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Motorcycle Master_Bad Boy Angel

Page 17

by Maggie Carpenter


  “What? Never mind,” Jason said hastily. “If that package doesn’t show up real quick, you’re dead, you hear me?”

  “I told you, it’s in a fucking garbage can, and if the writer of that note knows what he says he does, you’d better think long and hard before you lay a finger on me, or anyone else here.”

  “Why did you put that smack in the garbage can?” Jason suddenly bellowed. “WHY? You stupid fuck. You stupid, stupid fuck.”

  “You could go check. Maybe it’s still there.”


  Jason’s wail of anger sounded like nothing Marco had ever heard, and for a moment he thought Jason was about to launch into a wild attack, but instead he bolted down the hallway and pushed through the swinging doors. Leaning against the wall and letting out a long breath, Marco said a silent prayer of thanks. Jason had bought the story.

  “Hey. Are you all right?” Kat’s soft voice caught his attention and he snapped up his head. “Jason just charged out of the tavern. Did it go badly?”

  “For him it did. He didn’t get what he expected, but the wheels are now in motion.”

  “So he was racing off to the garbage can?”

  “Yep, and Kat, why did you pull that crap with him?”

  “I wanted him rattled. I thought it would help you get the better of him. Did it?”

  “Hard to say, but maybe, yeah, I think maybe it did. It was reckless though. These guys…you don’t mess with them like that.”

  “He has other things on his mind now. I doubt he’ll even remember meeting me.”

  “We’ll talk about it later. I need to call Steve.”

  “Wait, before you do, I have some great news. There’s going to be a party at the mansion tomorrow night, and I have the password to get through the gates.”

  “How the hell did you manage that?”

  “Jason invited me. I guess having a password saves the trouble of making a guest list.”

  “Kratos would say this is fate,” he said, staring at her. “It has to be. You go back in. I’m calling Steve and I’ll be right there. Good work, Kat.”

  “Does that mean the—we’ll talk about it later—is off the table?”

  “Not a chance, pussycat, and speaking of things on tables, those bottles are still there, right?”

  “I didn’t touch them.”

  “Good, while I call Steve make sure you get the one Jason grabbed. I only did that to get his prints. We might be needing them.”

  Carrying a gym bag, Jason Dean marched up to the second garbage can just inside the park’s entrance. Behind his dark aviator sunglasses, he scanned his surroundings. There were boys skateboarding, couples ambling, and mothers and their children throwing bread to the ducks. Everything appeared normal. Pulse racing, he thrust his hands into the covered opening. His fingers searched through the empty cans and bottles, and he suddenly touched plastic, then tape. It was the missing delivery. He thought his heart would leap out of his chest. Slowly and carefully he pulled it out, dropped it into the gym bag, and pulled the zipper closed.

  Striding quickly back to the street, he secured the bag on his bike, and climbing on board he started up the powerful engine. As he roared off, he was so elated he didn’t notice the drone in the sky, or the man in the car street who had been taking photographs with a telephoto lens, or even the van that pulled out behind him. Now he was consumed with finding whoever had written the letter. It might take a while, but he’d find him…or her. Obviously Kratos had a life outside the Kings, and he’d move heaven and earth to uncover the people to whom Kratos had been connected. As far as Marco and Kat were concerned, accidents happened all the time, and those two were about to find out just how true that was.


  With each member of the Kratos Kings stepping forward to wax lyrical about their fearless leader, it was almost sunset by the time the memorial service wound down to a close. Marco then opened the office to a steady stream of people, both bikers and regular folks who had known Kratos outside the club. Subdued, they walked in to sign the book and leave their thoughts, then solemnly stare at the photograph on the wall.

