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Justice for Mackenzie

Page 10

by Susan Stoker

  “Welcome back.”

  Mackenzie could feel herself blushing. “Hi.”

  “Forgive me if I’m remembering wrong, but I thought you said you weren’t good at this sex thing.” Dax smiled as he said it.

  Mackenzie moved her hand and stroked over Daxton’s belly, caressing his hard abs, much as he was doing to her own body. “That’s the first time… thefirsttimeamanhasmademecome.” Her words were said quickly so they all bunched together. Then she continued in a more normal voice, not giving Dax time to say anything. “I know, it’s ridiculous, right? I’m thirty-seven years old, you’d think at some point in the last, oh, twenty years or so someone would’ve gotten lucky and done just the right thing, touched just the right spot at the right time, but it never happened. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve gotten myself off while I’ve…uh…you know, but a guy…all on his own? No. I’ve never had an orgasm with a guy where I didn’t have to help.”

  Dax leaned in and whispered in her ear a bit cockily, “It won’t be the last.”

  Mackenzie smiled up at him. “Can I touch you?”

  “Nothing would please me more, sweetheart.” Dax rolled over until he was on his back and put his hands behind his head as if he was lying down for a nap. Mackenzie sat up, got on her knees next to him, and looked down in awe.

  “Whoa, Daxton. I know I’ve seen this before, but hiding this under your uniform has to be a crime. You really do have a fucking fourteen-pack. When I try to keep you from getting up to work out, just ignore me, will ya?”

  Daxton chuckled. “Glad you approve, sweetheart.”

  “Oh, I approve all right.”

  Mackenzie ran her eyes up and down his body, stopping at his shoulders. She ran a finger over the small puncture wounds on the tops of his shoulders. “Did I do that?”

  Dax moved one hand from under his head and caught Mackenzie’s hand in his. He brought it up to his mouth and kissed her palm, running his tongue over the long line after kissing it. “Yeah, and it felt awesome. Remember when I talked about erotic pain? Yeah, I wasn’t feeling anything. I was too busy enjoying the hell out of watching you come.”

  He put his hand back under his head and lifted his chin to her. “Go on, make yourself at home.”

  Mackenzie did what Daxton asked. She started by leaning over and licking each of the ten little wounds she’d put in his skin with her nails. Then she moved her head lower and sucked on Daxton’s nipples, while running her hands up and down his body. Slowly, enjoying the feel of his stomach muscles jerking under her ministrations, Mack shifted to his erection. He was long and thick, and Mackenzie could see fluid shining on the head.

  Maneuvering between his legs, and grunting in approval when he widened his stance so she could kneel between them, Mackenzie gripped his balls with one hand and used the other to caress his shaft. She spread his wetness over her palm, making it easier to glide up and down.

  Not able to stop herself, Mackenzie leaned over and licked the head of his shaft so she could taste him. She looked up from between Daxton’s legs to see him staring down at her with an intense look on his face.

  “I want to be inside you, Mack. I can’t wait much longer.”

  “But I’m just getting started,” Mackenzie pouted.

  “Oh, you’ll have your chance, it just isn’t right now.”


  Dax indicated with his head to the table next to the bed. “There.”

  Mackenzie had to let go of Daxton and crawl up to where he’d gestured. When she leaned over him, Daxton guided her nipple into his mouth with a hand and sucked hard, making Mackenzie whimper in need.

  “Let go, Daxton. I need you too.”

  Dax let go of Mack’s breast with a small popping sound and allowed her to reach forward for the condom on the side table.

  She eased back with the packet in her hand.

  “Put it on me,” Dax growled.

  Mackenzie nodded and without losing eye contact, she put the packet up to her mouth and ripped it open with her teeth. She finally had to look down so she could see what she was doing. She pinched the tip, eased the condom over Daxton’s erection, and smoothed it into place.

  Before Mackenzie could think about what to do next, Daxton had her flipped over and she was on her back looking up at him. He paused above her, not saying anything, not moving, just watching her intently.

