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Adventure Comes to Houston: An Erotic Adventure Book III (Erotic Adventures 3)

Page 14

by T. S. Hill

  “Go out there half naked, like this?”, she asked, with a look of surprise on her face.

  “Sure. Who’s gonna see you?”

  “Well, like you said, Tony might come back at any time, to move the limo to the garage… Oh! I get it! Taking the risk of being seen, adding a little to the excitement.”, she said with her voice rising slightly. “Okay then. Let’s up the ante, and just go all in. Let’s both get naked, and cut through the rose garden, back to the limo!”

  “I don’t know about both of us totally naked, cutting across out there, Sash.

  “C’mon! You want to talk me into going half naked out there, so step up and walk the walk! If we’re going to get risky, lets fucking get risky. C’mon Babe! Strip’em off!”, she challenged me, now standing and tugging down her black yoga pants. Sighing, I downed my scotch and set the glass on the end table, then started removing my clothes.

  “What about shoes?”, Sasha asked.

  “I don’t think that a thorny rose garden is a place we want to walk barefooted.”, I replied.

  “Good idea, Babe.”, she said quietly, stepping back into her black flats. I couldn’t get my pants off over my athletic shoes, and had to sit down to remove them first. While I was undressing and putting my shoes back on, Sasha stood quietly sipping on her scotch.

  “Want me to pour you another scotch to take with you?”, she asked, downing her last swallow.

  “Please!”, I replied. “If I’m going to risk getting caught running around outside naked in the rose garden, I should have at least a half of an excuse.”

  “A couple more of these and I don’t think I’d care if I got caught or not.”, Sasha quipped, as she poured us both another shot of the amber liquid.

  “In fact, we might want another one later, so why don’t you take the bottle with us?”, I suggested.

  “That, sounds like a plan, that I can endorse!”, she said giggling, and handing me my glass. I took my glass and studied her fully naked body from where I sat.

  “Damn! You’re one hot chick!”, I told her.

  “You’re not too shabby of a guy yourself!”, she replied, eyeing me from head to toe, as I stood up naked. Be careful where you point that thing in the rose garden.”, she said, smiling and waving her glass toward my cock. “I wouldn’t want that magnificent prick to get pricked.”

  “Good point! I’ll be careful.”, I answered.

  “You need to be more than careful. But, c’mon. I’ve got a way to keep it protected.”, she told me, as she opened the front door.

  “Really?”, I asked, as I followed her out into the night. “We’re both naked. How are you going to protect my cock from getting pricked on a rose thorn?” Within a few steps we were at the entrance to the rose garden, and she stopped and turned to me.

  “Here.”, she said shoving the scotch bottle at me. “You carry the scotch, and I’ll hang on to your prick for you.”

  “Oh, so you’re going to join Rosita now in calling my cock a prick?”

  “No, Babe. I’m just going to call it a prick, while it might get pricked out here in the rose garden.”

  “What do you mean, might get pricked? I thought you were going to hold on to it and keep it protected from getting pricked?”

  “Don’t get anal on me, Babe!”, she said giggling, with feigned dismay. “I’m going to hold on to your cock and make sure it doesn’t get pricked. If I did let it get pricked, that would probably fuck up what I plan to do with it in the limo trunk. So, don’t worry!”

  “Okay, so let’s go.”, I told her. “I don’t like just standing out here naked like this.”

  “Mister Modest! Naked in the rose garden!”, She said aloud, as though she were announcing to an audience. “C’mon, Babe.”, she said tugging gently at my cock, and giggling softly. The thoughts of my cock getting impaled on a rose thorn, had dampened my erection, before entering the garden. But, as we crept slowly down the main walk into the garden, my eyes adjusted to the dim light, and the walk wasn’t precarious at all. None the less, Sasha’s delicate, warm hand, holding on to my cock, felt nice.

  “Wow! It smells really nice out here.”, she commented.

  “Yeah, it gives me a heady, euphoric feeling.”, I replied. “I can see almost perfectly well out here now that my eyes are adjusting to the moonlight, but let’s just take our time and enjoy this.” We continued to slowly stroll along the walkway, side by side. My right arm was around her shoulders with the bottle of scotch extended from my right hand, her left hand held my cock, and we both continued to use our free hands to sip on our scotches. I had never dreamed of walking naked at night in a huge rose garden, while sipping scotch, especially with a beautiful sexy woman walking naked with me, holding on to my cock.

