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Dirty Indiscretions: A Dark Mafia Romance

Page 42

by Roxy Sinclaire

  I deepened the kissed as I captured her luscious mouth with mine and I continued to thrust into her softness. She was so warm and wet that I felt myself close to coming. Her legs were beginning to shake. I turned her onto her back and held myself up while I was still inside of her. I leaned in and kissed her again. I grunted as she closed her eyes.

  “No, look at me,” I demanded.

  She opened her eyes and looked straight up at me. I felt so connected to her when I did that. I knew she was close to releasing herself onto me. I stroked her face and then began to move faster. The bed began to move. She was crying out and I could tell that she was close to becoming hoarse. I pulled out and looked at my dick. It was completely drenched in her juices.

  She gasped. She then gave me a sly grin.

  “We are far from over.”

  I then pulled her to me once again and lay on my back. She worked her hips while she was on top of me. I reached up and grabbed her breasts. I pinched her nipples which were hard and she gasped. I then pushed in further and she cried out. She was very wet. I looked into her eyes and pulled her closer to me. Her cries got even louder. I groaned. I knew I was close. So did she and she tightened up on me. I moved faster and faster and once again, the bed began to shake. This was turning out to be quite an explosive lovemaking session.

  “Oh! Nick! NICK! I am going to come again!”

  “I am going to come too.”

  Feeling how wet she was and knowing how good this felt, I moved faster and faster. I pulled out at the last possible moment as my release spent all over my fingers and stomach. I gasped and wiped off the beads of sweat from my forehead. April then got off from being on top of me and lay by my side.


  Lying beside him, I felt extremely relaxed. I had really needed a break from all of the studying.

  “Wow I really needed that,” I said.

  “I can tell,” he said.

  We were so tired that we just laid there. He reached over and held my hand. He squeezed it and I breathed a sigh of relief. We were finally back together.

  Then he asked, “So how did you find the key?”

  “It was under the mat. Most people put the spare key under the mat,” I answered.

  “Well, after you go. Remind me to put the key elsewhere so that no one else can get in,” he said.

  “But what if I wanted to surprise you again?” I asked.

  “Hmm…. I may just get you a key of your own,” he drawled.

  Then he kissed me.

  “So how did you manage to get here to New York?”

  Before my mom died, she left some things for me. Including some money. Dad gave it to me so I could come to see you.”

  “Aww,” he said.

  “Yeah, I know. It’s so sweet.”

  “Yeah, it is. I can’t believe that your dad approves of me” he said.

  “Me neither.”

  “I have been a very bad boy,” he then gave me puppy dog eyes. I pinched him.

  “Ow! What was that for?” he cried.

  “Pretending to be innocent when you are not, is not cute.”

  He then gave me a seductive look.

  “You knew I was a bad boy, April,” he reminded me.

  “Yeah, I did. But that didn’t stop me from getting you,” I smirked.

  “Oh really?”

  I then pinched him again. He grabbed my hands and I began to laugh.

  “Let me go!” I demanded.

  “No!” he answered.

  “Let me go or we are never having sex again,” I stated.

  He immediately let go of my hands and kissed me.


  I kissed him again.

  “So am I forgiven?” he asked.

  “Of course you are,”

  He pulled me towards him and held me so close to his body.

  “In fact, what girl would use the money that her mother left her to come and see me and then surprise me by being naked in bed?” he wondered aloud.

  I acted coyly.

  “I don’t know,” I responded coyly.

  Then he asked, “The only other type of girl that would do that might be psycho. You aren’t psycho, right?”

  I knew he was joking.

  “No, I’m not,” I assured him.

  “You sure? Because for a future lawyer, you should know better than to just break and enter into someone else’s home,” he warned.

  “Oh even if that someone else is you?”


  He then turned to face me, leaned his arm over and smacked my behind.

  “But since you are already here and have been a good girl, I won’t report you,” he promised.

  “You better not. If you do, I’m taking you down with me,” I told him.

  “Oh really?”


  We laughed for a moment and then I asked, “So what’s it like playing with the dream team?”

  “Perfect. I’m really fitting in.”

  “Well, that’s good.”

  “Plus, I get to spend a lot of time with James.”

  “Oh, you guys are on first name basis now, should I be worried?”

  He took a while to answer the question.

  “Well, maybe a little,” he teased.

  I hit him again.

  “What? I was joking,” he laughed.

  “You better be.” I cautioned him.

  “You’re the only person I want to be around…. after James,” he chuckled.

  I hit him once more.

  “Hey! I’m only teasing you, because I really missed you. Are you really going to send me to the hospital? This is the first day you are in the city and you are going send me to the hospital with bruises? You could at least put me in the hospital for a ‘fun’ reason,” he complained.

  “I thought you football players liked it rough.”

  “Hahaha,” he mocked, “not funny.”

  “It was a little bit funny to me.”

  Then he continued in a somewhat awestruck voice, “Yeah, so back to playing for the team. It’s everything I could ever want and now that I am back with you, my life feels complete. They pay for everything and anywhere I go, I get discounts as long as I show the membership badge. It’s so amazing.”

