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Christ Is Within Us

Page 5

by Adrian Bonnington

  Mother Earth is firing up again. A new cycle began in 2016. Venus has given birth to a new cycle of the sun.

  The Mayan’s used Venus as their time keeper.

  Isis gave birth to Horus the new cycle. Sep is the old cycle and associated with Saturn and thus Chronos and time. Time is a manmade construct something we use so we can live on Earths plane.

  It is the Christ light that illuminates – he is the Sun of God and also the Ark of the Covenant and the divine male.

  The moon is Isis and also the divine female but also has aspects of Horus. She is the Holy Grail. The light from Orion is now returning. We see Biblical events unfolding and can access our higher consciousness as a hive collective.

  Everything follows the Fibonacci sequence. The first born souls are divine but each next generation of souls born have less memory as not as close to the source so lose part of their divinity.

  Atun is infinite God energy and where we get the word atom from.

  Our soul consciousness burns as twin souls by God on this plane.

  The universe is mental see the Kybalion. The mental universe holds all waveforms together. The moon (6) controls the birth of souls. The sun or God (9) controls consciousness but is also the source and everything / nothing at the same time.

  Earth is in shadows half the time this is the ethereal plane.

  [See my book on consciousness creates reality – to understand why there was no need for a big bang]

  Who was the real Noah?

  Based on the works of Zecharia Sitchin

  Essay 20


  En means Lord. Ki is Anunnaki word for Earth so Enki means Lord of Earth and his brother Enlil means lord of the Sky. Enki’s Anunnaki name was Ea.

  Enki lusted for Batanash wife of Lu-Mach, Workmaster of slaves in Edin. Enlil gave Enki an excuse to enjoy Batanash.

  Enlil had incited slave-rage at Lu-Mach. He ordered Lu-Mach to force the slaves to work more on less food. In reaction, the slaves menaced Lu-Mach. So, ostensibly to protect Lu-Mach and Batanash, Enki sent Lu-Mach to Marduk in Babylon. There, Marduk would teach Lu-Mach how to build cities. To "protect" Batanash, Enki sent her to Ninmah at the Medical/Science complex of Shurubak, "from the angry Earthling masses protected and safe to be. Thereafter Enki his sister Ninmah in Shurubak was quick to visit.

  "On the roof of a dwelling where Batanash was bathing Enki by her loins took hold, he kissed her, his semen into her womb he poured." [Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki: 204 ] From this encounter, she bore Ziusudra [Atrahasis also called Utnapishtim] (Noah).

  When Lu-Mach got back to Edin, "to him Batanash the son showed. White as the snow his skin was.... Like the skies were his eyes, in brilliance his eyes were shining." Lu-Mach complained, "A son unlike an Earthling to Batanash was born.... Is one of the Igigi his father?" Batanash, swore "None of the Igigi fathered the boy." "Ziusudra," Lu-Mach's father added, "will the Earthlings guide through the Ice Age ." [Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki: 204 ]

  Ninmah loved and cared for Ziusudra; Enki taught him to read Adapa's writings.

  But drought, plague and starvation stalked the Earthlings [Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki: 204 -205].

  The Sumerian tradition has strongly influenced the writers of the biblical Genesis. We can see identically in it, the myth of Noah and his arch.

  Let us enter the story of Sumer, to which we associate the version of the Bible.

  After having created men, gods wanted to destroy humankind through floods. Human beings had indeed multiplied to such an extent that they were making too much noise, disturbing the precious gods. They quickly reacted. Namtar, the god of death and plague, was in charge of unleashing a disease upon men and women as an example. Enki, the god who created the human race, managed to save them. The gods sent other calamities, but each time, Enki helped women and men. Enlil, son of Enki, was jealous of the creatures of his father. He decided that a universal flood would drown all mankind.

