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Echo in the Night [Echo's Song] (Siren Publishing Allure)

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by Tasha Blackstone

  Echo’s Song

  Echo in the Night

  Can a Witch who was born to be a Hunter find true love with the Vampire who is her mortal enemy?

  It’s easy to live life on autopilot, and that’s just what Echo Abbott is doing. That is until everything shifts. As her house of cards begins to crumble, she meets Henry Knight. Obnoxious and gorgeous, she can’t stop thinking about him.

  In this dark, seductive tale set in the heart of Oregon, Echo is a Witch with remarkable powers whose gift is sought after by a power hungry Vampire, Corrine. Corrine’s brother, Henry, is a willing pawn in her fight for the ultimate power and has been tracking Echo for years. Seeking out her weakness, he soon finds his desire for her is more than he can control. He wants Echo all to himself, but can he convince her that he isn’t the bad guy before it’s too late? Or will her stubborn nature be her downfall?

  Genre: Fantasy, Paranormal, Vampires/Werewolves

  Length: 52,329 words


  Echo’s Song

  Tasha Blackstone


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Erotic Romance


  Copyright © 2013 by Tasha Blackstone

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-62740-093-0

  First E-book Publication: June 2013

  Cover design by Harris Channing

  All cover art and logo copyright © 2013 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Amanda Hilton, Publisher


  Thank you to my family for being so patient with me. Echo and Henry’s story has been an uphill battle, but I am so grateful that I have finally been able to tell it.

  I really want to dedicate this to my mom. She’s always there to give me a swift kick in my butt when I take a fall and complain about pushing forward. She has never let me give up and has always been the voice cheering me on. Without her encouraging words and her constant nagging, I wouldn’t be where I am today.

  Thanks, Mom! I love you!


  Echo’s Song


  Copyright © 2013

  Chapter One

  “Where are we going?” From the twinkle in his eyes Echo knew that Charlie was not going to divulge any information. He liked secrets. Better yet, he liked surprises. It was not rare for him to show up at her door, his favorite wheeled black suitcase parked next to him and a flame of excitement dancing in his eyes. It was one of the things she loved about him—he ignored the restrictions of work, meetings, or obligations, and when he got the twitch to travel, he’d simply pack a bag and go. Never second-guessed his inclinations and never had regret. It was refreshing.

  “You know I won’t tell you,” he teased, “so I don’t know why you ask every time. Just sit back and enjoy the drive. When was the last time you were up in the mountains? Look out the window, take in the scenery, relax.”

  He reached his hand over and squeezed her thigh before lacing his fingers with hers. She loved it when he held her hand. His six-foot-five build dwarfed her by a foot and when he held her hand in his, she knew he would protect her no matter the threat.

  Deciding there was no point in pursuing the matter, Echo leaned back against the leather seat of his Dodge Ram and looked out the window. The sun had set hours before and so the trees that swooshed by were engulfed in darkness, hints of moonlight bathing the tops and trickling down just enough that the forest had an eerie air to it.

  Playing in the background, the enchanting tunes of classical music filled the cabin of the truck, and as Echo inhaled a deep, relaxing breath, the scent of leather blended with Charlie’s cologne filled her nostrils. It was intoxicating. Charlie was more Corporate America than any other man she worked with, but only when on the clock. Once office hours were done, he’d throw on a pair of Wranglers, slide into his favorite shit kickers, hop into his truck, and embrace the freedom that his suits never allowed. It was as if he was two different people and each one of them ignited passion in her.

  She looked over at him, her eyes tracing every line of his face. Simply put, he was gorgeous. His pale white skin was flawless, he kept his face clean shaven, and his dark blond hair was cut short in the back. He’d let the top grow out a little bit once they started dating, and he’d learned that Echo got off by being able to tangle her fingers in his hair, especially when his face was planted between her thighs. The sudden visual sent a pulse into her clit and she wriggled in the seat. She hoped it wouldn’t be too long before they arrived at their destination.

  As if knowing the thought that had flashed in her mind, Charlie unlaced their fingers and slid his hand down her thigh until he reached the hem of her skirt.

  When he looked over at her, lust had ignited in his pale blue eyes, and without the need for instruction, Echo spread her legs just enough to give him access.

