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American Legend: The Real-Life Adventures of David Crockett

Page 36

by Buddy Levy

  Hammond, Eli, Capt.

  Hawkins, Joseph

  Hays, Samuel

  Henry, Abram

  Hickory Ground

  High Head Jim

  Holy Ground

  Horseshoe Bend Massacre

  Houston, Sam


  Huntsman, Adam

  Indian Removal Bill

  Indians. See Native Americans

  Internal improvements

  Jackson, Andrew


  Creek War

  critics of

  Florida Campaign

  Horseshoe Bend Massacre


  Indian position


  rift with Crockett

  run for presidency

  and Texas

  Jackson Gazette

  Jacksonian Democracy

  Jackson Pioneer

  Jacobs, John

  Jameson, Green

  Johnson, Cave

  Jones, Calvin, Dr.

  Jones, Isaac

  Kennedy, John

  Land agents

  Land issues

  Land Ordinance of 1785

  Lea, Pryor

  The Life of Martin Van Buren (Clayton & Crockett)

  Line, William

  The Lion of the West (Paulding)

  Little Rock, Ark.

  Louisiana Purchase

  Lynn, Joseph, Maj.

  Madison, James

  Martin, Albert

  Matthews, Captain

  McClung, Henry

  McCulloch, Ben

  McIver, Duncan

  McQueen, Peter

  Memphis, Tenn.

  Menchacha, Antonio


  Miller, Pleasant M.

  Mitchell, James C.

  Montgomery.P., Maj.


  Myers, Adam

  Myers, Henry

  A Narrative of the Life of David Crockett book tour for

  Nashville Republican

  Nashville Whig

  National Banner

  National debt

  Native Americans

  and Creek War

  Florida Campaign against

  Horseshoe Bend Massacre

  Indian removal policy

  Neill, James C., Col.

  New Madrid earthquakes

  New York, NY

  Niles Register

  North Carolina

  North Carolina land warrants

  Obion River

  Overton, John

  Parker, Fess

  Patton, George

  Paulding, James Kirke

  Philadelphia, Pa.


  Polk, James Knox

  land policy

  Pryer, Thomas

  Ramirez y Sesma, Gen.

  Red Eagle, Chief

  Red Sticks


  Republic of Texas

  Revolutionary War

  Russell, George, Capt.

  San Antonio de Béxar

  Santa Anna, Antonio Lopez de, Gen.

  Seaton, William Winston

  Second Bank of the U.S.

  Seguín, Capt.


  Shoal Creek

  Siler, Jacob

  Smith, Henry

  Smith, John

  Smith, Richard Penn

  Smith, Seba



  Squirrel hunt

  Standing Committee of Propositions and Grievances

  Stout, Henry, Capt.

  Sutherland, John, Dr.

  Swisher, John

  Tallusahatchee Massacre

  Tecumseh, Chief


  Tennessee Mounted Gunmen

  Tennessee Mounted Volunteers

  Tennessee Vacant Land Bill

  Tennessee Volunteers

  Tewulle, Chief


  Thompson, Jack

  Tinkle, Lindsey

  Tocqueville, Alexis de

  Trail of Tears

  Travis, William B.

  Trip, Reuben

  Twain, Mark (Samuel Clemens)

  Urrea, José de, Gen.

  Van Buren, Martin

  Vance, Robert, Dr.

  Verplank, Gulian

  War of 1812

  Watauga Settlement

  Webster, Daniel

  West Florida

  West Point


  White, Hugh Lawson

  Williams, John

  Wilson, Abraham

  Winchester, Marcus B.

  Wolf hunt


  Buddy Levy is the author of Echoes on Rimrock: In Pursuit of the Chukar Partridge. As a freelance journalist he has covered adventure sports and lifestyle around the world, including several Eco-Challenges and other adventure expeditions in Greenland, Morocco, Borneo, Argentina, Europe, and the Philippines. His magazine articles have appeared in Shooting Sportsman, Big Sky Journal, the Utne Reader, Backpacker, Trail Runner, Ski, and Couloir. He is clinical assistant professor of English at Washington State University, and lives in northern Idaho with his wife, two children, and two black Labs.




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