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The Coming Fury

Page 69

by Bruce Catton

  Chattel slavery, 7. See also Slavery

  Chenery House, 217

  Chesnut, Jr., James, 112, 128, 131, 309 fi., 318

  Chesnut, Mary Boykin, 88, 128, 166, 309, 314 ff., 478

  Chew, Robert S., 303

  Chicago: Board of Trade, 55; Briggs House, 65; description, 49-50; Republican convention of, 1860. See Republican convention; Richmond House, 50, 55, 56, 62: Tre-mont Hotel, 51, 57, 60, 65; Wigwam, 49, 54, 61

  Chicago Tribune, 51, 61, 65, 202

  Chickamauga Creek, 78 Chisholm, James A., 309, 313 Churches, Negro, 5 Cincinnati, Ohio, 91; boycott in, 333

  Cincinnati Commercial, 7, 59, 267

  Cincinnati convention, 1856, 30; platform, 29, 34, 38

  Cincinnati Daily Times, 102-3 Citadel cadets, 132, 180 Civil War: beginning, 315, possible, 231; Clay, Cassius on, 66-67; Corwin on, 198-99; Davis on, 192-93; declaration of: Confederate, May 6, 1861, 364, U. S., April 15, 1861, 330-31; first shots, 180, 315, 316; language problem, 310; legends. See Legends; object of, 399; songs. See Songs; talk of, 23, 73; Trescott on, 174 Clark, J. B., 13, 16 Clark resolution, 13 Clay, Cassius, 65-67, 348 Clay, Henry, 48 Clemens, Jeremiah, 189 Clemens, Sherrard, 249 Cleveland, Lincoln in, 221 Cobb, Howell: in Buchanan cabinet, 123, 125, 127, 159, 173; Confederate presidential candidate, 211-12; on cotton, importance, 439; Davis inaugural, 256; Montgomery convention, 206; on Richmond as capital, 392; U. S. Secretary of the Treasury, 123 Cobb, Thomas R. R., 213, 215,

  236, 269-70, 477 Coercion, doctrine of, 107,

  194, 219, 333 Cohen, Solomon, 36-37 Cold Harbor, Va., 79 Collamer, Jacob, 422 Columbia, District of, militia, 262

  Columbia, S. C, 131, 132

  Columbia, U.S.S., 349

  Columbia secession convention, Dec. 17, 1860, 130-32

  Columbiads, 176, 316, 318-19. See also Artillery

  Columbus, Ohio, Lincoln in, 221

  Columbus, U.S.S., 349

  Comet of 1861, Thatcher's,

  428, 431 Commerce, in South, 436-38.

  See also South, economy Commissioners: Confederate.

  See Confederate commissioners; of S. C, 136, 157 ff., 161 ff., 171, 175, 178. See also Adams, J. H., Barnwell, R. W., and Orr, J. L. Committee on Military Affairs, 122

  Committee on Naval Affairs, 260

  Committee to Prepare an Ordinance of Secession, 133

  Communications. See Telegraph system

  Compromise of 1850, 29

  Compromise efforts, 1860-61, 198-204; Congress, U. S., 198-99; Corwin, 198-99; Crittenden peace plan, 195, 199, 200, 240, 262; Douglas, 198; firmness, show of, 202-203; House of Representatives, U. S., 198; Lincoln, 20i-2; peace convention. See Peace conference; South, 203

  Confederate agents, 437-38

  Confederate Army: at Bull Run, first battle of, 451-52, 453, 458-59, 460, 467; Davis, J., and, 211; formation, 260; at Fort Sumter, 319; at Manassas Junction, 444, 446; at Philippi, 410, 411; in Shenandoah Valley, 405, 444, 445; strength, 341, 405; S. C. troops, 252; state of readiness, 403, 405-6; supplies, impressing, 416; uniforms, 451-52; Virginia troops, 405

  Confederate commissioners: to Europe, 340. See also Mann, A. D., Rost, P. A., and Yancey, W. L.; for cession of Federal property, 260, 280, 294, 296-97, 301 ff., 517 n. See also Crawford, M. J., Forsyth, J., and Roman, A. B.