  “Lean back.” His voice had taken on a sultry yet commanding air and she did as she was told. Yet another thing she loved about him. He was in tune to her desires and he never failed to fulfill them. She reached down alo
ng the side of the seat and pressed the button that lowered it so that she was practically lying down before unbuckling the seat belt. It didn’t matter that they were exceeding speeds of sixty-five, in the middle of the night. Charlie had driven these roads countless times, and this would not be the first incident where he catered to her needs from behind the wheel of his beloved Ram.

  “Good girl.” He gave her a wink and then turned his eyes back to the road as she felt his fingers caress the inside of her thigh. Anticipation filled her as he brushed his finger along the moist crotch of her panties and she lifted her butt just enough to pull the skirt up so that it settled around her waist. She didn’t bother removing her thong. Charlie liked to bang her with her pussy hidden beneath the sheer fabric. He said it gave a sense of forbidden pleasure and she knew how much he enjoyed crossing those lines.

  The first time he’d slid his hand up her skirt and dragged his finger along her clit in a board meeting, she thought she’d come out of her skin. When she jumped, he grabbed her thigh firmly in his hand and held her down so that the other suits sitting at the table wouldn’t know what he was doing to her. It was the longest meeting she had ever sat through. Throughout the entire half hour, Charlie’s fingers played with and circled every inch of her pussy, keeping her right on the edge yet not taking her to the brink. It was beyond intense, and when the meeting had ended, she’d purposely stayed seated until everyone else had left, certain that her pussy juices had stained the back of her skirt. Once the room had cleared and the hallway outside became void of the lingering board members, Charlie lifted her to the table, hiked her skirt up around her waist, pulled the drenched crotch of her panties aside, and fucked her. She came instantly and screamed into his shoulder as the orgasm exploded through her body.

  A nearly inaudible chuckle escaped him, but before Echo could ask what was on his mind, he pushed his hand under the fabric and cupped her mound. With thick fingers, he spread the wet lips of her pussy and slowly dragged them along the length of her slit up to her clit. She moaned in response, savoring the feel of his cold finger against the pulsing heat of her nub.

  With eyes closed, she leaned her head back, her hips instinctively bucking against his hand. He circled the firm bud, arousal spreading across her pussy as he worked on her. Nearing her release, Charlie slid one, then two fingers deep into her hole, pumping hard against her as he moved his thumb in rhythm over her clit. Tiny silver stars filled her vision as he pushed her over the edge, the intensity of her orgasm exploding through her body as he rammed his fingers deep into her core, and her screams of pleasure filling the cabin of the truck. Her tense muscles clamped her thighs tightly around his hand, holding his fingers within the walls of her pussy.

  When she relaxed, he slid his slick fingers from her and she watched him bring them up to his mouth, sucking them dry of her nectar. It made her desire him more knowing that he enjoyed her flavor.

  “Mm, baby,” he groaned, “you always taste so good. I know what I’ll be eating tonight.”

  His promise kept her arousal at the forefront, but she knew one orgasm was all she’d get until they arrived at their destination. She reset the seat in its upward position and pulled her skirt back down to cover her thighs before re-buckling the belt.

  At that very moment, Echo could not imagine her life being any more perfect.

  And then it all changed.

  A flash of movement outside, screeching tires, and Charlie screaming, “Fuck, hold on!” was the last thing she remembered before the truck was airborne. She wasn’t sure the total count, but she knew that when the truck had finally landed, it had rolled at least three times. The crunch of metal, the shattering of glass, and her own screams of fright echoed in her ears, and as she tried to focus her vision, there was nothing but blurred flashes.

  Time became meaningless. The tangled mass of metal surrounding her, broken shards of glass floating in the air, and Charlie. His panic-filled eyes pierced her, then a sudden burst of light and the cold wet floor of the forest pressed against her skin. She couldn’t move, could barely pull in a breath, and consciousness blinked in and out. She wanted to cry, call out for Charlie, and feel his arms protectively around her, but none of those things were possible. Before she fell into the black hole of her mind, she recalled seeing what used to be Charlie’s prized red Ram, buckled around a tree and resembling nothing more than a pile of bent metal.

  Echo had no idea how long she’d been unconscious. Someone later told her it had been hours before they were found, but when she came to, it was pure chaos. EMTs and police scattered around the scene, sirens blaring in the distance, and panicked voices of people asking her if she could hear them. She tried to move, tried to sit up and search for Charlie, but there was something restraining her.

