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Adventure Comes to Houston: An Erotic Adventure Book III (Erotic Adventures 3)

Page 22

by T. S. Hill

  “I’m going to check the front gate. I’m wondering why the guard didn’t respond when the gunfire erupted. When I get back, I’ll check for the rear guard.”, I told everyone.

  “Tagg they were instructed to not get involved in any disruption.”, Mrs. Baker spoke up. “When I called the company that you gave me, that was part of the agreement. The guards were not to engage, but to turn away intruders, and, or alert the county sheriff’s department, if there was any sign of trouble, or a disturbance. I suppose they followed their directive.”

  “I’m going to check, and be sure that they’re still here then. That’s not much of a line of defense for us, but at least their presence is a deterrent of sorts.”, I said. “Annette, how about stationing outside of the house here, at least until I get back?”

  “Sure thing, Tagg.”, she piped back, picking one of the AR’s back up. With that, I left for the front gate on foot. At the front gate, I met an affable young man named Frank Binnings. He claimed to have indeed called the county sheriff’s department, when the gunfire erupted toward the back of the property. I asked, and he showed me his cell phone history, which sure enough, had a two-minute call to 911, and at the time that I approximated that the gunfire had erupted. I cautioned him to stay alert, and headed toward the back of the property.

  At the back of the property, I encountered another young fellow, named Fred Simmons, who almost shit himself when I walked up on him, and spoke. He also claimed to have called 911, and his cell phone history also confirmed it. It seems that neither of the guards were familiar with the layout, or the extensiveness of the estate, and didn’t know whether the shots came from Al’s property, or one of the neighbors.

  Both of the guards had told me, the shooting was back that way, and pointed off in a direction different from where the chopper had actually set down. That explained why it was so easy for Annette to brush off the deputy sheriff that had come to the front door of the main house. Somewhat satisfied, but still suspicious that Annette, or Tony, or both, were the inside source, that had let Milinni know that we were still there, I headed back to the guest house.

  Mulling everything over in my mind, I recalled Annette’s tracer rounds fired at the chopper being on target, and thought that she had hit at least two of the men scampering back into the chopper. The guard at the front gate being named Frank, would explain Tony’s asking “is that you Frank?”, as we had approached the back portico, after the shooting. But still, someone had to have tipped off Milinni. And, there was no one else, that I knew of, that would be launching an assault on Al Longworth’s estate. I felt as puzzled as ever.

  Back at the guest house, I found Annette duly patrolling the perimeter.

  “Everything’s quiet here, sir.”, she reported as I approached.

  “Annette, since Tony’s a household employee, would Al have kept his records at the office or here?”

  “Oh, shit!”, she blurted. “That never occurred to me, when you asked about getting his records before! Of course! They wouldn’t be at the office. They have to be here!”

  “Let’s go check Al’s study, and see what we can find. I don’t think that we have to worry about a chopper coming back tonight, but who knows exactly what may be coming at us next. That chopper didn’t land here on a random search and rescue mission. Someone let Sam Milinni know that I’m here. And, I’m damned and determined, to find out who.” She and I proceeded back to the darkened main house, and made our way to Al’s study. Within a few minutes, we had found Tony’s hiring, and payroll files. I scribbled down the pertinent info that I needed to run a background check, then we put everything back as we found it.

  Just before going out of the back door of the main house, Annette abruptly turned, and stepped right up to my face.

  “Tagg, can I ask you something?”, she said in a quiet, and sweet voice that wasn’t anything like the tone that I had become accustomed to hearing from her.

  “Sure Annette. What is it?”, I replied.

  “It’s just, that with all this craziness going on, there’s something that I have wondered about ever since Al introduced us in the front parlor. And, I haven’t been able to figure it out yet, so…”

  “What is it Annette?”, I asked, truly concerned that she may have a concern, or suspicion, about our security situation.

