Viper (Second Wave Book 1)

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Viper (Second Wave Book 1) Page 24

by Mikayla Lane

  Viper turned to Ratoka, who stood silently in the living room. “Don’t look at me. I’m not leaving. I’ll take the couch.” Ratoka said, opening the entertainment center and pulling out the spare blankets and pillows stored at the bottom.

  Viper led Lara back down the hallway to his bedroom and held the door open for her to enter. Lara went inside and sat down on the bed she had woken up in, just three days earlier. A lot had happened since then, she thought.

  “Are you tired? Amun thinks you need some rest, and you probably do. I’ll find you something to wear so you can sleep.” Viper said, unsure of what to do.

  He made to turn to his closet, when Lara grabbed his arm and stopped him. “Why don’t we lay down for a few minutes and just talk? Unless you’re tired…” Lara said, feeling suddenly shy and nervous.

  Viper gave her a gentle smile. “That sounds wonderful to me.”

  Lara sat back down on the bed and scooted over to the other side to make room for Viper, who hesitated only a moment before climbing into the bed with her. Holding his arm out to his side, Viper waited for Lara to cuddle up to his side the way she used to back on Tezaria.

  Lara gave Viper a twinkling smile, then settled down beside him, with her head on his shoulder and her arm on his chest. She remembered how much she had loved laying like this with him in the past. His heartbeat pounded strongly under her ear, while his chest rose and fell with his breath in a calming rhythm that lulled her mind and body into relaxing.

  “Do you need anything?” Viper asked courteously, unsure what to talk about.

  “No, thank you. I’m fine. Are you ok with… everything going on?” Lara asked, tired of beating around the bush.

  Viper sighed heavily. “I would be fine with anything as long as you are safe and well. I will admit that I am a little curious and nervous about your beast.”

  Lara laughed. “You aren’t the only one. I think Grai was ready to rip out his hair. He doesn’t seem to take well to surprises, and I think I was a pretty big one.”

  Viper grinned and couldn’t resist placing a gentle kiss on Lara’s head. “No, Grai doesn’t take surprises well. To be fair though, he has a lot of people depending on him, and he likes to know what is going on in order to ensure their protection. He’s a good man and means well.”

  “Of that I have no doubt. Abexis and I can see that he only wants what is best for his people. Our people. Technically, we’re all clan. Abexis is just a little older than the beasts you are accustomed to.” Lara said, trying to help Viper understand that things weren’t really much different. Ok, she thought, except for the whole reincarnation thing and kick ass beast upgrade she got.

  Viper turned to look down at Lara incredulously. Did she really just try to compare her beast on steroids with his beast? Lara burst out laughing at the expression on his face.

  “Oh come on! Granted, Abexis is a little stronger than you’re used to.” When Viper’s jaw dropped open, Lara laughed again.

  “Ok, so he’s a lot stronger. But that doesn’t change anything between us… does it?” Lara asked, looking away from Viper.

  Viper could feel Lara’s uncertainty and refused to let her feel like she wasn’t wanted. Pulling her closer into his arms, he relished the feel of her slight body pressed so intimately against his own.

  “I don’t care if you grow another head, I am just glad to have you back. I know that Dread and Drago feel the same way. You have been greatly missed for far too long, my love.” Viper said, wearing his heart in his energy so Lara would have no doubt about his sincerity.

  “I have missed you as well. More so, now that I remember everything.” Lara admitted.

  Viper turned to look at her. “You remember everything?”

  Lara turned gold flecked eyes to him, and his heart melted all over again. Placing a gentle hand on his cheek, she rubbed her cheek against his. “Yes, I do.”

  Viper wasn’t sure what her idea of ‘everything’ was and needed a little more detail. “Everything… as in?”

  Lara giggled and laid her head back on his chest. “Everything. Like when you went to Zendar and brought me back one of their rare Indigior flowers.”

  Viper was surprised, she remembered that. Only sketchy details remained in his mind of doing that for her. However, he had been more concerned with how much she remembered of her and Jacordan’s death.

