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Christ Is Within Us

Page 7

by Adrian Bonnington

  The Ain Soph, the Absolute, is absolute perfection; therefore it has no form, and does not need time in order to be.

  Time exists only for those things that are imperfect.

  Absolute Individuality is Ain Soph (in Ain). It is Absolute Repose and Movement, Motion, Limitless.

  The Elohim are like Atoms or Monads within the Ain Soph.

  If Ain is like an ocean, then Ain Soph are the drops composing that ocean. Not all of the drops know themselves. They are perfect but without Consciousness of that perfection. Perfection with Consciousness of it exists only in Ain.

  All of the Monads of the Ain Soph have a longing for knowing their own absolute perfection.

  When one atom of the Ain Soph attains knowledge of its perfection it acquires “Paramartha.”

  Para = Absolute

  Martha = Consciousness

  Paramarthasattyas are Beings with absolute Consciousness of their own perfection.

  How is this absolute Consciousness of its own perfection achieved? It cannot be done within the Absolute. This is why creation exists.

  When any of the atoms of the Ain Soph wants to achieve absolute Consciousness of its own perfection, then its unfoldment appears as the Tree of Life .

  The Ray of Okidanock is a Stream of Light. It is the first emanation. It is also called Ain Soph Aur.

  Ain Soph is the Eternal Cosmic Common Father, within which is the Unmanifested Cosmic Common Mother.

  From it emanates everything. It is not spirit or matter, it is nothingness.

  The Caduceus which was brought back to West when Alexander the Great met a healer in his camp from opposing team healing his men and asked him why he was doing so. The healer replied this is my purpose on earth. This medical symbol is older than Alexander and Hermes often shown with it. It dates back to Thoth the man who taught the Egyptians how to build the pyramids.

  The caduceus, Chakras and Kundalini are all the same. They connect in the body via the Vagus nerve – which can be stimulated by mediation. The 3rd eye can be opened by going into a dark place for 300 hours thus Mohammed met Angel Gabriel in a cave and also leader of Jesuits had a similar experience as did many other sages. Shamans use Psychotropic plants like ayahuasca to open their third eye.

  Ayahuasca, iowaska, or yagé, is an entheogenic brew made out of Banisteriopsis caapi vine and other ingredients. The brew is used as a traditional spiritual medicine in ceremonies among the Indigenous peoples of the Amazon basin

  It is the secret of raising the Christ oil through meditation and good diet and Yogic practices that lead to spiritual awakening and a connection with the Godhead.


  Before Christianity many people around the world worshipped the Serpent. The story of the Snake is similar to that of Christ.

  The snake goes into a cave and sheds its skin and is re-born again as a new creature.

  Many tribes used snake skin to heal human skin by applying it as a patch. A snake kills its prey by injecting venom which is designed to slow the prey down and not kill it instantly. The snake has anti-bodies in its own blood so it can eat the prey without poisoning itself.

  If we look at the old English flag it was red with a white dragon on it. The dragon is another way of showing the “snake”. Many ancient people drank venom mixed with snake blood – the red and the white. The venom not only contains toxins but also proteins and amino acids so has health properties. The snake was also worshipped as it represents the caduceus or Kundalini energy. The caduceus is the staff carried by Hermes in Greek mythology and consequently by Hermes Trismegistus [Thoth] in Greco-Egyptian mythology. The same staff was also borne by heralds in general, for example by Iris, the messenger of Hera.

  The story of Saint Patrick is that he got rid of the snakes from Ireland – he did not. He just ended the serpent worship. England has snakes but Ireland does not. This is because England was still connected to Spain via a land bridge when the ice age ended but Ireland had broken away from England.

  Tracing the origins of the Serpent Cult

  In mythology, the serpent symbolises fertility and procreation, wisdom, death, and resurrection (due to the shedding of its skin, which is not akin to rebirth), and in the earliest schools of mysticism, the symbol of ‘The Word’ was the serpent. The ‘light’ that appeared was metaphorically defined as a serpent called ‘Kundalini’, coiled at the base of the spine to remain dormant in an un-awakened person. Divinity or awakening one’s Godhood and latent abilities came with the rituals and teachings brought by the serpent people.

