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Adventure Comes to Houston: An Erotic Adventure Book III (Erotic Adventures 3)

Page 27

by T. S. Hill

  “I’m listening!”, Annette said, threading her bare left leg back into the yoga pants. As she pulled the skin-tight pants up, she danced from one foot to the other, causing her pretty pert breasts to jiggle wildly. Annette saw me watching her tits dance, and winked at me. I quickly turned away, to make my phone call, getting dressed as I hobbled toward the front door. I was in enough trouble as it was.

  Pausing just at the door. I finished getting dressed and pulled my boots back on. Then as I was reaching for the door, I overheard Sasha. “It all began almost three years ago, when Babe got this assignment from the federal Organized Crime Task Force, to get the goods on this New Orleans gangster.”

  “Is that the Milinni man?”, Annette asked.

  “Just be quiet and listen.”, Sasha instructed her. “Don’t interrupt. I’ll explain everything as I go.”

  “Okay, Shug!”, Annette said, then added, “Is it okay if I call you Shug too?”

  “Annette, I don’t fucking care what you call me. Just be quiet girl!”, Sasha blurted back at her a bit exasperated.

  “Okay, sorry, Shug!”, Annette piped back to her, as I shut the door.

  As soon as I had closed the door, I turned my throwaway phone back on, and waited for it to boot. Then, just as I was about to dial Buster, it rang. It was Al calling.

  “Talk to me!” I called out at the phone, mimicking Al’s customary answer.

  “Tagg, I’ve got a problem!”, he yelled into the phone.

  “What’s up, Al?”, I quickly asked.

  “Something’s malfunctioning with the Sikorsky, and I’m not going to make it back tonight. We had to set down in Birmingham, and it will be at least a few days before they can get the part and install it. I’ve called Tillotson, and he’s sending Ray Belcher out here with the cargo chopper, first thing in the morning. So, I’ll still be back sometime tomorrow. Right now, I just don’t know exactly when.”

  “It’s okay, Al.”, I told him. “We’ll hold down the fort until you get back.”

  “Are the mercenaries that you ordered there yet?”, he asked.

  “Not yet, Al.”, I answered. “I was just about to call them to see what the holdup is, when you called.”

  “Well, just keep doing the best that you can Tagg, and I’ll see you sometime tomorrow.”, he said, sounding a bit dejected.

  “Be careful Al!”, I cautioned him, just before the connection went dead. Next, I dialed Buster Hollifield. It seems that he was two men shy of the six that he promised me and still hadn’t shipped anyone out. I asked him to dispatch the four that he had. He was hesitant, but finally agreed to send them on. Now I had a couple of more hours to do without reinforcements. I certainly hoped that something would go right soon. While I was already outside, I figured that I may as well patrol the grounds once and reconfirm that the two rent-a-cop security guards were still on duty. Both of them were, and I strongly advised them to be on alert for any indication that intruders of any type were about. With everything still quiet, I made my way back toward the guest house. At the swimming pool, I veered off and walked once around the pool.

  Tony, now Roy, called out in the darkness, “Hey! Whose there? Help me!” From the edge of the pool, I reached down and stuck my hand in the water. As I remembered, the pool was heated, and therefore there was no danger of the little maggot turd dying of hypothermia.

  “Shut the fuck up maggot turd!”, I barked at him. Enjoy the warmth of that pool while it lasts. Once you come out of there, you’re not going to like where you’re going very much.”

  “Please!”, he called back to me, pleading.

  “Shut up maggot turd, if you ever want to make it out of that pool!”, I barked back at him. Then in the quiet of the night, I silently slipped away, and back to the guest house.

  Chapter Twelve

  A Waiting Game

  Need a quote here

  Back at the guest house. I found Sasha staring at her computer screen. Annette was nowhere to be seen.

  “Hey Babe.”, Sasha sleepily addressed me. “Annette went to lay down. I sent her back in the spare bedroom with Mrs. B.

  “That’s fine. I told Sasha, glimpsing at the giant wall clock in the great room. “Damn! Three thirty A.M.!” I said. “This is going to be a damn long night!”

  “It’s already been a damn long night!”, Sasha quipped back to me.

  “Anything new on your Dad?”. I asked, assuming that was what she had been checking on her computer.

