Viper (Second Wave Book 1)

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Viper (Second Wave Book 1) Page 23

by Mikayla Lane

  “The end will not create a new beginning. Only you can choose to do that.”

  Lara flinched at the voice that boomed in her head. What the fuck? She thought, looking around the ship for the source of the voice.

  “Who are you?” Lara asked when she didn’t see anyone else on the ship with her.

  “I am Prime. I am Chunataia. I am Crainea peh Magorn, Keeper of Light, and you are my vessel. I am here to help you and guide you.” As the voice echoed through her head, she could see images and memories that she knew weren’t her own.

  Lara knew it was the voice showing her its story. She felt no fear as she watched the visions unfold in her mind of how the beast ended up inside of her head. The fate of its kind, how it began and why she was chosen as its host and the necessity of her secrecy.

  Her body felt bathed in golden light as she merged with the energy of the beast, allowing it to teach her its power and how to use it. Knowledge and energy flooded her mind and body, and the pressure became overwhelming before slowly retreating and eventually disappearing.

  “The responsibility of such power will not be your sole burden to bear. I will help you when the time comes.” As strange as it was, the voice in her mind comforted Lara. It felt as if she had been missing it her whole life and just now realized it.

  “What do I call you?” Lara asked the voice in her mind.

  “My real name can never be spoken. However, you may refer to me as Abexis, as I am the first to achieve consciousness with their host on this planet.” The voice answered affectionately.

  “What of Viper?” Lara asked, looking around at the ship she was still in.

  “What of your mate?” Abexis asked, his curiosity easily readable to Lara.

  “How do I tell him we can’t be together?” Lara asked, choking on the emotions she felt for Viper, not only from the past, but the present.

  “Carendia Ragnan, beloved vessel, you do not need to give up that which you love most. There is nothing more that I wish for you, than your happiness.”

  “Our purpose here does not mean that you cannot share your life with Viper and have many children and happiness. In fact, I encourage you to do so. I would be honored to share that with you.” Abexis said honestly.

  Lara looked around the ship, Jacordan still strapped motionlessly in his seat, everything still on pause. She now understood why.

  “It’s time to move forward again. We… I can’t stay here. In the past. There’s nothing more to learn here.” Lara said, looking sadly at her brother.

  “No, there is nothing more to learn here. However, there is much to learn about our younger beast brethren and how they can aid our cause.” Abexis told her.

  “I don’t know much about them. I found Viper by accident.” Lara said honestly, watching as the ship and her brother faded around them leaving her in a bare golden room.

  “It was no accident that you found him. Mates are always drawn to one another; it is up to you if you want to ignore the pull or not. Even if you hadn’t found Viper, you would have been drawn to his people. Brethren always find one another.” Abexis explained.

  “Are you truly more powerful than their beasts?” Lara asked curiously.

  “It is not power that makes me seem stronger; it is knowledge. Their beasts are young and have much to learn. Once the Chunataia have risen from the darkness, we will teach them.” Abexis told Lara honestly.

  There was very little that he could do without the assistance of his own clan. Which is why he would begin the transitions of the other humans here, before sending out the first call. To war. It was time his clan awakened; he thought.

  “They won’t be harmed will they?” Lara asked, already knowing the answer but needing to hear it anyway.

  “Beast do not harm their own, no matter the differences in knowledge, origin or state of evolution. Our clans have grown beyond the arrogance and ignorance that allow a species to commit genocide.”

  “We are here to assist the young beast clans and the humans. We will do no harm other than what is necessary to accomplish what we have been tasked to do. You are well aware of what will be required. Once you are ready, we will return and begin.” Abexis said gently, understanding why his human host was a little nervous.

  Lara’s mind ran through what Abexis had shown her, the knowledge of what was to come. A part of her felt crushing sadness at the loss of life she knew would happen, while another part of her felt joy at the thought of what would remain when it was all over. If they won.

