The Quarterback’s Secret Baby (Football's Bad Boys Book 3)

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The Quarterback’s Secret Baby (Football's Bad Boys Book 3) Page 3

by Ava Walsh

  Amanda pulls me into a hug, taking me by surprise. “I wish you had told me all of this years ago, Lindsay. You have nothing to be ashamed of. In fact, I think you’re incredibly strong. You made a big sacrifice to keep your baby. I don’t care what you do for a living. You’re still you. And to hell with what anyone in this town or any of our old friends thinks.”

  I swallow hard to keep from bursting into tears. “Thank you, Amanda. Now that I look at it, I was incredibly stupid and immature to treat you the way I did because of my bruised ego.”

  “How about we just forget that and start fresh?”

  I let out a relieved sigh. “I’d like that very much.”

  “Good, because you’re going to be my maid of honor.”

  My eyes widen. “I am?”

  “Hell yes, woman. You were always going to be. I was planning to come here, force you to tell me why you wouldn’t talk to me and then force you into the dress.”

  I burst into a fit of giggles. Amanda hasn’t changed one bit. I’m glad. “I love you, Amanda, I really do. Thank you for bestowing me such an honor. I will wear the maid of honor dress with pride, no matter how ugly it is.”

  “Hey, have you forgotten that I have impeccable taste? There will be no ugly dresses at my wedding.”

  We both laugh. Things with Amanda have gone much better that I imagined. She doesn’t hate me, and she doesn’t think any less of me. I don’t bother to ask her who else will be a part of her wedding or how many old friends will be coming to town. I don’t care anymore. After spilling my guts to Amanda, I could care less what anyone else thinks about my less than perfect life. Well, maybe there is one person, but I have a few more weeks before he gets here.

  Chapter Five


  “Home, sweet home.” I sit in my rented convertible and stare at the house I grew up in, then look around the neighborhood. Everything is the same, nothing is taken away, nothing new. That’s the problem I’ve always had with this place: no excitement. I hop out of the car and saunter up to the front door. Glancing at my watch, my shoulders sag. There’s supposed to be some kind of get together going on inside at the moment. Amanda mentioned something about it. They just had to have it on the day I arrive.

  I was hoping for a little ‘me time’ before having to interact with family, friends, and strangers. I check the door to find it open. Before going in, I pause. Is Lindsay inside? The possibility gives me a little pep in my step. Loud chatter and laughter fills my ears when I push the door open and step inside. The foyer is empty. Everyone must be in the living room. I turn the corner and am instantly assaulted by greetings.

  “The man is here!” a man shouts, and everyone who hadn’t already seen me turns around.

  “Hello, everyone,” I greet with a wave.

  I spot my mother, who is moving toward me, joined by my father. I hug them and we chat briefly. We see each other often, as I make it my duty to visit them wherever in the world they are. I leave them to the guests and continue my journey through the crowd.

  “Oh my God, it’s Amanda’s brother. The famous one,” I hear a female voice say. I cock an eyebrow. The famous one? I’m Amanda’s only brother. Keeping my smile plastered on, I shake hands and nod, making my way through the crowd.

  “Hey there, superstar.” I turn, this time with a genuine smile.

  “Baby sister,” My tone drips with affection. “Come here, short stuff.” I pull her into an embrace, lifting her off the floor. It’s been about a year since I’ve seen her. I usually fly her out to some of my games, and I’ve visited her in New York a couple of times.

  She giggles. “Put me down, you’ll wrinkle my dress,” she says, but tightens her hold on me. “I’ve missed you, you big lug.”

  “I should have come in through the back,” I say apologetically, finally putting her down.

  “What, you think you can steal my thunder with your star athlete status? Please. I’m much better looking than you are, so I’m still the center of attention.”

  Thank God she isn’t upset over the commotion I caused. When I smile and ruffle her hair playfully, she bats at my hands. “Hey, you’re messing up my hair,” she complains. And that’s when I realize.

  “Holy shit, you’re platinum blond,” I muse.

  “Yeah well, people like it. Lindsay loves it.”

  My heart flutters ever so slightly. “Does she? Is she here?”