  “It’s just…”, she began. Then, placing her finger tips on the button at the bottom of my shirt collar, she began toying with it, and continued, “Is there someone special in your life? I mean, I shouldn’t be asking this, and prying. But, I couldn’t help but notice, how all three of the women working with you flirt, and come on to you. Is that because you’re available, or are they all just hopeful? I shouldn’t be asking this. It’s none of my business, really. But I figure, if they get away with flirting with you like that, then there’s no harm in asking. Is there any harm in my asking, Tagg?”, she cooed at me, beginning to stroke her fingers from the button that she had teased, down the front of my shirt.

  About half of the way down the front of my shirt she stopped her fingers, and began toying with another button. Her sweet cooing voice, her closeness, her sweet scent in my nose, and her finger tips at my chest, was beginning to have just the effect, that she obviously intended. I could feel my cock stirring against my pants, and my breathing had picked up noticeably. Annette was a remarkably desirable woman. There was no doubt about that. But, I was emotionally, and physically, already involved, and conflicted, and confused enough. I did not need to complicate the already complicated relationship, or relationships, whichever it was, with a fourth entanglement. Nor did I want to put any, or all of it, at risk.

  Never in my adult life, could I remember backing away from a beautiful woman like Annette, who was obviously putting herself out there to me. Actually, I couldn’t remember but one other woman this beautiful, ever making the first move on me like this, and that was Rosita. I didn’t want to risk what I had with any of my women, but I didn’t want to create a huge barrier between Annette and me either.

  Trying to be diplomatic, and professional, and I had never been much good at being either one, especially with my cock bulging in my pants, I gently reached up, and grasped her hand, that was toying with my shirt button. The instant that the skin of our hands touched, I felt an electric energy flow between us, that made my cock misbehave, even more. Then, looking down into her sparkling blue eyes, I almost choked on my words.

  “Annette,”, I began, thinking that my relationship with Lori, Rosita, and Sasha, was just too complicated to even begin to explain, “we’ve got a lot going on right now, and my relationship with Lori, Rosita and Sasha, when explained, probably isn’t going to be what you’re thinking it is. So, do you think that we can postpone this conversation for another time?”, I asked her, still holding on to her hand, and with sweat beginning to pop out on my forehead.

  “Sure, Tagg.”, she said sweetly, still looking into my eyes. “As long as there’s still a future conversation for us to have about this, then I’ll take that as not being a rejection. Not yet, anyway.”, she said smiling, and winking at me, and then lightly squeezing my hand. At that point, I’m thinking, that I’m not entirely having the desired effect that I was going for, but I also didn’t crush her, to the point of losing her effectiveness as a team member. This to me, seemed like a good enough compromise, and the best place to leave this issue lying, at least until I had a better method of explaining myself. It would just have to do, until I had figured out how I could tactfully back away from Annette, while not being in the grips of her sexual appeal, and vulnerable to my own surging arousal.

  As I began to release her hand, she suddenly closed the few inches between our faces, and tiptoeing, planted a big, strong kiss on my lips. Thankfully, before I could respond, she had dropped back to feet, and was turning toward the door. I was sure that her action after the kiss, was the same action that I would have taken, if she hadn’t turned away first. At least, I liked thinking that of myself then, and stil
l do now. But, I’m also glad that she made that decision for both of us, and I didn’t have to. Because, watching her go through the door, my eyes were glued on her black yoga pants wrapped, scrumptious ass, and my cock surged to a full erection.

  Leaving the main house dark, we made our way back to the guest house through the rose garden. Distracted by the smell of the roses, and the bright starlit night, my erection that Annette had caused, had mostly subsided by the time that we made it back to the guest house.

  Back at the guest house, Lori met us at the door.

  “Annette, I was just coming to relieve you for a spell.”, she spoke up. “What did you find out about the guards, Cowboy?”

  “They’re in place, with the instructions just as Mrs. Baker said.” I told her.

  “Thanks for the relief.” Annette told Lori, heading toward the hallway. “I need to use the bathroom.”

  “Sash.”, I called out, “I’ve got a little task for you.”, I said, holding out the note slip, with Tony’s info on it. “See what you can uncover for me on this.” Sasha came over to the door, and took the slip from my hand. Looking at the slip, her eyes lit up.