  “Nope. Not a fucking thing.”, she answered, sounding disappointed.

  “So, what do you think that Lori and Rosita are going to say about what happened with Annette?”, I asked.

  “Well the whole fucking thing was just another misunderstanding and miscommunication,” Sasha began, “that is, up to a point. After that, it got a bit kinky, especially between you and Annette, and then that thing at the end, with her finger? That was just more misunderstanding. Who knows? You know how easy-going Lori can be, and insightful Rosita can be, but also, they both have pretty quick tempers that go from icy to red hot instantly. This may be a bumpy ride. I dunno. I should have never allowed her to jump in on the foot massage.”

  “I guess that I could have stopped it there too, and especially after I became aware that she had come back into the room, and was sitting across from me.” I commented. “Seriously though, what harm did it do for her to watch? It was kind of a turn on having a third-party watch like that.”

  “Sal, watched you, Lori, and Rosita, and nobody got pissed at her.”, Sasha offered.

  “That’s true.”, I replied.

  “What did Annette have to say when you explained the relationship between the four of us.

  “I thought her fucking eyes were going to fall out. She was as wide eyed, as fucking lemur at the zoo!”, Sasha said giggling.

  “I often wish that you and Lori would find another adjective besides that one.”, I sighed. Sasha just giggled even more.

  “Fat fucking chance!”, she murmured under her breath. I rolled my eyes, shaking my head and sat back down in the recliner.

  “She asked a lot of questions.”, Sasha continued. She really has the hots for you. But, I doubt that she and I will ever be anything, but maybe close friends, someday.”

  “Were you hoping for more?”, I asked.

  “Ah, maybe. Sort of. She’s really pretty. And I’m jealous as hell of those long legs. I’m always using gimmicks to make my legs appear longer; shorter skits, higher heels, vertical striped hose in the winter. But, damn! That girls got the legs! She doesn’t need any gimmicks.”

  “I continued the conversation, “Maybe I misinterpreted then. I thought that you had a sexual attraction for her too.”

  “I do!”, Sasha exclaimed. “And, she seems to really like me, as a person. But, like I said, maybe we’ll be best friends someday. I questioned her a little about her sexual preferences, you know. Tonight’s situation, kinda gave me a lead in to address it. It seems that she’s just straight heterosexual. She said she had a same sex trial run once at a sleep over in high school; her eighteenth birthday or something. That didn’t gross her out or anything, but didn’t do anything for her either. She hasn’t tried anything like that since. Been with a few guys though and really likes that.”

  “So, I’m curious. Sash, if you had things your way, what would the arrangement be?”

  “Just me and you and run everybody else off!”, she blurted, and then laughed. “Nah, Babe. I wouldn’t take anything now, for Lori and Rosita. I feel like I’ve found my fit, right here with you three. Now Annette? I don’t know. I would like to see where things might go. But I don’t think that she’s interested, except for you.”

  “Well that particular angle may not make it very easy for Lori or Rosita to swallow what we have to tell them.”, I mused.

  “Yeah, I thought about that, but even if nothing else develops, I could enjoy just being close friends with her. I just like being around her. I mean, I jerk her chain some, but she’
s good people Babe.”

  “Yeah, I get your drift, Sash.”, I confirmed. And, I get where you’re coming from with her sex appeal too. “Quite frankly though, I haven’t settled into the comfort zone with having three women. I wouldn’t even think about adding a fourth right now! Or, probably ever. If a woman isn’t going to share with you guys, then I don’t see where I would have the motivation to have her, just for myself, on the side, so to speak. You get my drift? I mean we all share with each other. That’s the only way I see this continuing to work too.”

  “Babe, what did I tell you to start with?”, Sasha mused. I only see the possibility of maybe she and I being best friends someday.”

  “Well you never know, Sash. Look what the sex fairy talk did for the four of us.”

  “That’s true.”, She said, nodding her head. “I’ll keep my doors open. Who knows, Annette may want you bad enough to just accept the other three of us.”

  “Sash! Get real!”, I chastised her. She started laughing and then fell into the opposite recliner, where Annette had sat. And, she continued to laugh hard, holding her stomach.”

  “Is it that hilarious Sash?”, I finally asked.

  “No.”, she said, turning a bit more somber. “It’s fucking stress! And, it’s fucking stress that’s brought about this whole situation, which is causing even more stress!”

