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Viper (Second Wave Book 1)

Page 18

by Mikayla Lane

  Reven stood angrily and leaned down to Jax, in the chair next to him. “Maybe if she wasn’t so damn stubborn and would stop fighting her feelings for him, they could meet somewhere in the damn middle!”

  Jax stood and was so much shorter than Reven that it didn’t make a difference in the way he towered over her. Lara was impressed by the way the woman stood her ground though.

  “Maybe if he would bother to make the smallest of efforts like asking for a damn date instead of demanding to be seen, she could actually learn to like the bastard!”

  “You know what, chew on this asshole, before you guys came along; women like me, and Lara have fought like a man to protect each other and the innocent most of our lives. All without your help. We’ve been beaten, shot and gone through the same loss of friends, family and team members. We bear the same scars, no matter the depth.”

  “Did you ever think that maybe you should give us the same respect you would give a man, who had done what we have, and ask to hang out? Ask us to dinner? Because you damn sure can’t tell me that you guys respect us, what we’ve done and what we can do, when you don’t even allow us the courtesy of your effort to make us like you.”

  Reven drew back like Jax had hit him. When he moved, Jax slipped out from the table and strode over to Lara.

  “Come on girl, you can bunk with me. I have a furnished spare bedroom, and we obviously have more than enough in common to get along.”

  Lara was a little surprised when Jax grabbed her arm and pulled her from the room as all the men, except Grai, looked on with mouths agape.

  Once they hit the hallway, Lara turned to Jax. “You’re my hero. Thank you.”

  Jax just laughed. “No worries. I have the perfect way to avoid them for a few days. Eventually, they’ll camp outside my place, but we’ll get a few days of peace at least. Is your back ok? Will you be able to train?”

  “I’m great. Amun said I could go back to regular activity.” Lara said, following the energetic woman out into the parking lot. What the woman lacked in stature, she more than made up for in agility.

  The sad little voice behind them made them both turn back around. “Am I not wanted to?"

  Lara’s heart broke at the sight of the drooping whiskers, lowered eyes and slumped shoulders of the normally vibrant cat, and she walked over to him and squatted down to pet him.

  “Dog’ee! Of course, you are welcome at my home as well! You’re more housebroken than most children. Besides, you can help warn us when the assholes come sneaking around.” Jax said, putting a grin on the kitty’s face.

  “I will proudly stalk them if they come near you, my ladies!” Dog’ee said, proudly lifting a paw and bowing to Jax.

  Lara giggled at his antics. “You are the best thing around Dog’ee and the most perfect thing ever to lift someone’s spirits. Come on, big guy.” Lara said again following Jax through the parking lot, Dog’ee strutting proudly beside her. As strange as it was, somehow Lara thought it felt right.

  She had to admit she was a little disappointed that the woman didn’t have a sports car and slid into the front seat of the sedan that Jax had pointed her fob at.

  “Let’s hit the store first and grab you some clothes. I don’t think my stuff will fit.” Jax turned a bright smile to Lara as she sped out of the parking lot.

  Lara braced herself against the door as Jax whipped the car down the mountain and around the curves at what seemed like a breakneck speed. She wasn’t the only one who was a little freaked either, Dog’ee had his front claws embedded in the back of her seat and screamed the whole way down. In her ear.

  She held her slightly queasy stomach, willing it settle, when they pulled into a parking space in front of a row of shops in downtown Dillon.

  “Dog’ee no talking, you’ll scare the humans.” Jax warned the cat.

  “Will they let him in? Is it a good idea?” Lara asked, worried that someone might mistake him for a wild cat and hurt him.

  “No! They think these are cats specially bred in Sweden by Grai’s company. They allow them free rein around the area, even in the stores. They’re so friendly and great with the families here that no one minds. We’ve even had one cat save a child from drowning and another who found a missing Alzheimer’s patient.”

  “Now let’s go. They don’t have the best selection, but they can make or order anything you need.” Jax said with a grin as she got out of the car and headed into the store they parked in front of, leaving Lara and Dog’ee to follow.

  They had no sooner reached Jax, when an older woman walked up to them. “Jax! It’s so good to see you child! Are you still giving that handsome Reven a hard time?”

  The woman cackled with laughter before continuing. “Never mind, I can tell by the look on your face that he’s done pissed you off again! What can I get for you lovely girls today?”

  Before Lara had a chance to even think of what to say, Jax piped in. “Gracie, this is Sgt. Lara Blain, recently healed and returned from overseas, and she needs everything. She’s my newest team member so everything will go on the corporate account as usual.”

  Lara was stunned and was getting ready to protest when the shopkeeper clapped her hands together and turned watery eyes to Lara.

  Taking Lara’s hands in her own, she fought back tears. “It’ll be an honor to help you young lady. Thank you for your service.” She walked off leaving Lara wondering what the hell, just happened. Luckily, Jax cleared it up for her.

  “Her and her husband Henry’s only son, Mike, was killed in the first Iraq war. She’s got a real soft spot for vets, so she won’t be the least offended if you come in, in your camo and weapons to shop.” Lara looked at Jax curiously, wondering why the hell she would ever go shopping like that.

