting through the tendons in the demon’s legs. Adramelech crashed to the ground. I slammed both blades into the demon’s skin again and again and then retreated. The wounds were already healing, but I had to hope that they would buy me enough time.

  I fell to the floor as the change washed over me again. I was back in my body, but the beast’s strength still soared through my veins. I heard a whisper in my head telling me to act quickly. I called on my gift just as Adramelech rose to his feet. As he turned to face me, I could see the glee in his eyes. He thought that he had won. I felt the spell take hold and knew this was my last chance. A huge chunk of the cavern’s ceiling ripped away, and I sent it straight at him. I put every ounce of my strength into the spell, whipping the wind into a frenzy, pushing the stone down with deadly speed.

  Adramelech looked up at the stone, and his body stiffened. The rock smashed into him, and I watched his body crumble beneath it. If he could survive that, I didn’t know what else I could do. My wolf howled out in glee. I felt a sense of pride wash over me as my head hit the ground, and I slipped into the inky blackness that consumed me.



  There was only one place I wanted to stay for our first night on the strip. It was a classic. Caesars Palace. After we tracked down the location on the GPS and dealt with the demons tomorrow, I would let Marcus pick our new digs for the rest of the trip, but tonight it was my choice, and I wanted to relax in style. I called ahead while we were on the road and booked us the Nobu Sake Suite. I loved the idea of Japanese architectu
re and style. It just seemed relaxing, and I needed a full-sized tub to stretch out my legs.

  We checked into the hotel with no issues and made it up to our room. I could tell Marcus was itching to go, so I waved him toward the door. “Two rules for tonight.” He gave me a look that said what now? “One, no girls back up to our room, and two, take it easy. We have demons to kill tomorrow.”

  “You should come with me, April. If anyone could use a little stress relief, it’s you.”

  “Oh, I’m going to fire up the flat screen in the bathroom and pig out while I sit in the jetted tub.”

  “Whatever. You should come to the club. It’ll be fun, I promise.”

  It probably would be fun, especially with Marcus leading the charge. After today, I didn’t really feel like doing anything. What those demons had done to those people was still resting heavily on me. What I had done to the demons felt a little bit lighter, but still not quite right. I just wanted to relax with some room service and enjoy a good night’s sleep.

  “Not this time, but I do have some good news. After we wrap up the demon issue tomorrow, you can pick our next set of digs, and I’ll even come out one of the nights.”

  “One of the nights?” he said with a huge grin.

  “I think we’ve earned a nice weekend away after we resolve our demon problem, don’t you?”

  “Hell yeah we do!” He did a fist pump and then pulled me into a quick hug. “My number’s in your phone if you change your mind.”

  “I’m good. I promise.”

  “All right, see you later.”

  He ducked out of the door, his dreads bouncing gently as he walked. I had no doubt that Marcus was going to have a really good time tonight. I probably should go with him just to make sure he was in fighting shape for tomorrow. The guy deserved a chance to cut loose, though. We all had to deal with Jackson being stuck in hell our own way. Tonight my way was going to be a Netflix binge while I was in the hot tub, eating a bacon cheeseburger with fries, and then having a pint of ice cream brought up to me. The only thing that would make it better was if Jackson was here to share it with me.


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