  “It’s funny where life leads you, if you just let it, isn’t it Sash?”

  “It’s fucking remarkable, Babe.”, she replied. At about the halfway point of our passing through the garden, I stopped and pulled Sasha around to face me. It was as though she read my mind, or rather, like me, instinctively knew that we needed to kiss at that exact moment. When we did, it was as magical, and as romantic of a moment that I’ve ever experienced. Standing naked in a rose garden, in Houston Texas, I knew that I loved this brilliant, little, built like a brick house, geeky woman just as much as I loved the other two women in my life. I didn’t know how I was going to deal with all of that, but I knew it was my truth.

  “I’m in love with three women, Sash.”, I told her. “I’m fucking doomed!”

  “No, Babe.”, she replied, hugging her naked body against mine. “We three women are in love with you too. We’re all going to be okay. Just accept it, and quit fucking worrying about it all the time. Just accept it! I love you! Lori loves you! Rosita loves you! We’re all in love with you. And, your loving all three of us, is just exactly what we all three want. We’re happy, and want you to be happy. Will you quit worrying so tucking much?”

  “Do you think I should hold a household meeting and discuss this? I mean if it bothers me, it probably bothers you girls.”

  “We just discussed it Babe. Meet with Lori and Rosita if you’re worried that it bothers them. It doesn’t bother me!”, Sasha emphasized. I think both of those gals would let you know if they were bothered in the least by you loving all three of us. Each of us loves three people too! You’re not the only fucking one. I’m cool with it!”

  “I guess I’m worried that one of you is, will be, maybe, bothered by it. That’s all.”. I explained to her.

  “Sleep easy, Babe.”, she playfully chastised me. “Leave the sex fairy a dollar under your pillow, and just forget the whole fucking thing.”

  I chuckled to myself, and then replied, “Thanks, Sash. I know you’re right, I’m worrying over nothing. You know what? I wish we had brought a blanket with us.”, I said.

  “Why Babe?”

  “Because I’d rather that we make love right here in the middle of this beautiful garden, with its heavy rose scents, rather than the limo trunk.”

  “There’s a blanket of some kind in the limo trunk.”, she piped up. “I remember moving it, when we climbed in. Let’s get it and come back here!”

  “Let’s go!”, I piped back. We set our glasses of scotch on the walk along with the bottle, and holding hands, we rushed through the garden, laughing and giggling. When we reached the portico, I opened the driver’s door and hit the trunk button. Sasha pulled out the blanket and eased the trunk lid back down.

  “You sure you’d rather do it in the rose garden, instead of the limo?”, Sasha asked.

  “Yeah, I don’t like being under these lights, in the trunk or not. The garden is more romantic,” I answered, “and it smells romantic too.”

  “Yeah, I like that idea better too, but the decision’s yours, Babe.”

  “Back to the garden!”, I told her, taking the blanket and tucking it under my left arm. Hand in hand, we rushed back to the middle of the garden, where we spread out the blanket on the walkway. Stretchin
g out, side by side, facing each other, with our glasses of scotch, Sasha snickered.

  “What’s funny?”, I asked, smiling at her in the dim moonlight.

  “Just this.”, she answered, waving her glass around. “Us, laying naked in Al’s rose garden, in the middle of the night. Everyone else is zonked out drunk, except for maybe Tony and Mrs. Baker. I wonder what they’re doing. Do you think that they’re laying somewhere naked together, enjoying a glass of scotch?” I chuckled loudly at her conjecture, and took another sip of my scotch. Sasha continued, “Seriously, Babe. What if they were? What if they’re laying somewhere naked together, sharing a scotch, and wondering what we’re doing?”

  “I’m just not getting a vision of Tony and Mrs. Baker sharing a scotch together naked.”, I said.