  “Is there no coffee?”, Rosita’s voice moaned from the hallway door. “I do not smell coffee.”

  “No. It’s only about four in the morning.”, I answered, glancing at the huge clock again.

  “Please let’s make coffee.”, Rosita continued to moan, rubbing her eyes, as Lori appeared in the door way, just behind her.

  “You guys may want to put on a robe or some clothes.”, I informed them. “Mrs. Baker and Annette are in the spare bedroom.”

  “I don’t care.”, Rosita said, padding into the room on her bare feet, and totally naked. Lori followed her in, also completely nude, and flopped down on the sofa. She waved at me, and for the first time, I saw the huge swelling of her right lower jaw. As Sasha got up moving toward the kitchen, I stood and went straight to Lori.

  “Sweetheart! What the hell?”, I said.

  “Tony, she mumbled through clenched teeth. “He hit me.”

  “I know, but I had no idea it was so bad though!”, I said expressing my concern.

  “I’m making you guys some coffee,”, Sasha called back from the kitchen. Babe, you want tea or coffee?”

  “Coffee this morning, Sash. I responded, gingerly examining Lori’s jaw with the tip of my fingers.

  “That fucking little maggot turd!”, I said aloud.

  “Told you that you shoulda shot him.”, Sasha blurted.

  “Just give me the chance!”, Rosita growled, moving toward the kitchen herself. “I will get you more ice.”, she said to Lori. “We put ice on the jaw before we went to sleep. But just look at it!” Rosita said.

  “It’s chilly in here.”, Lori complained between her teeth. “Cowboy, will you get me a blanket?”

  “Sure Sweetheart.”, I responded, heading off toward the main bedroom. In a few moments, I returned with the huge blanket off of the king-sized bed, and a pair of the yoga pants, and a top for both Lori, and Rosita. Lori tossed the yoga ensemble to the side and pulled the blanket over her. When I handed Rosita her yoga clothes, she smiled at me and tossed hers on top of Lori’s. As Sasha and Rosita busied themselves in the kitchen, making coffee, setting out cups and creamer, and starting tea water to boil, I sat down beside Lori and held her close. She mumbled to me through her clenched teeth. “I’m sorry Cowboy. I let that little bastard fucker get the best of me.”

  “Shush! It’s okay, Sweetheart.”, I told her hugging her close.

  “I thought that I smelled coffee.”, Annette’s voice spoke up from the hallway door. I think that everyone in the room turned to look at her. She was barefooted, had on the yoga pants that she had on earlier, and that was it. From the waist, up, she was completely naked.

  “Annette, um, you don’t have a top on.”, I informed her.

  “Yeah, I couldn’t sleep in that tight assed shirt.”, she nonchalantly replied, rubbing her eyes. Everyone else, turned back around to what they were doing, so I dropped the whole matter, and turned back to Lori.

  “You want coffee girl?”, Sasha asked.

  “Yeah, sure. Thanks, Shug.”, Annette answered. Lori cut her eyes at Annette momentarily and then settled against me. Laying her head on my shoulder.

  “Oh, damn, hon!”, Annette blurted and rushed over to Lori. Is this what that little cocksucker did to you?”, she gushed at Lori. Lori looked up at her sheepishly and nodded. “Oh, sweetie! I am so sorry!”, she said bending down and gently hugging Lori. “I should have told you about the fasteners. I’m so sorry!” As she hugged Lori, Lori patted her on the back.

  “Sokay!, Lori whispered through her teeth to Annette. “Sit her with me, Lori moaned through her teeth, pulling Annette down beside her. “Are you cold? You want some of this blanket?”, Lori offered.

  “No. I’m good hon.”, Annette replied in a soothing voice, patting Lori on the knee. Lori spread the excess of the blanket and flipped it over Annette anyway. Annette, snuggled under it, and up next to Lori, despite what she had said.

  “So!”, I began announcing to everyone in the room. I called Buster Hollitfield, just a bit ago, and it seems that our reinforcements have been reduced from six to four, and it will be at least another hour and forty… well just say nearly two hours, before they get here. So, we need to stay alert. The rent-a-cop security guards are at the front gate, and the back boundary of the property. The side boundaries and corners aren’t protected, nor are the skies above us. We are essentially on our own if we get invaded, so it’s actually a good thing that we’re all up this early.”

