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Vampire Enslavement (Lords of Bondage)

Page 35

by Corinne Balfour

  “I will do something pleasing to you, Lord Halloran,” she said in a flat tone deplete of emotion.

  Diermont’s face turned red with anger. “Disrespectful bitch. You know what I meant. Seduce the man with your words.” Diermont’s hands were on her neck, choking her. His hands tightened around her throat, cutting off her air. The room went blacker and she knew she was passing out. Suddenly, Diermont pulled his arms from her throat and latched onto her head instead. She held her throat and gasped for air. Her throat hurt and her head felt like it had been hammered with a shovel.

  “You’re a poor student, Kiera,” Diermont said. “You will serve this lord because I love him more than any other. I want his cock pleasured. Seeing him come fills my heart with happiness. You will please him as well as the Lord of Turloch. When you have learned to please my favorite lords, you will have the honor of servicing my cock. There is no greater honor than serving royalty.”

  Diermont pulled her to a standing position by yanking on her hair. Kiera’s eyes smarted with tears and she silently cursed Diermont. The prince forced her to watch Torin as he mounted Druscilla. Torin lunged a few times and came inside Druscilla, drenching her with a torrent of seed.

  Diermont smiled. “You left me a feast, my Lord Turloch.” He pushed Kiera in Modez’s arms and stooped to the pendulum and began licking the seed from Druscilla’s wet sex. “Oh, so delicious. The musky aroma tantalizes my senses and it mixes nicely with the peach. And do I detect a hint of nutmeg?”

  Kiera couldn’t help the look of horror on her face. Diermont had rubbed his entire face against Druscilla’s wet cunt, saturating his skin with Torin’s seed. Pieces of chunky peach clung to his jaw and his fangs were dripping with a variety of juices. The fusty scent of semen mixed with rancid peach assaulted her senses. “I’m going to be sick.” Kiera felt her stomach heave and she vomited all over herself and Modez, drenching both of them in smelly grossness.

  Diermont clenched his fists and raged at her. “You’ve ruined a perfectly good moment for me, Kiera. Can you not do anything right?”

  “I’ll take her from your sight, Your Royal Highness.” Modez transported them to the bathhouse and dumped her inside the pool, clothes and all. He followed after her. “You angered the prince. I hoped you didn’t do it on purpose to defy him.”

  The bastard. “No, I didn’t vomit on purpose, you idiot. I’m sick. The prince disgusts me. You disgust me. How can you do those things with him in the dungeon? How could you expect me to do those things? Diermont is a pervert, a twisted freak. He needs to be locked up and thrown in one of those cages.”

  Modez dunked himself in the pool of water, saturating his hair and every inch of his skin. “I know you’re angry, but Diermont is the prince. It is not our responsibility to tell him how to conduct himself.”

  Kiera wished Modez didn’t look so appealing, but his wet clothing plastered to his body and clung like a second skin. “Someone needs to stop him. He’s a murderer and a freak with fetishes that disgust me.”

  “You cannot criticize him openly. He could have you killed.”

  “I don’t give a shit anymore.” Kiera washed the vomit from her body and clothes. “I don’t care about anyone at the villa. I only want to be left alone.”

  Modez pulled off his tunic and discarded it on the ceramic tile floor. “You need to stay away from the dungeon.”

  “Diermont summoned me to the dungeon. I didn’t want to go there. I was forced. And he’ll have me taken there again.” She grabbed a bar of soap and scrubbed her tunic with it. “I won’t do it. I won’t serve the prince that way.”

  “Let me handle Diermont. Just stay out of sight and do not cause any more trouble.”

  “You act like this is my fault.” She soaped her hair with a vengeance. “I’ve done nothing to indicate any interest in his sickening activities.”

  “I know it’s not your fault. I’ll think of some way to dissuade him from using you. If he continues to insist you go to the dungeon, I’ll be the one using you. He already agreed to that.”

  Kiera climbed out of the pool and wrenched her wet tunic with her hands. Water pooled on the marble floor. “Won’t you be occupied elsewhere? With Gwyneth?”