  Confederate Congress: act of war, 364; after Bull Run, 476; Davis, J., message of, 434; Davis, V. H., on, 362; description, 362; on Maryland, 355; military preparations, 260; origin, 207; powers of, 209; president of, 256; in Richmond, 434; secrecy, 207; and U. S. property, 251 Confederate Constitution, 207, 208-10

  Confederate Department of

  State, 206; Secretary of, 259 Confederate Secretary of Navy,

  Mallory, S. R., 276 Confederate Secretary of State,

  Toombs, 206, 259 Confederate Secretary of War,

  Walker, L. P., 303, 304, 311,


  Confederate States of America (C.SA.), Feb. 4, 1861: act of war, 364; arms production, 336, Army. See Confederate Army; Bull Run, first battle of, 476-78; capital, 206; commissioners. See Confederate commissioners; Committee on Naval Affairs, 260; convention of alliance, 363; credit, 340; declaration of war, May 6, 1861, 364; flag of, 260; foreign relations, 340, 341, 436; government, 205, 206, 207, 210, 238, 340; growth of, 365-66; hopes for, 185-86; invasion of, first, 392-93; limitations of, 438-39; members, 205, 206, 236, 366, 367, 368-69; military preparations, 363, 374-75, 406; Montgomery convention, 205-13; nature of, 237, 239; policy of, 390-91; presidency, 209, 210-13, provisional, 207; presidential candidates, 210-13; as Republic of Washington, 208; strength of, 433; Virginia, importance of, 196, 333. See also Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North and South Carolina, Southern Confederacy, Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia

  Confederate War Department, 252; Secretary of, 303, 304, 318

  Congress. See Confederate Congress and U. S. Congress

  Congressional Globe, 23

  Connecticut River, 82

  Constitution: Confederate. See Confederate Constitution; U. S. See U. S. Constitution

  Constitutional Democratic party, 35, 66, 69; convention, May 1, 1860, 35, 38-40

  Constitutional Union party, 47, 58, 69; convention, May 9, 1860, 47-48

  Contraband camp, 399

  Contraband of war: beer, 385; slaves, 397-401, 426, 428; smuggling of, 333

  Convention of alliance, 363

  Conventions: anti-Douglas group: at Baltimore, 76 78, at Charleston, 36, 37-40; Baltimore. See Baltimore conventions; Charleston. See Charleston conventions; Chicago. See Republican convention; Cincinnati, 1856, 30; Columbia secession, Dec. 17, 1860, 130-32; compromise, 241. See also under Peace; Confederate, 210-13; Constitutional Democratic: at Baltimore, 76-78, at Charleston, 36, 37-40; Constitutional Union, May 9, 1860, 47-48; Democratic party: at Baltimore, 39, 45, 69-78, at Charleston, 1, 3, 24-39, 46, 50, 69, 479 n., at Cincinnati, 1856, 30; general, 124, 126; Know-Noth-ing, 1856, 52; Lecompton, 44; Montgomery, 210-13; peace, Feb. 4, 1861, 239-41, 242, 246; Republican, May 16, 1860, 9, 34, 45, 54-67, 80, 95; Richmond, June 11, 1860, 40, 71, 77; rump, 38, 39; secession: of S. C, 132-38, of states. See Secession conventions; state. See State conventions; Wigwam, 90. See also Republican Cooper, Samuel, 157, 174 Cooper Institute, 20, 90 Corruption, 123, 173, 176, 404

  Corwin, Tom, 198-99; compromise, 198-99, 264

  Cosle, Capt., 174

  Cotton, 82, 138, 237, 341, 436

  Cotton belt, 206, 209. See also Cotton states

  Cotton states: anti-secessionism, 189, 237; Baltimore Democratic conventions, 79; Charleston Democratic conventions, 25-26, 27, 34, 40; as cotton belt, 206, 209; democracy, 209; as Gulf Squadron, 193, 202; ordinances of secession, 189; secession, 117, 127, 193, 236-37; union of, 166; Yancey, 1. See also Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina, and Texas

  Cox, Jacob D., 411, 514 n.

  Crawford, Martin J., 260, 269, 293-94

  Crawford, Samuel W., 155, 156 Credit, of C. S. A., 340 Crittenden, John L, 244, 245, 369; career, 48; compromise proposal, 195, 199, 200, 240, 262; Constitutional Union convention, 48 Crockett. Davy, 230 Cuba, 30, 77 Cub Run, 464, 465, 468 Cumberland, U.S.S., 350 Cummings Point, 316, 321 Curry, J. L. M., 190 Curtin, Andrew, 60 Curtis, George W., 50 Cushing, Caleb, 112, 135; Baltimore Democratic conventions, 69, 73, 74, 76, 78; Charleston Democratic conventions, 28, 32-33, 36, 37, 39

