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The Fires of the Gods sa-8

Page 24

by I. J. Parker

  Kobe muttered an apology and turned to the policemen. ‘What are you standing around for, you dolts? Get on with it. Dismissed.’ The men bowed and shuffled off.

  Turning back to Akitada, Kobe said gruffly, ‘Come, we need to get you to a bathhouse.’

  To Akitada’s dismay, Kobe decided to have a good soak himself. Akitada wished for nothing so much as sleep.

  At this early hour, the bathing area was still empty except for a couple of attendants. They stripped. Akitada was only half awake. They sluiced themselves off, then attendants scrubbed them vigorously. This revived Akitada somewhat as his blood coursed through his body and his skin tingled. When they finally submerged their bodies in the large tub of steaming water, Akitada leaned back with a sigh and closed his eyes. His lacerated fingers burned at first in the hot water, but the pain in his knee subsided, and his sore muscles relaxed. A greater contrast between his condition in the pit and his present bliss seemed unimaginable.

  ‘Don’t go to sleep – at least not yet,’ Kobe said loudly.

  Akitada blinked at him through the steam. ‘What?’

  ‘You’re still angry with me?’

  Akitada was embarrassed. ‘No.’

  ‘I apologize. I had to try to stop you. You were headed into deep trouble. Of course, nothing I said made a difference, but I had to try.’

  Overcome by the apology, Akitada said nothing for a moment, then muttered, ‘Don’t be silly. I also said some unforgivable things.’

  Kobe persisted in trying to explain his motives. ‘I was afraid that you wouldn’t consider the dangers. You never do, you know.’

  ‘I know you thought me foolhardy. Perhaps you even thought me a fool.’

  ‘Never a fool.’ Kobe sighed. ‘I expect I’ll be called in today. My dismissal is overdue.’

  Akitada sat up. ‘What? Why?’

  Kobe chuckled mirthlessly. ‘It seems I, too, am disobedient.’

  Akitada’s disobedience went back to the very beginning of his career in government, and yet he had managed to hang on – until now. ‘How did you offend?’ he asked.

  ‘I think they’ll call it ‘interfering in official policy’. I insisted that your only offense was trying to solve a man’s murder.’

  ‘You made someone angry by helping me?’

  Kobe gave him a crooked grin. ‘It was the right thing to do, so don’t feel responsible.’

  Akitada stared at Kobe. Their uneasy banter had turned serious.

  Kobe’s lips twitched again. ‘Don’t look so worried. If anything, you’ve done me a favor. This is my chance to retire to my family’s estate in the country. I’ll be leading the simple life. Hunting, fishing, and sitting on the veranda on a summer night to compose poems to the moon.’

  ‘You could always have done that.’

  ‘Ah, but others had expectations. My aged father wished to brag about his son in the capital. My wives liked their carriage rides to visit other ladies. My sons hoped to make brilliant careers. My servants… Well, you know what servants are. They take personal pride in their masters’ worldly success.’

  Akitada felt slightly sick. ‘Think how many enemies I’ve made in your household alone.’

  ‘Well, we must all bear the burden of our karma.’ Kobe said lightly, then changed the topic. ‘Let’s get you home.’

  By the time he reached home, tiredness had seized Akitada to such an extent that he staggered. Genba had to restrain Trouble’s enthusiastic greeting. Akitada clutched the banister for a moment to steady himself. This was not good. He had to face the censors in a few hours.

  Genba offered an arm, and Tora came, looking drawn and pale. Akitada was ashamed of his weakness. He pulled himself together, refused assistance, chided Tora for being out of bed, and patted Trouble’s head.

  ‘I’m fine, sir,’ Tora said, then added fiercely, ‘Genba told us what happened. I’ll get the bastards that did this, if it’s the last thing I do.’

  Akitada wanted to protest, but Seimei joined them, looking anxious. And at the door of the house stood Tamako in her rose-colored gown, the one he liked so well, and he forgot everything else.

  Though he was dreadfully tired, he found that he could walk quite well and went to her with a smile. It was not proper, but there were no strangers present, and he took his wife into his arms. For a moment, they clung to each other.

  ‘Are you well enough to be up?’ he murmured into her scented hair.

  And she asked, ‘Are you hurt?’

  They answered together, and laughed.