  “Ma’am, please, be still. If you don’t stop moving, I’ll have to sedate you.” The voice was soothing, but had an edge of warning and fear to it. She tried to see who it was but her vision was still blurred and her mind raced with hysteria. None of it mattered, though. Through her pain and panic, all she wanted was to find Charlie. To see his clear blue eyes reassuring her that they were going to be fine. She pulled against the restraints, her need to find him surging through her. She screamed out for him, “Charlie!” and her throat burned with the effort, triggering a coughing fit. She didn’t care. She called for him again. “Charlie!” And then there were hands on her, forcing her to lie still, holding her down, preventing her from trying to move.

  “Fuck.” A man’s voice filled her ears and she could sense the frustration in his words. “Stick her before she hurts herself even more.”

  She felt a small pinch in her arm and she tried to jerk away, knowing that the threat of being sedated had not been a bluff, but she was too late in her response. A calming warmth flowed through her and a blanket of darkness filled her mind as she sank into a drugged stupor. Her last attempt at speaking was a mumbled “Charlie” that she wasn’t even sure had been spoken out loud and then nothing.

  When she came to, she found herself in a darkened hospital room, the beeping of the heart monitor and the whooshing of the oxygen tank pumping beside her, filling the otherwise silent room. She tried to sit up, but sharp pain surged into her chest, causing her to cry out.

  “Don’t try to move. You have five broken ribs and a laceration across your stomach being held together by about twenty stitches.” The woman’s soft voice was almost motherly, and when Echo turned to look at her she’d expected to find a nurse, but instead found Charlie’s sister. She was tall and lean, always perfectly coifed, never a smile on her stern face. As far as Echo knew, she was Charlie’s only family and she had never approved of their relationship.

  “You’re lucky to be alive, Echo.”

  “Where’s Charlie?” Her voice came out as a rough whisper.

  “Dead.” There was no emotion in Corrine’s word. It was like she was telling her the sky was blue.

  Panic filled her and Echo could feel her heartbeat race within her chest.

  “No, that’s not possible,” she argued. Charlie had to live. He needed to walk through the door right now, tell her it had been one hell of an accident, but that they were both going to be fine.

  “Well, whether you wish to believe it or not, my brother is dead, and yet somehow, you live.” Corrine burned her dark glare into Echo, making her skin prick with fear. “How is that, do you think?”

  Tears filled her eyes. Charlie was dead and Corrine obviously blamed her. She didn’t know what had happened, what had caused the wreck, or why she had been thrown free of the cab. She didn’t even know which hospital she was in or how long she’d been there. All she knew was that the pain in her heart was more intense than the pain from her broken ribs.

  As the heart-rate machine registered her rapidly increasing heartbeat, the beeps echoed off of the walls and an alert was sent to the nurse’s station. They would be rushing in any moment, most likely with a needle full of whatever drug they needed to knock her
out again. Before they could burst into the room, Corrine leaned down, barely an inch from Echo’s ear, her icy breath sending a chill across her cheek. “I know who you are, you little bitch, and you’ll pay for what you’ve done!”

  Confused by her words, Echo said nothing as she watched Corrine slip out of the room right before the onslaught of nurses barged in. Sure enough, the syringe held in the heavy-set nurse’s hand was plunged into her IV, and before she could speak, sleep consumed her.

  * * * *

  Echo jolted into a sitting position, arms wrapped around her ribs, sweat beading across her forehead, and her breathing rapid and laced with panic. She looked around the room, confusion blurring her mind. As her eyes gained focus, she realized she was in her bed, safely tucked away inside of her condo. The curtains were drawn shut, keeping out the lights of the city but not the faint sounds, and the soft, cloud-like fluff of her down comforter surrounded her body.

  “What the fuck?” Her voice broke the silence, and from the foot of her bed, her gray cat lazily looked up at her before going back to sleep.

  She hadn’t dreamt about Charlie in what, three, maybe four years?

  She pulled back the blankets, flipped her legs over the side of her bed, and found her slippers on the floor. Sliding her feet into the plush softness of her favorite pair, she stood and shuffled over to the chair in the corner where she always kept a robe laid out. She pulled on the cold, silky sheath, looked over at the clock, and saw the bright red numbers mocking her. 2:59 a.m.


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