  Enki’s Helping Hand

  Then Enki appeared in dreams to a human, Atrahasis also called Utnapishtim, and gave him his instructions. (We already know them: “Build an ark soon, embark animals couples, and all your people”, old story). So Atrahasis did what Enki had requested. He built a large boat, embarked birds and livestock. (Some pure animals and some which are not pure, some birds and everything that creeps on the ground – Genesis 7:8)

  Atrahasis also embarked in the ark members of his clan. (Come, you and your whole family in the ark – Genesis 7:1) Then a heavy rain began to fall continuously. And then, first variant: the 40 days and 40 nights of the Bible have shrunk in the wash. No wonder, with all this water! “After seven days and seven nights, the storm subsided. Atrahasis left the boat and made offerings to the gods who were hungry. Enlil, enraged, noted that men had survived the flood.”

  In the city of Heliopolis also called Anu [Anunnaki?] they worshiped our first sun Saturn and had an obelisk. This obelisk is now outside the Vatican. Also outside the Vatican the esoteric pinecone.

  A Subtle Change In the Human Program

  Enki suggested a compromise: humans will not multiply so fast anymore. Diseases will decimate a third of them. Constantly, in the Sumerian version of our creation, we can see genetic manipulations involve to restrain us, lessen us, limit us in many ways. It is possible that the advances in genetics allow us to correct these changes of our genome.

  In the WB-62 Sumerian king list recension, Ziusudra, or Zin-Suddu of Shuruppak is recorded as having reigned as both king and gudug priest for 10 sars, or periods of 3,600 year.

  The similarities between the story of Noah's Ark, the Sumerian story of Ziusudra, and the Babylonian stories of Atrahasis and Utnapishtim are shown by corresponding lines in various versions:

  "The storm had swept...for seven days and seven nights" — Ziusudra 203

  "For seven days and seven nights came the storm" — Atrahasis III,iv, 24

  "Six days and seven nights the wind and storm" — Gilgamesh XI, 127

  "Rain fell upon the earth forty days and forty nights" — Genesis 7:12

  In the eleventh tablet of the Babylonian Epic of Gilgamesh, Utnapishtim "the faraway" is the wise king of the Sumerian city state of Shuruppak who, along with his unnamed wife, survived a flood sent by Enlil to drown every living thing on Earth. Utnapishtim was secretly warned by the water god Ea of Enlil's plan and constructed a great boat or ark to save himself, his family and representatives of each species of animal. When the flood waters subsided, the boat was grounded on the mountain of Nisir. When Utnapishtim's ark had been becalmed for seven days, he released a dove that found no resting place and returned. A swallow was then released who found no perch and also returned, but the raven which was released third did not return. Utnapishtim then made a sacrifice and poured out a libation to Ea on the top of mount Nisir. Utnapishtim and his wife were granted immortality after the flood. Afterwards, he is taken by the gods to live forever at "the mouth of the rivers" and given the epithet "faraway".

  The Babylonian myth of Utnapishtim (meaning "He found life", presumably in reference to the gift of immortality given him by the gods) is matched by the earlier Epic of Atrahasis, and by the Sumerian version, the Epic of Ziusudra. In fact, we now know that Utnapishtim and Atrahasis are one and the same. Atrahasis' name was simply changed to Utnapishtim after he was granted immortality. This explains why the name Atrahasis occurs in the Gilgamesh flood story even though the character is introduced as Utnapishtim.


  Igigi was a term used to refer to the gods of heaven in East Semitic mythology. Though sometimes synonymous with the term "Annunaki", in one myth the Igigi were the younger gods who were servants of the Annunaki, until they rebelled and were replaced by the creation of humans.

  Marduk's original character is obscure but he was later associated with water, vegetation, judgment, and magic. His consort was the goddess Sarpanit. He was also regarded as the son of Ea (
Sumerian Enki) and Damkina and the heir of Anu, but whatever special traits Marduk may have had were overshadowed by the political development through which the Euphrates valley passed and which led to people of the time imbuing him with traits belonging to gods who in an earlier period were recognized as the heads of the pantheon. There are particularly two gods Ea and Enlil, whose powers and attributes pass over to Marduk.


