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Motorcycle Master_Bad Boy Angel

Page 10

by Maggie Carpenter


  Kat and Marco had checked into the Lake Arrowhead Resort and spa, and immediately upon entering the room Kat had run a bubble bath. Gratefully soaking in the relaxing foam, she leaned back against Marco’s muscled body, and as his arms came around her she let out a long happy sigh.

  “This is heaven.”

  “For more reasons than you can know,” he murmured.


  “Like, I knew I wanted to be back in the real world, but I didn’t realize how much.”

  “I can’t even imagine living life the way you have for two years. How did you do it?”

  “I immersed myself. Became someone else, and always remembered I was on a job. I’m still on a job, and so are you.”

  “I’ve only been doing it for five minutes, but it feels as if it’s coming to an end already. I think you’ll be back in your own home pretty quick. Do you have your own home? Is it okay to ask that?”

  “Sure it’s okay. I leased it. Someone’s managing it for me. It’s in the rural area of Thousand Oaks.”

  “Really? I ride my bike out there all the time.”

  “I can’t wait to get back.”

  “It won’t be long. This whole crazy HH thing is beginning to unravel.”

  “Finding out about the mansion is a big break, but you know as well as I do the unexpected is always around the corner.”


  “When we get out of this tub…” he whispered, moving his hands over her slippery breasts, “you know what I’m going to do?”

  “No, I haven’t a clue. Why don’t you tell me?”

  “I’m going to put you over my knee.”

  He’d breathed the hot promise in her ear, and turning her head around she looked at him with a puzzled frown.


  “Because it looks as if we’ll be seeing this operation through together, and I’m going to make damn sure there’s no confusion about who’s in charge.”

  “But we’ll be partners,” she said softly, gently shifting to lay on top of him and dropping her lips on to his. “Partners, as in, equal.”

  “Partners, yes,” he said, gripping her wet hair and pulling it back to lock her eyes, “and I know you can take care of yourself, but I’m still going to take the lead. I’m not going to let you do anything stupid.”

  “That’s insulting!” she said indignantly. “I’m not stupid, and I can’t believe you said that.”

  “You’re right. Let me put it another way. I’m not going to let anything happen to you.”


  “You know that’s how I am. Protecting you is—well—the number one item in my job description.”

  “For the record, Mr. DEA, I’m not going to let anything happen to you either.”

  He grinned.

  “I believe you, but you really do need a spanking.”

  As he released her hair, she dropped her head into the crook of his shoulder and sank against him. She knew what he meant, and though she hated to admit it, he was right. She was sharp and smart and had great instincts, but there were times she could be overly confident, even impulsive.

  “Have you soaked long enough?” he purred. “Are you ready to get out?”

  “I suppose, though I could stay here like this forever. I hope we don’t have any messages waiting for us.”

  “They’ll be raiding Mike’s Garage about now. No doubt we’ll be hearing something before too long.”

  “Then I guess, if you’re going to ravage me, we’d should make a move. I’d hate to be interrupted by buzzing phones.”

  They climbed from the tub and dried off, and Marco paused to grab a condom from his toiletry bag.

  “They’re such a nuisance,” she remarked as they entered the bedroom and he tossed it on the nightstand. “I wish I could have you naked. I am on the pill.”

  “I want that too, but there are other considerations, and I’m a very cautious guy.”

  “I know, it’s good, and I agree,” she purred stretching out on the bed.

  Climbing up after her, he sat with his back against the padded headboard and patted his thighs.

  “You know what to do.”

  “You really don’t have to…” she said softly, staring up at him with ridiculously woeful eyes.

  “Stop giving me that look! You know that’s not true. Lay over my lap, and don’t make me ask you again.”

  With a dramatic sigh she slithered over him, but took her time squirming into position.

  “There really is a very naughty girl living inside you,” he chuckled as he began caressing her backside, “and it’s definitely time to lay down some ground rules. Are you ready?”


  “What did you just say?”

  “Sorry! Sometimes I can’t help myself.”

  “I rest my case,” he declared as he delivered his first few smacks.