  To understand them, we must look at the original ‘serpents’. In China, it was a male and female pair with human heads and serpent bodies named Fu Xi and Nu Wa who created humans. In Sumer, it was the Annunaki Nin-Khursag and her husband Enki who were given the task of creating workers. Enki [Poseidon] (Lord of the Earth] is known to us as the serpent in Genesis—the one who gave us the ability to think and reason and so was cursed by his brother Enlil [Zeus][The Eagle][Lord of the Sky] for it. To the Hindus, it was the cosmic serpent Ananta who created us. So, if, at the dawn of man’s creation we have a pair of serpent-like beings who created us, then those of the serpent cult must have been their direct descendants, either by blood or by spirit.

  The next serpent was Enki’s son Ningizzidda, known to the Sumerians, Egyptians and Tibetans. According to Zecharia Sitchin, he dwelt in Magan, or what is known to us as Egypt, leading theorists to believe he was Thoth who formed a mystery school propagating ideas of self-improvement and enlightenment, furthering his father’s deeds and philosophy. If Enki and Ningizzidda ruled over Magan as is claimed, then that school would have been a beacon attracting all who wished to gain knowledge, backed by the power and might of Magan. Is there any other proof to that theory? It was claimed at the Council of Nicea that ‘the powers of gods came from Egypt’. There was a Great White Brotherhood (named for their raiment), a prominent mystery school in Karnak. A branch of it became the Egyptian Therapeutate who in Judea was known as the Essenes. Jesus, being an Essene, most likely was initiated in Egypt at this mystery school, rising up the levels until he became a ‘Master’.

  Numerous ancient cultures throughout the world worshipped the serpent, beings such as Quetzalcoatl, Cihuacohuatziti, and Cihuacohuatl in Mexico and Peru, the Naga King of India and his Nagin children, Po Nagar in Vietnam, who was their first Empress, and the serpent deities who were beautiful women associated with trees and lakes. The Snake Goddess of Egypt, Wadjet, was protector of the land, kings, and women in childbirth. In Minoa, the Snake Goddess was addressed as A-sa-sa-ra-me and was related to the Hittite Ishassara, the Khmer Apsara and the Canaanite Asherah. Pre-Christian Ireland, Scotland and England also worshipped the serpent.

  Does the Bible show the sacred secretion exists?

  Christ was crucified at Calvary. In Latin Calvary means Skull. The sacred oil dies to 3 days within our skull.

  Genesis 32:30 Jacob said “I call the place Peniel for I have seen God face to face”

  Christ means anointed or smeared with oil.

  Mathew 6:22 “If they eye be single [Pineal] your whole body will be full of light.

  The Pituitary gland secretes a white substance – the “milk” in the milk and honey.

  The anterior pituitary gland produces the following hormones and releases them into the bloodstream:

  Adrenocorticotropic hormone, which stimulates the adrenal glands to secrete steroid hormones, principally cortisol growth hormone, which regulates growth, metabolism and body composition

  luteinising hormone and follicle stimulating hormone , also known as gonadotrophins. They act on the ovaries or testes to stimulate sex hormone production, and egg and sperm maturity.

  Prolactin, which stimulates milk production

  thyroid stimulating hormone, which stimulates the thyroid gland to secrete thyroid hormones.

  Each of these hormones is made by a separate type of cell within the pituitary gland, except for follicle s
timulating hormone and luteinising hormone , which are made together by the same cell.

  Two hormones are produced by the hypothalamus and then stored in the posterior pituitary gland before being secreted into the bloodstream. These are:

  anti-diuretic hormone (also called vasopressin ), which controls water balance and blood pressure.

  Oxytocin, which stimulates uterine contractions during labour and milk secretion during breastfeeding.