  “No, she couldn’t make it to my little pre-wedding party. She’s at the diner.”

  My brows crease. Why would Lindsay be at the diner during her best friend’s party? Before I can ask, a man joins us. He stops at Amanda’s side, grinning up at me. “As I live and breathe, it’s Ethan Taylor. I’m a huge fan.”

  “Ethan, this is Nathan,” Amanda introduces excitedly.

  This is the fiancé? I can’t help but notice how preppy he is. I had no idea this was Amanda’s type. “Ah, finally we meet, Nathan.” I extend a hand. “A real pleasure.” When he places his hand in mine, I give it an extra squeeze and size him up. I already don’t like him based on his appearance and his weak handshake. Amanda sends me a look of warning, silently telling me to behave. Resisting the urge to roll my eyes, I release Nathan’s hand.

  He shakes it slightly. “Whoa, quite a grip there,” he says, with a small laugh. “You’re even bigger in person. The Cowboys are my favorite team. I couldn’t believe it when Amanda told me you were her brother. Who would have thought the star quarterback for my favorite team would become my brother-in-law. I told all my lawyer friends. That’s what I do, by the way.” He sniffs proudly. “I’m one of the best in New York. If you ever land in any trouble with the ladies, you know who to call. I think we’re going to be great friends, Ethan.”

  Kill me now. “Yeah, sure. Can I borrow my sister for a few minutes? We need to catch up.” I grasp Amanda’s arm and lead her away, not waiting for Nathan’s answer. My annoyance increases when I have to stop several times to chat with adoring fans. No one has even asked me how I’m doing; it’s all about the game. Finally, we make it to the back porch.

  I place Amanda in front of me. “What the hell are you doing, Amanda?”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Nathan. You can’t marry him. He’s- I don’t like him.”

  With a scoff, she looks at me as if I’m the biggest idiot in the world. “So I’m supposed to call off my wedding because you don’t like him?”

  “It’s not just that. He seems a bit off. I don’t know, full of himself and fake. How old is the guy anyway?”

  Amanda crosses her arms. “Must my brother and my best friend question my choice?”

  “So Lindsay doesn’t like him either. She’s always been smart.”

  I receive a glare that has the potential to wither me on the spot. “So what if Nathan is a bit older? He’s a good guy.”

  “Do you love him?”

  “Of course. I wouldn’t be marrying him if I didn’t.” It seems as if she’s trying to convince herself more than she’s trying to convince me. “Look, I’m marrying Nathan, and that’s that. Deal with it,” she snaps. “I’m going back inside.” She whirls around and stomps back inside.

  I’m left standing outside, staring at her retreating form. Great, now she won’t talk to me for days. With a sigh, I move to sit down, but pause. Amanda said Lindsay is at the diner. Suddenly I’m up to taking a trip to Eddie’s Corner. I’ve already shown my face at the party. Plus, Amanda is pissed at me, so she won’t come looking for me.

  Chapter Six


  It’s another busy day at the diner. I’ve been on my feet all day. I wish the place would clear up a little, so I could sit for just a few minutes. My mind drifts to the party I know is being held at the Taylors’ house. Amanda thought it would be a great idea to host a small party before the wedding. Then there would be the rehearsal dinner in just a few days. I shake my head, a smile hovering on my lips. Amanda sure does love a crowd, and revels in entertainin
g. Me, not so much. For once I’m glad that I have to work. It was the best excuse to be absent from the celebration, one that Amanda couldn’t protest.

  As I work, my mind drifts to the fact that I will have to face Ethan soon. It’s inevitable. I hear he’s a part of the wedding as well. Glancing at the clock above the counter, my pulse rate kicks up a notch. He’s here in Lakeville this very minute. I managed to casually ask Amanda when he was flying in. It would be nice if I could question her about him without appearing too obvious. The magazines, newspapers and social media help me to keep up with him. But Amanda would have the real inside scoop. Is he in a relationship? Does he ask about me? Realizing that I’m being pathetic, I roll my eyes and focus on keeping the customers happy.