  ‘I’m just tired,’ he said, releasing her. ‘And you?’

  ‘Quite well, as you see.’

  ‘And our daughter?’

  ‘Come and see for yourself.’

  They went to Tamako’s room, where he held his daughter until she fell asleep. He told Tamako about the pit, trying to make it sound like an adventure. The rat featured prominently in his account of their efforts at escape. It was in vain. Tamako shuddered in horror. Fortunately, the maid brought in the morning gruel, and they ate together and talked about Trouble’s latest offenses. For a short while he almost forgot the pit, as well as the dreaded hearing. But Seimei came soon enough to remind him to change into his court robes.

  When he got up, Akitada found that he could barely stand. Every muscle and bone in his body, so recently soothed by the hot bath, now protested again. He gritted his teeth so Tamako would not notice, but as soon as he was out of her room, he shuffled like an old man. He had never felt less ready to fight for his reputation.

  He was still struggling with his full court trousers, and trying to keep the food down, when the sound of a horse and voices outside announced a visitor. He hurried into his robe as Genba admitted the same guard officer who had brought the summons from the censors.

  This time, the young man bowed. He presented a letter from Minamoto Akimoto, who told him that the hearing was postponed. He apologized for the delay, which was caused by the censors needing more time to review his documents.

  The gods were not without pity.

  Akitada took off his court robe and spread his bedding. He was asleep instantly.

  When he woke, he blinked at the cloudy sky above the treetops and wondered what time it was.

  Somewhere in the distance he heard male voices in conversation. Suddenly worried that he had slept away the whole day, he got to his feet, rolled up his bedding, and went to look for Tora, who had received short shrift earlier. After that, he would pay Kobe a visit.

  He saved himself a trip. Kobe and Tora sat on the front veranda, chatting amiably.

  ‘I’m afraid I fell asleep,’ Akitada said sheepishly. Kobe looked as tired as before.

  They smiled at him. Kobe said, ‘Seimei refused to wake you, and Tora came to keep me company. They look after you well.’

  Akitada sat down beside them. ‘Yes. Too well. I meant to come to see both of you.’ He rubbed a hand over his face and found stubble. ‘What time is it?’

  Kobe peered at the sky. ‘Probably the first quarter of the hour of the horse.’

  ‘So late,’ muttered Akitada, remembering at the same time his duties as a host. ‘It’s time for the midday meal. I hope you’ll share my simple meal.’

  Kobe nodded. ‘Thank you. Tora and I were quite finished discussing his adventure when you came. You have nothing to add, do you, Tora?’

  Tora shook his head. ‘Only to say again that I don’t think Jirokichi’s involved. I think he stumbled on the arson by accident.’

  ‘Perhaps,’ Kobe said. ‘We must find the fellow. I’ll have his girlfriend brought in.’

  ‘She promised to talk to me,’ Akitada said. ‘I never got back.’

  Tora said, ‘You must’ve laid it on thick, sir. She wouldn’t give me so much as a comment on the weather when I talked to her.’

  ‘I told her you were at death’s door after saving this Jirokichi’s miserable life.’

  Tora snorted. ‘Well, I’d better go feed my son.’ He bowed to
Kobe and walked away. Akitada was relieved that he looked much better.

  He and Kobe went to Akitada’s study, where Seimei waited with a tray holding wine and cups. ‘Will you want refreshments, sir?’ he asked Akitada.

  ‘The superintendent reminds me that it’s time for the midday rice. Have cook send us something.’

  After Seimei left, they looked at each other in silence for a moment.

  ‘You had a close call,’ Kobe finally said.

  ‘Yes. I’m not sure Demon and I would have survived, if Genba and your men had not come when they did. The water was nearly to my head.’

  Kobe raised an eyebrow. ‘Demon?’

  Akitada chuckled. ‘There was a rat in the pit. He perched on my shoulder when the water rose.’

  ‘Dear heaven.’

  ‘He gave me courage. Did you find the youngster I was chasing?’

  Kobe shook his head. ‘I’ve put more men on it. They’re systematically combing that part of the city. Tora says he’s one of the arsonists.’

  ‘Perhaps, but he was not with the others when they tortured that poor little thief.’

