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Adventure Comes to Houston: An Erotic Adventure Book III (Erotic Adventures 3)

Page 24

by T. S. Hill

  “You must know that it isn’t!”, she shot back at me, with tears still streaming down her cheeks. “What is happening Tagg? This is all so, just, insane!”

  “So, how is Amos doing Mrs. Baker?”

  “Why, I hope that he’s fine! Tagg has something happened with Amos?”, she said, with worry flowing over her every word.

  “No, Mrs. Baker. I said calmly to her. I’m sorry that I’ve upset you. As far as I know, Amos is fine. But Tony Bologna here, has some unfinished business with me, outside. It seems that he’s not exactly what he’s been pretending to be, and his fortunes have just taken a turn for the worse. Annette! Truss up Tony’s arms again, behind his fucking back this time!” Mrs. Baker gasped.

  “I apologize for the language Mrs. Baker.”, I said, reticently. “I’ve been a little stressed this evening, but that’s all about to get better. Annette squeezed past Mrs. Baker and Rosita, and Sasha stepped to the side of Tony, still training her pistol on his head.

  “Roll over maggot!”, Annette bellowed at Tony, bending down almost in his face. Tony quickly turned over and put his hands behind his back. Spotting the rifle sling near me, I picked it up and tossed it to Annette. She quickly, and deftly, had his wrists once again trussed up, only ever so tightly, this time. I reached down and picked him up by his belt. His head and feet remained against the floor. Annette if you can grab his collar and keep his face from dragging the ground, and Sash, if you would grab his ankle restraints, we’ll carry this big maggot out for a bath.”, I said glancing at Annette. She shot me a smile and winked.

  Once we walked Tony outside, I directed Annette to head toward the pool out from the rose garden. Once, we set him down to rest ourselves, and then we finished carrying him right up to the edge of the deep end of the pool. We laid him alongside the edge of the pool, then Annette and Sasha stepped back. I propped my right boot against the side of his hips, and stood still for a moment.

  The night was now still and quiet. You’d never know that there had been a horrific, practically one-sided, fire fight here, just an hour or so ago. I listened to a nearby cricket chirping and then looked down at Tony.

  “Bath time Maggot!”, I shouted at him, using my booted foot pushed him off the edge of the pool. As soon as he hit the water, I bent down and grabbed his clothes, holding him at the surface. Then, I knelt by the pool and shifted my hold of him to the hair on the top of his head. Holding his head just barely above the surface of the water, with my left hand, I reached for my .45 with my right. Making sure that he saw what I was holding, and that the hammer was back, I made a show of flipping off the safety, then slowly moved the big bore automatic, until the tip of the barrel was pressed against his left eye.

  “Maggot!”, I addressed Tony. “I’m going to treat you better than you deserve. I’m going to give you a choice. You can tell me all about the people that you really work for, or you can let us clean your brains from this swimming pool filter system. The choice is yours, and you’ve got three seconds to start talking, before the pool filter starts filtering.” Tony was gasping, blubbering and pleading.

  “You’re not telling me anything, cocksucker!”, I shouted at him pressing the .45 harder against his eye socket. “Okay, okay, okay! I’ll tell you everything!”, he blurted. And for the next fifteen minutes, he told us everything that we needed, or wanted to know, and a lot that we really didn’t give a rat’s ass about, but he thought we would want to know it. When we pulled him out of the pool, the water around him was brownish, and brown sludge ran from his pants legs.

  “He’s shit himself!”, Sasha shouted out. “The turd, actually shit himself!”

  “Now, we can’t take you back in the house like that Tony!”, I told him.

  “I got this.”, Annette said, heading over to the pool house wall, where she pulled down the life ring and rope, and a long aluminum pole with a loop on the end, also a pool side, rescue item. She put the life ring over his head, and then tied it to his body, running the rope under his arm pits. Then she fastened the loop around his chest, just beneath his arm pits. Shoving him back into the pool, she guided him with the long aluminum pole, while the life ring kept his head above water. Towing him around the pool to the diving board frame, she braced the pole between its legs. Then, she tied it off with the back end of the rescue loop. This left Tony suspended in the water, with only his head above the surface.

  “Have a nice bath, Maggot!”, Annette yelled at him.