  “Can you tell me why?” Viper asked suddenly. Lara knew exactly what he meant by the question and sighed heavily.

  “It was already too late. Jacordan was killed on impact, and the hull of the ship compromised. You were too far away to get there in time, and I knew that you and your brothers would only get yourselves killed trying to recover our bodies. I couldn’t allow all of you to suffer the same fate because we were stupid. You would have done the same.” Lara told him honestly.

  Viper nodded silently. Yes, he thought; he would have done the same. It was exactly as he, and his brothers had suspected after they had finally found the crash site. And it did nothing to ease the pain he felt all over again just thinking about it.

  “Hey… I didn’t tell you so you could relive it. I’m here. Now. That is what we need to focus on. Right?” Lara asked, hoping that Viper hadn’t decided he didn’t want her this time around now that she had Abexis.

  “Yes, that is what we need to focus on. Are you sure you are well? There are no… problems, with your beast?” Viper asked, hoping Lara would talk about the Prime and ease his worry and curiosity.

  Lara looked up at Viper and smiled a little nervously. “If you have questions, you can ask; I don’t mind. And yes, Abexis and I are fine. Are you sure you’re ok with all this?”

  Viper sighed, knowing that Lara could sense his concern. “I am worried. Not because of you, but for you. We know nothing of the beast species that you are hosting, and until we know more about where it came from and how it got here; I will continue to be worried about your safety.”

  “Do you trust me?” Lara asked simply.

  Viper replied without hesitation. “With my life.”

  “Then trust me when I say that Abexis is not dangerous and there is no reason to worry about him.” Lara looked up at him, feeling his internal debate and wishing she could help him. She knew that he had to be the one to make up his mind though.

  “It’s kind of hard to let go of that. I just got you back and have almost lost you several times again. It’s hard… very hard not to want to put you where I can guarantee you stay safe. It will take some time for me…” Viper admitted, his voice catching in his throat as his emotions took hold.

  Lara’s heart broke at the pain and fear Viper was feeling, and she hugged him tightly unsure how to help him. “I’m sorry, Viper. So very sorry. Jacordan and I, we never intended to go up there and die. It was an accident. A stupid accident. One that we all paid a very high price for, but one that we can try to recover from. Can’t we?”

  Viper could feel Lara’s concern and worry, and he pulled her tightly to his chest. “I would go through anything to have you back again. I don’t care if you host a dozen Prime’s and have two heads. You are and always will be, the greatest love of my life.”

  “There is nothing I want more than to try to have the life together, that we were meant to have. And I will do whatever I must in order to make it happen. Do not doubt that.”

  “My struggles are with my own mind and the memories of the years without you. I believe the pain, and fear will subside the longer we are together. I just need patience. As you know, that has never been a strength of mine.” Viper said the last with a self-depreciating chuckle.

  Lara giggled, remembering just how badly Viper sucked at having any form of patience. “Luckily, we have lots of time. We have a lot to catch up on as well. I’m dying to hear details about how you ended up here and what you, and the boys have been doing.”

  Lara sat up and crossed her legs, looking down at Viper who moved his hand to Lara’s knee and rolled to his side. Lara placed her hand on
his and gave him a small smile.

  “We just need to get to know each other again. We’re all a little different than we were back then. I think it’s the changes that we see in each other that we’re having a hard time with.”

  “I think we need time to talk and get to know each other again without dodging bullets, invisible creatures and clones in the woods.” Lara looked Viper with a smile, feeling more hopeful now that she could sense his happiness and hope.

  Viper felt relieved and elated that Lara wanted to spend time with him. A small part of him had worried that the past or the Prime would end his chances of finally claiming his mate.

  “I think I would like to try this date thing that Jax spoke of.” Viper said with a half grin.

  Lara laughed. “No, you don’t! You don’t even know what a date is!”

  Viper looked at Lara with irritation and grunted. “That doesn’t mean I wouldn’t like to try it.”

