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Page 12

by E G Manetti

  Amaranth raps the table. “Tonight, finish this tale.”

  With a nod at both seigneurs, Lilian continues. “According to the streams, the intrepid Bright Dawn crew had set forth in the direction of the Thirteenth System with the primitive navigation available to them. They were expected to be gone three months. Communications were such that silence was anticipated until the return. After six months without a word, several rescue parties were sent to the edge of the beaconless expanse.

  “For sevendays they sent single flyers into the void in search of a sign. Just as the valiant rescue workers had reached the end of their supplies, one caught a glimpse of something moving in the void. It was the Bright Dawn.

  “Forcing her way onto the transport, the woman found none left alive. There were three intact corpses. All appeared to have died at each other’s hands. Only half of the crew could be identified at all. Most had been the victims of cannibalism. Examination of the three intact corpses proved they had been consuming human flesh.

  “The rescuer was so shocked by her findings that she could not find speech. She tapped out her location in code and awaited relief. When relief arrived, she left them to the gruesome task of dealing with the Bright Dawn Horror. She boarded her flyer and returned to the rescue ship, still unspeaking. As soon as they arrived at Metricelli Prime, she hastened to Rimon’s Shrine for succor.

  “It was claimed she was three days in the Shrine without speaking or sleeping. At dawn on the third day, she began to speak to the effigy. The attendants thought her maddened by horror and sent for the keeper. He determined that the woman was receiving instruction from the Shade of the Second. The direction the Bright Dawn had sought was anathema. None should travel there lest they be eaten by evil.”

  “Brilliant,” Aristides says. “Using Rimon distanced it from the ambition of Sinead’s house.”

  “More so than appears,” Lilian replies. “At the time, none questioned it because Rimon’s house had no interest in exploring that section of the galaxy, so there was no reason to believe they had influenced Rimon’s Shrine. It was only in the last century the fable was disproven.”

  Amaranth leans forward. “Disproven? How?”

  “By the time of the Bright Dawn Horror, all stellar transports were registered. The Bright Dawn was never registered. Not as new construction or as a revitalized vessel.”

  “Registries can be lost or falsified,” Gehrig says. “The pirates were known for it.”

  Lilian nods. “True, but there is other evidence. The rescue protocols described in the streams do not adhere to those of that time, and there is no record of any medical examinations or disposal of the dead. The supposed victims are phantoms. Unnamed and unknown.”

  “But Sinead’s line never expanded in that direction,” Amaranth notes.

  “The preeminence was unseated by her half brother. The new preeminence allied with Jonathan’s house to expand in a different direction. That expedition discovered the Ninth System.”

  “Unfortunate coincidence in the names.”

  “But Bright Dawn was the name of the vessel, not the commerce enterprise,” Lilian returns with credible confusion. “In fact, now that I recall it, the cartouche named as funding the exploration was Iron Fist, more evidence of fallacy. No such cartouche was ever licensed.”

  Rising to her feet, Amaranth says, “That Newton is a lackwit. I am surprised this is not well known.”

  Rising with Amaranth, Aristides offers his escort. He has no doubt Gehrig and Amaranth will spread the true tale throughout the vessel. Once he has the details from Lilian, he will see that it is known throughout the Twelve Systems as well. In the meantime, he will report to Lucius that due to Lilian’s knowledge of ancient lore, he will have Newton discredited within a sevenday.

  Sevenday 130, Day 5

  The whisper of birds in flight drifts from the distant ceiling, her training boots silent against the stone floor of the vast chamber. Dim light filters from the ceiling, sending her shadow spreading across the floor in all directions like massive wings. Birds call, the sharp sound bouncing off the walls. The calls increase. Intense. Repetitious.

  Ping. Ping. Ping.

  Roused from sleep by the insistent ping of her slate, Lilian grasps the device and burrows under the coverlet to review the night’s alerts. The whisper of wings returns. It is not birds. It is the odd rasping sound that is milord’s call signal. Abandoning slate and coverlet, she pulls the tie from her hair, using milord’s freshening closet to reach his chamber. In the dim light, milord holds the coverlet open to receive her. Slipping into the bed, Lilian enters the warm embrace.


