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Adventure Comes to Houston: An Erotic Adventure Book III (Erotic Adventures 3)

Page 40

by T. S. Hill

  “Sash, what are you doing?”, I asked, still not being comfortable with what was happening.

  “I’m sharing Babe.”, she said, looking into my face.

  “With who?”, I asked.

  “Both of you.”, she said, shrugging.

  “Whatever makes you happy, Shug.”, I replied.

  “I owe you both!”, she said.

  “You don’t owe me anything, Shug!”, I yelled at her. Al and Big Clyde both glanced back at us. I gave them a thumbs up, and they returned their focus to the waters beyond the boat’s bow.

  “I love you both.”, she said grinning, “Besides, we all owe each other something. Then she pulled the blanket back over her head. After what she had been through, if she could be happy about something, who the hell was I to argue with it? I still was adrenaline pumped, from all of the insane commotion, and process of getting in to, and out, of Voodoo Island. I glanced up at Al, tensely perched just behind the bow, eyes intently scanning the narrow path of light that the bow lights, and overhead moon, created on the dark surface of the water. Big Clyde stood stiffly at the helm, guiding the boat along parallel to the shore, occasionally flicking the spotlight along the trees on the bank, scanning for recognized landmarks. We three men were obviously still pumped, wound tight, and totally on edge. Not to mention, my ears were still ringing from all of the rifle fire.

  The women, seemed to be coping in something of a different manner. While they seemed to be distracting themselves with each other, and my torso, the intensity of the night still had a firm grip on my psychic, and I had not disengaged from what went down sufficiently to either enjoy, or engage with, their attentions. Grasping the top edge off the blanket, I raised it enough to speak under it to the women.

  “Girls, I’m sorry, but I’m just too wired to the edge and can’t engage a performance with you.”, I told them. “This week has been a very dark time.”

  “Can we just cuddle and pet?”, Sasha asked. “We need that.”

  “That’ll be good.”, I responded.

  “Mmm, thanks Tagg.”, Annette said in a sweet voice, kissing my chest. As her open palm coasted across my stomach, she moaned sweetly. She had amazed me, transforming to a determined leader to get us into Voodoo Island, and direct our operation, and then guide us back out. Now, she was all woman again, needing comfort and closeness. The complexity of women will never cease to amaze me. Both of the women’s soft hands continued to stroke across my stomach and thighs, finding their way down to my only slightly enlarged cock. They wrapped their intertwined fingers around it’s flaccid shaft and gently held it, hugging their bodies closer into me. Each of them had a grip on my cock, with their heads resting on my upper abdomen, while they lazily stroked the hair of my chest with the fingers of their other hands.

  We lay like this for several minutes, my arms resting over their shoulders. As though on cue, Sasha and Annette both raised their heads, and lifting my cock, they both planted a gentle lip kiss on its head. Afterwards, they renewed their grips, then snuggled their faces in against my stomach again, then lay very still. It was a strange sensation, and odd to feel about it the way I did. While it was sexual in nature, it also wasn’t. The kiss somehow took on the tone of a comforting caress. And, I wondered if it wasn’t an act that comforted and reassured them, more than an expression of their sexual attraction or acceptance of me.

  Their collective kiss to my cock, seemed to make a statement of oneness between the three of us, that hadn’t been there before. It certainly was a strange way to share a bonding moment, but sometimes things just don’t happen quiet like you would expect or imagine. Still, the effect is what counts. If bonding happened, comfort was exchanged, and an understanding was reached between us, did it matter that it was two women kissing my cock that did it? Looking back on the event, I realize that the cock kiss itself was only the period at the end of the sentence that pronounced the relationship between the three of us. Ever how the relationship came to be, after the cock kiss, there was no denying that it existed, however the nature was still to be defined and worked out.

  Looking up into the sky, and pondering these things, I watched a dark cloud bank begin to move from over the tree line of the left bank. Within a few minutes, its massive darkness was threatening to block out the moon from the night sky.

  “Looks like a storm rolling in!”, I yelled to Big Clyde and Al. Big Clyde throttled back the engine.

  “What is it?”, Al asked.

  “Up there”, Big Clyde told him. “Could be a storm rolling in.”