  “Where’s Tony and Mrs. Baker?”, Rosita asked from the kitchen.

  “Mrs. Baker’s in the back, spare bedroom, where I presume that you put her.”, Annette said.

  “Tony’s floating in the fucking swimming pool!”, Sasha growled.

  “Is he dead?”, Lori asked, between her teeth; the pain of speaking becoming evident in her every word.

  “He only wishes.”, I replied moving toward the nearly filled coffee pot.

  “What are you going to do with him?”, Rosita asked, moving from the kitchen toward the sofa.

  “Don’t ask. Don’t tell!”, I replied.

  “Whatever it is, it serves the little bastard right!”, Annette piped up.

  “No, he’s not a bastard.” Sasha said. “He’s just a maggot turd!” She and Annette both cackled with laughter.

  “Sorry”, Sasha announced. “Inside joke. You had to be there.” Still, she and Annette both continued snickering.

  Tagg, have you and Shug been up all night?”, Rostia asked going to sit on the other side of Lori.

  “Yeah, and Annette was up also, the better part of it.”

  “Keeping watch.”, Annette spoke up.

  “Messing around.”, Sasha, answered.

  “And dealing with Roy, AKA Tony.”, I replied.

  Messing around?”, Rosita questioned, as Lori rearranged the huge blanket over herself, Annette on her left, and Rosita on her right.

  “What is messing around?”, Rosita asked. I knew damned well that she knew exactly what messing around was.

  “Sash, decided to give me a foot massage, and incorporated Annette into it.”, I responded. “When they finished, Annette left out of the room, and Sash and I carried it a little further.”, I explained. “Then Annette came back into the room, and we didn’t realize it, at first.”

  “Please!”, Annette interrupted. “This was my bad, so let me tell it.”

  “Please do!”, Rosita said from the opposite end of the sofa from Annette, eyeing her with suspicion. Lori slowly turned her head to look at Annette, then momentarily cut her eyes at me, with a questioning look.

  “Truthfully, we all used some bad judgement, a
nd things came very close, to getting really out of hand.”, I interjected.

  “If there’s a story here, someone please tell it!”, Lori grunted between her teeth, sounding painful.

  “Sweetheart, can I get you something for pain, aspirin, acetaminophen?”, I asked.

  “Please! Whatever we have, Cowboy.”, she grunted back, between her clenched jaws.

  “Well, anyway,”, Annette began, as I went into the kitchen to look for a pain reliever. “After the foot massage, I left to go put up the lotion, and I guess that Sasha and Tagg thought that I went to bed, but I actually came back here and sat right there where Sasha is now, and Tagg was sitting over there in the other recliner, staring up at the ceiling, with his eyes closed. Sasha, took his belt lose, and opened his pants, pulling them down and… Wait! Before she did that, she unbuttoned his shirt, or was it afterward?”

  “Shit girl! You can’t even get the chain of events straight! You were out of your mind with lust, weren’t you?”, Sasha, questioned Annette.

  “Let me guess.”, Lori grunted between her clenched teeth, and holding her right hand over her jaw. “Annette, you were so turned on, and lusting after Cowboy, that you still can’t get the events all straight in your head?”

  “Yeah,”, Annette answered looking down into her lap. “That’s true.”

  “Fuck it all!”, Sasha spoke up. I instigated this shit, so just let me tell it.”

  “Go ahead, Shug.”, Annette deferred.

  “You’ve got the strait of it all as good as any one of us.”, I commented.

  “Babe if you need to step in to set me straight on something, feel free.

  “Just tell it like it is Sash.”, I quipped.

  “Well much like Annette said,”, Sasha began, “the foot massage is where I initially slipped, and let it all start going wrong, but it all started before that, with the several stressing events we’ve had, and the exhaustion we all were under.” She continued on for the next twenty minutes or so, relating facts that to anyone outside of that room, would have sounded like a hunting camp yarn, told after way too much whisky. But we had all been there, and done that, either with each other, or someone in our pasts, usually under the influence of sexual arousal, raging hormones, and poor judgement. Eventually, Sasha completed the story, and smacking her hands together into a tight clasp, said, “And that’s it. That’s the whole story of what happened.”


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