  Savoring the scent of citrus and woman, Lucius rolls off Lilian’s limp form, gathering her against his side. The woman is relaxed, but not limp. She is thinking. It is unusual for Lilian’s mind to be active so soon after her release. “What is it?”

  “Rebecca’s intelligence on Leonardo’s flyer,” she replies, stretching. “The odds do not favor Master Fletcher. The Leonardo contender owns an excellent record and is experienced with the patterns of Fourth System navigation.”

  “You are certain?” He is not truly surprised. He expected Angus to field a strong contender within his home system.

  “As certain as I am able with only the slate to aid me. I will evaluate again on Fortuna, but I do not believe the positioning will change significantly. There is but a forty-percent chance that Master Fletcher will inscribe the SEV1.”

  “Is there naught to be done to improve the odds?” If any can find a means, it would be Lilian.

  “None that I have discovered. Master Fletcher and the militia flyer are similarly skilled and evidence the same intrepid nature. It is knowledge of the Fourth System that gives the Leonardo contender advantage. Even though the course will not include the channels reserved for the governor’s militia, his regular expeditions will have provided detailed understanding of the gravitational forces of the system’s bodies at the various seasons of the year.”

  Dropping a kiss on her forehead, Lucius pushes to a seat. “Trouble no further. It was to be expected.”


  Milord’s passion delayed their rising, leaving them to enjoy the morning meal while meeting with Seigneur Marco and Mistress Deidre to review security-privilege arrangements for Fortuna. As they take their leave, Lilian clears away the abandoned plates and teacups, leaving them on the serving console for later removal. Following milord to the sofa, she places a fresh cup of tea on the table to his right as Mr. George admits Seigneurs Rachelle and Kemeha, Chrys, Fletcher, and Nickolas, and a few breaths later, Seigneur Aristides, Seigneur Gwyneth, and her protégé, Jasper.

  With Chrys’ assistance, Lilian provides tea for the new arrivals. As she reaches Seigneur Aristides, he asks, “Where will I find evidence of the Bright Dawn fable?”

  “There is a citation in The Foundations of Order treatise that Serengeti licensed for the Bright Star entertainment,” she replies. “It will reference all the related research.”

  Aristides smiles as he accepts the teacup. “Excellent. I will send to Douglas after our conference.”

  When milord had first suggested the Bright Star decision trials could be adapted for the lurid entertainments Katleen favors, Lilian had been stunned. A season later, she is beyond pleased by the development. Seigneur Aristides has entrusted the venture to Douglas, and his commission will be considerable if it succeeds.

  “What is your play?” Milord asks.

  Aristides’ face settles into a bland expression. “I have a kinsman who is a master scholar of commerce studies at the university on Rimon Prime. His educational stream is followed by half the commerce media, and an installment on primitive media management will be of interest to many.”

  “Notify me when the stream releases.” Milord puts aside his cup. “I will not wish to miss it.”

  Turning to Rachelle, milord says, “Have you scheduled the flexible Vistrite review?”

  For the
next two periods, the Bright Star team works through the details of the Fortuna schedule, adjusting arrangements until milord is satisfied. When first bell chimes, he releases all but Nickolas. Signaling George, milord permits the servitors to enter and clear away before bringing the midday meal. With the precision of well-trained servitors, they are efficient and silent. Were Lilian’s eyes closed, they would be as phantoms.

  A small sound from milord alerts Lilian that her reaction has not gone unnoticed. Milord is amused at her expense. Nickolas looks at his mentor in confusion and receives naught but raised eyebrows in return. The servitors depart, and they settle at the table for the delayed midday meal.

  At milord’s request, Lilian reviews the schedule for the coming days, confirming the adjustments from the morning. On the morrow they will arrive in the Fourth System and enter Fortuna at tenth bell. By midday, they will be at the Serenity Guesthouse. Lilian and Nickolas will be at liberty until the Serengeti reception that evening. The following day. Milord has been invited to a midday reception at the governor’s palace.