  Marco didn’t let Kat out of his sight, and while it appeared she thought nothing of the snide comments she’d made to Jason Dean, Marco was concerned. He knew Jason had not taken her rejection and insults well, and if Jason was as vindictive as Marco suspected, he didn’t believe Jason would simply let it go. By the time the wake began in earnest, and the beer was flowing and the hamburgers and fries were being speedily sent from the kitchen, Marco and Kat were ready to leave, but sitting at their table she could see he was deep in thought.

  “I want to make sure we’re not followed,” he finally said, leaning across the table and keeping his voice low.

  “Why are you worried about that? Look around you. Everyone’s getting plastered.”

  “Kat, whether it’s Jason or someone else from the HH cartel, I don’t want to take the chance. No-one knows where you live and I’m going to keep it that way.”

  “But why would anyone care about me? Besides, we’d know if anyone was following us. I don’t think this is an issue.”

  “I’m surprised at you. You’re a pro. You should be just as concerned as I am.”

  “Okay, I surrender. How do we leave and make sure we’re not being followed?”

  “One of our agents—”

  “You mean, one of the wolf men,” she giggled.

  “What’s gotten into you? This is serious,” he scolded. “Pay attention.”

  “Sorry. I’m listening.”

  “You see the guy over there with the red hair? His name is Frank.”

  “He’s hard to miss.”

  “I’m going to have him take you across to the diner while I zip home by myself. In about fifteen minutes you two will leave. I know you’ve got your bike here, and I want you on your bike and Frank on his. When he’s sure there’s no tail he’ll let me know. I’ll duck out the back of my house on foot and meet you a couple of streets away in a back alley, then we’ll ride up to your house on your bike.”

  “Marco, that’s so complicated.”

  “I make the rules, remember?”

  “How can I forget? You remind me often enough, but are you sure we have to go through all this rigmarole?”

  He paused, studying her, his eyes narrowing and his frown deepening

  “Just how hard do you want me to spank you tonight?”

  Kat couldn’t stop her quick intake of breath, nor prevent the red flush from crossing her face.

  “That’s what I thought!” he murmured, and reading her reaction he knew there’d be no more backtalk, at least, not for a while. “I’m going to have a chat with Frank now, and you’re going to the ladies’ room. When you come out I’ll be gone. He’ll approach you, and you’ll accept his invitation to go across the street for some coffee. Am I clear?”

  “Uh-huh,” she managed, fighting the heat in her cheeks and the racing of her pulse.

  “You look like a little girl who’s just been chastised.”

  “That’s how I feel.”

  “As you should. When we get back to your place and we’ve checked in with Steve and Johnny, I’m going to…” he warned, his voice low, but he didn’t finish, leaving the unspoken threat to hang in the air.

  “You’re going to what?”

  “You can ponder the answer to that question,” he declared, standing up from the table. “I’ll see you shortly.”

  As he started to move through the crowd towards the stocky man with the red hair, she had to sit for a moment to catch her breath. Her butterflies were fluttering and she was slightly breathless. He’d done it again. Made her feel things…crazy things…amazing things. The truth was, she’d been just as concerned as he was, but she’d wanted to feel her toes curl so she’d been purposely flippant. He hadn’t disappointed her. With just a look he had turned her knees weak, and his question, just how hard do you want
me to spank you tonight? had made her heart thump against her chest. Slowly rising to her feet she walked towards the ladies’ room, but as she pushed open the door another thought came to her, and it sent the hot rush through her body all over again; she’d have to tell him what she’d done.

  A little while later, when Marco met up with Frank and Kat in the alley, Frank told him he’d initially thought they were being followed, so he’d taken a circuitous route traveling at high speed.

  “We lost them a few streets back,” Kat remarked. “You were right, Marco.”

  “I’m not surprised. Thanks, Frank. I appreciate the backup.”

  “No worries. I’ll probably be seeing you again before this thing is over.”

  “No doubt. Okay, Kat, let’s hit the road. I’m driving.”

  “It was good to meet you, Frank,” she said warmly as she climbed off her motorcycle and stepped back so Marco could get on. “I really enjoyed riding with you.”

