Brazos Bride
Page 17
Lizzie also stood. “Who would have thought a little nap could become a habit? A siesta sure peps us up, doesn’t it?”
Hope hugged Ramona. “Welcome home. You go ahead and I’ll let Micah know we’re turning in.”
As Ramona climbed the stairs, Hope rapped on the library door and bid the men goodnight. They were calling an end to the evening as well, and Micah asked her to wait for him.
He soon escorted her up the stairs. “I invited Eduardo to spend the night. Don’t like the idea of him riding home in the dark after what happened today. But three of his ranch hands rode with him, so I think he’ll be safe.”
They reached her room and he guided her inside. “Micah, you are very kind to think of Eduardo’s safety. I am worried about this woman’s death and the attempt to accuse my cousin. What can happen next?”
“Trouble’s not over, that’s for sure. You have to let us protect you, Hope, even though you tire of being confined and watched. At least now you’ll have your friend to help keep you company.” He looked around her room more closely than usual. ”Did you leave the balcony doors open?”
“Maria probably opened them to cool the room.” She pulled the bell cord to summon her maid.
He checked the room’s corners and shadows. “Looks okay.”
Maria hurried in. “You wish to go to bed now, Señora?”
When Micah had left, Hope let Maria unfastened the intricate buttons of her dress and lay out her nightgown. She slid the gown over her head and donned her wrapper, then went to the washstand to engage in her evening cleansing ritual.
Maria said, “Never have I made your bed with all these rumples. Someone has been here.” She turned down the covers and let out a scream.
Hope whirled. A large rattlesnake slithered to the center of her bed and coiled, ready to strike her maid.
Maria froze.
Micah arrived with revolver drawn, followed by his brothers and Ramona. “Stand still, Maria.” His shot severed the serpent’s head.
Joel glanced around. “Don’t see anything to pick up the damned...’scuse me, dratted thing.”
“Let’s bundle it up in the sheet.” Zach yanked the top covers from the bed, leaving the snake exposed. “Whew! Thing must be five feet.”
Tomasina and Consuela rushed in, followed by Maggie and Lizzie. They each wore nightclothes and wrappers.
Consuela said, “Señora, we heard a gunshot.”
The women stared en masse at the sight on Hope’s bed.
“My stars, how did that get in here?” Maggie asked.
“I’ve known snakes to climb a wall,” Lizzie said, “but I can’t see how it made it this far into the house.
As he and Zach bundled up the rattler, Joel said, “Had to have had help.”
“That’s right. It was in the bedding.” Micah walked onto the balcony and peered around. He picked up something near the door. “Canvas feed bag and a length of cord. Explains how someone carried the snake upstairs. But who?”
“Could have been a warning.” Zach said. “Bad news if Maria hadn’t uncovered it and Hope had crawled into that bed.”
Though she also needed comforting, Hope had embraced Maria and now patted her back. “Are you all right?”
Maria shuddered. “I hate snakes, and that one, he looked ready to jump on me. H-He moved so fast.”
“Go to bed now, Maria, and try to dream of pleasant things.” Hope urged her maid toward the door.
Wiping tears from her face, Maria took a deep breath. “Thanks to Señor Stone, everything is now all right.”
Micah said, “Everyone should go to bed. We’ll discuss this more in the morning.”
Ramona touched Hope’s arm. “Are you certain you can sleep?”
“Yes, after Eduardo’s fine wine, I will sleep like a baby until morning.” Hope lied. How could she ever sleep in that bed again?
“Then I will leave you, my friend. My bed beckons to me.” Ramona smiled then left the room.
Micah and his brothers conferred quietly. Hope wished she could hear what they were saying. Did they have an opinion about who would do such a terrible thing?
Joel held up the bedding containing the snake. “I’ll empty this on the rubbish heap and then turn in.”
When everyone else had left the room, Micah took her hands in his. “Hope, I can’t protect you from this sort of thing when you’re a room away. I know you value your privacy, but you understand why you cannot be alone until this is solved. We must sleep in the same room, in the same bed.”
She looked at him, searching for any double meaning. With only a lamp to light the room, his eyes appeared more blue than gray and held only concern, not lust. “I see that you are correct. I will get clothes for tomorrow. I don’t want to return to this room for a while.” When she had gathered what she needed, she handed them to him, then adjusted the belt of her lavender wrapper.
“That’s pretty. Same color as the dress you wore to our wedding.”
“Y-You remember?”
He guided her through the dressing area toward his bedroom. “You’d be surprised at the things I remember.”
Chapter Twenty-five
Careful, don’t let her know how important this is.
Micah closed the door softly and guided her toward the bed.
She clung to his arm. When she gazed at him, her wide sherry brown eyes revealed the remains of her shock. She shivered.
“Who would wish to kill me? I’ve asked myself over and over, but there is no answer. My aunt and uncle were not here. Everyone in the hacienda was downstairs with us.”
He brushed her hair from her face. “Don’t worry about the problem tonight. You’ll be safe in here with me.” He prayed he didn’t lie and lifted her onto the bed. “I’ll turn my back and check the windows and doors while you climb between the cover.”