  “Mistress Marieth has confirmed that Blooded Dagger’s senior property manager will attend milord at fourth bell on Seventh Day to escort milord to view the three estates that may be suitable.” Milord intends to acquire a home in Fort Rimon. It is common practice for warriors of sufficient wealth to maintain private residences in the areas where they have core commerce interests. In addition to the mansion and penthouse in Crevasse City and the Southern Continent citrus plantation, for his personal use milord maintains a hunting lodge on Metricelli Deuce, a house in Jonathan City on Desperation, a penthouse in Pinnacle City on Socraide Prime, and an island in the Rimon Deuce archipelago that has long been within Lady Estella’s family. After viewing the candidate properties, milord will grace the Blooded Dagger reception and attend to cartouche matters.

  Although Lilian does object to the notion of being alone in opulent guest quarters on Seventh Day, she is glad it will not be necessary.

  Milord glances at his slate. “Have you plans for Seventh Day other than the alcove?”

  Again, he reads my mind. Not that it matters. Lilian had no intention of hiding her plans, she but lacked opportunity to inform milord. “Does it please milord, Pippa has invited me to a concert and a reception after at her brother’s home. Master Chrys has agreed to provide escort and Mr. Stefan is prepared to drive.”

  Milord’s lips compress, and his fingers tap the table. “Master Chrys and Stefan are proven in battle but lack sufficient status for those arrangements.”

  Even though it is a liberty day, milord may confine her does he will it. Resigning herself to declining Pippa’s invitation, Lilian nods.

  Glancing at Nickolas, milord asks, “Have you plans? If Mistress Pippa will extend an invitation, will you escort Lilian?”

  What says he? Lilian’s eyes flash from milord to Nickolas.

  Green eyes bright, Nickolas nods and smiles. “It is always a pleasure to escort Monsignor’s conservator.”

  Always? It was but once, when Nickolas and Fletcher escorted her to Warriors’ Respite the night they trapped Damien St. Gervais. Not that it matters. Pippa will be beside herself. If Nickolas were ugly as a toad, he is still Monsignor’s protégé and an SEV1 lieutenant. Handsome and virile? Pippa will be beyond thrilled. “I am sure Pippa will be delighted to include you.”

  Milord emits a sound that might be a swallowed laugh. Seigneur Trevelyan’s investigation of Pippa must have been thorough. The remainder of the discussion is uneventful. First day will be devoted to commerce with naught in the after bells. Second Day is the hull launch followed by a Bright Star reception that will be far more elaborate than the one a year gone. Third Day the race to inscribe the SEV1 will be followed by the Fourth System’s governor’s gala.

  Tapping his fork against his plate, Nickolas asks, “What of Fletcher and the inscription? Will he prevail?”

  It is but the three of them. Milord nods permission and Lilian explains that the odds do not favor Nickolas’ friend.

  Leaning back in his chair, Nickolas taps the table. “Ill odds indeed. Can you offer naught?”

  “Had Master Fletcher a month in the Fourth System, the odds would improve,” she says. “Master Fletcher lacks neither skill nor courage, but bells in the flyer simulators do not equate to experience.”

  Nickolas frowns, his hands coming together in a steeple. “Simulators suffice for the moon races.”

  She represses the urge to smile at Nickolas’ unconscious imitation of milord. “It is different with the moon races. The course is only in place for a sevenday a year. It is difficult to fly it frequently enough to have advantage. Although those who place in the top set almost always own ten or more years as contenders. I believe they have learned to compensate for the patterns of the larger, slower-moving planets . . .”

  Planets. Moons. Minute shifts in universal patterns dance across her inner eye.

  Lucius leans in. It is as he suspected, the gray eyes are water clear. Her voice soft, “Moons, not planets. Greater variation . . . more difficult to predict . . .”

  Lucius flicks a glance at Nickolas and finds him smiling but not bewildered. “I find it charming that the conservator chats with herself when in deep thought, unlike her normal reserve. It is almost as if she becomes a different person.”

  Before Lucius can pursue that unusual notion, Lilian returns. The water-clear eyes turn gray and the mind behind them returns with a suddenness that is almost audible.