  Kobe grimaced. ‘Jirokichi. They call him the Rat. You have a fondness for rats, it seems. He has a reputation, that one. It’s surprising that he was tortured by a gang. Thieves generally protect each other.’

  ‘Tora says Jirokichi works alone, and those juveniles were bent on revenge for an earlier incident. What is strange is that one gang apparently turned on the other to set him free. I think it means those boys work outside the organization. You found the evidence of arson in the warehouse?’

  Kobe nodded. ‘So far, the older men and the girl haven’t talked, but I’ve postponed serious questioning until I can be there. We’re still rounding up all the street boys in the area.’

  ‘It struck me as significant that the gang freed Jirokichi and then let the young devils run. Perhaps one of the gang has a relative among the arsonists.’

  ‘Perhaps. But the protection racket run by the organization has been threatened by the fires. Merchants stop paying if their shops burn anyway.’

  They sat in silence, pondering this, until Seimei and Tamako’s maid brought in trays of food. There was rice, a vegetable dish, fried bean curd, and pickled melon.

  Akitada was hungry and ate with relish, but Kobe only picked at his food. He said suddenly, ‘Do you think the fires have a political purpose, that they are directed at Michinaga and his sons?’

  ‘Yes. But it’s hardly something I can meddle in.’

  Kobe sighed. ‘I have to meddle in it, and I’m no more fit to face the consequences than you.’

  ‘I know. But you must inform Chancellor Yorimichi, at any rate. Can you talk about your investigation of the Kiyowara murder?’

  ‘Yes.’ Kobe speared some melon with a chopstick and chewed. ‘As I said, the suspicion falls on the son. He was overheard quarreling with his father. When we asked him about that, he was evasive and looked frightened. So far his mother has protected him, and word has come down from the chancellor’s office to handle the family gently.’ Kobe grunted his disgust.

  ‘What about the weapon?’

  ‘No sign of it, but we could not very well search the mother’s pavilion. Whatever it was, it crushed the skull in several places. Most of the damage was to the front of the head. You would think Kiyowara would have defended himself against the attack, but perhaps the first blow was unexpected and struck with great strength. A man, even a young man, could deliver such blows in anger. And he kept striking after his father was down.’

  Akitada tried to imagine Katsumi in a violent rage and failed.

  Kobe asked, ‘What will you do about the case?’

  ‘I cannot return to the residence, but mean to talk to the major-domo again. He lives outside. I’ll let you know if there is any new information.’

  Kobe pushed his bowl aside. It was still half full. ‘Well, I’d better go and arrest the son.’

  Akitada said quickly, ‘Don’t! There might be another explanation. Let me ask a few more questions.’

  ‘Very well, but it cannot wait much longer. I’ll be following up the business of the arsonists until I hear from you.’

  Akitada reached across his desk and opened a small box, taking from it Tora’s amulet. ‘Tora found this in the street after he collided with one of the young rascals. I believe it may belong to the youth Tojiro.’ He waited until Kobe had opened the pouch and looked at the amulet inside. ‘I want to know more about that boy who looks like Katsumi. This is a religious object. I’ll start with Abbot Shokan, I think. He has lost an acolyte and has been suppressing information.’

  Kobe reinserted the amulet and handed it back to Akitada. He frowned. ‘Do you think this Tojiro is related to the Kiyowaras or that he is the abbot’s missing lover? You can’t have it both ways.’

  Yes, that was the problem. Back in the pit, with Demon perching on his shoulder, it had seemed entirely feasible. Akitada said evasively, ‘I wish I knew. Perhaps it’s a family keepsake. And Tojiro keeps appearing in both cases.’

  Kobe gestured towards the amulet. ‘You have only that amulet and a vague resemblance to young Kiyowara. It seems farfetched.’

  ‘Yes. I had not meant to tell you this much.’

  Kobe chuckled and got up. ‘Well, let me know what happens. It’s time I went to see what our prisoners have to say for themselves.’


  It rained off and on throughout the day, but Akitada enjoyed the excursion. He was finally back on his own horse. The animal was his single weakness for luxury, and he had steadfastly turned down astonishing offers for it from wealthy and powerful men.

  Besides, the rain had cleansed the air over the capital, which had been heavy with the stench of smoke and wet rubble for weeks. In the country, the farmers tended their fields, opening sluices to control the abundance of water that had gathered in ditches and holding ponds. The crops looked green and healthy.