  Customs house, seizure of, 190 Cuthbert, George, 316

  Dahlgren smoothbores, 178 Dana. Richard Henry, 226 Danton, Georges Jacques, 132 Dardingkiller, Frederick, 188 Darrow, Caroline, 231 Davis. David: Cameron deal, 60-61, 248; at Chicago Republican convention, 5, 51-

  52, 53, 55, 57, 59, 60; on Douglas, 104; state elecjons of 1860, 104; on Washington journey, 223

  Davis, Garrett, 371

  Davis, Jefferson, 216-17; Beauregard, 253-54; birthplace, 66, 369; at Brierfield, 2i4, 217; on Buchanan administration, 192-93; at Bull Run, 468-69. See also Manassas; Butler, 39; cabinet, 258-59, 303-4; on Civil War, 192-93

  213, 260; commissioners, for

  cession of Federal property,

  260; on conciliation, 215,

  341; Confederate Congress,

  message to, 434-35; Confed-

  erate presidency, 210-14, 218,

  221, 256-58; description, 362-

  63; on election of 1860, 105;

  as fire-eater, 19; forts issue,

  158, 251-53, 253, 311, 342;

  health, 191, 362-63, 404; in-

  auguration, Feb. 18, 1861,

  256-57; Kentucky, 370, 371;

  letter in Mississippi Free

  Trader, 105; on Lincoln. 192;

  as major general, 190; at

  Manassas, 463. See also at

  Bull Run; Montgomery jour-

  ney, 214-15, 219; on party

  split, 41; Pickens, 185-86,

  187, 251-53; on reconstruc-

  tion, 257; resolutions, 18-19,

  26, 41-45; Richmond journey,

  404-5; St. Louis arsenal plot,

  374-75, 377; secession. 10-

  77, 117, 213; as Secretary of

  War, U. S., 185, 234-35;

  Senator, U. S., 18, 42-44,

  122, resignation, 191-92: on

  slavery, 21, 105, 200; S. C,

  control over, 260: on Union,

  19; Yancey on, 19, 288

  Davis resolutions, 18-19, 26, 41-45

  Davis, Robert W., 346

  Davis, Varina Howell, 191,

  214, 341, 362, 477.

  Dayton, William L, 364-65

  Decatur, 111., 65, 110

  "Declaration of the Immediate

  Causes which Indrcp Justify the Secession of South

  Carolina from the Federal Union," 137

  Declaration of Independence, 55, 86, 222

  Declaration of war, by Confederacy, 364

  Deep South, 76; anti-secession-ism, 188; Baltimore Democratic conventions, 74; election of 1860, 110-12; secession, meaning of, 123, response to S. C. secession, 138-39. See also South

  Delaware, 51, 193

  Delaware, U.S.S., 349

  Democracy, One and indivisible, 5, 8, 69, 72, 74, 92

  Democracy, The, 8, 27, 29, 31, 44

  Democracy of the Union, 37 Democratic National Committee, 76

  Democratic party: Baltimore convention, June 18, 1860, 39, 45, 69-78; Charleston convention, Apr. 23, 1860, 1, 3, 24-39, 45, 50, 69, 479 n.; as Constitutional Democratic party, 36, 38-40, 66, 69; as Democracy, One and indivisible, 5, 8, 69, 72, 74, 92; as Democracy, The, 8, 27, 29, 31, 44; as Democracy of the Union, 37; hope for, 41-42; National Committee, 76; as National Democratic party, 69; New York Times on, 40; Northern wing, 69, 331; platform, 28, 28-30, 33, 34; on slavery, 5; Southern control, 18, 41, 44; split in, 1, 34, 35, 88; state convention, 26; threat to, 19; Union, support of, 331; unity, need for, 8-9

  Democratic state convention, 26

  Depot of Charts and Instruments, 429 DeSaussure, William F., 131 DeSaussure, Wilmot Gibbs, 174 Dickert, D. Augustus, 317 Dickinson, Daniel S., 37 Disunionism, 76 Dix, John A., 190-91 Dixon, James, 423

  Doctrines: of coercion, 107, 194, 219, 333; Freeport, 7, 20, 44; on non-intervention, 18-19, 74, 76; of popular sovereignty, 8, 29, 34, 45, 74, 99; state-sovereignty, 18

  Dodge, William D., 242

  Dolphin, U.S.S., 349

  Doubleday, Abner, 144, 154, 155, 180-82, 310, 500 n.