  “Goodnight Tony Bologna!”, I barked at him.

  “Hey Tony!”, Sasha yelled at him from the edge of the pool. “You look like a big turd, floating in a giant toilet, with a Caucasian head!” With that last insult, I flipped off the pool lights switch. As we walked back toward the guest house in the dark, I listened to the crickets singing, and Sasha snickering. When we got back to the porch I broke the otherwise silence.

  “Thanks for the maggot nick Annette.”, I said. Sorry to steal the use of it, but it just seemed to fit so well. Great job, Sash!”, I told her putting my hand on her shoulder.

  “Oh, call anybody maggot anytime you like, Tagg.”, Annette replied, “courtesy of the United States Army, and Sargent Annette Devoe!”

  “From now on, I’ll always refer to Tony as the turd with the Caucasian head.”, Sasha said giggling again. Annette and I chuckled along with her.

  Back at the house, I found Lori back on her feet, but with a slightly swollen jaw. I found out that Sasha had gone to the bathroom, and Tony had gotten his bindings twisted, and his hands had turned blue. As Lori had tried to loosen them, suddenly everything came undone, and Tony had jumped Lori. A few seconds later, I came in. I felt bad that I hadn’t gone back into the house a few second earlier than I did. Annette was also apologizing that she hadn’t warned us about trying to loosen the bindings

  Lori spoke up to us both, “It was nobody’s fault. Shit just happens sometimes.”

  “It was that turd, Tony’s fault!”, Sasha spoke up. “He’s the one that decided to work for fucking criminals. Every fucking thing that happened to you, or him, was all his fault!”.

  “Well, he’s fessed up now. So at least the internal feed to the SOB is stopped.”, I said. Mrs. Baker was sitting in a chair with her arms wrapped around herself, as though she were chilled.

  “Are you cold Mrs. Baker?”, I asked.

  “Can I get you something, dear?”, Rosita asked her.

  “No. I just don’t understand what is happening.”, she said with her voice trembling.

  “Tony has been spying for the criminal enterprise that we’re investigating, and that we believe has been stealing from Al’s business. That’s it in a nutshell, Mrs. Baker.”, I explained to her. “The shooting earlier tonight was some of the gangster’s men trying to shut us down. That was all a result of Tony. And he’s admitted to it. But we have help on the way, and Al will be back in just a few hours also. Why don’t you lay down back there in one of the beds and try to get some rest, Mrs. Baker?”

  “Come, dear, and I’ll go with you. My jaw hurts and I need to lay down myself, Lori said to her through clenched teeth.

  “I will take you both back and tuck you in.”, Rosita told them, as she stood up. “Let me get you something for the jaw ache Lori, maybe an aspirin, and some juice to wash it down?”

  “Just water, Rosita. And, thanks.”, Lori answered her, rising and taking Mrs. Baker by the hand.

  “Mrs. Baker, I’m sorry about the name thing, Gladys and all, and all of the rough talk.”, I told her with sincerity.

  “You were just doing what you needed to do to get to the bottom of everything I guess, Tagg. So, maybe everything will be all better now, in the morning.”

  “We’ll all hope so, Mrs. Baker.”, I told her. Afterwards, Rosita shuffled her and Lori off to one of the bedrooms.

  “You really going to leave Tony in that pool all night?”, Annette asked.

  “I’d like for him to spend the night in the bottom of that fucking pool!”, Sasha piped up.
/>   “I do believe that I detect a bit of bitterness.”, I said, before answering Annette. “No. I’ll let BBO keep Tony in custody once they get here. At least they’ll keep him secured, but also within NATO guidelines. Then tomorrow, I’m not sure what we’ll do with him just yet. I should be getting a phone call from BBO soon. I told them to phone this throwaway cell before they flew in here, so that we don’t mistake them for another mobster invasion.” I heard Sasha chuckling.

  “What is it Sash?”, I asked.

  “We were badass against that chopper, weren’t we?