  “You’re welcome, and you sure know how to handle that bike of yours.”

  Marco donned his helmet and swung his leg over the powerful machine, and as Kat slipped behind him, Frank rode off ahead of them.

  “I’ll give him a sec,” Marco said as Kat wrapped her arms around his waist, “then I’ll take the back streets just to be on the safe side.”


  “What? No smart aleck reply?”

  “No, no more of them tonight.”

  “You feeling okay?”

  “Better than okay.”

  “You ready?”

  “I’m ready.”

  Marco rode slowly down the alley to the street, checked both directions, then took off, expertly maneuvering around the corners until they hit the main road that would take them to Sunset Blvd. It was late and a Friday, so traffic was heavy, and Sunset Blvd was jammed, but deftly moving between the cars he was soon turning off the famous street and following the winding road into the hills. Slowing as he approached Kat’s house, he drove down the side path, stopped at the shed, and Kat climbed off and unlocked it so he could put her bike safely away for the night. Leaving their helmets, holding hands they walked around to the front door where Marco stopped and studied the street. It was quiet, there seemed to be nothing out of the ordinary, and satisfied he followed Kat inside. As they walked into her living room, Marco moved immediately across to the couch, pulling Kat down with him.

  “What a day. Damn I’m beat,” she exclaimed, dropping her head on his shoulder. “I’ve never heard so many speeches. They really loved Kratos.”

  “He was a strange guy, but any one of those members would have walked through fire for him. I’m beat too, but we need to check in, then we’re taking a shower.”

  Lifting his phone from his pocket he placed the call, and Steve answered immediately.

  “Glad you called. Is Kat with you?”

  “Yep, and you’re on speaker. Is Johnny there?”

  “No, he left, but he’s up to speed. First, Kat, great work getting that password.”


  “We’re in business. We got the warrant. The video of Jason lifting the package from the garbage can and going straight to the mansion, along with the wiretap of your conversation with him at the tavern this afternoon, did the trick.”

  “That’s great,” Marco exclaimed. “When are you’re going in?”

  “We’ll hit the party tomorrow night, and because Kat got us that password we’ll have people inside the mansion. It’s going to make everything so much safer and effective. Our guys can get the lay of the land before we arrive.”

  “Fantastic!” Marco exclaimed. “I can’t believe we’re finally going to nail those bastards.”

  “Let’s just hope we can find that torture room and the lab.”

  “And HH,” Kat interjected. “How will you even know who he is?”

  “It may take some time, but we’ll figure it out,” Steve promised. “We’re also going into that second property you found up the street from you, the one housing the girls. Johnny and I want you and Marco in on that raid.”

  “Sounds good to me,” Kat said excitedly.

  “Wait a second,” Marco interjected. “Why do you want Kat there?”

  “For the girls. She worked in vice for a couple of years, and you’re already part of the operation. What’s the problem?”

  “Nothing, no problem,” Marco said quickly as Kat shot him a look. “Any word on that gun? The one in the seat of the chair?”

  “Yeah. We got a hit. There were two sets of prints, Travis Davis—”

  “Tank?” Kat interrupted. “That’s weird. Why would Kratos be hiding a gun that Tank used?”

  “Hopefully Tank will tell us, but the other set belonged to a kid who was picked up for dealing weed about nine years ago. His name is Ernie Williams. Is there a member of the Kings by that name?”

  “Not that I’ve heard of,” Marco replied, “but maybe he was there before I came on the scene.”

  “Getting back to the raids. Obviously we want them happening simultaneously. The team for the hooker hostel will gather at your house, Kat, and Johnny will be there. I’ll be going in with the team at the mansion.”

  “It’s going to be a busy night,” Marco remarked. “Did you get anything else from the bugs you planted at the tavern?”

  “Nothing of note. A few conversations about some petty crimes, but nothing we’ll be following up on.”