  “Wow, sounds like it.”

  “I just wish you could finish up school so that you can share all of this with me.”

  “Same here. Studying is so stressful. I just want it to be all over,” I said wistfully.

  “Yeah, I understand. But soon though,” he soothed.

  I said, “Yeah, and don’t worry. I have been studying night and day. I have a huge collection of notes and I have completely dedicated my time to my work. I know I am going to do well, it’s just it requires a lot of hard work.”

  “I know what you mean. It’s a lot of hard work to go pro. If you do really well, then you can also come here and live with me, which means you can stop being a criminal,” he said with a straight face while trying not to laugh.

  I was about to pinch him again when he caught my hand in mid-air.

  “Also, if you are going to live with me, you have got to stop attacking me.”

  He kissed my hand and put it back down.

  “It would be nice to live with you. It would make looking for a place out here much easier.”

  “And much cheaper. It is very expensive to rent a place out here,” I commented.

  “Yeah, well it is one of the most expensive cities in the world,” he agreed.

  “Oh, wow! Well look at you learning so much about the city!” he exclaimed.

  “Hey!” I protested, “I wanted to move here after school. It wouldn’t make much sense if I moved and didn’t know anything about it.”

  “Fair enough. Well since you know so much already, it wouldn’t hurt to see it, right?”

  “No it won’t.”

  He continued, “So that’s the plan for tomorrow then. I will show you the city.”

��Hmm…can’t wait,” I said eagerly.

  We ended up falling asleep in each other’s arms. The next morning, we got up and had breakfast. After we ate, we took a shower together. Nick was caressing my body and we both had to exercise extreme self-control not to make love in the shower. Once we were clean, which really took a while since we took a long time staring at and washing each other; we got out of the shower, changed and headed outside.

  The city seemed to be buzzing with activity. It was filled with lights. Nick held my hand and we walked around and saw Times Square and the Statue of Liberty. I was so glad to finally be here. We had hot dogs and New York pizza. We took a cab to Coney Island and went on the rides and the Ferris wheel.

  It was the most fun that I had in a long time. We also went to Madam Tussaud’s and took pictures with the wax figures. Soon after, we made our way back outside and then I saw the law firm that I had always wanted to work at. Roberts and Stanwell was one of the best law firms in the city. Not only did they take on important clients with a good cause, but they also paid their lawyers very well. I looked inside the building and saw that they were interviewing interns.

  “Wow,” I said.

  “What’s the matter, April?” Nick asked.

  “This is where I want to work,” I told him.

  “Wow, it looks nice,” he remarked.


  “Maybe we should go in?” he suggested.

  I hesitated, “Oh, I don’t know. I don’t think I am ready yet.”

  “I think you are ready. You are smart, hard-working, dedicated, witty, incredibly attractive and sexy. They would be crazy not to hire you,” he encouraged.

  I thought about it. He was right. I was amazing. Plus, I was in the big city. So, anything could happen, right? I knew I couldn’t just enter the law firm in a jeans and jersey, so Nick offered to help me out. He took me to a store where I got a professional looking dress and shoes and he paid for the bill.

  I panicked as I realized that I needed a copy of my resume and a few reference letters. Then I remembered that I had the documents on my phone and began to calm down. We headed to a nearby café and asked them to print out the documents. I finally had everything that I needed. We then went back to the firm. I kissed Nick and headed inside.

  I nervously smiled.

  “Wish me luck,” I prompted.

  “Good luck,” he said with a kiss.

  I stepped inside the glass doors and spoke to the receptionist. I was still nervous but had to keep my calm.

  “Hi, I’m here for the interview for the internship,” I told her.

  She then told me to have a seat. I was fidgeting with the papers on my lap. This interview could make or break my career. I waited there until I was called.

  “Miss Hansen, they are ready for you.” said the receptionist.

  I got up and headed upstairs. I made it to the fourth floor and walked through the glass doors towards Mr. Miller’s office. I took a deep breath and knocked on his door.

  “Come in,” he called.

  I stepped into his office, which had a beautiful view of the city. He had numerous stacks of papers on his table and pictures of Japanese and cultural art on the wall. He rose to greet me and after we shook hands he reclined in his office chair and offered me a seat.

  “So what brings you to Roberts and Stanwell, Miss Hansen?”

  I took a deep breath. I knew I had to sell myself and my passions.

  “I have always been interested in this law firm. I have been tracking all of the cases that you have done and I have studied many of the details of several of them.”

  “Oh really?” he inquired.

  “Yes, just ask.”

  He then proceeded to ask me about some of their cases from the time that they opened to the case they had just won last week. He was impressed by the amount of detail that I could provide.

  “Wow, I have to say I am quite impressed,” he remarked.

  He asked for my resume and references. He glanced over the documents and nodded. From his facial expression, he also seemed impressed with my resume.

  “From your resume, I see that you are doing pretty well in school. I also see that you have amazing references here.”

  “Oh thank you, Mr. Miller.”