  “Hell yes, girl!”, Annette popped back at her, throwing her hand up for a high five, which Sasha met. I rubbed my face with both of my open hands, and went to the fridge to pour a glass of juice. I was about nerve wracked, and frazzled, and knew that I couldn’t breathe easy for hours yet. I also knew that if Sam Milinni sent another force against us, it would totally dwarf what he had sent in that earlier chopper. Lori and I, only a few weeks earlier, had experienced that totally ruthless aspect of Milinni, and nearly burned alive, in her grandfather’s barn, outside of Canadian Texas. I did not want to have to face his forces, even with the help of BBO. Not if we could avoid it, and still accomplish our assignments. With Lori, Mrs. Baker, and Rosita back in the bed rooms, and BBO due any minute, I sat back in one of the recliners, Annette sat the other just opposite of me, and Sash went back to her computer. I took a deep breath and stared at the ceiling, blocking out the rest of the world.

  Within a few minutes, I heard Sasha bang her fist on the table and shove her chair back.

  “There’s not jack shit on Tony Bologna Marceau anywhere!”, Sasha blurted loudly. “It’s as though he doesn’t exist! You do know what this means don’t you Babe?”

  “Pretty much!”, I responded. “But, I’m about to fix this. You and Annette wanna come along?”

  “Babe, you look pissed, like I’ve never seen you pissed before. What are you going to do?”, Sasha asked, rising from her chair.

  “Get your pistols. Both of you. Just in case we run into something.”, I told them.

  “I’m bringing an AR too, just in case.”, Annette said matter-of-factly. Tucking my .45 back into my waist, I headed toward the door. I rapidly strode back to the pool, with both women, side by side, behind me, struggling to keep up. When we reached the pool, I hit the main light switch and turned all of the lights on. Then proceeded around the pool, until I was standing at the edge of the pool facing Tony.

  “Hey maggot turd!”, I yelled at him in my loudest, and angriest, voice. “I got one last question for you.”, I yelled, pausing. Then I yelled, “Ah fuck the question!” Then rapidly drawing my .45 from my waist, I fired a shot into the right side of the life ring that was encircling he head. A chunk of the ring flew off and the water beneath exploded water spray across Tony’s face.

  “Damn! I missed!”, I yelled at him. “I guess, that I could ask you the question after all.”, I said calmly, tucking the .45 back into my waistband. “So, tell me, maggot turd, what is your actual full name?”

  Tony, only said, “Fuck! Man! This is crazy as hell!” I immediately fast drew that .45 from my waist and released another round, purely instinct shooting, and without aiming. Another chunk of the life ring blew off the left side, and again the water exploded into a spray across Tony’s face.

  “As he spat water, blinking his eyes, he called out to me again. “C’mon man! You’re not going to get anything if you kill me!” I took careful aim this time, and released the third round, blowing away another chunk of the life ring, on the left side, even closer to his head.

  “Fuck Tony! Bad luck for you! I’ve run out of life ring! There’s nothing else to shoot at, but your fucking ugly, maggot turd head! Tough shit maggot turd!”, I yelled, taking careful aim just between his eyes.

  “Johnson! Roy Johnson!”, he screamed like the pansy ass that he was.

  “Sorry, maggot turd! That’s not a full name!”, I yelled, taking careful aim again.

  “I don’t have a middle name! I’ve never had a middle name!”, he screamed at the top of his lungs, ending his scream with sobbing. He was now crying uncontrollably.

  Annette? Sash? Pull him out!”, I ordered, sounding reluctant. Then I went around the pool to join them. Untying the rescue pole, they drew Roy, that we had known as Tony to the side of the pool. Where I stopped them, and then got down on my knees at the edge. For the second time that night, I grabbed Tony, now Roy, by the hair on the top of his head, and then forcefully stuck the barrel against his left eye. Give me your date of birth.”, I said without emotion.

  “June six, nineteen eighty-eight.”, the maggot turd blubbered.

  “Give me your social security number.”, I ordered him in the same dead pan tone.

  “Six, seven, oh, five, six, nine, two, four, three.”, he rattled off.

  “Last chance to change your mind and make a correction, maggot turd.”, I told him. “If you missed one single detail, when I come back in ten minutes, you’re fucking head is my target. Last chance. Got anything to change?”

  “That’s all correct!”, he blubbered, “Roy, no middle name, Johnson. Date of birth; sixth month, sixth day, of nineteen eighty-eight. Social; six, seven, oh, five, six, nine, two, four, three. I swear, its true! That’s it!”