  “How do we start?” Lara asked, trying to strengthen her determination.

  Abexis sent gentle waves of strength and affection through his host, calming her nerves and her senses. “We go back, when you are ready, and we help the other humans to bring forth my brethren.”

  “The other humans?” Lara asked curiously.

  “Yes, I have found that there are other humans at our current location that are hosts to some of my brethren. I think it would be best to begin their awakenings. Once we are stronger, we will begin the call to the others.” Abexis said.

  Lara grinned broadly. “I’m not the only freak huh? Who else?”

  “A scan of the leader tells me the one is named Lt. David Jacobs, one is his mate Tricia and another woman is very vague, but her name is Maggie.”

  “There are also several other humans that are close enough to have felt the ripples of my awakening and are unconsciously coming here for assistance. We will assume the responsibility of doing so until our laustio, our hunters, can be awakened.” Abexis replied.

  Lara grinned. “It doesn’t surprise me that the damn Seal has one. What are the hunters?”

  Abexis was pleased with his host’s curiosity regarding his brethren. It would be very helpful to their mission for her to understand his species better.

  “The laustio, hunters, are unique in their ability to scent our kind from long distances. They can also scent and track evil. They will be very useful to our cause.”

  “So all we have to do is go back?” Lara asked, a little nervous about returning. She couldn’t imagine what Viper must be thinking of her. Or the others.

  “There is nothing to be embarrassed or nervous about, your mate and your friends have been very concerned for you. I am encouraged about our coalition with them, by their level of worry for your well-being.” Abexis said honestly.

  Lara sighed. “They are good people. All of them. The things Grai has done for his people is nothing short of miraculous.”

  “Then let us return.” Abexis said.

  The lights swirled around Lara in a fierce tornado before the world seemed to stop on a dime. As the world righted itself in her vision, Lara blinked her eyes several times and looked around the room at the amazed and shocked faces that stared at her raptly.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Viper stared in joy and fear as the eerie golden glow left Lara’s eyes and her normal light brown eyes looked around her nervously. As if unsure of her welcome.

  “Lara?” Viper choked out, taking a hesitant step towards her.

  Lara had no idea why, but for some reason, the concern in his face and the fear she could hear in his voice broke her. Standing up quickly, Lara let the tears flow as she launched herself into Viper’s open arms.

  “I was so worried… don’t scare me like that again.” Viper choked out, before deciding that talking wasn’t his strong point at the moment.

  Instead, he fought not to crush her to him, his emotions bleeding through his energy to the others until they moved away to give them some privacy.

  Lara couldn’t believe how much different it felt just to hold Viper. It wasn’t so much that his body felt different to her; everything else did. What Abexis had shown her in her mind was nothing compared with the reality of what she could now do.

  By manipulating the energy, as Abexis had shown her, she could feel every part of Viper’s emotions and those of his beast. It surprised her that she could do the same thing with Abexis.

nbsp; “Are you all right?” Viper asked in a whisper near her ear.

  Lara wiped her tears and nodded her head. “I’m fine. Are you ok?”

  Viper leaned back enough to look at her eyes. He could clearly see shimmering golden flecks dotting the light-brown color and was surprised at how beautiful they looked; like stars were placed in her eyes.

  “I will be fine as long as you are well. Amun?” Viper asked the doctor, stepping back slightly from Lara, but refusing to let go of her hands.

  Amun came closer to the couple and ran his scans again. “I see nothing physically wrong with her. I would like for you to come to the MedLab tomorrow, after you have rested. There are other tests that I need to run.” Amun stared curiously at Lara as he spoke, giving Lara a creepy feeling.

  “Why do I need more tests if there is nothing wrong?” Lara asked the doctor.

  The room went silent as all eyes turned to Lara and stared at her like she’d lost her mind. Oh what the fuck now? She thought to herself.

  “What?” Lara asked defensively.