  “Oh, I can imagine it.”, Sasha quickly replied. “I imagine Tony turning to Mrs. Baker and saying, ‘You know Mrs. B, everyone’s zonked out drunk, except you and me, and maybe Tagg and Sasha. I bet they’re out there somewhere, maybe in the rose garden, laying naked together on a blanket, sharing a scotch, and planning to get it on.’ And then, I imagine Mrs. Baker would say, ‘Oh Tony, not that nice Tagg Hill, and that pretty little Sasha! I just can’t imagine that they would do something like that! How perfectly wicked of you to think so!’ And then, Tony would answer and say. ‘Yeah well, they’re probably saying the same things about us!’ Yeah, I can imagine something like that. You know Babe, I just get the feeling that Tony’s not all that gay like he puts on. You ever get that feeling?”

  “Yeah,”, I spoke up. “Al pretty much said as much to me, but when I questioned him, it wasn’t a good time, and he said he would talk with me later about it. He said it was complicated. So, who knows?”

  “Promise that you’ll tell me when he tells you! Please, Babe? And don’t forget to ask him about it. If my hunch was really on to something, I deserve to know. Don’t you think?”

  “I promise, I’ll ask, Sasha. And you promise to just keep this between us for the time being. I don’t want to open up a shit storm on Tony, that may not be deserved. He seems okay enough.”

  “Sure Babe.”, Sasha replied. “So, you can’t imagine Tony and Mrs. Baker as an item, huh?”

  “Not really, Sash.”, but you know, maybe with your imagination and sexual philosophies, you should be the one helping me write the book.”

  “What book, Babe?”

  “Lori and I were talking before we brought you back to the bayou with us, about all the neat things we’ve encountered, and worked out in our conversations with you, and Rosita, and each other. I suggested that we should write a book, and she said she could help edit it, but just wasn’t a writer that way. She suggested that I do the writing. But, at the time, I told her I was too busy, but then, I got to thinking later, maybe after we clean this up for Al, and get the SOB locked away, I may have a little time between assignments to actually write something. I don’t know what just yet, but maybe something.”

  “I want to keep enough work coming in, so that your end keeps enough business for you to make a good living, and maybe Rosita’s fashion thing will take off for her. If our money for the SOB thing starts coming in, Lori will be busy running the nonprofit for the orphans. It seems that a small investment that Al made for me many years ago, is starting to really pay off. So, I plan to only take a select, few assignments from here forward, that really interest me. But, not these dangerous, go after gangster, assignments. After this one, I’ve had my fill!”

  “Babe, just think, if you hadn’t taken this gangster assignment, you never would have met Lori in the middle of nowhere, and without meeting Lori, likely wouldn’t have met me, and Rosita would have stayed your housekeeper with the two of you, well one of you anyway, secretly lusting after the other. And, both of you secretly in love. I wonder what you’ll miss out on, by not taking tough assignments? That’s where all of your adventures came from; assignments. That’s what you can write about Babe! Your assignments, and all of the excitement that you’ve been through, getting shot at, and saving lives, being a hero, and bedding a bunch of women too I bet.

  “Not until Lori, then you, and Rosita.”, I replied. “There really wasn’t that many. None on the SOB case anyway. But, that is an idea, Sash. Thanks! Are you gonna help me write about our adventures?”

  “I’ll do what I can, Babe. What’s this about a nonprofit for orphans and Lori?”

  “I’ll let Lori explain that one later.”, I told her. “It gets complicated too.”

  “Are you ever going to quit obsessing about loving three women, and just relax, and enjoy us loving you?”, she asked me.

  “I’m going to start right now.”, I said, setting my glass aside and reaching for Sasha’s. “Come over here, and cuddle with me.”

  “I want to do more than cuddle.”, she said.

  “I plan for us to do more than cuddle.”, I replied, wrapping my left arm over her and drawing her close to me. “I want our night in Al’s rose garden, to be one we both remember forever!”, I stated.

  “Mmmm, well Babe,”, she spoke softly with her breath on my lips, “let’s start making some memories.”

  Chapter Six

  Into the Light

  In the light of day, the dimness of darkness either takes strength, or dies.

  I could already feel my erection growing between our touching bodies, then when our lips met, and our tongues reached for each other, I felt my cock surge to a full turgid staff. When our kiss broke, Sasha spoke to me with a raspy whisper, “Oh, yeah! There’s the big happy cock! Let’s please him with my tight happy pussy!”