  “Hey, don’t give me that look, there are certain times when you want to really irritate someone and Gracie, here can work her magic on anything and make you look like sex in heels in no time.” Jax sniffed and flipped through the shirts on a rack.

  Lara just laughed as Gracie walked up with a stack of catalogues in her arms. “The basics are here in the store, but we can order things that are more your style.”

  Lara’s face kind of fell. She’d never really learned style. She was practical, even as a child. Who needed heels when you trampled through the forest all the time?

  “I don’t really have a style, so the basics are fine with me.” Lara said, a little miffed when Jax sucked in a breath and Gracie looked horrified, like she’d just committed a grave offense.

  “Oh honey! You have a style! We just have to find it!” Gracie said beginning to get excited at the thought of playing with Lara’s wardrobe.

  Jax turned to Lara, eyeing up her sweat pants and white t-shirt clad body. “You have the perfect legs for stilettos.” Jax said to Lara’s mortification.

  “Red. With a black skirt and white blouse." Gracie added, making Lara turn pleading eyes to her, silently begging her not to help Jax.


  Viper glared at Reven with accusing eyes. “Don’t look at me like that! It’s your woman who wanted to live somewhere else!” Reven said defensively.

  Grai leaned back in his chair, pulling the now sleeping Tristan closer to his chest; he covered his son’s ears and waited for the fireworks. He didn’t have long to wait.

  “If you had properly claimed your mate by now she wouldn’t have been able to offer her fucking advice and her home to my mate!” Viper growled, standing to his feet and leaning his clenched fists on the table in front of him.

  “What the hell business is it of yours, whether or not I’ve claimed my mate!” Reven growled back, coming to his feet as well.

  Grai watched with amusement as Traze came sneaking back into the room and grabbed a seat next to him. David wasn’t far behind and looked a little harried. He was going to have to speak to Traze again about his abuse of the poor human. Although, he had to admit that David had done wonders with the boy in just a few weeks.

  “It’s my busin
ess when you don’t take care of your own mate, and she interferes with my mate!” Viper growled back through gritted teeth.

  “Can’t we all just get along?” Traze said with a huge grin, slouching in his chair.

  The angry glares sent towards his brother, told Grai this was getting out of hand, and it was time for him to intervene. He stood slowly, so as not to wake his son and turned to both men.

  “The problem isn’t with the women; it's with you. Both of you. Jax was right; they have scraped and fought their whole lives, not only for their own survival but for others. When you discount their feelings and what they want, you do treat them as if they don’t matter to you as anything other than a baby factory.”

  “In Jax’s case, have you ever asked her to dinner or told her to join you? Did you ask her to live with you or tell her? Would you ask a team member to dinner or tell them? All you’re doing is showing her disrespect, and you’re pushing her away.”

  Grai turned to Viper. “If you do what he is doing, then expect the same results with Lara. It’s no wonder they have banded together. If I were you, I would tread carefully. Those two are dangerous separately, together… well I think you should watch your backs. Closely.”

  “What makes you an expert? Viper asked with a snarl.

  Grai just grinned before heading to the door. He turned his head to the men. “I’m not. I’m just the guy with the human mate who adores me that I am going home to, with my sleeping son in my arms.”

  Grai headed out the door, satisfied with the silence of the men behind him. He really hoped they figured it out soon. The tension between Reven and Jax had been bad enough, if Viper and Lara were going to add to it, then something would have to be done.

  Grai’s mind whirled with ideas as he gently laid his son in the back seat of his SUV and then headed home.

  Viper and Reven just stared at each other for a few minutes, the tension between them barely dissipated even though their minds were still thinking about what Grai had said.

  Drago cleared his throat. “I know I haven’t been around here much, and I have no clue how to treat a mate. I do know how I treat my friends and isn’t your mate supposed to be your best friend? Hell, I don’t know. I’m going back to your place. I need some sleep.”

  “We’ll drop you off; we need to go as well. We’re getting up early to train.” David said, stressing the last sentence as he glared at Traze.

  “Fine! Make me miss all the good shit!” Traze said grumpily as he followed David and Drago out of the room.

  “They’re asking us to go against our nature! How the hell can we accept that?” Reven growled pacing the length of his side of the table.

  “It sounds like a minor compromise which will end in you getting your mate. What is it you have now?” Ratoka asked before he stood and left the room.

  “We need a plan. If they’re going to work together, then we need to do the same.” Viper said, getting Reven’s attention.

  “Yes, that’s the perfect idea. Because Reven’s done such a great job so far with Jax! You two are stupid. If I were you, I’d take Grai’s advice. In case you two geniuses missed it, he’s going home to his mate. Don’t involve me in your stupid shit.” Dread said.

  When his words seemed to have little to no impact on the two men obviously speaking privately through the Shengari’, Dread stood and walked out of the room. He’d give it a week before their scheme blew up in their face, and Viper came running to him to help.

  Until then, he was going to talk with Drago and find out how he was able to connect with her so easily and try it himself. It was time he got to know his new sister instead of trying to make her into the old one; he thought as he drove home.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Dread walked into the house and headed directly into the kitchen where he heard Drago puttering around. He wasn’t sure when Viper was going to be back and there were a few things he wanted answers to, without Viper around.