  “I’m on it, Babe!”, she said with enthusiasm.

  “Will you bring me the results out here when you finish?”, I asked her.

  “Sure Babe, you’ve got it.”, she popped back.

  “I’m going to heat up some of the food we had earlier.”, Rosita called out. “Does anyone else feel like eating?”

  “I do!”, all three of us called out.

  “I will assume Annette does too!”, Rosita, said. Give me ten minutes!”

  “Take your time, Princess!”, I called out to her, as I closed the door behind Lori and me.

  “Wow. Everyone seems to be handling the stress of this situation, pretty good.”, I commented to Lori, as we stepped away from the door in the general direction of the rose garden.

  “Yeah, I tend to have reptile blood under this kind of stress. It’s afterward, and much later, that I get emotionally trashed. Unless you get my temper up!”, she added.

  I chuckled, while I mused over whether or not to tell her about Annette’s come on to me. Thinking what the consequences might be if I didn’t, and possibly Annette brought it up to one of the women later, I decided to risk telling Lori, and deal with managing, and trying to reason with, her sizable temper, if it triggered. Surprisingly, she took it all in good humor. I was pleasantly surprised, especially given what her initial reaction to Sasha’s initial come on to me had been, and not that many days ago, back in Crocket Texas, before we brought her to the treehouse.

  “She has no idea, does she, Cowboy?”, Lori asked me.

  “I don’t believe that she honestly does, Lori.”, I responded. “I wasn’t expecting her to come on to me like that either, and just didn’t know how to explain our four-way relationship.”

  “That girl has been making eyes at you, every time that she’s in the same room with you. And you didn’t even notice at all? I don’t believe that for a minute! But, I don’t blame her. I can’t keep my eyes off of you either, nor my hands.”, she said giggling, and giving my ass cheek a squeeze. “I haven’t seen you do anything to encourage her though. Nor, discourage her, come to think of it.”, she said.

  “Hey! I just now discouraged her!”, I said in my defense.

  “No. You postponed your response. That’s not the same thing as discouraging her.”, Lori corrected me.

  “I did the best that I could, under the circumstances.”, I snapped at her defiantly.

  “Cowboy. This is me, Lori. Don’t get your panties in a twist! She’s a beautiful woman. I imagine that if an equally hot stud came on to me like that, I would have the jitters in trying to ward off that horney little imp that sits on your shoulder whispering in your ear.”

  “What horney little imp?”, I asked her.

  “You know, the one that whispers, You know you wanna fuck that! Go ahead, get you some of that! What’s the harm?” She giggled again. “Tell me that little imp didn’t whisper in your ear, while she was trailing her finger down your chest, and looking up at you, with those sparkling baby blues, and cooing to you, in that sweet, seductive voice.

  “You know what, Lori? I can’t help being me, and I can’t help being a man! Just fucking shoot, me! Women are going to be my demise it seems anyway. Let’s just get it over with.”

  “Oh, don’t go off the deep end Cowboy! For fucks sake! Men get turned on by sexy women. Women get turned on by sexy men. People get turned on by each other every day. It’s not the end of the world. It’s perfectly natural.”

  “I’m not sure how to explain our relationship, or relationships, whichever it is. I tried to explain it to Aug, then Sally, then Al. I don’t think that I’ve made anyone completely understand it, and honestly, I don’t think that I fully understand it yet myself.”, I told her.

  “Of course, you don’t, Cowboy. That’s why you can’t explain it to anyone else yet.”

  “Do you fully understand it Lori? Does Sasha, or Rosita? Where do we begin or end? Where are our boundaries? How do we define our relationships to each other? I’m in love with three fucking women, Lori! And, you’re one of them! Does it not bother you in the least, that I love two other women?”

  “No. Partially, I guess, because I love the same two women that you do. We share that love.”

  “I get that Lori, but I keep thinking, if you loved two other men, I would not be in love with them! I couldn’t be a part of that situation either.”

  “You don’t have a bi side like I do, Cowboy. You’re comparing apples and oranges. They’re both fruits alright, but they’re not the same fruit.”