  Between the anterior pituitary and the posterior pituitary lies the intermediate pituitary gland. Cells here produce:

  melanocyte-stimulating hormone, which acts on cells in the skin to stimulate the production of melanin.

  The pituitary gland is the Yin /Mary – [Female Energy]

  The Solar Plexis is Bethlehem where the sacred oil combines with Esse / Prana [Life energy] thus the oil is born here.

  The oil is pumped by the Sacrum [Os Sacrum] within the Central Spinal Fluid [CSF].

  33 = Age of Jesus, number of Gods in Vedic religion, represents the Star of David, number of degrees in freemasonry and many more.

  The heart is essential for preserving the oil and staying healthy. Stress hormones like cortisol / Epinephrine damage body at a cellular level.

  Oil moves to throat – Vagus Nerve “Pneumo Vagus”. Need to avoid sex and alcohol when the full moon is in your star sign to maintain the oil.

  The Vagus Nerve is the 10 th Cranial Nerve it is the tree of life. Need to fight every manmade temptation during the 3 days the oil is being refined. [This is the fight against Samuel].

  At the resurrection the oil descends to a place called the Pons. [Bridge in Latin].

  Here the oil activates dormant brain cells.

  Optic Thalamus

  7 stars + Orion

  Genisis 1:14 let the stars be for a sign

  Elohim 7

  7 reflectors of light.

  Thalamus means the light of the world

  Has 2 hemi-spheres [as above / so below][Hermetic principles]

  Once the oil reaches the Thalamus you now have vision and know your true purpose and what really matters. You have healing, knowledge and understanding.

  Re-incarnation and Karma

  The Holy Bible originally had lots of passages on Re-incarnation.

  The Empress Theodora had all of the bits about re-incarnation edited out of the Bible and also had several Popes executed. She removed re-incarnation from the Bible because how would people ever worship her as a God if she was to come back to Earth?

  Everything is consciousness in a different state of evolution. But, we often find comfort in our programmed belief systems. In Buddhism consciousness evolves as it experience multiple re-incarnations. This is part of the evolutionary process.

  The consciousness of animals will eventually reach the evolutionary state of Self-Awareness, just like we did, thus transition their reincarnation into human form. You'll find many societies around the world that accepts transmigration as a natural part of life.

  Karmic traces remain an important part of the rebirth cycle. But, karma is not the doom and gloom western interpretation. It’s a much broader concept of balance. Karma is like a university. Different lessons must be learned in order to advance to the next grade. Lessons can be self-administrated or automatic depending on certain conditions.

  When we experience love we change; because, love received contains an imprint of the individual giving it. When accepted, the imprint becomes integrated into our energetic body thereby changing us. Who ever gave the love we accepted will therefore always be part of who we become.

  Totality emerges from consciousness including silence. Therefore consciousness not only creates, but everything created remains consciousness. The silence that arises when mind is void of thoughts vibrates, thus producing its own "sound-vibration". Duality's two reflections. External to internal, from "emptiness" (void of emptiness itself) into "somethingness."

  If all that ever existed was red, red would cease to exist as it would have nothing to reflect itself upon. The observer effect is influential as the connection of consciousness remains infinite to our limited understanding of infinity.

  They say that animal’s do not all survive as individual identities after death. Some merge to what he calls a “group consciousness.” Their spirits return to a collective awareness for that particular species and from this pool of awareness different animal souls are born. It is only when an animal becomes self-aware that its soul continues after death and starts the long process of climbing the evolutionary ladder towards human and angelic consciousness.

  Human love frees trapped animal souls to evolve.

  For many animals, this journey starts if it receives love from a human. In particular, pets and domestic animals gain a sense of identity because of prolonged exposure to humans. Our consciousness “rubs off” on them, so to speak, causing them to forsake much of their instinctive nature and start to develop free will. Some people lavish love on their pets and treat them like their own children. Although in many ways this is a form of psychological transference, they are helping the animal progress spiritually. The love they lavish on them enables the pet to quickly find a sense of identity. The owner is thereby helping to create a new soul. I suppose you could say that pets are children in a real sense, for their souls are brand new!