  “I don’t see any lightening yet.”, Al replied.

  “It’ll come. And, too soon.”, Big Clyde responded. “I’m gonna have to run with the spot light, as long as it lasts. We’re going to have put on some speed or we’ll be caught in it.”

  “Let’s go then!”, I shouted.

  “Al take the spot light!”, Big Clyde called out to him, extending the light in his hand. “Keep it steady in front of us. I know where we are now, and I’m going to open up some speed.”

  “You got it!”, Al popped back, taking the light. As soon as Al had the light focused ahead of us, and before he was fully seated again, Clyde pushed the throttle all the way forward. The engine revved, and the bow rose upward. Big Clyde was now standing to guide the boat, bracing his back against the cockpit seat. Sasha tugged my boxers back up as far as she could, and I pulled them the rest of the way. The girls popped their heads from under the blanket and looked around.

  “How much longer until we get back to Old Mose’s?”, Sasha asked me. I shook my head, but she couldn’t see it now, because the dark clouds had completely obscured the moonlight.

  “I have no idea.” I shouted back to her. Both she and Annette, slid up, and sat up beside me, with their arms clinging around my chest. I spread my arms around them.

  “Just hold on.”, I yelled to them. “This will get bumpy!” We were now tearing across the water at full throttle, with the bottom of the boat banging against the water with each ripple it crossed. The first flickers of lightening appeared as flashing glow spots in the clouds, but within minutes bright craggy bolts of cloud to cloud lightening appeared in the sky. In the distance ahead of us, a few flicks of lightening appeared to be reaching downward for the earth. As we passed a lit-up house boat on the left shore, Big Clyde eased back on the throttle, and began a wide sweeping right turn. When he straightened our course again, I recognized the lights of the two-story house boat of Tom Doucet. Aug and I had fished with him many times, and had a friendly rivalry over who would catch the monster gator of Bayou Gauche. So far, none of us had claimed the giant gator, although Aug and I had hooked it once.

  The wind was now at our backs and Big Clyde once again pushed the throttle all the way forward. The wind was whipping up a chop on the water, and we were overtaking the waves, the bottom of the boat crashing hard on the water surface as we came off of each wave’s peak. Huge drops of rain, although sparsely spaced, began to pelt us, leaving stings on skins, as well as a splattering wetness. As I climbed out from under the blanket, and prepared to assist in securing our boat to Old Mose’s house boat and dock, Sasha and Annette squealed, and pulled the blanket back over their heads. In the midst of this storm that was almost fully upon us, I found it humorous that the tough and in charge soldier that Annette had been just a short while ago, was now back to being a girl, squealing at being pelted by the rain. I suppose we all have at least two sides to us like that, and some us even more.

  When Big Clyde ran the boat alongside of Old Mose’s houseboat at a moderate throttle, I thought that we were running past it, but he reversed the prop and throttled up the engine, sending all of us hurling forward in the boat. As the boat came to a stop, the wash from our wake banged us against the side of the houseboat, and I looped a line over a cleat, then pulled it tight. The bottom fell out of the clouds overhead at that moment, and the rain flooded down. Lightening flashed without pause, and the wind began to howl around us. As I helped every
one out of the boat and up onto the houseboat deck, Big Clyde threw our gear bags up, and piled the rifles on the houseboat deck. Everyone grabbed something, and we all ran for the house boat entrance.

  I think that we all had a feeling that something wasn’t right, from the time that we stepped on the deck, and there were no lights on. When we found the entrance door standing open, with the wind blowing the rain in, it was more than obvious that something was wrong.

  “Mose.”, Big Clyde called out. Then again, only louder, “Mose!”

  Tagg, I’m lighting a lantern.”, Big Clyde said.

  “Okay.”, I replied. “Everyone get on the floor, I whispered. I could hear them dropping to their knees, then a match struck and could see Big Clyde raising the globe on a lantern that hung on the wall. As he touched the match to the wick and it caught flame, he dropped the globe back in place and blew out the match. I pulled my forty-five from the gear bag side pocket, and stood up.

  “You lead the way.”, Clyde said, handing me the lantern handle.

  “Get another pistol.”, I told him.