  “Please, Daxton.” Mack tried desperately to pull him down to her, to rub against him. She wanted him inside. Now.

  He moved slowly, taking himself in his hand and pressing against her wet heat, easing himself into her tight sheath inch by inch. He didn’t stop until he was all the way inside, then he lowered down until they were touching from toes to chest. “Perfect.”

  Mackenzie closed her eyes briefly against the small bite of pain she’d felt as Daxton entered her. It’d been a while and her body needed to adjust to having a man inside again. When the pain faded, she opened her eyes and held on tightly to Daxton’s biceps as he slowly withdrew from her body, then pushed back in. He held her eyes the entire time. He slowly increased his speed as he moved in and out of Mack’s body.

  “You feel good, Daxton. I love how you fill me up. Faster. Go faster.”

  “You’ll take it how I give it, Mack. You like this?”


  “You’re hot and slick around me. I can feel your heat through the condom. As much as I love how you feel, I can’t wait to get inside you without anything between us. Ah…you like that, don’t you? I could feel you clench around me.”

  “Yeah, I want to feel you. Just you.”

  “You’ll get me, babe. I’ll pump you so full, as soon as I pull away from your tight body, our juices will leak out. When I take you standing up, you’ll feel us dripping down your leg.”

  “Oh God, Daxton. That’s so uh…realistic and slightly gross, but honestly, I can’t wait.”

  Dax sped up his thrusts until he was pounding into her.

  Mackenzie watched as Daxton closed his eyes and his muscles tightened. He was on the verge of losing it. “Yeah, that’s it, Daxton, come for me. Don’t wait for me. I want to watch you come.” Mack tightened her inner muscles as hard as she could, squeezing him from the inside out. “Do it. Fuck me. You feel so good.”

  At her words, Dax couldn’t hold back anymore. He reached down and pulled up Mackenzie’s thighs until he could hook his elbows under her knees. “Hold on, Mack. Let me know if I hurt you.”

  “You won’t hurt me, Daxton. Do it. I love when you pound into me. The friction of your skin against mine feels awesome.”

  Dax let go of his iron control, using Mack’s permission to fuck her like he’d dreamed of for so long. He hammered into her, and when he felt Mackenzie pinch his nipples, he couldn’t hold his orgasm in any longer. He ground into her, holding himself inside as tightly as he could and let go. His hips undulated against her once, twice, and then three times. He groaned loud and long.

  Finally, feeling empty, he eased down next to Mack, holding her to him so he didn’t slip out. He hiked her leg up over his lap, keeping their connection intact. “Holy shit. You killed me.”

  Mackenzie giggled, and Dax loved the sound. “I think that was my line.”

  “Nope, definitely mine.” Dax picked up his head and looked Mackenzie in the eyes. “Just so you know. I’m going to make it my mission in life to make you come with me.”

  “Daxton, I told you—”

  Dax put his finger over Mack’s lips to stop her words. “Shhh, I know what you said, and I don’t believe it for a second. Anyone who came as hard as you did with just my finger and the brief touch of my mouth to your clit…can orgasm with penetration. We just need to keep practicing. And I’ll enjoy the hell out of that practice in the meantime.”

  “You’re crazy. We’re too old for this shit.”

  “No, we’re not. I don’t feel too old and I’m nine years older than you. So if I can do it
, you can too.”

  “Whatever.” Mackenzie’s words were muffled against his chest.

  “Let me take care of this condom, and we can get some sleep.”

  Mackenzie watched as Daxton rolled away from her and went into the bathroom. He came out not long after.

  “You need to use the bathroom?”

  “No, I think I’m good.”

  “Okay, lift up so I can get you under the sheet.”

  Mackenzie lifted up one butt cheek enough so Daxton could pull the sheet out from under her. He climbed in next to her and hauled her into his arms.

  “You don’t have to—”

  “Shut it. I want to. I’ll go absolutely insane if I can’t hold you in my arms.”

  Mackenzie didn’t say a word, but dipped her chin and fit her head under Daxton’s chin. She put her arm around his chest. One leg came up and wrapped itself around his thigh.


