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Trance Weaver: The Dream Detective

Page 2

by Don Aldrin

  “Well, we don’t know for sure, Trance. But at least you have a new lead. So sorry to cut you off, but I need to get back to this case.”

  “Oh, the lady who was poisoned?”

  “What do you mean poisoned?”

  “Her name is Mindy, Cindy… or whatever. And she works at the utilities. Yes, I had a dream about her too.”

  The lieutenant was quite relieved, but got angry a bit because Trance could have started with that information.

  “Yes. Her name is Cindy and she was a customer service representative at the utilities. She received a threat from one of her callers that she will die that night. And she did die last night. But there were no traces of blood and there’s mud on the window sill.”

  “Look inside her throat.”

  The lieutenant asked the medical examiners to check the victim’s throat. Trance was right.

  “Trance, the throat of the victim is black. You were right. I guess, you need to come here then.”

  “Sure. I’ll be there in a jiffy.”

  Trance arrives and enters the police line at the victim’s house.

  “Lieutenant, what’s the update on the poison?”

  “We have the report from the medical examiner. They said that it’s a synthetic poison made from arsenic, which is probably why Ms. DeMarco died on the spot.”

  “Who could have made this poison and what’s the motive?”

  “We have no idea. What else could you say from your dream?”

  “I think it was a mailman.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Well, it’s the same uniform.”

  “Are you absolutely sure? I can see the uncertainty in your eyes.”

  “No, I’m not. I could be wrong. But it may have been the mailman. He called Ms. DeMarco and threatened her. But he was out of options on how to because there were cops watching the house. So while the officers were busy, he snuck up and entered the window and forcefully put the poison in her mouth. Then he goes out the other way.”

  “Wow, that was based off of?”

  “Well, I don’t know. It just came to me.”

  Trance wasn’t really using his talents well. Even though the evidence is right in front of him, usually, other people see it way before he does.

  “Wait a minute. The medical examiner said that this poison is hard to make and the ingredients are controlled substances. Recently, we caught someone smuggling the same illegal ingredients as with the poison. There were even a few ‘finished products’ confiscated. We have it in our evidence room!”

  Eva’s adrenaline rushed throughout her whole body. It seems she has solved the case.

  “Everyone, do not move! Sir, could you please tell us the ingredients of the poison used on Ms. DeMarco?”

  The medical examiner told everyone the ingredients and then the lieutenant called up the police station evidence room. It was just as she was expecting. They’re the same compound and it seems someone took a chunk from it.

  As hard as it was to accept, it was an officer who works at the police station. No one else had access to the evidence room. And there were only four officers guarding the house that night.

  “Officer Huntley. You were here last night on watch, right? You were with Officer Finlay inside the house. When Ms. DeMarco decided to sleep, you snuck into her room and fed her the poison.

  It was brilliant actually since the poison is fast-acting. In just a few seconds, the poison reacted and destroyed both her throat and lungs, which made it difficult or impossible for her to breathe, leading to imminent death.

  The window sill was just a diversion. There was also a note that someone called her up on the station 2 days ago wherein Ms. DeMarco noted, ‘That caller, Bob Huntley, was crazy. He should not be allowed to roam the streets.’

  You just walked out like nothing happened. And you counted on the fact that you’re in the police detail for Ms. DeMarco. You liked her and contacted her hundreds of times, but she always brushed you off. You were really persistent, but you had to get fed up sometime and that was yesterday.

  You called her on her program and threatened her. And you made sure she knows that there is a threat and that you’re serious about that threat. You figured she would call the police and you had yourself assigned to guard her that night.

  As soon as she was ready to sleep, you waited until your partner was off-guard. The other two police officers were not a problem because they were outside minding their own business. You took the chance to use the chemical and forced it into her. It only took a few seconds until she suffocated because the poison ravaged her throat and lungs.

  You then stepped onto the window sill to make sure that the investigators would think that someone else snuck in to kill Ms. DeMarco.”

  “That’s quite a story lieutenant, but still, that doesn’t prove it was me.”

  “Mr. Huntley, you forgot one thing. In this state, when you call a radio station, they block the caller ID, but they disclose the location of the call. You were the one who threatened Ms. DeMarco. Even though somebody else could have done the crime, we can prove it was you. Show us your hand.”

  The medical examiners pour liquid onto Officer Huntley’s hand and it revealed that his hands were still full of arsenic.

  “Arsenic doesn’t really come off as easily as you think. The residue stays and with this chemical compound, it will reveal the arsenic on your hands. You have the murder weapon and you have the motive. You are under arrest for the murder of Ms. Cindy DeMarco. Put your hands on your back.”

  The entire force applauded the lieutenant for the keen observations. Meanwhile, Trance was just in awe as to what transpired.

  “That was… it was… how did… that’s great, Eva.”