  “Here.”, Al spoke up, reaching over the girls with his forty-five. Big Clyde took it, and Al bent over, picking up one of the AR’s. We each checked our weapon, then I began moving forward. As Big Clyde and I moved forward through the house boat, I heard Al speaking to the girls.

  “If you ladies will excuse me, I’m going to step over you, so that I’ll be between you and anything that comes back this way.”, he said. I heard charging handles jacking, and knew that Sasha and Annette had also picked up AR’s. Big Clyde and I cautiously moved through the houseboat, clearing room by room. There was no on there, and Old Mose was not be found. We lit another lantern, and Big Clyde went out the door near the bow, back into the storm. In a few minutes he came back in the aft door that we had just entered, entirely soaked and dripping.

  “His pirogue isn’t here, Tagg. He’s out there somewhere. We’ve got to find him.”, Big Clyde said with great distress in his voice.

  “Clyde, we have no idea where he went. How can we find him out there in millions of acres of bayous and swamps? Do you have any idea where he might have gone?

  “No.”, Clyde answered dejectedly, flopping down into Old Mose’s rocking chair. “For the last year, or maybe longer, he’s gone nowhere without me. I’ve tried to look after him. He never would listen to me though. He always said, I should listen to him, and learn.”

  “If I had any idea where to look, Big Clyde, I’d go with you, right now.”, I told him.

  “I know you would Tagg.”, he said, starting to rock in the chair. “And, I would drag you with me. I just have no idea. Why would he go out in that pirogue? He always knew when a storm was coming, usually a day ahead.”

  “What’s a pirogue?”, Sasha asked from the hallway entrance.

  “A little flat-bottomed boat.”, Al answered her.

  “Oh.”, she replied, realizing the situation.

  “We’ll go look around some at daylight Big Clyde.”, I told him. “Old Mose knows this swamp better than anybody. He’s probably holed up someplace.”

  “Someplace where, Tagg?”, Big Clyde asked, with tears welling up in his eyes.

  “There’s some kind of a note over here.”, Al said, picking up a scrap of paper off of a cabinet top. “It’s all scribble.”, he said looking at it, and then handing it forward. I took it and looked at it.

  “Just chicken scratch.”, I said. “I can’t make out much of it. I handed it to Big Clyde. He took it with his hands trembling.

  “Yeah, it’s Old Mose’s writing.”, he reported. I take his shopping list every month, and get his stuff in town. So, I kinda had to learn to read this.”, he said grinning. Then as he read it silently, his face went slack.

  “What’s it say Clyde?”, Annette spoke up.

  Clyde started to haltingly read it out loud. “It says, ‘It is my time. Clyde, please take the hose boat. You can do okay. The women will tell you how you will make it.’, “and it’s signed,”, ‘your friend Moses Ratterwhitt.’, “and that’s all it says. On no! Tagg! What am I gonna do?” I put my hand on his shoulder, and then patted him on the back.

  “We’ll still see what we can find when it gets daylight, Big Clyde.”, I told him. The next twenty minutes or so were very somber. Big Clyde sat, rocking in Old Mose’s chair and shaking his head slowly. The rest of us, just stood around in silence. Gradually, the storm subsided, and as the clouds moved out, daylight began to creep through the boathouse windows.

  “This is light enough, Tagg. Let’s go look.”, Big Clyde said speaking directly to me.

  “We’ll be back in a bit.”, I said nodding. Everyone else understood that this was a task for just Big Clyde and myself, and they nodded back to me. Outside, I climbed into our boat, and began bailing water out with a bucket that I scooped up off of the houseboat deck. Big Clyde was untying the tether, when he stood up suddenly, and called out to me.

  “Tagg look!”, he said pointing. Down in the creek mouth a pirogue was floating in our direction. “That’s his pirogue!” Big Clyde jumped in the boat and I fired up the engine, idling over to the small flat-bottomed boat. As we pulled alongside we could see that the boat was empty save a pair of shoes. Big Clyde picked them up. And set them in the bottom of the boat.

  “There’s a note in there.”, he said pulling out another scrap of paper. “It says, ‘These is good shoes. See that someone who can use them gets them.’ That’s all it says, Tagg, and there aint nothing else in the pirogue.”