  Doubleday, Mrs. Abner, 155, 281

  Doughface, definition, 122

  Douglas, Adele, 396

  Douglas, Stephen A., 7-9, 90, 241, 245; abolitionists, 45; anti-Douglas group, 1, 25 ff., 33, 36, 37-40, 71 ff., 74 ff.; and Buchanan administration, 13, 23, 44, 122; character, 6; Charleston Democratic conventions. See Charleston conventions; compromise, 11, 198; on Constitution, 101, 102; Davis resolutions, 19, 20; Davis, D., on, 104; death, June 3, 1861, 395-97; election of 1860, 92-93, 97, 99-102, 104, 105, 109, 113, 118; electoral votes, possible, 9; Freeport doctrine, 7, 20, 44; Kansas, admission of, 6, 44-45; Lee on, 69; Lincoln, 20, 44, 266, 331-32; as Little Giant, 9, 11, 70; on national unity, 109; nomination, 37, 69, 73; non-intervention doctrine, 19, 74, 76; in Norfolk, 99-100, 117; on Northwest, 102; popular sovereignty, doctrine of, 8, 45; as presidential candidate, 6, 39, 41, 62, 74-75; in Raleigh, N. C, 102, 118; reactions to, 7-9, 11, 27-28; on reconstruction, 258; on secession, 101, 198; in Senate, 42: on slavery, 7, 22, 27, 99-100; Soule on, 75; South and, 11, .37-38, 78, 100, 106, 125; Stephens, 46; warning of, 30 Douglas, Mrs. Stephen A., 332 Drayton, Thomas L., 127, 127-28

  Dred Scott decision, 269

  Dry Tortugas, Fla., 275 Dubois, Jesse, 51 Duels, 2, 23, 238 Duke, Basil W., 374 Dutchmen, 381

  Evans, Nathan (Shanks) G.,

  454, 455-56, 456, 459 Evarts, William, 54, 62, 64 Everett, Edward, 48, 113, 120 Exchange Hotel, 215

  Early, Jubal, 462 Education, aid to, 50 Election of 1840, 89, 91 Election of 1860, 89-119; assessments, 115-19; Bell, John, 102-3, 106, 109, 112; Breckinridge, 101, 103, 106, 109, 113, 236; campaign: 89, 93, newspapers, 91, songs, 92-93, 111, Republican, 97-98; Catholic issue, 92; confusion, 89, 109, 119; Davis, D., 104, 106; Democrats, 89; Douglas, 92-93, 97, 99-102, 104, 106, 109, 113, 118; election day, Nov. 6, 109-11; electoral college, 31, 43, 51; electoral votes, 9, 108; electors, 108; Indiana, 103, 106; Lincoln, 72, 91 ff., 97, 103, 106, 109 ff., 113-14; parades, 89, 90-92, 95, 97; Pennsylvania, 104, 106; "ratification meeting," 91; Republicans, 89, 97-99; returns, 109-11, 113, 236; Ruffin, 96; secession, issue of, 97, 101, 102, 109; Seward, 95-96, 97; South; Lincoln image in, 95, 100, reactions in, 104-9, 112-14; South Carolina, 107-9, 112; Wide-Awake clubs, 90, 95; Yancey, 99 Elections: Congressional, 421;

  state, 58, 104, 107, 128 Electoral college, 31, 43, 51 Electoral votes, 9, 108 Electors, South Carolina, 108 Ellis, John W., 107, 188, 334, 366

  Ellsworth, Elmer, 217; death,

  393-95, 512 n.-13 n. Emancipation, 66, 400 England, 82, 84, 289, 341, 436 Enlistment quotas, 332 Erwin, John, 71 Espionage, 446, 448, 518 n. Europe, 92, 128, 340, 436-37

  Factories, 79

  Factory system, 83

  Fairfax Court House, 449, 450, 452, 467

  Faneuil Hall, 328

  Farley, Henry S., 314

  Farming, scientific, 134

  Felton, S. M., 224

  Fernandina, Fla., 156

  Field hands, 5, 83

  Finances, of South, 82-83, 340

  Finney, Charles G., 2

  Fire-eaters, 158, 200; at Charleston Democratic conventions, 9; Confederacy, role in, 340, 341; Davis, 19, 117, 158, 259; at Montgomery convention, 208, 210; Prince of, 2. See also Yancey; Pryor, 177; reconstruction, 259; Yancey as, 1-3

  Fire Zouaves. See New York Fire Zouaves

  First shot at Sumter, 314-15, 316-17, 317

  Fitzpatrick, Benjamin, 75

  Florida: at Charleston Democratic conventions, 26; Lincoln election, 108; secession, Jan. 10, 1861, 185, 187, 276