  Later, in the forest, dripping branches released their moisture in a sibilant cadence, and small birds groomed themselves among the wet branches.

  Abbot Shokan received Akitada eagerly. ‘You’ve found him,’ he cried. ‘I knew it. If anyone could, it would be you. Come, come. Sit and tell me. Did you bring him back with you? But no, they would have told me. When will he return?’

  Akitada sat, waiting out the effusion. Perhaps his lighter mood had shown in his face. He rearranged his expression. ‘I am very sorry to disappoint Your Reverence, but if I have found your acolyte, I have misplaced him again.’

  Shokan’s face fell. ‘What can you mean?’

  ‘I believe I found him briefly, but he escaped. At the moment, the police are looking for him. He seems to be involved in setting all those fires that have plagued the city for so long.’

  Shokan’s lower lip trembled. ‘That cannot be,’ he muttered. ‘He would never… It would be a betrayal of all his principles…’ His voice trailed off, and he shot Akitada a frightened glance.

  ‘I think Your Reverence knows that the crown prince has enemies at court and in the nation.’

  Shokan tried to look blank. ‘What? I cannot imagine what you mean. You must do what you can to rescue the boy if he is arrested.’

  ‘I am afraid I cannot do that, Reverence. But Superintendent Kobe is a fair man. He will not hold him, if the youngster is innocent.’

  Shokan sat for several long moments, staring at Akitada. ‘Then he’s lost,’ he said heavily after a while and bowed his head. ‘He showed such promise. They say the sandalwood tree is fragrant in its first leaves. That is the way he came to me, a young sandalwood tree. Oh, the corruption of this world must be terrible if it swallows up even the innocent children.’

  Akitada was uncomfortable in the presence of such grief coming from an old, fat man who had led a life of ease. He thought it hypocritical, though clearly the emotion was real. Perhaps this was what happened to those living ‘above the clouds’. They no longer had any c
onnection with the poor, the laborers, the market women, the prostitutes, and all the innumerable peddlers, traders, and entertainers that scratched out a living from each other and from those just slightly better off than they.

  It was even doubtful that this imperial prince-turned-cleric knew anything of Akitada’s world.

  His voice harsher, he said, ‘Surely a man of Your Reverence’s status in the political and spiritual spheres can intercede and change even a condemned man’s fate. In fact, you never needed me for that.’ He reached in his sleeve and brought out the amulet. Placing it before the abbot, he asked, ‘Have you ever seen this?’

  The abbot snatched up the little pouch and removed the amulet with shaking fingers. ‘Yes,’ he said. ‘Yes. It’s Kansei’s. I gave it to him.’

  ‘My retainer tangled with one of the arsonists as they were running from the fire. He dropped it.’

  The abbot clutched the amulet to his chest. ‘The man could have stolen it.’

  Akitada lost his patience. ‘The boy is now known as Tojiro. I think it is time, Reverence, that you told me the truth about his background.’

  Abbot Shokan seemed to shrink into himself. ‘I have not lied to you,’ he said softly. ‘I wanted only the best for a child given into my care. And you are wrong about what I can do for him. My hands are tied by my vows. I cannot interfere in legal matters.’

  Akitada did not believe this for a moment, but he softened his tone. ‘Without knowing his story, I cannot go to Superintendent Kobe to speak on his behalf.’

  Shokan gave him a hopeless look. ‘Then he has already been arrested.’ For a moment it looked as if he would cry like a child.

  Akitada did not set him straight.

  Shokan said dully, ‘A woman who claimed to be his mother brought him here. That is the truth. He was five and already beautiful. She – her name was Ako – wanted him to receive an education and offered to pay a small sum every year for his upkeep. She did not keep her word, but in time I saw his lively intelligence and began to take a personal interest in him. He seemed to like his life here, and when he was twelve, we decided that he should become an acolyte. His mother agreed readily.’ Shokan made a face. ‘A greedy woman. She wanted money. That such a child should have been born to her!’ Shokan sighed heavily and wiped his eyes. ‘I paid what she asked. He grew more beautiful every year, but he took little interest in the austerities of our lives, and he ran off all too often. He said he went to see his mother. If so, she had a bad influence on him. I decided to postpone his tonsure.’


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