  “Hahaha! Look at you, Trance. It was you who showed me the way. I simply trudged along it.”

  The day ends with Officer Huntley being arrested and all of them going back to the station. Trance was left with more questions as to the significance of that building in his dream, the West Gold Tower, which is just a few blocks away from the police station. We’ll know the answer soon, but not too soon.

  Chapter III: Mistaken Identity

  It was a pretty peaceful week. It’s been six days since Trance had worked on a case. During these days, the dreams continue on every night. There wasn’t anything new except for the West Gold Tower. All was still too blurry. The scene starts with him running towards the building and up the 15 flights of stairs.

  And once again, on roof deck, the young lady stood at the ledge and as he ran toward her saying, “Hey! Stay away from the ledge! Wait for me!” She leapt. Trance, woke up again sweaty from the dream.

  The phone was ringing. After 5 rings, the answering machine stepped in.

  ‘This is Trance Weaver. Please leave a message.’

  The phone beeped.

  ‘Trance, this is Eva. How are you? I was hoping we’d have lunch together. It’s 9:00 am you sleepy head! Hahaha! See ‘ya!”

  That was the end of the message. Trance woke up and did his morning routine and called up Eva.

  “Hey, Eva, how are you? I got your message. I’ll be right there. Oh, I’m okay by the way. I’m still having the same dream. See you in a bit.”

  “All right, see you near at the new burger joint. I heard they serve the best burgers in town. It’s by West Gold Tower.”

  Although it made him anxious, and she seemed to have forgotten that it was the tower in Trance’s dream, he went anyway to meet his friend.

  At the burger joint…

  “Hey, you look fazed. Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine. It’s the West Gold Tower.”

  “So? Oh… I’m sorry! I completely forgot. It was the tower in your dream wasn’t it?”


  “Sorry. I should have told you it’s at the corner two blocks west of the precinct. So what do you want to have?”

  “I’ll try this triple patty burger.”

  “Really!? Pretty brav
e. Aside from shooting up your blood pressure, that’s going to be one tough bite.”

  They both laughed. They ordered their food and had a nice chat. Afterwards, they went back to the station.

  “Hey, Trance. I see you’re with Eva.”

  “Hello, Captain. Yeah, we ate at this newly opened burger joint two blocks from the station.”

  “That’s nice, the two of you bonding.”

  “Oh, yes it is, Captain. Anyway, any cases here lately? I kind of need the paycheck, if you know what I mean.”

  “Well, shoot me in the head. I have no idea what you mean.”

  “Well, I kind of have to…”

  “Oh, Trance. The captain was obviously joking.”

  Everyone in the station who heard how serious Trance was, laughed.

  “There are no cases in here today that would need your ‘expertise’ and ‘talent’. It’s a peaceful week. Just petty crimes and very minor social disturbances. I understand you need that paycheck, but it’s much better that we don’t have a case. Don’t you think?”

  “Of course, captain.”

  “How are your dreams lately? Still the same thing over and over?”

  “Well, yeah.”

  “Hope that gets better soon.”

  And then suddenly, people outside were running away and a lot of them are panicking. The captain, the lieutenant and Trance went outside with a couple of officers.

  “What’s going on?”

  “Something happened at West Gold Tower. There was an explosion or something. We were too far away to know exactly, but we ran away just to be sure. Please check it out.”

  “Yes, Ma’am. All right. Let’s go the West Gold Tower stat.”

  “10-4, Captain. All units proceed to West Gold Tower and protect and serve.”

  More than 75 percent of the local police force went to the building and investigated. It turned out that it was an explosive. It was the elevator crashing down from the 15th floor. Trance is getting really anxious and he realized that it might be a premonition of his dream.

  “Trance! Trance? You all right? You look pale.”

  “I’m… I’m fine… lieutenant. I… I…the West Gold Tower. The elevator… me running up 15 flights of stairs. It’s like…”

  “Someone call an ambulance. Trance, go with them. That’s an order.”

  “I’ll take him to where the ambulance is captain.”

  “Of course. Just be back here as soon as possible. We’ll have to investigate if there’s someone liable for what happened or if there’s foul play.

  “Yes, captain.”

  The two went to the ambulance just waiting outside the police station.

  “Trance, it’s okay. It’s just the elevator.”

  “I know. Remember my dream? I ran up the stairs. Now, the elevator is broken so if I have to go up, I’d really have to run up the stairs. It’s like in my dream.”

  “Hey, hey! That’s just a dream. It might be weird and it is happening to you every time, but it’s still a dream and it’s not real. It’s just a coincidence, okay?”

  “Okay. I’ll try to be calm.”

  “Okay, good. Just stay there for a moment. These guys will be here for you. I need to go back to the captain.”

  And then, further down the road, there was another explosion. And this time, it’s the Pride International Tower, a block away from the West Gold Tower. However, in this case, it was a real bomb.