  “I’m not with Gwyneth. She tricked me into biting her but I refuse to accept her. I’ve explained all of this to Gwyneth. She will eventually accept it and leave.”

  “You haven’t slept with her yet?” She had felt angry days ago when he had manipulated her into a sexual relationship with him. It was pathetic of her to feel angry at the thought of him ending it with her. When Modez shook his head, she felt relieved. “You know you cannot have sex with her if you plan to break the mating bond.” She was such a chump. Males didn’t choose to break a mating bond.

  His eyes skirted her body and lit with masculine appreciation. “I am hoping you can help me with that.”

  She was fooling herself and she knew it. He meant to use her for sport. His mating bond with Gwyneth was new and it wasn’t yet making its demands known. But it would, very soon, and then he would take Gwyneth to his bed. It was the inevitable result. “I don’t think either of us is in a position to help one another. I know what I need to do, Modez. I can only hope you’ll find your own solution.”

  Kiera transported to the room she shared with Cassia and Cabrian. It was time to leave. Tears streamed down her face. She wished Modez had not given Gwyneth the bite. It didn’t matter how it had happened. He was now mated to Gwyneth. Whatever she had shared with Modez was over. It was stupid to waste tears on that male and she didn’t understand why she was so emotional. He didn’t really care about her. The most he could offer her was a role as temporary mistress. She would leave. She would give Cassia one chance to go with her, and one chance only. If the Roman slave chose to remain in captivity, then that was on her.

  She turned when she sensed a presence behind her. Modez had followed her to this chamber. She picked up a fresh tunic from her closet. “What are you doing here?”

  He ripped her wet tunic from her body with his hands, leaving her naked. He started drying her with a towel. “I wasn’t done talking.”

  He pulled the fresh tunic over her head and pulled it down past her hips. She noticed he was still wet and was dripping on the floor. “You cannot just come in here when you feel like it. This is my room. My prison.”

  “This chamber belongs to Lord Ross and his human slave. You only sleep in here. You don’t have a chamber of your own anymore.” His hand lingered on her hip, dampening her tunic. “We need to settle things between us.”

  “There is no us.”

  “I’m going to visit you at night and you will open your thighs to me. And I may need you during the day as well.”

  Kiera’s jaw dropped. “Are you serious?”

  “I need you and you’re in no position to deny me.”

  “You are mated to another. That changes things.”

  His hand crept up her thigh and slid to cup her ass. “I’m not going to have sex with Gwyneth. I’ll go through mating bond decay. It’s not pleasant, not at all. But sex with another will alleviate some of the pain and make it more bearable.” He pulled Kiera against his body. “Our previous agreement still stands. You are to make yourself available to me when I need you. Because of our current situation, I’m afraid I’ll need you quite often.”

  She had given that agreement to ensure he kept his mouth shut about her drinking problem. He had also agreed to allow her to feed from him when she was desperate for blood. Now she wasn’t sure she could do it, knowing that she may have to share him with Gwyneth. A mating bond was nearly impossible to resist. He had survived the breaking of the bond once before, but Gwyneth had been the one to break it. He hadn’t had a choice in the matter. “I’m not sure this is a good idea…”

  “There is no better idea. Trust me.” He pushed her on her hands and knees and lifted the back of her tunic to her waist, baring her ass. She heard rustling of clothing and knew he was opening his tro
users. He planned to mount her right here, right now. It shocked her. She was no longer in heat and he had to know he couldn’t come at her like a randy bull. “I cannot do this tonight. I’m sick, Modez. I haven’t been feeling well at all.” Her stomach was still bothering her and she felt dizzy.

  He pulled away from her. “You’re affected by hormone changes from your heat. You should recover in a day or two. I expect you’ll be ready for me then. I’m not sure how long I can wait.”

  His voice sounded odd and she could tell he was on edge. She pulled her tunic past her knees and looked at him from her position on the floor. “You’re affected by the bond.” Like a male in heat—she knew the feeling. She had been powerless in the face of it.

  “I need to be inside you.” He paced inside the chamber, with his total focus on Kiera. He seemed unconcerned about being in cold, wet clothes. “I ache.”