Ears attuned to the slightest movement, he strode toward the balcony doors. Locked. He moved on to the dressing room and hall exits. Key in hand, he waited for her signal.
Rustling silk from her robe preceded movement on the mattress.
“You can turn around now.”
She lay with the sheet pulled across her full breasts and under her arms. Fighting down the cotton lining his mouth, he swallowed hard. He plopped onto a chair and removed his boots. Now what? He usually slept in his drawers, but what should he do tonight?
“Now I will close my eyes so you can prepare for bed.”
He exhaled a pent up whoosh of breath. “Won’t take me long.” Working his shirt and fly buttons in record time, he shucked out of his clothes. He turned out the lamps and crawled in beside her.
Their bodies touched and each of them jumped.
“Sorry,” he mumbled.
“Micah? Remember how you put your arm around me in the hotel room?”
As if he could forget that night. “Yep.”
“C-Could we try that again?”
He spooned himself to her and slid his arm over her waist. “Like this?” Flowers, her hair smelled like spring flowers.
“Yes. Being close like this is very reassuring. Now I feel safe.”
She wouldn’t if she knew the thoughts running around his brain. “Reckon this is one of the benefits of being married. Each partner can reassure the other.”
“I do not believe that is how marriage works for many people. Even if your parents enjoyed being together, I am sure most couples do not.”
“That’s a sad opinion and I believe you’re wrong, Most couples are happy with one another. Sorry your parents weren’t happy. Even though I don’t like your uncle, your aunt appears fond of him and he of her.”
“Perhaps. Fond is not love.”
“Love grows from fondness sometimes. And who can say what each of them feels inside? Have you asked your aunt?”
She gasped. “Certainly not. I could never speak so plainly to her. She would be offended. In our family we do not talk of private things.”
“Never? Do you tell your aunt
and uncle and cousin you love them?”
“N-No, not in those words. I thanked them for caring for me. They know I am fond of them.”
“Humph. You just told me ‘fond is not love.’ How will they know if you don’t tell them?”
“The same way I know they care for me because they came here to look after me when Papa died.”
“If I tell you I’m fond of you, would that make your heart sing?”
“Perhaps.” She turned to face him. “Are you fond of me?”
“More than you know.” He leaned toward her and brushed his lips across hers. Heaven.
“That’s the second time you’ve kissed me.” Her sweet breath fanned his face.
“And did you like being kissed?” Stupid of him to ask. What would he do if she said no?
She touched a finger to her lips. “Yes. Kissing is different than I imagined before we wed. Your hands are strong and callused, but your lips are soft.”
“Let’s try again.” He slanted his lips across hers and gently tugged her close. His hand palmed her breast.
She moaned and clung to him.
Delving his tongue into her mouth, she soon matched his thrusts. Fire poured through his veins and any moment he’d ignite like a bonfire. He tugged free the buttons of her nightgown.
“What are you doing?”
“Getting this out of my way.”
When her hands stayed his, he asked, “Can’t you trust me? Let me make love with you.”
Slowly, she released his hands. “Yes, this is what I want also.”
He slid the gown from her body. “Did your mother tell you what to expect from your husband?”
“Only that coming together was unpleasant, but a woman’s duty. But Theresa said she enjoyed being with John. I find that confusing.”
“No wonder. Theresa was right. When a man and woman make love, both enjoy the experience.”
“I do not know how that can be. I am certain we would not fit.”
“Hope, please trust me. You know by now that I will never hurt you.” He pulled her to him and kissed her. His mouth guided hers. Teasing, coaxing, his mouth sucked her bottom lip, nipped at it. Her arms slid around his neck and she pressed along his length. He ran his tongue across her lips and broke the kiss.
"Open your lips for me.”
She obeyed and he renewed his seduction of her mouth. His tongue thrust between her teeth, tasting and probing. A quick learner, she soon followed his lead.
Low moans came from his throat or hers. He no longer cared who made the sounds, only that they increased his desire. His hands sought her hips and pulled her into his arousal. Rocking against her pelvis, he rubbed himself against her.
His lips moved to her cheek then trailed to her neck. Her skin was soft as a rabbit fur. He whispered, "Can you feel what you do to me?"
"Yes.” She nodded slightly and held him close.
"Do you want me to stop?”
She shook her head. "No. I like the kissing. It is not as I imagined."
"Kissing on the lips is not like kissing someone’s cheek. Does it make your toes tingle and your stomach warm and...funny?"
He almost lost any reserve he had right then. “Promise you won’t kiss anyone else on the lips.” Trying to reign in his lust, he took a deep breath pulled her to him. "There's more. Please don’t be afraid.”
"Micah, I am not afraid of you.” She burrowed against his chest. "I believed I would never want to be with any man, but now I want very much to be with you.”
He took her soft face in his hands. "Ride with me.”
She closed her eyes. As she sought his lips, she thrust her pelvis against his arousal.
He almost exploded with the need to be inside her. He pushed her gown from her shoulders. His lips trailed along her neck to her shoulders. When his mouth found her peaked nipple, she gasped. Her skin tasted as sweet as honey.