  Reaching a table, I unload my tray and make small talk with the folks at the table. The commotion behind me draws my attention. I turn to see a small group gathering around a newcomer. My brows lift. What’s all the excitement about?

  “We all love you,” I hear someone say.

  “Yes, we’re very proud to have such a big football star come from our little town.”

  My eyes widen. Football star. There’s only one football star who comes from Lakeville. My mouth dries as the crowd parts. Standing in the midst of adoring residents is Ethan. Our eyes meet, and I’m suddenly paralyzed. Shock, excitement, dismay, every emotion courses through me at once, making me numb. The tray slips from my fingers. Thank goodness it’s empty. A smile spreads across Ethan’s face, and he steps toward me. It’s as if time has slowed down and everyone else had disappeared from the restaurant. He’s still as handsome as ever. His green eyes still sparkle with mischief. His hair is a bit longer than I remember and sexily windblown, and his lips are curled in that seductive way that brings women to their knees. Is it just me or does he appear bigger, more muscular?

  “Lindsay,” is all he says.

  “Ethan.” I manage to get his name out. My very brain is frozen. I must look like a gawking idiot. Swallowing hard and blinking rapidly, I weakly ask, “What are you doing here?”

  His smile fades just a bit. “I’m here to see you. Amanda told me you were here.” There’s confusion in his eyes until his gaze roams over me, taking in my attire. I’m dressed in the red checkered uniform Mr. Edmond requires his workers to wear. My cheeks flush red with my embarrassment as realization flashed in Ethan’s eyes. He blinks, and then bends down to pick up the tray I dropped.

  “Thanks,” I murmur, unable to meet his gaze. Before I even realize that Ethan has moved, I’m drawn into a strong embrace. My arms fly out to wrap around him. His intoxicating scent fills my nostrils. He smells the same as he did years ago when my naked body was wrapped around his. Everything that I have ever felt for this man, every feeling that I tried to suppress over the years, comes crashing down on me. The burden of the secret I keep is also there, as a crushing weight on my chest. I subtly pull away from him.

  “Look at you, Lindsay. I can’t believe it’s been so long. It shouldn’t have been that way. Things should have been different,” he says. I look up at him. He’s looking at me, but he seems to be talking to himself. My brows crease with confusion. Ethan appears to snap out of the trance he was in. “How are you?”

  I can feel the many eyes of the patrons on us and want to disappear. I hate attention. “I-I’m okay. How are you, Ethan?”

  He smiles. “You’re the only person to ask me that since I arrived. I’m great. Even better now that I have seen you.” Heat flickers in his gaze as he continued to look me over.

  My eyes widen. Needless to say, I’m taken aback. Is he flirting with me? No way. It must be my imagination. “It’s great to see you, Ethan, but I need to get back to work.” I blush as the words leave my mouth. I wonder what he’s thinking after discovering that I work here.

  He doesn’t say anything about it, only nods. “Uh, yeah, of course. What time do you get off?”

  I eye him, hesitantly answering. “F-four.”

  “I’ll stick around until then.”

  He turns and heads to an empty table before I can respond. Is he going to stay here for another hour? I stifle a groan. Ethan’s presence in the diner will drive me up the wall. With any luck, I’ll be able to hide in the kitchen the majority of the time.

  It’s the longest hour I have experienced in my life. As I move around the restaurant, I can feel Ethan’s eyes on me, following my every move. It’s so disconcerting. When I can take it no longer, I scurry to the kitchen, hoping that the boss isn’t there to reprimand me for shirking my duties. I push through the doors and lean against them when they close.

  “What’s wrong, sweetness?”

  I open my eyes to look at Marion. “Er, nothing. Just tired. You know, taking a breather.”

  She doesn’t seem convinced. “Mhmm, and this has nothing to do with the tall drink of water who came in earlier? My, my, that Ethan Taylor is even better looking than when he left, if that’s even possible.”

  “Why would him being here affect me?” I’m trying my best to sound nonchalant.

  “Don’t think I didn’t see you two hugging.” Marion points to the small circular windows in the kitchen doors.

  “We’re friends. We practically grew up together. Old friends sharing a hug after years apart is no big deal.”