  “OW, but in the field I’m the best. I know what I’m doing.”

  “That’s probably true, but that first night at the tavern you came on way too strong,” he said sternly, continuing to land his hot slaps. “You do know that.”

  “OW. OW. I guess, but we had chemistry from the—”

  “Stop right there. Now you’re going into excuse mode,” he declared, pausing his hand. “This is really simple. Me Dom, you sub. Right?”


  “So who’s in charge?” he demanded, resuming his work, rapidly moving his palm from one cheek to the other.

  “OW, OW, you, Sir.”

  “Finally. Why do I get the feeling you’ll be needing maintenance?” he muttered, continuing to spank with gusto.

  “OH, OUCH, if you say so, Sir.”

  “Amazing what a red backside can achieve,” he declared, slipping his fingers into her sex, “cooperation and a wet pussy.”

  Kat let out a long groan. She knew she’d be over his knee regularly. She was a tester and she always had been. She needed the reassurance, and though it could be confusing, she knew loving domination made her feel contented and fulfilled like nothing else. Relishing her bottom’s hot sting as his finger teased her clit, a soft satisfied smile crossed her lips.

  “Are we clear?”

  He was thrusting his finger in and out of her depths, and spreading her legs wider she looked back at him over her shoulder.

  “Yes, Sir, we are clear. You don’t have to spank me anymore.”

  Throwing back his head he laughed out loud. It reminded her of the time he’d done the same thing a couple of times before. Was it a habit? She hoped so. It was as if sheer joy was being released from his soul.

  “That calls for ten extra, and right where your thighs meet your ass.”

  She knew she’d provoked the additional punishment, they both did. She needed more and he was happy to oblige, and as his hand dropped to her sit spot and slowly delivered the promised ten hard smacks, she buried her head in the soft comforter. They hurt. They hurt more than she thought they would, but she knew he had to make them count because she’d manipulated him. It felt so wonderfully right, all of it.

  “There, I think we’re finished,” he said firmly as he landed the last two, “unless your smart mouth has something to say about it.”

  “Just thank you, Sir.”

  He smiled, and though his cock was urgently requesting attention, he took his time rubbing away the sting. Kat’s body was heavy on his lap. She was relaxed, and as she moaned her gratitude he realized how deeply attracted she must have been to him from the outset. That first night, though she’d known there was a possibility he could be involved in dealing, the attraction had been so strong she’d thrown caution to the wind—but that also told him she could be reckless. Breaking into his thoughts she unexpectedly rolled off his lap, rose to her knees and straddled him.

  “Wait,” he said holding up his hand.

  “Fucking condoms,” she complained. “We need to change that.”

  “I agree, but for
the moment…”

  Reaching across to the bedside table he picked up the package, ripped it open, slipped the sheath into place, then lifting his gaze he saw the carnal hunger in her eyes.

  “Ask nicely.”

  “Please, Sir, may I sit on you?”

  “You certainly may.”

  Holding his rampant cock, he felt her fingers digging into his shoulders as she lowered herself down. Moving both hands to her waist he clutched her tightly, thrusting up with powerful strokes until her breath was coming in short sharp gasps.

  “No,” he said huskily, “not yet.”


  His strong hold supporting her, he deftly moved her on to her back, then laying on her body he sent his mouth to hers, fervently kissing her as he vigorously propelled himself forward. Gauging her muffled cries he kept her on the edge, accelerating and slowing off until she was begging.

  “You’re sure you’re ready?” he teased, his cock at its bursting point buried inside her.

  “Yes, please, please, Sir.”

  “Since you pleaded so nicely…”

  He began to pump, her body stiffened, and as her orgasm took hold, her unbridled sounds of pleasure sent him tumbling over the edge into his own powerful climax. Moments later, breathlessly rolling off her body and on to his back, he felt a massive wave of fatigue. She was whimpering softly, and he couldn’t remember the last time he’d felt so utterly exhausted. Closing his eyes he felt himself drifting off, and with Kat snuggling against him he fell into a deep sleep.