  “Well, Ms. Hansen. I am quite impressed and we will be interested in granting you a position here at the firm as an intern within the next few months. As long as your references check out and if you do well on your exams, you can work with us here at Roberts and Stanwell.”

  “Oh thank you so much, Mr. Miller!” I exclaimed happily.

  I then stood up to go. He again offered his hand and I shook it. I then made my way to the elevator and headed outside to Nick.

  “How did it go?” he asked.

  “It went great! They told me that they would hire me if my references check out and if I do well in my exams,” I was so excited!

  “Wow! That’s great!” he replied enthusiastically.

  “Yeah, I know.”

  He hugged me and kissed me. Then he said, “And I know you will do well in your exams since all you do is study.”

  “Yeah, I don’t have much of a life,” I agreed.

  “Yeah, I can’t wait for you to move here. You are going to love it.”

  “Well, wherever you are, is where I want to be…except the locker room. That place smells really funky,” I said with a wry face.

  “It doesn’t smell that bad,” he argued.

  “Eww!! You didn’t smell how disgusting the locker room was at the stadium?” I said.

  “No, what are you talking about?”

  I told him, “You are so gross!”

  He then leaned in to try to kiss me.

  “No! Don’t kiss me!” I said, exasperated.

  “Come and kiss me!” he insisted.

  Laughing, I hollered, “NO!”

  He then pulled me to him and kissed me.

  He told me with a big grin, “Now, you are dirty too.”

  “Ugh! I have to take a shower now!” I declared heatedly.

  “As long as I get to shower with you.”

  He then kissed me again. We made our way back to the apartment and took a shower before we ended up going to an Italian restaurant a few blocks away. Chez Italia’s was an old-school Italian restaurant with an amazing ambiance.

  We ordered some pasta and enjoyed each other’s company. The food was really good and the atmosphere was really romantic. I almost didn’t want to leave the restaurant, nor did I want to leave the city. But I had to leave within an hour. Nick paid the bill and we left the restaurant.

  I packed up my stuff and Nick looked at me sadly, asking “You sure I can’t convince you to stay?”

  “If I do stay, then I can’t take my exams and then I can’t become a lawyer and come out here and live with you,” I reminded him.

  “Good point.”

  After I finished packing, we kissed for a while and then headed to the bus terminal. We couldn’t keep our hands off each other while we waited for my bus to arrive. Suddenly, the announcement was made. We heard it, but couldn’t stop kissing. They did a final boarding call and then we separated. I headed to the stop and he kissed me goodbye.

  He slowly released me saying, “Good luck on your exams. I know you will do well.”

  “Yeah, I should be okay. I will call every day, okay?” I assured him.

  “You better.”

  A final kiss and I got on the bus. I slowly watched him outside the window and I sighed. I knew we were only going to be separated for a few more weeks, but that didn’t make the pain of separation any easier. I watched through the window as the bus slowly pulled away from the station. I was glad I brought my books along so I could study. It was a smart move for me to bring my books.

  I sat there and began to study. I was so focused and wrapped up in my reading and so strongly determined to do well on my exams since I knew what was at stake. I studied so much that I didn’t even realize tha
t the bus reached the stop. I looked up and immediately got off the bus and began to walk home.


  I was becoming impatient. I wanted to know what was going on with April. It seemed like I had been waiting forever for a phone call from her. I was hoping to get some good news soon. April had managed to pass all of her other exams and this was the last one. This one was crucial. If she passes this one, it means that she could move to the city, start her internship and move in with me.

  So, that would explain the quick pacing and the extreme nervousness. I looked at my phone, sighed, and continued my nervous pacing. She was taking a long time to call. I started to worry. Maybe she didn’t pass? Maybe something was wrong? I tried to distract myself. I watched one of the football games and made note of the moves and passes. I turned off the television and decided to call. Just as I picked up the phone, she called.



  “So…. I’m just calling to tell you…” she began.

  “Calling to tell me what? That you passed? That you didn’t?” I prodded.

  “I’m calling to tell you that I failed….and I can no longer keep you in suspense…,” she said.

  So she failed…why didn’t she seem more upset?” I wondered.

  “I PASSED!” she screamed.

  “You passed?” I verified to be sure.

  “Yes, I passed!” she repeated excitedly.

  I told her sincerely, “Congratulations! I’m so proud of you!”

  “Yeah and this means that I can get that internship and…. we can finally live together and spend way more time together,” she exulted happily.

  “Yes! This means I get to wake up to you and take more showers with you and show you more of the city,” I said enthusiastically.

  “Yeah, I have some money saved but it’s still not enough. So I will need to work hard to make some more money so that I can move to the city…,” she began.

  I then heard the doorbell and was surprised. I wasn’t expecting any visitors.

  “April, I’m going to have to call you back. There’s someone at the door,” I said.

  I ended the conversation and then answered the door. Before I even fully opened it, I was surprised to see my father on my doorstep. I thought he had disowned me. I wondered what he was doing here. I opened the door and stared at him angrily.


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