Her fingers raked through his hair as she held him to her breast. When he moved to the other orb and held the first in his hand, a moan escaped her lips and her breath came in quickening rasps. She arched back as if to give him better access to her breasts.
He leaned on his elbow to let his eyes feast on her body. She touched his manhood. With a gasp, she drew back. He rolled against her and nuzzled her neck.
"Don't worry. Everything will fit together very well."
He kissed her, and she opened her mouth with no urging. Her hands slid up his chest to caress his shoulders. The need surging through his body drove him to hurry. His hand slid between them to touch the nub of her femininity, as his mouth possessed her breast. She moaned with pleasure and clasped his shoulders as if she wanted to meld their bodies. He slid his finger into her and discovered wet heat.
Although he planned to take more time, give her more pleasure, he could wait no longer to possess this unexpected treasure. He parted her legs with his own and slid a little ways into her. She sheathed him with moist velvet. He took her mouth with his as he began the first strokes, pumping against her. The resistance of her maidenhead broke and he paused for her pain to subside.
She thrust herself at him, her neck exposed, her eyes squeezed shut. He pushed into her again and again, driving himself to an ecstasy he could not have dreamed. She cried out as he burst with fulfillment. Even in his dreams, he had not imagined this degree of pleasure.
Rolling off her, he cradled her head to his chest. He stilled the trembling of his hands and stroked her body, reveling in the smooth silk of her skin.
She pushed her hair from her eyes and sighed.
Sorry for any pain, her consoled her. "I know it hurt this time, but it gets better. I promise.” Would it? To his mind nothing could be better than the moment he had just experienced.
In echo, she asked, "B-Better? That's hard to believe.” She folded her hands across her stomach.
He smiled to himself and drew a finger down her chest, between the valleys of her breasts. "You are perfect.”
Hope knew he lied. “You do not have to spare my feelings. I know my hair no longer shines and my bones stick out like an old chair.”
“Aw, Hope, if that’s how you see yourself, then you need a new mirror. Look through my eyes and you’ll see the most beautiful woman in the world.” He kissed her chin. “Did...did our coming together hurt you?”
“S-Some. Less than I expected.”
“And was there pleasure for you?” His eyes held concern and doubt.
She wondered how many women he had lain with before her. But no matter, that was the way of men. For now, he was hers.
She smiled at him. “Far greater than I would have believed.”
When his arousal grew against her thigh, she gasped. At once heat spread from her stomach to the moist juncture of her thighs. Had she become a slave to his touch?
Micah moved from one breast to the other. She slid her arms across his shoulders and massaged his back, urging him onward.
She thought she would explode. The need overwhelmed her. The power of her desire astonished her. She clawed at his back to urge him to her.
When their coupling was once again complete, she sighed. “Micah?”
He nuzzled her neck. “Umm.”
“Remember when you were undressing and I closed my eyes?”
“I peeked.”
Chapter Twenty-six
After a glorious night of lovemaking, Micah stood with his brothers in the back courtyard, staring up at Hope’s room. “Even if someone tossed the bag onto the balcony, no way could that rattler crawl into Hope’s bed.”
Eduardo strode toward them. “Your aunts, they told me what happened last night.”
“You agree it’s no accident?” Micah asked.
“Sí, and I know only one person who can do this, but I cannot think why.”
Joel asked, “Who?”
“Alejandro used to do circus tricks for us when we were young. He is you say
“Agile?” Micah replied.
“Sí, Alejandro is agile like those in a circus who leap and swing from the wire.”
The men surveyed the roofline.
Micah nodded at the one-storied section that formed the kitchen wing. “If I were to stand on that wall, climb to the kitchen roof, walk along, then I might be able to latch onto the railing and pull myself over to the balcony.”
“And break your neck in the process.” Zach nudged him with an elbow. “But an acrobat could manage, even with a canvas bag tied to his belt or slung over his shoulder.”
Micah’s hands fisted. “I’ll kill the bastard. Let’s go get him.”
Placing a hand on Micah’s shoulder, Zach said, “Don’t do anything until we learn who’s behind this and why.”
“And then I’ll kill him.” Micah stormed toward the corral.
Wooster stood directing the training of a new mare. When he saw the others approach, he signaled for Red to take over.
Wooster strode toward them. “What’s happened now?”
Micah condensed the evening’s events. “We want to talk to Alejandro. Where is he?”
“Disappeared. Didn’t even ask for his pay. Fact is, he said nothing to me about leaving, but his tack and horse are gone. Hands say he didn’t mention going to any of them either, just slipped out last night and never returned.”
Joel asked, “Is that like him?”
Wooster grimaced. “Never was our best man. Used his long-time friendship with Mrs. Stone.” He met Micah’s gaze. “Have to admit I put up with his slacking off because of his connection, specially with his sister being such good friends with your wife. Otherwise, I’d have sent him on his way.”
Micah clenched his fists so tight he thought his skin would burst. “When I find him...and I will...he and I are having a serious discussion before I beat the shit out of him. Then I’ll kill him.”
“Sí, I will help you.”
Joel held up his hand. “Eduardo, don’t forget the sheriff still wants to pin you for the murder of that Daisy woman. Little brother, we’ll look for this Alejandro together.”