  “How can you so easily put aside your anger? All those years of pain and watching our brother waste away in body and soul… why is it so easy for you?” Dread asked his brother wearily before sitting down at the kitchen table.

  Drago turned to his older brother and shook his head sadly. He grabbed two cups and filled them with the coffee they had all become addicted to as Ratoka walked through the front door without knocking.

  Without skipping a beat, Drago filled another cup and set it down in front of the man as he sat beside Dread. “Dread and I were just talking about how I can so easily deal with Kinara’s return. You’re just in time for my answer.” Drago said as he poured a quarter cup of sugar into his coffee before passing the sugar bowl over to Ratoka.

  Dread was pissed that he wouldn’t be able to have this conversation with Drago alone, but wanted answers so bad he would put up with it in order to get them.

  Drago cleared his throat. “I’m pissed as hell actually. About everything. I think what angers me the most is that if we had only figured it out sooner, we could have saved Jacordan this time.”

  “Can we even do a Death Rite or do we have to live with the fact that yet another slow response on our part has damned his soul to the lost worlds for eternity? Will he be reborn again here?”

  “Is it the One God’s goal to punish him and Kinara forever by this vicious cycle of being lost and found? Because I can’t think of any good reason to punish them in such a cruel way. That is what angers me! Not knowing if this is some tragic loop for them to suffer over again.” Drago slammed his fist so hard on the table the now empty coffee cups and sugar bowl danced in the air before crashing back down.

  Dread’s mind was rocked with Drago’s words. He had been so busy with his own thoughts and anger he hadn’t even considered anything else. The thought of Jacordan and Kinara’s souls being lost for eternity physically shook him with horror.

  Dread and Drago looked up in surprise when Viper sat down at the table with them. Dread was surprised that he hadn’t noticed that Viper had even come in the house.

  “The one thing I can assure you of, is that we have time to do the Death Rite for Jacordan, so your souls will be reunited with his in the after death. You saw what we accomplished for Grai’s mother, we will succeed for Jacordan. He will not be lost this time.” Ratoka said, confident that the ritual would be easy to do… this time.

  “What of Kinara? Is she destined to die before she and Viper can be together?” Drago said gruffly, his anger still smoldering.

  “You know better than that. Do not be like Viper, and allow your anger to cloud your thoughts.” Ratoka said shooting a meaningful glance at Viper and Dread, who both looked away from him.

  “Then help me understand what I am supposed to feel.” Drago said with frustration clear in his voice.

  Ratoka chuckled. “How can I tell you how to feel about the grass? Or the table?” Ratoka held up a hand when Dread and Drago looked to argue with him.

  “It is the same. Answer me this, do you love her any less because she looks differently? Or because she doesn’t remember? How do you punish someone with your anger and mistrust who doesn’t even remember who you are or what you’ve shared in the past?”

  “That is what you are doing. All of you, in your own way, are punishing her for your feelings of the past. She reminds you of your perceived failure in saving them, and of the pain you felt when you lost them.”

  Ratoka turned and looked directly at Viper before adding. “She reminds you of your own mistakes. That is what you are having trouble with. It is not Lara or Kinara. It is you.”

  All three brothers looked down at the table, each of them thinking of what Ratoka had said. Drago finally got up, grabbed the coffee pot and a cup for Viper and refilled all of their mugs.

  “How do we get over it so quickly when it’s been a hundred years in the making?” Dread asked, running his finger over the rim of the cup absently.

  Ratoka chuckled, irritating the brothers. “I do not mean to laugh at you. I was just
wondering, if Lara will have the same questions about all of you when she finally remembers. Are there things you would not want her thinking this hard about? Or would you prefer that she just be happy you are together again?”

  “The attitude you are presenting to her, could easily be perceived as how you would like her to treat you when she finally remembers. Be careful what energy you make her feel.” Ratoka said before standing up and strolling out of the front door the same irritating way that he walked in. Without a word. Or a knock.

  The three brothers were silent for long moments, wrapped in their own thoughts. Drago got up again and went to make more coffee when Dread stopped him.

  “I don’t want anymore, but thank you brother.”

  When Viper shook his head at Drago as well, he rinsed the pot in the sink and kept himself busy straightening up the already spotless kitchen.

  “I love her now as strongly as I did then.” Viper said, breaking the tense silence among the brothers.

  “I love her too. She is still our sister and your mate. Even if she never remembers everything, I will still love her the same.” Drago admitted before turning his back to them to clean out the refrigerator.

  All of the coffee he had drank and the emotional energy running through him kept him from sitting down. He had always needed to stay busy when he needed to deal with his emotions. It used to help. For some reason, since he had arrived on this planet, his energy had been going haywire. He had thought it was Lara, but he wasn’t so sure anymore.

  Dread looked at both of his pitiful brothers and sighed heavily. “I love her as well. I just don’t know what to think of all of this.”

  Drago turned angry eyes to his brother. “What is there to think about? It is Kinara. Our sister. Whatever mistakes she and Jacordan made that may have contributed to their deaths no longer matters!”


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