  “I think we found Old Mose, Big Clyde.”, I said. He nodded his head and stood up, pulling Al’s forty-five from his belt and fired four shots into the bottom of the pirogue. Water began to flood into the bottom, and Big Clyde sat back down.

  “I reckon we’re through, Tagg.”, he said. I nodded and cranked the boat, slowly heading back to the boathouse.

  When I looked up, Al, Annette, and Sasha were out on the deck. Evidently, they had heard the shots and rushed out. We pulled alongside of the boat house and tied up, with everyone remaining silent. After we had climbed back on board, Big Clyde spoke again, “Old Mose is gone. He ain’t coming back. We sank his boat. I got his shoes. Now you women got to tell me how I’m gonna make it.” Sasha and Annette looked at Big Clyde with blank stares.

  “Why don’t we all go back inside and find something for breakfast, and then we can sort this.”, I suggested.

  “I’m starved.”, Al spoke up.

  “Me too.”, Annette chimed in.”

  “I could eat.”, Sasha added.

  “C’mon, Big Clyde.”, I said taking him by the arm.

  “I may never eat again.”, Big Clyde said.

  “Yeah, me either.”, I replied. “Me either.”

  Inside, Sasha and Annette pulled together stuff from the supplies Annette and Al had brought, and items from Old Mose’s cabinets, and put together a presentable meal. We all ate, even Big Clyde, after some coaching. Oddly enough, Al volunteered to clean up our mess. When everything was once again in order, Big Clyde stood up.

  “It’s time to close this place up for today.” He said. I’m just a short walk through the woods to home. I don’t know what I’m going to do now. Old Mose, always told me what to do next, and we always made ends meet, fishing, with a little trapping. Old Mose said in his note that you women would tell me how to do next. What you got to tell me?”

  “I don’t know what to tell you.”, Annette spoke up.

  “Neither do I Big Clyde.”, Sasha said.

  “Maybe we aren’t the women that Old Mose was talking about.”, Annette suggested.

  “No. He wrote that note after you was here yesterday. It was you he meant.”, Big Clyde replied seriously.

  “Why don’t you come to the house for supper Big Clyde, and we’ll talk some more.”, I suggested.

  “Not tonight Tagg. I got a lot of thinking to do. This has all been some crazy shit. Can I come tomorrow?”

  “Sure! You’re welcome at m
y table anytime, Big Clyde. And that means, anytime!”, I told him.

  “Then I’ll see you tomorrow evening, I reckon Tagg, and you missies too, he said, cutting his eyes toward Sasha and Annette. Al, I reckon you’ll be needing this.”, he said pulling the forty-five from his belt and handing it to Al. “I’d like to say it’s been a pleasure you all, but it aint!” And, with that, he turned, and walked through the door. “Lock up when you leave! I got the key!”, he called back. We all called after him with our individual goodbyes or good wishes.

  “Well, let’s get loaded up, and get out of here.”, I said turning toward the door.

  “Well, this has been a hell of an adventure!”, Sasha quipped. “Babe if you ever write those books that you and Lori talk about, you gotta put this one in them.”

  “Why? Nobody’ll believe it.”, Al quipped.

  “Hell, I don’t believe it, and I was in the middle of it!”, Annette said.

  “Yeah, Lori and I went through some stuff before, but these have been the craziest few days of my life.”, I added. I hope that I never have another week like this!”

  “Yeah, a whole week without getting laid is tough, huh Babe?”, she said from behind me. Then she bumped the back of my knee with hers, causing me to momentarily lose my balance.

  “Where do you find the good vibes to joke, after going through what you have Sash?”, I asked, stumbling back to a stable stance.

  “It’s a case of laugh, because I’m all cried out.”, she answered. “Now, can we please, get the fuck out of this forsaken swamp?”

  “You got it!”, I piped back to her. Afterwards, we loaded the boat and locked up Old Mose’s boat house, then cast our boat away from its tether. Before starting our engine, I looked over the old houseboat one last time, to fix in my memory, all of the old times that Aug and I had experienced there. I would never see Aug or Old Mose in this life again, and it wasn’t likely that I would ever return to this place. But, other adventures awaited me and the women. I started the engine, and we idled past Old Mose’s swamped pirogue.

  “Why doesn’t it sink?”, Sasha asked.


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