  “Then you should be smiling right now, maggot turd! You might live through this!”, I yelled at him, standing back up. “Shove him back out, and fasten him in place!”, I ordered the girls. “Then stay here and guard him!” I strode off back to the house, just as fast as I had walked coming to the pool. Once back in the house, I sat back at the computer and ran the first back ground check, which immediately gave me a hit. Pulling the picture up, I verified, that indeed, Roy no middle name Johnson, was born on that date and did have that social security number assigned to him, and his picture matched the maggot turd, now floating in Al’s pool. I immediately walked back to the pool.

  Arriving at the pool side, I yelled at the maggot turd, formerly known as Tony, “Roy maggot turd Johnson! I’ve got good news for you, and some bad news. The good news is that your name, date of birth, and social, all check out. The bad news,” I said, drawing my .45 from my waist band, and aiming at the maggot turd’s head, then firing a round, just off to the right of this left shoulder, which sprayed water again over his face. “The bad news,” I continued, “is that you’re going to have to stay awake, and hold your head up, because we’re all out of life rings! Ladies! Let’s call this a night!”, I said, cutting the lights again.

  When we were well away from the pool and almost back at the guest house, Annette spoke up.”

  “Holy shit Tagg! I thought that you were about to blow his head off, all through that episode!”

  “And, I was wishing the fuck that you would!”, Sasha added.

  “All my life, I’ve done my best to not kill for vengeance.”, I said to both of them. “I’ve hurt for vengeance plenty of times, but so far, I’ve narrowly managed to not kill, simply for vengeance.”

  “Have you ever had your back against the wall, and had to kill someone?”, Sasha asked.

  “Yeah.”, was my only response.

  “That’s why he never kills for vengeance.”, Annette added.

  “Sorry.”, Sasha replied meekly. “That was none of my business. I was wrong to say that about wishing you had killed him. I hate the fucking bastard though!”

  “We all do.”, Annette answered, then asked, “What are we going to do with him?” I stopped in my tracks, and without turning around, replied, “We’re going to send him to a place, where each day that he wakes up, his life will be pure hell, and completely without hope.”

  “Prison?”, Sasha, and Annette, both asked simultaneously. And for once, Sasha didn’t point out, what a neat thing it was.

  “The most politically primitive South American country that I know of.”, I answered.

  “Where’s that?”, Sasha asked. I didn’t reply, but started once again, walking rapidly, b
ack toward the guest house.

  Chapter Eleven

  Old Realities – New Mix

  We all carry within us the potential to administer both pain and pleasure, both to others and ourselves.

  Once I took my chair again, I asked Sash, “You want to finish running that new data for me, Shug?”

  “Why do they call you Shug, Sasha?”, Annette asked Sasha quietly, sideling up beside her at the computer.

  “It’s just a nick name.”, Sasha responded. “Short for Sugar, which is short for Sugar Tits. Which, refers to these!”, she said pointing to her mammoth tits that were straining against the stretch fabric top that she was wearing. I leaned back in the recliner and tilted my head to where I was staring once again at the ceiling.

  “Do you mean the other people you work with, call you Sugar Tits, or is it just Tagg?”, Annette asked her quietly, as Sasha began typing on the keyboard again.

  “Sure! They all call me that, at one time, or another. Babe calls me Sash, a lot. Sometimes, Shug, and sometimes Sugar Tits! They all do!” I like it! I wanna have a T shirt made!”

  “You and your coworkers sure do call each other a lot of pet, and nick, names. I’ve never run into anything like that before.”, Annette told Sasha.

  “It’s not such a big deal. Sasha answered her, still typing and visually scanning her laptop screen. “We all love each other, and it’s not that uncommon for people that love each other to have pet names for each other, or nick names either. Annette, when you were in high school, and even the army, didn’t you, and a lot of your friends, have little inside nick names for each other?”

  “Sure!” Annette answered her. “There was this one girl that we called, Booger, from the first grade forward. Because, she picked a booger out of her nose one day, in first grade, and ate it. And then there was this guy in high school, we called Sewage Man! You’ll never guess why?”

  “I don’t fucking want to know either.”, Sasha calmly interrupted her. I’m just making a point. I like my pet name. If you don’t want to call me Sugar Tits, you don’t have to. But if you want to, I won’t complain. That’s all. Any questions?”


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