  Mackenzie could hear the laughter in Daxton’s voice, but didn’t care.

  “Yeah, extremely.”

  “Go to sleep, sweetheart.”

  “I don’t have to get up early tomorrow, do I? It’s Saturday. It’s against my religion to get out of bed before nine on the weekend.”

  “You don’t have to get up early, Mack. Just sleep.”

  “Okay. Thank you for making this easy and not weird.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  Mackenzie fell asleep almost immediately. Dax stayed awake a bit longer, enjoying the soft breaths Mack made as she slept and wondering how in the hell he’d gotten so lucky.

  Chapter Ten

  Two weeks after Mackenzie had spent the night for the first time, Dax knew for sure she was the woman for him. They’d settled into a regular routine. They’d leave together each morning for work, and over the course of the day figure out whose place they’d spend the night at, then they’d meet there after work. They’d make or go out for dinner, then head to bed, making the most of their time together.

  Dax had several sets of uniforms over at Mackenzie’s apartment, just as she had plenty of work clothes to choose from at his. Not one night had gone by that they hadn’t spent together, and Dax couldn’t be happier.

  Mackenzie was just as cute now as Dax had thought she was on their first date, perhaps more so. She was who she was and didn’t have a devious bone in her body…something that was refreshing to Dax.

  The day Mackenzie met TJ again was one of Dax’s favorite memories. He’d taken Mack out to dinner, knowing TJ was going to meet them there. TJ slid into the booth across from them and Dax laughed until his stomach hurt at the look on Mack’s face. She’d blushed a fiery red and stammered a bit before getting her wits about her.

  “Daxton Chambers, I can’t believe you didn’t tell me Officer Rockwell would be here tonight!”

  “TJ, babe. Call me TJ.”

  “TJ then. Am I allowed to thank you for not giving me a ticket? Or is that bad cop karma and I’ll end up getting six tickets in the next month as a result?”

  TJ and Dax laughed. “You’re welcome, and as long as you don’t decide to be a speed demon or start stealing from the neighborhood grocery store, I think you’re good.”

  “So does that mean I can drop your name—yours too, Daxton—and I can get out of any tickets in the future?”

  “Mack, how many times had you been stopped before we pulled you over? Or since? I don’t think you have anything to worry about. You usually drive like an old granny,” Dax said, picking on Mackenzie.

  “Shut up. Maybe I’ll take up street racing now that my boyfriend is a Texas Ranger and I know not only an SAPD Officer, but a Highway Patrolman too!”

  “I don’t think so, sweetheart. If you get stopped you’ll have to take your chances just like everyone else.”

  “Don’t you guys have like some secret sticker I can put on my car that’s like a ‘get-out-of-a-ticket-free’ card?”

  “Sorry, Mackenzie, there’s no such thing.” TJ was smiling broadly, resting his elbows on the table.

  “Well, poo. There should be one. I should get something out of dating a police officer!”

  That night, Dax had reminded Mack what she was getting out of dating a police officer…him. He’d brought her to the edge of orgasm several times, pulling back right before she’d been about to explode. He’d gotten his test results back from the doctor the day before, and Dax couldn’t tease her for long before he had to be inside her. Having pity on her, he’d finally pushed her over the edge, loving how she shuddered and shook in his arms.

  After she’d come apart, Dax had hauled her out of the bed and pushed her face down, leaning over the mattress. He’d taken her from behind as she moaned and thrashed on the covers. While she’d technically done it doggy style before, that had been completely different. They’d snuggled together afterwards and Dax didn’t think either one of them had moved a muscle all night.

  Dax looked over at Mack standing in his kitchen. It was Friday morning and they were about ready to head to work. Mackenzie was leaning on the counter in front of his toaster, gazing at the bagel within as if it would cook faster if she glared it into submission while it cooked.

  Dax walked up behind her and pulled her into the front of his body.

  “I’m on call this weekend again.”