  The fle’ te’ Trugh brothers looked at one another with panicked expressions while Grai stepped forward. “Do you not know what just happened? Do you remember the Prime?”

  “Yes. Abexis and I spoke. Is there a problem?” Lara asked, not understanding the reactions of the people around her, including Viper and his brothers. So she had a beast too, what was the deal?

  Grai looked at Lara as if trying to judge her seriousness, before replying. “There is no problem as long as you are well. We have never encountered the species of beast that you are bonded with and the tests are only to determine your health and well-being and to learn what we can about your beast in case medical care is required.”

  Lara laughed. “And you’re curious about him, which is understandable. But, your answers won’t be found in a scan. I will go to MedLab, if it makes you feel better.”

  Grai watched Lara’s every move like a hawk, not missing any detail, hoping for a clue to the mystery of the Prime. “Yes, it would make me feel much better. Under the circumstances, with others here that are hosts to other Prime beasts, I believe any information would be welcome to ease their minds. Your assistance and cooperation are very much appreciated.”

  Lara turned to David and gave him a warm smile, before turning back to Grai. “You have a point. David, Maggie and Tricia are more than welcome to be there, and if they cannot be there, then feel free to release any information to them that you feel would help ease their minds.”

  Grai looked surprised at the offer, but quickly hid it. “Thank you. Now I’m sure you’re exhausted. We were on our way back to Dillon.” Grai gestured to the portal.

  “Are you ready to get some rest?” Viper asked, looking down at Lara tenderly.

  Lara gave him a bright smile. “I’m ready to go back.” She didn’t want to admit that she wasn’t the least bit tired. If anything, she felt invigorated.

  Lara could feel the nervousness and curiosity among everyone in the room. She didn’t blame them. If the situation had been reversed, she would have run screaming by now. However, she knew that no matter what she said to ease their minds, they wouldn’t believe it until they had proof of some kind. Through deed and word was the only way to help them; she thought, knowing the words came from Abexis.

  When no one made a move towards the portal, Lara did a brief scan of the others and realized they were waiting for her to go through first. Some even expected her combust or something when she did. Of course, that was Traze, she thought with a grin. The boy was incorrigible, but a good soul.

  Looking up at Viper, Lara squeezed his hand and gave him a wink. “Let’s go.”

  Viper grinned at the mischievous glint in Lara’s eyes and allowed her to pull him up to the portal and through it to Dillon. Drago, Dread and David immediately followed behind them.

  They were shocked when they hit Dillon and it looked like a hundred people were waiting for them on the other side. Lara could feel a massive wave of fear, curiosity and shock rolling through the room.

  Viper had instinctively pulled her behind him, while the others held their positions at the couple’s back, Lara sandwiched between them.

  The moment the transition had been completed, Abexis had receded and allowed Lara to awaken. When he did, he released his energy hold on the beasts in the room with her.

  The Shengari’ lit up like a Times Square Christmas display with their communications. Apparently, everyone with a beast knew about Lara and her Prime beast; Viper thought, looking around the room at all the people.

  Lara actually flinched at Grai’s booming voice from behind them. He came through the portal right behind David. “I know you are all curious, but they need rest and peace right now. I expect all of you to respect that. We will have answers later.”

  Lara couldn’t leave them like this, but she also didn’t want to have to explain everything right now either. Gathering her energy, she waited until she felt the ball form in the pit of her stomach. She continued to manipulate the ball until it was the size of her entire torso.

  She placed her hands on her stomach and gathered the energy in her hands before splaying her palms outward, releasing her energy to those in the room. It had only taken seconds, but seemed like forever when Lara finally felt the fear, and nervousness subside until only the mildest of curiosity remained among those present.

  Grai looked at her with narrowed eyes when the room cleared quickly, as everyone went back to what they had been doing before they knew of the Prime. Lara just winked at him and headed out of the portal room, Viper’s hand firmly in her own.