  The black SUV’s with the tinted windows that had sped past Kratos, had unleashed a score of DEA and FBI agents into Mike’s garage. Mike had taken exception to their presence, and after a scuffle he had been secured in one of the vehicles, then the agents had started treading cautiously through the mess of motorcycles, engine parts, tools and oil pans strewn throughout the shop. Both Steve and Johnny were on the scene, and it was one of Steve’s men who made the first discovery; a gun in the back of a drawer in the giant rolling toolbox.

  Johnny ordered his agents to empty all the tubs of oil lying around the floor, more for the men’s safety than anything else, only to discover the thick black fluid had been hiding small packets of pills in tightly sealed plastic bags. Having also found the metal covers beneath the tubs, they stumbled upon something far more significant; a large package of white powder. Johnny immediately drew a conclusion. Steve was on his way out to the yard behind the shop when the urgent sound of Johnny’s voice brought him hurrying back.

  “What is it?”

  “Check it out?” Johnny said handing him the package. “You think that’s the missing delivery? It could crack our case wide open.”

  “Marco told me this place was a chop-shop,” Steve grimaced. “Why the hell didn’t I get a warrant to search it earlier?”

  “Hey, don’t sweat it. Seems our timing is right on the money. Bag this up and get it to the lab right away,” he said, handing it off to one of his agents. “Let’s see if it matches our HH samples.”

  “Our lab,” Steve interjected.

  “Yeah, give it to one of Steve’s guys.”

  “I’m heading into that scrap heap in back,” Steve declared. “I’ve got a feeling there are hidden treasures in some of those junk cars.”

  “I’m coming with you. The smell in this place is making me sick.”

  Moving carefully through the shop’s clutter, they entered the chaos of the yard. Engine and automobile parts littered the ground, broken up bikes were everywhere, and towards the back there were two rows of junk cars. As more agents joined them, large bags of marijuana were found, along with additional weapons and a surprising amount of cash.

  “This explains the barbed wire,” Steve remarked. “He had a lot to protect.”

  “I wonder if this is where HH made the deliveries,” Johnny said thoughtfully, then raising his chin he sniffed the air. “Steve, what is that smell?”

  “Man, it’s worse than the shop.”

  “Maybe a dead animal? Seems like it’s coming from over there,” Johnny remarked starting down the last row of junk cars. “Whew, it’s bad.”

  “Aw, shit!” Steve grimaced walking up behind him. “I know what that is!”

  “Let’s not get any closer. I’ll call my forensics guys over here.”

  Moments later, suited up and carrying their bags, several men and women descended on the scene and began checking the cars as they advanced down the row. Reaching the last, using a crowbar, they pried open the trunk.

  “We got a body,” one of them called out. “Shot in the back of the head. Looks as if he’s been dead about three, maybe four days. You want to see if you know this guy?”

  Quickly slipping on face masks, Steve and Johnny walked forward and gazed down at the corpse.

  “That’s Dennis Handley,” Steve said grimly. “Second-in-command under Kratos.”

  “Not anymore,” Johnny grunted. “What the hell is going on? Have we stumbled into a coup within the Kings?”

  “Or Mike simply popped him in an argument. Wouldn’t be—”

  “Hey, Johnny, something’s happened,” a voice called interrupting Steve mid-sentence.

  Turning around both men spied a young agent running towards them.

  “What’s up, Andrew?”

  “Boss, uh, it’s about Katrina.”

  “What about her?”

  “The GPS on her bike…”


  “The thing is, it started moving so Ted was keeping track, and, uh, well…”

  “What? Just tell me!”

  “The bike has been crushed on the freeway about three miles from here. Two fatalities, a male and a female.”

  “What the fuck?” Steve muttered with a heavy frown. “Shit! It can’t be them.”

  “She and Marco are nowhere close to here!” Johnny exclaimed, urgently reaching for his phone, his heart pounding in his chest as he placed a call to Kat. “Dammit. I didn’t notice that pink bike in the shop and I know she left it here.”

  “Hey, Johnny, what’s the news?” Kat asked, picking up on the third ring.