  Marion lets out a laugh. “I saw the way he looked at you. There was more than friendliness in those eyes, I tell you.”

  Okay, now I’m thinking I would prefer to go back outside and put up with Ethan’s searing glances rather than put up with Marion’s speculating gaze. “Oh no, I forgot to bring table four their drinks.” With that, I turn and high-tail it out of the kitchen, leaving Marion smirking knowingly.

  Chapter Seven


  I watch her emerge from the back room, her steps hurried. A frown forms on my face when I realize that she is heading toward the door. It is then I notice the handbag over her shoulder. Is she leaving without saying a word to me? “What the hell?” I jump up and quickly follow her out the door.

  “Lindsay! Wait up. What, did you forget I was waiting for you?”

  She glances over her shoulder, giving me a glimpse of her distress. Did someone inside the diner upset her? Catching up with her, I grasp her elbow. “Lindsay, hold on. What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing, I just- I’m late. I have to get to work, my other job.” She pulls out of my grip and keeps walking.

  I follow her until she stops at a white car. “Oh, I thought you would be finished for the day. I had hoped to take you out, you know, so we could catch up.”

  “Catch up on what, exactly?” She turns to look at me, her eyes blazing with anger. But why anger? I’m sure it couldn’t have been anything I said or did.

  I shrug. “On everything, I suppose. It’s been years.”

  “As I recall, it’s your sister and me who are friends, not you and me. So I don’t see what we need to chat about.”

  I take a step back. I seem to be pissing everyone off today, first Amanda and now Lindsay. At least I know what I said to anger Amanda. What is Lindsay’s deal? “What’s wrong? You seemed fine inside and then you just came out in a blaze of fury. Did something happen inside?”

  She looks at me for a few seconds and softens. “I’m sorry, Ethan. I- It’s not you. I’m just stressed.” She averts her gaze. “Look, I have to go.”

  “Okay. What time will you be free?”

  “I’ll be home by nine tonight.” She stops, clamping her mouth shut.

  “Alright, let’s meet up then.”

  My gaze drops to her mouth, drawn by the way her small white teeth worries her lower lip. Such succulent lips. I remember how they felt against mine. She hasn’t changed much. If anything she’s more beautiful, and her raven hair has been cut shorter. Crystal blue eyes stare up at me as if she’s considering my offer. All I want to do is kiss her, to experience how she tastes again, how her body feels pressed against mine. She opens her mouth to speak, but my mouth covers her in a
swift movement. I’m just as surprised as she is by my lack of control. Swallowing her small gasp, my lips move over hers, urging her to kiss me back. For a brief second, I fear she won’t, until I feel the tension seep from her body and her lips begin to move, parting slightly. It’s the only invitation I need, my tongue plunging into the warm cavern of her mouth.

  Our kiss becomes more urgent, greedy. My hand curls around the nape of her neck, pulling her closer. I’m on fire, my blood heating, coursing through my veins like molten lava. How is it that one kiss from Lindsay can drive away my self-control? Her small moan pulls me back from the precipice of my lust, reminding me that we are in a parking lot. I pull my head away, instantly releasing her. We are both breathless. I step away, seeing the shock in her eyes.

  “Lindsay, I’m sorry. I don’t know what came over me.”

  Her eyes dart around anxiously, probably hoping that no one witnessed our exchange. I don’t give a damn if the entire world saw. I’ve just discovered that I still want Lindsay Williams with such fierceness that I might go mad if I don’t have her.

  “I should go.” Lindsay opens the door and ducks into her car.

  “Wait, I didn’t get-” She slams the door, cutting me off. “Your address.” The engine roars to life and she drives off in a screech of tires. I watch, dumbfounded, as her car disappears. I run my fingers through my hair in frustration. A woman has never run from me after being kissed before. Lindsay’s bizarre behavior has me floored. Sure, it might be a bit awkward after what happened between us and the fact that things ended over the phone, but it’s like she’s terrified of my presence. But why? I don’t intend to give up so easily. She left without giving me her address, but I know where her mother lives. Plus, it’s a small town. She won’t be that hard to find.


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