  Akhenaten’s deviation from ancient Egyptian tradition. In fact, if Osman’s contentions are right, many major Old Testament figures would be of Egyptian origin. During his reign, the Pharaoh Akhenaten was able to abolish the complex pantheon of the ancient Egyptian religion and replace it with a single God, Aten, who had no image or form. Seizing on the striking similarities between the religious vision of Akhenaten and the teachings of Moses, Sigmund Freud was the first to argue that Moses was in fact an Egyptian. Now Ahmed Osman, using recent archaeological discoveries and historical documents, contends that Akhenaten and Moses was one and the same person.In a stunning retelling of the Exodus story, Osman details the events of Moses/Akhenaten’s life: how he was brought up by Israelite relatives, ruled Egypt for seventeen years, angered many of his subjects by

  replacing the traditional Egyptian pantheon with worship of Aten, and was forced to abdicate the throne. Retreating to exile in Sinai with his Egyptian and Israelite supporters, he died out of the sight of his followers, presumably at the hands of Seti I, after an unsuccessful attempt to regain his throne.

  Seti met Akhenaten in a face to face battle on top of a mountain, and was able to damage his eye before he killed him and left his body unburied on the mount. This confrontation which resulted in Akhenaten’s death, later became part of a new version of the Osiris-Horus myth where a confrontation took place between Horus and Set. Although the myth says that Horus won the battle, it was Set (whose name became Satan in later times) who killed Horus.

  Does our DNA reveal the 10 commandments of God?

  The above drawing shows a slice through the double helix DNA. DNA resembles a twisted ladder with RNA rungs going upwards. Yet if we cut through it then we get a 10 pointed shape. This shape is made up of 2 Pentagrams that are 36 Degrees apart. 3+6 = 9. I have already explained that the number 9 represents the source [the singularity] and the vacuum of creation.

  Moses was said to be given two tablets with 5 commandments on each. This matches the 2 pentagrams on our DNA with 5 points each.

  Some speculate that the shape of the universe is Fractals but using Hermetic knowledge we can deduce it must be dodecahedron as Hermetic Law states as above so below. We find the shape of dodecahedrons within our body.

  The Monad – Source).

  According to Hippolytus , the worldview was inspired by the Pythagoreans , who called the first thing that came into existence the "monad", which begat (bore) the dyad (from the Greek word for two), which begat the numbers , which begat the point , begetting lines or finiteness , etc. It meant divinity , the first being, or the totality of all beings, referring in cosmogony (creation theories) variously to source acting alone and/or an indivisible origin and equivalent comparators .

  Pythagorean and Platonic philosophers like Plotinus and Porphyry condemned Gnosticism (see Neo-Platonism and Gnosticism ) for their treatment of the monad.

  Pythagorean concept

  For the Pythagoreans, the generation of number series was related to objects of geometry as well as cosmogony . According to Diogenes Laertius , from the monad evolved the dyad ; from it numbers; from numbers, points; then lines, two-dimensional entities, three-dimensional entities, bodies, culminating in the four elements earth, water, fire and air, from which the rest of our world is built up.

  Modern philosophy

  The term monad was later adopted from Greek philosophy by Giordano Bruno , Leibniz ( Monadology ), and others.

  What stops us waking up spiritually?

  I first encountered knowledge of anti-awakening forces while deeply immersed in the book “ The Herald of Coming Good ” by famous mystic Gurdjieff.

  In the book, Gurdjieff describes that there are certain forces in life called Tzvarnoharno, a word originally coined by King Solomon of Judea. Tzvarnoharno is a force that arises amongst people which lead to the destruction of anyone who tries to help humanity and results in the destruction of all their efforts.

  Essentially, Gurdjieff was describing what I’ve come to encounter on my own journey many times. In psychological terms, we could say that Tzvarnoharno is a “collective unconscious force” whose first instinct is to oppose any counterforce that is attempting to wake people up.

  In this article, my intention is to explore this force of anti-awakening, how they’ve arisen in different ways throughout history, and how you may experience them on your own journey.

  According to the Gnostic Gospel of Philip, the Archonic force’s main objective is to keep humans ignorant of their divine origins beyond the physical universe.