  Lara could hear the pout in his voice and giggled. “Ok then. How about you plan a date for us for tomorrow night?”

  “Why not tonight?” Viper asked without hesitation, willing to do anything to spend more time alone with her.

  “I have a feeling we’ll be speaking with Grai and the others for most of the day. I don’t think either of us will be in the mood for anything but food and sleep after that. Besides, it gives you a day to figure out what a date is so you can plan one.” Lara said with another giggle at the thought of Viper asking around about what a date was.

  Viper thought for a moment and realized Lara was right. It would be their first date, and he didn’t want to screw it up, in case this was something really important to her. Yeah, he thought; a day should be enough time to figure it out.

  “All right, tomorrow night then. What makes you think we’ll be in a briefing all day?” Viper asked. He hadn’t heard anything about a meeting.

  “There’s been talk on the Shengari’ and Grai doesn’t strike me as the kind of guy who takes uncertainty well. He just found out his mate is the host to an unknown species of a beast more powerful than his own; he has a lot of questions, and he wants answers. Don’t you?” Lara asked, sensing the nervous edge to his emotions when she mentioned the Prime.

  Viper took in a ragged breath. After the teasing moments they had just shared, he hadn’t expected her to blatantly throw out there what concerned him the most. He should have though. She never had been one to allow things to fester between them and would talk things out as soon as she knew something was wrong. Viper would respect that, as he always had, with honesty.

  “I’m terrified for you. I admit it is mostly because of my ignorance of the species that you host. However, that knowledge does not ease my fear for you. You have almost died, several times, since you have come back to me, and I fear greatly that I will lose you again.” Viper admitted, squeezing her tightly to him as, he fought his emotions.

  Lara hugged him back, her heart breaking at his pain and fear. For her. “Hey… I’m the same girl who used to sneak up behind you and scare the hell out of you. That cut your hair while you slept and trimmed all your clothes in pink ribbons.”

  Lara smiled along with Viper as they both remembered the past and happier times. “I’m just a little more kick ass than I used to be and Abexis… is not much different than your own beast. Yes, he’s a little stronger, but only because he’s older and more evolved.”

  “Think of it this way, your beast is the equivalent to human evolution while Abexis is the equivalent to the Tezarian’s or Valendran’s. The humans have a saying that applies here, that there is always a bigger fish in the sea. It was arrogance to assume that we were the most evolved thing out there.” Lara added, having thought that very thing in her old life.

  Viper considered her words, and although they made every bit of sense, he still couldn’t shake the fear he still felt for her.

  “I know what you are saying, and I understand; I really do. But I’m with Grai on this; I need to know more. It’s not the power that worries me; it's not knowing where it comes from, where it’s been and why it’s taken so long for it to show itself.”

  “Grai and the Valendran’s have been on this planet a long time, why did it wait, until now, to show itself? There are just too many questions right now for me to feel comfortable about this.”

  “It’s not helping that Zaxin can’t scan it, can’t communicate with it and can’t even sense its energy except for the power it radiates.” Viper admitted, his frustration and that of his beast clear in his voice.

  Lara was surprised that Viper’s beast had even tried to scan Abexis; she hadn’t felt the attempt at all.

  “Their energy isn’t strong enough to disrupt our outer energy sphere.” Abexis said in her mind, answering her question before she asked it.

  Now was not the time for this conversation, Lara thought, suddenly exhausted. Especially not when she was going to have to go through it all again tomorrow with Grai, and the others that he was calling to the meeting through the Shengari’.

  “Can we talk about all that tomorrow?” Lara asked, covering her yawn.

  Viper wanted answers now, but knew she needed rest. He hugged her to him and kissed the top of her head. He started to slide out of the bed when Lara grabbed his arm.

  “Stay. Cuddle with me like we used to.” Lara said, her gold flecked eyes melting any resistance he may have had.

  Viper slid back in beside her and pulled a quilt over them before pulling her back into his arms. Within moments, he could hear the soft whisper of her even breathing as she drifted off to sleep. He truly wished he could do the same.