  Kiera’s eyes fell to the area in question. His shaft tented his trousers in a more pronounced fashion than usual. Her eyes moved to his throat where he was marked. Anger rushed inside her once more when she saw the proof that he belonged to another female. He would never be hers. Not even temporarily. A mated male had no need of a mistress. Only rarely did a mated male seek the arms of another female. Diermont had a tendency to use whores, but his need was not motivated by sex. He enjoyed wielding power and inflicting pain. The longer she looked at the mark on his throat, the angrier she became. Why had he been so weak in the first place? If only he had not bitten the woman, they would not be in this predicament. But he had bitten Gwyneth after he had sworn he wanted no mate. He had bitten Gwyneth, not her. He claimed he was tricked into it, but was it really possible that he hadn’t realized what he was doing when he bit her? Did he not secretly want Gwyneth back? She was guaranteed to breed litters for him. He claimed he didn’t care about that, but most males did. They all wanted legitimate heirs. “Please let me be.”

  He nodded. “I will visit you tomorrow night. I assume you will feel better by then.”

  Kiera sighed as he quit the room. She wanted to be with him physically. But she knew continuing to see Modez would only cause her pain later, as he would eventually discard her for Gwyneth. He wouldn’t have any reason to protect her from Diermont’s advances after that. She wasn’t sure he could protect her anyway. If she didn’t take action to prevent it, she would end up just like Druscilla. And that was something she had to avoid.

  * * *

  Modez was going crazy. The mating bond left his cock hard as stone and his balls ached with a ferocity he had never before felt. Nothing relieved the ache. He had tried to relieve himself with his hand, but his stubborn erection would not go away regardless of his action. The only way he would orgasm would be in a woman’s sheath. The mating bond wanted Gwyneth but Modez knew he could make it work with Kiera.

  Gwyneth was waiting for him outside his bedchamber. She was like a parasite, sucking the life out of him and refusing to be parted from his body. He had made it clear to her that he rejected the bond. He wasn’t going to accept her body. He didn’t want her and laying with her would strengthen the mating bond. He wanted to force it to break, which meant staying the hell away from her. “I don’t want to speak with you.”

  “Why do you refuse me? I am waiting to deliver the ultimate happiness to you.”

  “You make me miserable. You could never make me happy. You forced this bond on me.”

  “It made Diermont ecstatic when Snotti and I admitted what we had done.” Gwyneth licked her fangs with her tongue in a manner meant to seduce, but he was unaffected. “He approved because he knew it was in your best interests to accept me as your mate.”

  “So everyone says. But I know better.” Snotti had been pressuring him without cease. He yearned to throttle her.

  “What is done is done. There’s no way out for you, my love. Accept it already.” Gwyneth’s pouty lips flattened into a thin line. “My patience with you grows thin. I’ve overlooked your behavior because it is uncharacteristic of you and we all know it is a sign of sickness from mating bond decay.”

  “If I am losing my mind it is your fault, Gwyneth. I don’t want you. What will it take to make this clear to you?”

  “I am your mate.” She placed her hand on his midsection, upon his rock hard cock. “Your shaft recognizes me as your mate even if you do not. It strains to reach my hand through your trousers. Let me provide the relief you need. I will quench your hunger.”

  He squeezed her wrist so hard that she screamed in pain. “I am not yours. I’ll break the bond and mate with another.”

  “There is no one else but me. The odds of finding another compatible female are a million to one. You don’t know how fortunate you are to have me.” Gwyneth sniffed as a tear rolled down her face. “You are mine.”

  “It wasn’t difficult for you to find another match, so I’ll take my chances. I’m not concerned about it anyway. After what I’ve been through with you, I’m not looking for a mate. If I wish for female company, I’ve an entire palace of courtesans at my disposal.” He didn’t mention that he only wanted one. Kiera. “I’ve found more pleasure outside the mating bed than I’ve ever found in it.”

  “You don’t mean that.” Gwyneth’s eyes were troubled. “There’s nothing better than sex with your mate. My sheath is ready for you. I can feel it tightening and becoming moist.” Gwyneth tugged on his arm while her face shone with desperation. “Come, taste my honey.”