  “Thank God! Where are you?” he asked urgently, then darted his eyes to Steve. “We’re good, it’s Kat.”

  “Lake Arrowhead,” she answered, “but you know that. What’s going on?”

  “Is Marco with you?”

  “Yeah, he’s right here.”

  “Steve, they’re both at Lake Arrowhead,” Johnny said quickly, “Kat, it’s your bike. It’s been involved in a bad accident. We thought…”

  “You’re kidding? Mike must have lent it to someone.”

  “Scared the scrap out of us,” Johnny muttered. “There’s a lot to tell you, but I’ll call you back when we’re finished here.”

  “Sure. Bye.”

  Ending the call Johnny let out a long breath, then turned to the agent who had delivered the news, now looking visibly relieved.

  “Andrew, we’ve got a body back here. Dennis Handley. Arrest Mike Sanders for suspicion of murder, drug trafficking, weapons possession, and whatever else you can think of, but get him to tell you who was on that bike. Do whatever you have to, but find out now, then get him out of here and processed.”

  “Okay, boss. I didn’t get a chance to tell you, it was a semi that hit the motorbike. The freeway’s backed up for miles.”

  “We need to get to that scene,” Steve exclaimed.

  “No shit,” Johnny said anxiously. “Let’s go.”

  Walking cautiously but quickly back through the yard and shop, taking two additional agents, they jumped into an SUV, and as they raced down the hill they spied the helicopters hovering over the freeway. It was a quick trip, and they soon saw the jammed freeway ahead. With their flashing lights they managed to navigate past the vehicles on the ramp and up on to the shoulder of the highway. Screeching to a halt, showing their badges as they hurried past the CHP officers and ambulances, they left their t
wo underlings to explain who they were.

  “Hey, Steve, you wanna take the victims or the bike?”

  “Victims,” Steve replied, but as he started to move away Johnny’s phone chimed.

  “Wait up, it’s Andrew,” Johnny said hastily, answering the call.

  “Boss, it was Kratos and his girlfriend Nancy Vicks on the bike.”

  “What the hell? Okay, thanks,” Johnny said ending the call. “Steve, you won’t believe this. It’s Kratos and his girl, Nancy Vicks.”

  Steve stared at him as he processed the implications of the startling news.

  “That means…” Steve murmured slowly, “Dennis and Kratos, the leaders of the pack…you think the bike might have been tampered with? Was Mike planning a coup?”

  “Or has HH decided to take over?”

  “Shit…Marco!” Steve muttered. “He’s third in line.”

  “You’re thinking he might be next?”

  “We can’t rule anything out,” Steve said gravely. “Those two need to lay low until we figure this out.”

  “I’ll check out the bike while you call them. Something’s going on, and we need to find out what the hell it is.”

  After being woken from their nap by Johnny’s call, Kat and Marco had cuddled for a while as they’d talked about their lives outside their work. It was a warm intimate time getting to know each other, and they’d just decided to leave the bed and head off to take a sunset walk when Marco’s phone rang.

  “It’s Steve. He never calls me on this phone,” he said with a worried frown. “Hey, what’s up?”

  “Does anyone know where you are?”

  “The gang knows we’re in the village, but not which hotel. Why?”

  “Prepare yourself. I have some alarming news.”

  “I’m ready. What’s up?”

  “Dennis and Kratos are dead.”

  “You’ve got to be kidding me,” Marco exclaimed dropping back down on the bed. “I’ll put you on speaker so Kat can hear this.”

  “I’m here,” Kat declared.

  “Kratos is dead, and so is Dennis Handley,” Steve announced.

  “I can’t believe it,” she mumbled, sinking on the bed next to Marco. “How? Where?”

  “We found Dennis in the trunk of a car at Mike’s Garage. He’d been shot. Apparently dead about four days. Mike’s in custody for his murder, along with many other charges. Kratos and his girlfriend were killed on the freeway, and Kat, they were on your bike! Weird thing though, Johnny said it used to be pink. It was black. Last but certainly not least, we think we found the missing heroin.”


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