  Chapter Twenty

  Lara looked around the crowded table and smiled. The brothers were just as boisterous as she remembered and the addition of David and Ratoka hadn’t stopped them. If anything, David fit right in and Ratoka only encouraged them.

  With everyone helping, making breakfast had been a fun and entertaining event for all of them. It reminded Lara of the many times they had done the same thing in the past. The only thing missing was Jacordan, she thought with sadness. However, David made an impressive replacement in an odd sort of way.

  “We need to hurry; Grai is expecting us in less than an hour.” Dread said, interjecting some seriousness into the playful banter.

  Silence followed Dread’s comment as everyone’s thoughts turned inward. Lara blew out a breath; her bangs fluffing out in front of her. She really hated feeling like a freak… again.

  “We’re all ready. Let’s just head over there now. We can do the dishes when we get back.” Lara suggested, jumping back in surprise at the sudden scraping of the chairs as everyone came to their feet.

  “I got shotgun.” David said, heading to the door with Ratoka and Drago on his heels.

  “I fail to see how waiting there will be any different than waiting here.” Dread said, looking at Lara curiously.

  “Everyone is already there and waiting. It’s probably a good idea to go now before they have time to scare themselves into a tizzy.” Lara said with a wry smile.

  Dread and Viper sighed. “Well then, let’s go and stop them before they begin casting you as a planet killer. You’re not are you?” Dread asked, only half teasing.

  Lara punched him in the arm and grinned when he rubbed the sore spot. “No, I am not a planet killer. That’s only myth and legend.”

  Viper held the door open as Lara got inside the SUV. “Yes, but didn’t your beast come from myth and legend as well?”

  Lara grinned at the curiosity in their voices, with only a hint of the fear that they had the day before. She didn’t want them to fear her. They had no reason to.

  Dread had them parked along the shoulder of the road leading to the office building in no time.

  “What the fuck?” Dread whispered, staring at the vehicles lining every conceivable part of the parking lot.

  “Well, it looks like everyone is here. Damn, you always were popular.” Viper said, surprising Lara with his teasing.
  Lara got out of the SUV when Drago opened the door for her. She wasn’t the least bit surprised. The Shengari’ had been lit up all night with the chatter about the new beast and how it had shut down the others.

  The very air around her was thick with the energy traces of those that had come. It felt as if she were walking through a fine mist of fear and curiosity. Lara was only half aware of Abexis gathering the traces left behind and adding them to his own energy, allowing it to build in her core.

  The entrance into the building was packed with Valendran/human hybrids, Valendrans and Tezarian’s. The crowd parted at their arrival, and they easily walked through them, with the men surrounding Lara protectively.

  Viper and the others were a little panicked at how many people were here. Although it was obvious that Grai had security posted on the off-chance something went wrong, and they trusted these people, the fear was a little contagious and caused them to be more alert.

  They were relieved when they finally arrived at the conference room, and the doors closed behind them. The air was a little easier to breathe in here without the crush of people.

  The brothers hadn’t been sure what to expect, but they hadn’t considered it would be Lara that would initiate the conversation.

  Lara walked up to Ivint, who was closest to them and held out her hand. “You are Ivint Torenson, leader of the Valendran forces on this planet and retired High Councilor of your planet. I am Sgt. Lara Blain, host to the Prime Abexis.”

  Ivint stared in fascination for a moment at the glowing golden flecks in Lara’s eyes, before recovering himself and shaking her hand. “It is a pleasure to meet you, Lara and Abexis. I am looking forward to learning more about both of you.”

  Lara smiled at Ivint before turning to Grai and holding out her hand. Grai watched her face carefully as he held out his hand and shook hers for longer than necessary, trying desperately to scan her with his beast Death.

  Lara turned and nodded to the others that were standing at the table and the computer panels in the room. She couldn’t help but notice the other two humans that were host to Primes were not in the room and knew immediately Grai had been the one to ensure they weren’t here. To protect them, until he knew more.


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