  Animal re-incarnation

  Further, just as humans decide prior to incarnation to play a part in each other’s lives in the coming incarnation, so can animals with a human. The animal may not look the same as in its previous life. The fur may be a different colour for example. It may be a different breed of dog. Yet they meet and the bond between dog and human is strengthened. Both are aware of a strong feeling of "knowing" the other. This is on the soul level, which is consciously felt as a "knowing." Both have chosen this.

  This is a higher level of consciousness for the dog. The dog incarnates through choice. At this level the life path is also known before incarnating. Life situations and circumstances will place the dog and human together at the correct time in both lives. The soul growth and purpose will flow as it is meant to.

  Any karma owed is also experienced and we would hope, healed. So you see there are similar soul growth experiences for both human and dog.

  Often an animal will reincarnate in one humans lifetime. You may recognize previous behaviour patterns of a dog you thought had left you (died).

  Yet the dog remembers on all planes, just as humans remember when they cross over. Just as you carry a soul imprint, including certain character traits, so does a dog. A cat is also capable of this. During a reading, pet animals coming forward to acknowledge the person along with loved ones crossed over. When they cross they all reside on the same plane you see.

  8 ways to raise your vibration.

  1. Become conscious of your thoughts.

  Everything you think, say or feel becomes your reality. Every single thought that comes into your head has an impact on you. When you change those thoughts for the positive, your reality is likely to become positive too.

  Easier said than done in the face of adversity though right? How 'bout this, the next time a negative thought shows up in your head, take the time to acknowledge it, thank it for showing up, and then dismiss it and turn it around for the positive.

  2. Find something beautiful and appreciate it.

  Beauty is all around us, yet so often we walk around with our blinkers on. Stop rushing for a moment and take the time to stand in the sun and appreciate your surroundings .

  3. Be conscious of the foods you eat.

  Some foods vibrate at high frequencies, and some lower (broccoli has a high vibration as do blueberries. If you are consuming foods covered in chemicals and pesticides, or foods found within plastic packaging, it will leave you vibrating lower. Conversely, consume good quality organic produce, food as nature intended it, and feel the high vibrations disseminate throughout your body. Most importantly, pay attention to how eating certain foods make y
our body feel .

  4. Drink water.

  Always ensure you drink plenty of water ( filtered is best ) to assist your body to flush out toxicity day to day. Toxicity has a marked impact on our vibration so we must do what we can to reduce its impact within us and around us.

  5. Meditate.

  Sit in a comfortable position, close your eyes and breathe in and out. Too often we rush through our days with a scattered brain leaving us in a state of anxiety and stress. Meditation helps to calm your spirit down and put you in a peaceful state of mind. Just 10 minutes of meditation a day can change your life forever.

  6. Be grateful.

  Making a gratitude list shifts your vibrations from focusing on what you don't have to what is already abundant in your life. There is more to be grateful for than you could possibly imagine. For example, every night when I go to bed I write down (in a little gratitude journal) 5 things I am grateful for that day. It's such a beautiful exercise.

  7. Practice acts of kindness.

  Giving to someone else (without expecting anything in return) shifts your thinking from “I don’t have enough" or "Woe is me", to "I have more than enough to give to others.” Abundance is a high vibration . In the same vein, being kind (as opposed to being mean) puts you at a high vibration. Gossip or treat others badly and your vibration will suffer.

  8. Get your blood pumping?

  Vibration requires movement , the more you move the better your vibrations move. So Get Active! Dance! The happier you feel, the more you will draw happy experiences to yourself because you are operating at a different frequency.



  All primates, apes, hominids, Neanderthal: Cro-Magnons 48 (24 pairs)

  Humans (Homo sapiens): 46 (23 pairs)

  There is no natural evolutionary way:


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