  “I was just thinking the exact same thing!”, I told her, placing my lips back over hers, and pulling her body even tighter into mine. I felt a wave of urgency flow over our bodies, and Sasha let out a whimper, as she rolled to her back, pulling me over her. As our kiss broke, she was panting already.

  “I’ve wanted you again all day, since I told you goodbye at the helicopter this morning.”, she gasped to me. I’m like a fucking Tagg junkie! I can’t get enough of you!”

  “Sugar Tits, you’ve got me all night tonight!”, I growled to her, covering her body with mine, and flipping the unoccupied side of the blanket over us. I buried my face into the side of her neck, kissing, and nibbling, while my hands and fingertips played over the surface of her soft skin. She gasped and clutched my back forcefully with both of her hands. “I’m going to fuck you slow and easy girl.”, I whispered in her ear. I’m going to make this last, and you’re going to remember the night that Tagg fucked you in the rose garden, for the rest of your life.”

  “Oh, yeah Babe!”, she growled back into my ear, running her tongue around it’s edges, and taking a nip at my neck. “And, you’re going to remember this as the night that Sasha fucked you back until you couldn’t fuck anymore.” From that point forward, our passion switched into overdrive. We were both ramped up to a peak of ecstasy, and we were both determined to not rush it to the finish line. On that rose garden walkway, wrapped in that blanket, Sasha and I used every little enticing, or playful, tickle, lick, kiss, nibble, caress, stroke, grip, claw, bite, pull, push and tug, in our love making repertoires.

  We seduced, aroused, impassioned and drove each other crazy with every sensual sensation we could induce. At the end of our first lovemaking session of the evening, we were in the good old missionary position. We had fucked slow and steady, all the while plying each other with every kiss, lick, caress and nibble possible. Sasha came first and within less than a minute, my cock threw itself into complete oblivion, as every muscle in my body tensed, flexed and then collapsed. We held each other close for quite a long time, slowly stroking each other and periodically placing kisses over each other’s faces, necks and chests. After a bit, I heard Sasha sniffle.

  “Sash, are your crying girl?”

  “Don’t worry about it Stan! I’m just happy.”, she said. “Blissfully happy!”, she sobbed and hugged me ever so tightly.

  “Did I hurt you?”
, I stupidly asked.

  “No, silly!”, she said giggling and sniffling. “You’ve just made me so happy! I can’t imagine being any happier. It would probably kill me, if I were made any happier. You’ve done that for me. Just keep loving me, Babe! I just want you to love me like this forever!”

  “I wish that we could be here forever Sash, because I would surely grant your wish. I held her close and she held me. In a while our kisses expanded over greater areas of our bodies and our tender caresses grew bolder. Soon our lips were locked again in the throes of steaming passion. Our tongues danced hot tangos together, translating our desire for each other, into electrical tingles that jolted throughout our bodies. Prostrate between her lovely porcelain legs, I immersed my face into her exquisite breasts, kissing and licking over their masses, sucking her huge nipples between my teeth and flicking my tongue over their erect surfaces. What I was doing with her, was turning me on as much, or more, than it was her. Sasha began to writhe beneath me, whimpering and cooing at my every touch and caress.

  “My pussy wants you again, Babe.”, she moaned.

  “I want you again.”, I groaned. “Pussy, legs, tits, and all!”

  “I want you all over me!”, she groaned between clenched teeth, as I kissed my way across her tummy, while tightly gripping her hips with my hands.

  “I’m going to be all over you!”, I growled. “And, all up in you too! This blanket’s too hot!”, I complained, raising up and throwing it off of us. I gazed down at her perfect beauty, as my hands caressed her shapely legs from below her knees upwards around the sides of her hips and came to rest gripping her trim waist. Pulling upward, I lowered my head to kiss her navel and trace rings around it with my tongue. She gasped and quivered all over, and I lowered my kiss and tongue caresses, to just below her navel. Her legs trembled and I slid my hands back again to grasp her massive tits, massaging them in my hands. Moving my mouth lower, my lips and tongue traced out the top edges of her heart shaped pubic patch. Sasha’s legs flexed and spread widely, and she whimpered as she frantically grasped at the hair on the back of my head. As I slid my hands back down the outsides of her hips and legs, she moaned loudly and called out to me in a tiny voice.


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