  Her rare smile flickers. “Does it please milord, it may be possible to assist Master Fletcher in improving the odds.”

  “How so?” It may be time to admit Nickolas into the small circle aware of Lilian’s insights. He will not do so today. His campaign to return her to her normal vibrant self is succeeding. He will not risk oversetting it.

  “We need only add requirements to the route design to incorporate the moons that circle Fortuna and Ruin. It will not assure Master Fletcher of success, but it should limit the Leonardo contender’s advantage.”

  Lucius would pull her into an embrace if Nickolas were not present. The route designed for the race sets a complex course around Fortuna and its nearest neighbor, Ruin. It was created to maximize the visual pageantry and be complex enough to test the contenders’ skills. The route, constraints, and other parameters were set through consensus by Bright Star members. All have been using the design to practice in simulators. Adding the moons will increase the complexity of the route, making the race more exciting and evening the odds. “Horatio will support it. It will aid his contender as well as Fletcher.”

  With that there is little more to review. They will depart Fourth Day. Before the Despoiler assault on Serengeti, milord intended another full commerce day, but now they dare not. Monsignor Hercules appears trustworthy and Seigneur Trevelyan is beyond resourceful, but there is much that requires milord’s authority.

  6. Settlement Day on Fortuna

  As the Anarchy laid waste to the three systems, commerce devolved into barter, most inhabitants trading commodities and labor for what they needed to survive. Although gold and precious gems were accepted everywhere, transport required armed caravans. To facilitate purchases, the wealthy and powerful created unique devices that would generate a mark guaranteeing payment when the caravans arrived. To safeguard the devices, they were keyed to the bearer’s DNA. By the time of the Five Warriors, the palm-sized devices were ornamented with the bearer’s coat of arms, the foundation of what would later become the more abbreviated cartouche symbol. These ancient signets are displayed in museums throughout the Twelve Systems.

  As true commerce returned, the concept of the signet expanded to financial institutions where those of common order could acquire commerce seals with the markings of the financial institution backing the commerce exchange. Eventually, as order was established throughout all sectors of society, even those with limited funds and credit were able to participate in commerce using prepaid tokens, the ubiqu
itous gray devices available at all financial institutions. ~ excerpt from Commerce Practices and Protocols, an academic text.

  Sevenday 130, Day 6

  The rustle of wings echoes in the dim cavern. Lilian’s training trousers and tunic merge with the shadows as she follows the sound of birds in flight, invisible in the impenetrable darkness that cloaks the distant ceiling. Her footfalls beat a light cadence in time with the flutter of wings. In the distance, the shadows yield to a warm glow. The birdcalls rise, rough, insistent, demanding.

  Milord’s call.

  Lilian staggers from her bunk. She has no notion of the bell and cannot pause to check as she finds her way into milord’s freshening closet and then bedchamber.

  The prior evening, she followed milord from the training chambers, her gaze roaming his broad shoulders, strong spine, and narrow waist bared by the training garb. Expecting to be called to milord’s bed, she was tumbled to the floor in a violent burst of passion. It was wondrous. It also gave her cause to realize that the salon rug had been replaced with a much softer fabric since their last transit on the Shimmering Horizon.

  After a shower and a meal, Lilian found herself dismissed to her chamber. That it lacked ninth bell mattered not. Lilian tumbled into dreamless sleep as soon as she laid her head upon the pillow encasing her thorn.

  Groggy, her eyes resist the dim light as she stumbles into milord’s chamber, seeking the warm comfort of his bed.

  Demon shit. What ails her? Lucius pushes aside the coverlet as Lilian staggers across the chamber, the loose tie binding her hair falling away. He had dismissed her early last eve and it is a half bell past the prior day’s call. Lilian falls into his arms and he drags her into the bed, wrapping them both in the warm coverlet. Her owlish gaze holds confusion but no distress. Stefan reports that she arises well before this bell to train with her mother and sister. For what cause is she so sleep sodden? “Lilian, are you awake?”

  Her lids droop close and start wide. “Yes, milord.”

  He cannot resist teasing her. “Are you certain?”.


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