  “That’s true.”, I replied. “It’s just hard for me to grasp and deal with the fact, that none of you three women are jealous of each other in the least. And, that I can love all three of you equally, without any jealousy on the part of any of you.”

  “Cowboy, are you jealous of my and Rosita’s love for each other? Or Sasha and Rosita’s love for each other? What about my and Sasha’s hots for each other?”

  “No, not really. None of you. I’m not jealous at all. I feel like a part of all that. But I worry that maybe you, or Sasha, or Rosita… Do you think this is going to work between all of us? I mean long term?”, I asked her.

  “It could. It might not. If it does, it will make me a very happy, and satisfied woman.”, Lori said, slipping her hand into mine, as we entered the edge of the rose garden. “Who could ask for anything more?”, she asked rhetorically. “Can you be happy with us, Cowboy? Are we asking too much of you, pushing you too far?”

  “No Lori. I love… am in love, with all three of you. I just need to understand the mechanics of all this. You know when I was a kid, and would help Dad work on his old classic Fords, I thought that I had learned everything that there was to know, about tuning up an engine. Then, one day, I was over at a friend’s, and volunteered to tune up his old Austin Healy, that was running rough. I found out that I knew a lot about a vintage Ford engine, and not a helluva lot about any other motor, except the basic concept of how an internal combustion, piston engine works.”

  “Me and you, Lori. I got that. We’re like an old Ford engine. Me, you, and Rosita? That’s Mercedes. I’m still learning metrics, and figuring out how to use all the specialty tools. Me, you, Rosita, and Sasha? That’s Rolls Royce, and I don’t have a clue how to change the oil, much less tune it up, or make a major repair. Before we move up to a Lamborghini, I’ve got to go to an advanced mechanic’s school! Am I making any sense? I don’t want to mess this up for any of us! And, I feel like I may be in over my head. Banging out a piece of ass with any of you, or all of you? Well, that’s one thing! Making sure that our, meaning all of us, relationship works? Holy shit! I’m doing the best that I know how, but I feel like that’s not enough. Somehow, I’ve got to learn enough, so that I know what I’m doing, to make this thing right for all of us.”

  “Cowboy, maybe you need to have t
his same conversation with all of us, one on one each time. And, get all of our answers. But, my answer to you is this, that there is no book of instructions, that comes with this, our relationship. And, if you’re doing your best to make it work. Then, that’s all that any of us can ask of you, or do ourselves. When we encounter changes, challenges, or outside influences, like Annette for instance, we’ll just have to discuss things with calm heads and, like I’ve heard you say, just roll with the punches.”

  “You know Sweetheart, I feel better, and feel like I at least know where our oil plug is now.”, I joked.

  “I know where the dip stick is!”, she said, gently grasping my cock through my pants. I laughed. “See!”, she said. “You’re not the only one that can make corny jokes!”

  “That, I am well aware of!”, I said laughing. “Both you and Sasha are now members of the club, and Rosita has already applied for membership!”

  “Hey, that wasn’t funny, but it was kinda cute, and sharp witted.”, she replied, putting an arm around my waist and hugging up to me. Then, we walked along for a few minutes in silence.

  “Cowboy, I’m concerned about something. Not worried, but concerned.”, she said, speaking seriously.

  “What is it Sweetheart?”, I asked.

  “My period is late.”, she said bluntly.

  “How late?”, I asked.

  “A week, so far.”

  “Do you think that you’re?

  “Pregnant? I don’t know.”, she answered. “I’ve taken my pills regularly, and haven’t missed any. It could be that I’m just out of cycle a bit. I don’t know.”

  “So, what do we need to do from here?”, I asked.

  “Wait another week and see. If my period starts, then I’ll start back on the pill cycle afterwards. If it doesn’t start, I should take a pregnancy test, and if I’m not pregnant, or I guess, even if I am, see a doctor.”

  “Wow! You know I talked to you once about that, right after we got back to the tree house, but with the reality of it being put right there on our plate? Wow!”, I said.


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