  She couldn’t help but grin when she heard Grai’s call to Viper through the Shengari’ that he wanted a briefing by Lara, the Prime or someone tomorrow before she went to MedLab. That man was no fool, she thought, he knew she had done something to everyone in the room.

  When they hit the parking lot, David finally felt they were safe enough to leave them, but Lara stopped him. “I believe that Viper has an extra bed that you can use.”

  Lara sent just enough of a compliant compulsion to everyone, for David to just nod his head and get in the second SUV they had in the parking lot.

  “Why?” Viper asked curiously as he helped settle her in the back with him while Dread drove.

  “To begin his transition, he needs to be near. And he will have questions that only Abexis can answer. It would be cruel to leave him like this after all he did back there to watch our rear when everyone panicked.” Lara said honestly.

  Lara could see Dread watching her in the rear-view mirror and turned to face Viper. “There is nothing to worry about. I am fine. Abexis is nothing more than another beast, not much different than your own.”

  Lara turned a frown to Dread when he choked and began coughing. She could hear his sarcastic comment to Viper through their private path on the Shengari’. “Our beasts can’t shut down an entire room of beast bonded warriors.”

  “No, your beasts can’t.” Lara said, shocking Dread so badly he slammed on the brakes, and they skidded to a stop on the shoulder of the road near their cabin.

  “What the fuck!” Dread asked, releasing his seatbelt and turning around in his seat to stare at her. Viper just stared at her open-mouthed, waiting for her to explain.

  “Abexis can manipulate the energy of the Shengari’. It is easy to pull a string and read the energy. The conversation can be played back, like a tape recorder. You probably don’t know what that is, but it’s like a recording that can be played back.”

  “I didn’t intend to spy on your conversation, it just kind of came through. I’m still learning how to do this. I apologize. It’s strange. I went from being a freak among the humans, to finding my home here with you guys, only to be a freak again.”

  Even though Lara no longer felt the pain she used to feel at being the odd one out, it bothered Viper.

  “You are not a freak. You are my mate and sister to my brothers. We love you, and that is all that
matters.” Viper said, his heart in his throat.

  “You’re still a freak.” Dread said teasingly as he turned around and put them back on the road to the cabin.

  Lara laughed and kicked the back of his seat. “I’m an awesome freak though!”

  Lara felt the tension ease as they pulled into the driveway. She wasn’t the least surprised when Viper acted the perfect gentleman and helped her out of the vehicle. He kept a gentle hand on the small of her back as Dread led them into the house where Ratoka, Drago and David were waiting. She walked right up to David.

  “You are curious and I don’t blame you. I can tell you that once you go to sleep, Abexis will start sending his energy to help awaken your Prime. It will not happen overnight, but over a period of time. How long will depend on you and your acceptance of the bonding.” Lara could feel David’s nervousness skyrocket and sent a small amount of energy to help calm him, not enough to take over his own emotions.

  “What’s it like?” David asked curiously as he stared at the golden dots in her eyes that were expanding and contracting.

  Lara smiled as the man’s curiosity overrode his nervousness and fear. “Like nothing I can ever explain in words. It doesn’t hurt at all. It’s… peaceful. Like finding a part of your soul you didn’t realize was even missing.” Lara said with a gentle smile, feeling David’s determination expand in his energy.

  David laughed sardonically. “Great. Now I’ll be too wound up to get to sleep.”

  Lara smiled and sent a private message to Drago, Dread and Viper before hitting David with a bolt of energy. The brothers easily caught the falling human before he hit the floor. Drago hefted him over his shoulder and headed towards the spare bedroom.

  “I’ll get him settled.” Drago called out behind him as, he disappeared down the hallway.

  “What did you do to him?” Dread asked.

  “I helped him to sleep. He will be fine in the morning.” Lara replied.

  “Speaking of sleep, I haven’t slept in days, so I’m off to bed.” Dread said before heading off down the same hallway as Drago and David.


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