  The entire police force is now at the crime scenes and everyone is on red alert and the place is in complete lockdown. The public is urged to stay in their homes and for those outside to take shelter.

  The place is in frenzy and people are running everywhere. The police station sought help from nearby counties in order to take care of the situation. The entire city is in a state of emergency. Emergency medical crews and fire trucks are coming in from all directions.

  “Eva, you came back?”

  “Are you sure, Trance, that you haven’t dreamt of this yet?”

  “Yes, I’m sure. I’ve been dreaming of the same thing still.”

  “Are you okay here?”

  “Yes, I’m fine.”

  “There were no casualties from the elevator that fell, but there were a few from the second tower. Emergency crews are now at the site to help. The entire city is in lockdown.”

  After several hours, everything has almost settled down. The debris from the explosion had been cleared and the emergency medical teams were about to bring everyone affected by the explosion to the nearby hospital. Unfortunately, some people didn’t make it.

  Trance, together with most of the officers went back to the station to rest. Some of the officers were at the scene. They have no idea as to who attacked the building. Nobody has taken responsibility yet so they aren’t sure if this is a terrorist attack or not.

  The captain addresses everyone.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, we are at a crisis here. There is still a possibility that whoever did the attack may strike again anywhere. We must be vigilant in protecting the public and preventing another incident. The mayor will address the entire city shortly.”

  The station’s televisions were tuned in to the local news.

  “To everyone here in Small City, today is a sad day for all of us. As you may have known, The Pride International Tower was attacked several hours ago. Based from the initial investigation, the explosive used was a highly complicated plastic explosive detonated using a mobile device.

  And unfortunately, the explosion was quite damaging and we mourn with everyone for the loss of some of our citizens due to this mindless attack. At the moment, we have no information yet as to who attacked the building. We are not discounting the possibility that it may be a terrorist attack, but until we are certain, we are treating it as an isolated incident. We will update you on further progress on the investigation. Thank you very much. Stay safe, everyone.”

  The televisions in the station were turned off and the captain addressed his precinct.

  “We already have the CCTV footage from several cameras in the area. There’s already a team reviewing the videos and hopefully, we’ll get a lead from it. Our priority now is to make sure that we keep our city safe.

  We will have 12-hour shifts until then. Make sure to coordinate with one another and report anything suspicious. Dismissed.”

  Everybody went back to their posts. As for Trance…

  “Hey, let me give you a ride home.”

  “Don’t worry about it lieutenant. I’ll be just fine.”

  “No. I insist. I’ll take you home.”

  “Fine. Thanks.”

  Lieutenant Mulroney drove Trance to his home.

  “Hey, you take care, okay? Rest up. We’re going to have a long day tomorrow.”

  “All right. Take care and thanks. See you tomorrow.”

  Lieutenant Mulroney left and Trance went into his house. It was a regular afternoon and in the evening, Trance nodded off to sleep. He dreamt of something new that night.

  He dreamt of someone going into the West Gold Tower at night wearing a cop costume. Trance was just at the corner standing across the street from the tower. And then after a few minutes, he saw the same man go out the side entrance and headed off to another building on the next block.

  It was the Pride International Tower. The same thing happened. After a few minutes, the man went out of the building. This time, the man looked at Trance and smiled. He winked at him and plopped down to the floor. Both buildings then exploded. It woke him up from his sleep.

  It was already 6:00 in the morning so he decided not to sleep again. He immediately called Eva.

  “Hey, Eva. Sorry to wake you up.”

  “Hmm? Trance? It’s 6:00 am. What’s the matter? Make it quick. I got to get back to sleep.”

  “I’ve a got a clue about the explosion and the elevator.”

  Eva sat up in shock and immediately stood up, ignoring the rushing of blood throughout her body.

  “Are y
ou sure?”

  “Yes. I just woke up from a dream and…”

  “Hold it, Trance. It would be better if we take this to the Captain. I’m sure he’ll want to hear it. Let me prepare for a moment and let’s meet up at the station, okay?”

  “Okay. Sure, sure. See you.

  The two of them prepared and headed off to meet with everyone at the police station.

  “Captain, Trance told me he dreamt of the explosions last night.”

  “That’s good. We don’t have any lead yet as there were too many details on the videos. Let’s hope we get to know who the bastard was.”

  Trance rushed into the precinct where everybody awaits.

  “Captain! Captain! I found out…”

  Surprised to see everyone looking at him, it seemed they were really waiting for him.

  “I found out somehow who the person was who blew up the Pride International Tower.”

  “Okay. Hit us Trance.”

  “Okay. Here’s what happened in my dream. I was standing across the street from West Gold Tower and I saw a man enter the building. A few moments later, he went out and walked towards Pride International Tower. I followed him and again, after a few minutes, he came out of the building.


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