  Mackenzie turned and put her arms around him as far as they’d go. “Okay. You want me to stay here, or are you coming to my place?”

  Dax shook his head, loving how Mack didn’t give him any grief for having to work on the weekend. Kelly had hated if he had an overnight shift when he’d worked at the El Paso Police Department, and had made his life miserable every time he came home from those shifts.

  “Whatever you want, Mack.”

  She thought about it for a second, then finally said, “Okay, my place. I’ll make dinner and put it in the fridge and if you’re hungry when you get home, you can eat. You have clothes over there?”

  “Yeah, I’m good.”

  “Okay then.”

  “Okay then.”

  “Just so you know, in case you were wondering. Sleeping alone, waiting for you to get home, sucks. I’m not complaining, just saying…I’ve gotten used to your warm body next to mine and I actually feel cold in my bed until you get home. I’ve never felt that way before. I even contemplated putting on a T-shirt the last time you worked late.”

  “You better not put anything on. I like you naked and waiting when I get to you.”

  “What if someone breaks in?”

  “No one is breaking in. Make sure the doors are locked and you’ll be fine.”

  Mackenzie smiled at Daxton. The first thing he’d done after the first time he’d spent the night was go to the hardware store and buy new locks to upgrade what she already had. She hadn’t minded; she’d always rather be safe than sorry.

  “Okay, Daxton. Can I ask you something?”

  “Of course.”

  Mackenzie ignored the ding of the toaster indicating her bagel was ready and soldiered on. “I know you can’t talk about your cases, but I worry about you. I know the crap you have to do sucks, and I don’t want you to think I’m some wilting wallflower who can’t take hearing some tough stuff from you every now and then. If you need to talk about a case or something that happened, I’m here for you. I think we’re past the get-to-know-you stage where all we talk about is hearts and flowers.”

  “Hearts and flowers?” Dax smiled at Mack, she was so fucking adorable. He thought that about her about a thousand times a day.

  “Yeah, hearts and fucking flowers. You know how I feel about my boss. She’s a bitch. She doesn’t care about anyone in the office and makes us do work over, just because she can. The other day she actually complained that I’d found a mistake in one of the spreadsheets she’d already checked over. She’d prefer the work she did be wrong, just so she didn’t ‘look bad’ in front of her bosses. It’s ridiculous. And you know about M
ark and Matthew and how they drive me crazy. You know a million other things about me that aren’t things people who are trying to impress each other know. I just want you to know you can share right back.”

  Dax turned with Mack in his arms and pulled her up until she was sitting on the island in the middle of the kitchen and they were face-to-face. He stepped into her and she spread her legs so he was right up in her space. He hauled her hips to the edge of the counter and held her against him. “I know I can share with you, Mack. I haven’t done it, not because I don’t trust you, or because I’m trying to hide anything…okay, that might be a lie. I don’t want to tell you some of the shit I see and hear in my job because I like you just the way you are. You have a unique take on life and I don’t want to see your light dim because of the shit that happens in my world. I like that you’re naïve about the seedier side of life and my job.”

  “But you need to talk about it.”

  “And I do. I talk with Quint, and Cruz, and TJ, and other very good men and women who are in law enforcement. We have lunch together. We go to conferences together. We see each other in the field and in task-force meetings. I promise you, sweetheart, I’m not holding shit in that will make me lose it. I’m forty-six years old and have been in this job for a hell of a long time. If I hadn’t learned to deal before now, I’d have had a heart attack. Okay?”

  Dax watched as Mackenzie processed what he’d just told her. He loved that she never agreed with him just to shut him up. She’d been known to argue with him about something for hours on end, if she truly believed what she said or thought was the right way.

  Mackenzie brought her hands up to the back of Daxton’s neck and laced her fingers together. “Okay, I believe you. I don’t know what’s normal for a cop’s girlfriend to know and not know. I’d never want you to think I wasn’t interested in what you did for a living.”

  “I know it, sweetheart. Swear.”

  “Good. I have something else to tell you, since we’re having this deep chat and all.”

  Dax smiled. “What’s that?”


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