  The further I’ve ventured through my journey of growth and change, the more I’ve come to see that there’s much truth in the idea of anti-awakening forces.

  The universe works in a sort of balance, a self-regulating organism in perfect harmony. Anything that tries to disturb that balance is immediately attacked by the antibodies of the universe, the Archons.

  The Abyss of Truth

  If we take a close look through history, we’ll usually see that the work of truth seekers, mystics, and sages has often been suddenly aborted or sabotaged in different ways.

  The most known example is the crucifixion of Jesus , where we can see the “collective unconscious force” at work, destroying whatever seeks to flood it with light and to flush it with darkness.

  Other examples of spiritual teachers that have experienced Archonic forces are that of Socrates (who was poisoned), Sufi sage Al-Hillaj Mansoor (who was executed), and numerous other truth seekers such as Galileo, Darwin, Pasteur, the Wright brothers, and countless others who were silenced, rejected or persecuted for their messages. You will notice that to the level they challenged the status quo was the level in which they were resisted by others.

  So why does that anti-awakening Archonic force exists in the first place?

  The answer is that our collective unconsciousness is deeply attached to static ways of being because it is terrified of change. Our profound fear of change ultimately centres on our fear of waking up, because at the core of our being, we know that to embrace change means to embrace death of everything as we know it.

  I’ve experienced Archonic forces all too often through my own development and teachings. Whenever I questioned something I didn’t intuitively feel was right, I was accused of being a “smart ass” or “rebellious troublemaker” by the people around me. And now, as a teacher who writes about these topics on this website, I’m often accused via emails and messages as “corrupting minds” or leading people astray. I’ve even observed it in fellow teachers, where their students will sabotage their own communities and missions by arguing over petty things like the “right” interpretation of the teachings.

  An interesting way I like to think about these anti-awakening forces is that we’re all standing on the edge of the abyss that is Truth. Yet each of us is closing our eyes, looking ahead and clinging tightly to anything that we hold on to as “truth,” whether a belief, an identity or a desire. Any time our eyes open and take a fleeting glimpse of the abyss of Truth, we are instantly filled with fear and the desire to return to ignorance again because of its “safety.”




  Understanding BATHOMET

  Bathomet was worshipped by the Templers

  Bathomet backwards is Tem-o-h-p-ab

  This translates as “peace of the father to all men in the temple”. Our body is the temple.

  SEE FIG 1 – tree of life

  The Jewish mystical doctrine known as
"Kabbalah" (="Tradition") is distinguished by its theory of ten creative forces that intervene between the infinite, unknowable God ("Ein Sof") and our created world.

  Through these powers God created and rules the universe, and it is by influencing them that humans cause God to send to Earth forces of compassion or severe judgment.

  The right side represents the principles of unity, harmony and benevolence, as embodied in the Sefirah of Hesed. It is associated with the bestowing of generous goodness upon our world. It is the masculine side.

  The Left side of the Sefirot structure is the side of power and strict justice, the values embodied in the Sefirah of Din . It is the female side, representing the fearsome awe of God, and the principles of separation and distinction. The unrestrained dominion of the Left side gives rise to Evil.

  The Middle column of the Sefirot structure represents the ideal balance of divine mercy and justice. This harmony is best represented in the Sefirah of Tiferet , which exists midway between the extremes of Din and Hesed , female and male. Following traditional Rabbinic perception, the Kabbalah recognizes that the universe could not survive if it were founded only upon justice or only upon mercy.

  The top three Sefirot just represent the holy trinity.

  Kether = the father, Binah = Holy Spirit and Chuckmah = The son or Christ.

  Yesod – 9 – Controlled by the Moon represents Sexual Energy.

  Binah the holy spirit unfolds into AIMA (Female) and ABBA (male) – represented by triangles going up and down. [Seal of Solomon].

  AIMA + ABBA unite into DAATH. This is not always shown on some diagrams of the tree of life.

  Kether – the crown chakra = Peace and relates to the pineal gland. The light the pineal receives is the peace of the father.


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