  He wrenched away from the grasping woman but she kept grabbing hold of him. His arm, his waist, his shoulders. She was all over him, like a beast with tentacles. “I don’t need a mating bond to ensure a comfortable ride. There are humans and mongrels for that.”

  Gwyneth slapped him hard across his face. “How can you suggest such a thing? It goes against everything we believe in. There is no substitute for a hybrid mate. I fully support Snotti and her APS movement. Humans are a scourge and mongrels aren’t much better. To hell with them all, I say.”

  “I don’t want or need you, Gwyneth. Nothing about you attracts me.” He knew that would piss her off for sure and it got the expected reaction. Gwyneth lost it, her eyes turning a freaky black that had always disturbed him.

  “You are interested in another,” she said with a voice that was as deep as a man’s. “Who is it, I wonder? Who do you covet?”

  “You cannot possibly expect me to answer that question.” Gwyneth’s eyes were swirling pits of black pitch. The sight repulsed him and filled him with apprehension.

  “There is someone else and it’s not Elsa. I know you so well, Modez. I can see it in your eyes. You will stop seeing this person now that you have a mate. And if you refuse to let her go, I will simply kill the bitch.”

  “I am not your mate.” He took a few steps back from the crazy, clingy female. “Accept this now. Nothing you can say or do will change how I feel about you. I despise you and I’ll never be yours. This bond you forced on me will break.”

  “That could kill you. It would harm me as well.” Gwyneth shook her head and stomped her foot. “I cannot allow anyone to come between us. Until you bed me and accept our bond, I will not allow the use of whores. If I discover any threat to my mating bond with you, I will use my relationship with Snotti to deal with the threat. Do you understand me, Modez?” She wagged her finger at him in the same manner one might use to scold a small child. “I know Snotti and Diermont are fond of you, but I have more political pull than you. Especially with you acting insane. Your judgment is impaired and you aren’t competent to make decisions for yourself. As your mate, I will act on your behalf.”

  “Don’t think to control me, Gwyneth. People have died for less.” He was at his wit’s end. He wondered if the bond would be easier to terminate if Gwyneth was dead. He pushed the thought to the back of his mind as soon as it began to circulate within his head. Maybe he was losing it. He wasn’t a murderer of females, even if they were irritating as hell.

  Gwyneth smiled and bared her fangs. “Don’t
test me. I learned much about manipulating royalty when I was mated to the Northern king. I will have your precious royals eating out of my hand. And if I find you have an affection for an inappropriate female, I will have her exterminated.”

  He placed his hands around Gwyneth’s throat, his rage blinding him in its intensity. She threatened Kiera and would kill her if she discovered he cared for that female. Gwyneth’s eyes were black as her rotten soul. The woman struggled and a lightening flash broke the darkness of the room. She put her hands to his head and electrical shocks coursed down his body, causing him to lose his hold on her. He backed up a few steps, not wanting to engage with the woman when she was using her hybrid abilities. He was relieved he hadn’t harmed her now that his mind was thinking more clearly. “Calm down, Gwyneth. Let’s not go there.”

  “You started it,” she hissed.

  “I know. I could fight back but that would probably kill you.” He had been tempted to hurl a heavy object at her using his mind, but he knew the wisdom of controlling his abilities.

  “Fight me if you think you can. I don’t think you’ll take me. You’re weak. And crazy as bat shit.”

  “Hurling insults at me isn’t going to endear yourself to me.”

  “What’s the name of your newest whore? You must have someone. Tell me, who do I need to kill?”

  “Acting the jealous bitch doesn’t become you. Your face turns ugly with all that scowling.”

  “You cannot focus on our relationship when you are distracted by another.” Gwyneth clutched his head with her hands, sending more electrical shocks down his body.

  “Get away from me and stop the shock treatment. Now, Gwyneth.” When the woman continued to apply shocks to his body, he knew he had to use a show of physical force before she fried him. He pushed her away from him using a gentle shove but it was supplemented by his mental hybrid abilities—his telekinetic powers. The woman flew across the room, her limbs flailing in the air while her screams pierced his ears. He had thrown her further than intended, and to his horror, she fell straight into a burning fireplace. Her hair and clothing caught fire instantly.


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