  Flournoy, T. B., 39, 74

  Floyd, John B.: Anderson, 143, 147-49, 162; Breckinridge, 174; Buchanan, 120, 125, 173-74; Buell, 147, 149; forts issue, 121, 147, 150, 157, 159, 161; ordnance scandal, 176; resignation, 159, 173, 174; Russell, Majors, and Waddell scandal, 173-74, 176; Secretary of War, U. S., 123, 174, 176; in West Virginia, 417

  Force bills, 263

  Foreign-born, 48, 52, 60. See also Immigrants

  "For God's Sake Linder," 25. See also Linder

  Forsyth, John, 109, 260, 294 Fort Barrancas, 188, 276 Fort Caswell, 188, 366 Fort Gaines, 188 Fort Jackson, 120, 188 Fort Jefferson, 275, 286 Fort Johnson, 136, 154 Fort Johnston, 188, 366 Fort Leavenworth, 234 Fort Macon, 366 Fort MacRee, 110, 276 Fort Marion, 188 Fort Mason, 227 Fort Monroe, 120, 178 Fort Morgan, 120, 188 Fort Moultrie, 136, 145, 147, 149, 151; condition of, 142-43, 144, 149-50, 255; evacuation, 154-55; first shot fired, 316, 317; garrison, 120, 142, 153; seizure, 156, 158, 163, 164; Star of the West, 180, 181; under attack, 320-21 Fort Pickens, 274-78; Buchanan, 276-77; Lincoln, 275-79, 295; relief for, 288-89, 299; Scott, 120, 284,
285; Seward, 287, 288-89, 290, 301 Fort Pulaski, 120, 188 Fort Riley, 376 Fort St. Philip, 120, 188 Fort Ship Island, 176, 188 Fort Sumter, 4, 144, 147; Anderson at, 143. See also Anderson; bombardment, 313-16, 317-22, 323-24; Buchanan, 157, 161-62, 164, 165, 171, 177, 187, 274; casualties, 334; civilians at, 141, 147, 312, 319; damage at, 326; danger of, 207; defenses of, 249, 318-19; first shot at, 314-15, 316-17, 317; garrison, 147, 319, of South, 504 n.-5 n.; Lincoln, 263, 267, 268-69, 271, 273, 295, 296 ff., 303, 330; move to, 149, 153-57; Pickens, 151-52, 250-54; relief expeditions, 177-83, 273-75, 296-98, 300-1, 322-23, 326, 327; Scott, 120, 165-66; Seward, 279, 280, 287, 288-89; siege of, 185, 304-6; spectators, 320; supplies, 175, 185, 312; surrender, 324-26, demands, 184, 309-13; trade for Virginia, 300, 333; truce, Jan. 11, 1861, 184-85; value of, 144, 237-38 Fort Sumter Expedition. See Fort Sumter, relief expeditions

  Fort Taylor, 275, 286

  Forts: Buchanan, 144-46, 157-58, 161-65, 276; Castle Pinckney. See Castle Pinckney; at Charleston. See Castle Pinckney, Charleston forts, Fort Moultrie, and Fort Sumter; Confederate commissioners, 260, 280, 294, 296-97, 300-301, 303, 517 n.; construction of, 176; Davis, L, 158, 251-54, 304, 311, 342; Lincoln, 170-71, 219-20, 271, 273 ff.; Pickens, 151-52, 170, 179, 183, 186, 250-54, 295; return of, 188; Scott, 119-21, 163, 165-66,

  179, 278-79, 284, 285; Seward, 287-88, 288-89, 294-96, 300-1; seizure of, 187, 275, 366; South Carolina commissioners, 136, 145-46, 157, 158, 161, 165, 170, 175,

  489 n.; truce agreements, 146-47, 161-62, 276

  "Forward to Richmond," 441,

  443, 471 Foster, J. G., 150, 153, 155,

  156, 182 Fox, Gustavus V., 273, 274,

  279, 282, 297-98, 300; on

  Anderson, 307; Charleston

  harbor, 322 France, 3, 82, 84, 291, 436 Franklin, Tenn., 106 Free-farm system, 84. See also

  Homestead bill Freeport, 111., 44 Freeport doctrine, 7, 20, 44 Fremont, John Charles, 474 Free-Soilers, 22, 57, 58 Free staters, 44 "Frontier Guards," 348 Front Street Theater, 69, 71 Frost, D. M., 375, 378, 379-80 Fugitive slave laws, 19, 21-22,

  30, 48, 197, 198, 398; in

  Confederate Constitution, 208

  Galveston, Tex., 176 Gardner, John L., 141, 143 Garnett, Robert S., 411, 412, 413


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