  “What time will everyone be arriving here at the house tomorrow night?” Kat asked.

  “Figure around eight o’clock.”

  “Speaking of Tank,” Marco said, “I’ll be paying him a visit tomorrow afternoon, unless you have an objection.”

  “Be my guest. He’s clammed up. Hopefully you’ll have better luck. Great work guys. Have a good night and I’ll speak to you later.”

  Ending the call, Marco leaned back and dropped his phone on the coffee table.

  “After two long years it’s finally happening. It’s hard to wrap my brain around.”

  “I’m sure,” Kat murmured. “It must seem surreal.”

  “Things were stagnant until you showed up. Does this happen on all the cases you jump into?”

  “Not all, but I have to admit, this one took off like a bullet train.”

  “They say timing in life is everything, and yours was right on the money.”

  “Thanks, handsome.”

  “How about that shower?”

  “I’m dying for a shower, but I’m not sure I have energy to walk to the bathroom.”

  “Before we go in, have you thought about that question I left you with?”

  “Uh…kind of,” she said, feeling the familiar tumbling in her stomach.

  “What does that mean?”

  “It means, I don’t really know what you’re going to do.”

  “What do you think I should do to a woman who purposely provoked me into scolding her?”


  “You heard me.”

  “I, uh, shit. How did you know? I was going to tell you, I swear it.”

  “It appears we have a bit more to deal with than you just being obstreperous.”

  “Marco, I do love you,” she said softly, “and I only did it because you turn me on so much.”

  “I know exactly why you did it, but you still played me.”

  “Do you mind very much?”

  “I don’t mind at all, but your bottom will, and we’re going to take care of this in the shower. I saw a very inviting bath brush when I was here last.”


  “Yep. Go in. I’ll be there in a minute.”


  “Do you really want me to ask you a second time?”

  Leaning into him, she pressed her lips against his, sending an instant bolt of energy into his loins.

  “I’ll be waiting all soapy and naked, and I really am sorry,” she whispered, then rising slowly up from him, she ambled into the bedroom.

; Marco sat for a moment, digesting the remarkable turn of events, then walked across to the glass sliders and stared down at the city. Somehow, through all the carnage, he’d survived, and on top of that, a miracle had happened. A miracle called Kat. Marco suddenly felt like the luckiest man alive.


  Feeling the tension leave her body as the hot water splashed over her, Kat shampooed her hair and washed off the day. Marco was taking his time, but she wasn’t surprised. He was building her anticipation. A warm shiver sent goosebumps to her skin, and as she rinsed away the suds she heard him come in. Wiping her hand across the steamed up glass, she watched him undress, his tightly muscled body making her smile, but when he picked up the bath brush sitting on the side of the tub she felt a twinge of fear; that thing would hurt.

  Feeling her eyes on him, Marco raised his head and looked across the small space. Her naked body was barely visible through the fogged-up window, but he could make out her puckered nipples atop her luscious breasts. His cock stirred, and with his fingers tightening around the handle of the long brush, he stepped forward and opened the door.

  “May I say something in my defense?” Kat asked as she moved back and leaned against the tiled wall.

  “Always, but please hold this while I clean up.”

  Staring down at the implement that was about to spank her backside, she hesitated.

  “What are you worried about? It’s not going to leap from your hands and swat you of its own accord.”

  “Would you like me to use it to scrub your back?”


  As he turned to face the streaming water, she stared at his wide shoulders and powerful arms; the sight sent a flood of moisture between her legs. She loved his strength, the way he moved like a panther, how he totally consumed her when they made love, and how safe she felt when wrapped up in his strapping arms.

  “Here,” he said, handing her the bar of soap over his shoulder as he rinsed off.

  Taking it from him, she rubbed it over the bristles, then began moving the brush across his back. He had his head under the shower and was rinsing out the shampoo, and feeling a warm closeness, she wrapped her arms around him, closed her eyes, and laid her face against the foam on his back.


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