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4 Vamp Versus Vamp

Page 7

by Christin Lovell

  “I want a lot of those baked treats,” she said. The guys nodded their heads emphatically next to her.

  “You know they go bad quickly with the you-know-what in them.”

  “We’ll figure it out.” She began loading the buggy with granulated and powdered sugar. “You know, you should think about opening your own bake shop. Do you know how many of us would buy these suckers from you? I know there would be a heavy price for overnight shipping, but truthfully, they’re worth it. We can’t eat the regular ones, and damn if I don’t miss them like crazy.”

  “I never really thought about it. Christmas was the only time I did it, and that was really just to keep a family tradition going.”

  An older woman raised her brows at our overflowing cart of baking ingredients. “You know, kids, sugar isn’t good for your teeth,” she stated in passing.

  We looked around at each other. The joke was definitely on her. I bit my lip to hold back my laughter.

  Mel came stomping down the aisle towards us. “There you are. I’ve been worried sick that I lost you.” She looked at the cart and then back at me. “My chocolate better not be damaged. The last thing I want is a Hershey crumble.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” I burst into laughter. Between the elderly woman and Mel, I couldn’t hold back anymore.

  “Ugh. You can be so immature sometimes.” She rolled her eyes, shaking her head. She grabbed Craig’s arm and dragged him with her towards the meat section.

  The rest of the shopping trip was uneventful. The cashier’s eyes widened at the sight of all the flour, sugar, vanilla extract, and other ingredients needed for baking. Between the steaks, the supplies, and Mel’s chocolate, the total added up to just over five hundred dollars. My jaw about hit the floor twice; first when the total appeared on the screen, and second when Jack pushed his way through the crowd and swiped a black credit card through the machine like it was no big deal. He didn’t even bat an eyelash.

  I knew I had money in the bank, but I hadn’t touched it for anything other than bills and gas. I didn’t know if that was good money management, sheer frugality, or just plain stinginess. I knew that I didn’t have my parents to rely on anymore for it, so I couldn’t be irresponsible with what I had, especially since I didn’t know when I would get paid again. Regardless of the number in the bank, when you know you’ll live forever, you can never have enough.

  “Don’t be naïve, babe.”

  I cocked my head to the side as I turned towards him. “I’d rather be safe than sorry.”

  “Doesn’t mean you have to be a hoarder of pennies.”

  The irritated look on his face said this was a sore subject. I immediately closed my thoughts off to him, unsure of what exactly had set him off. He knew my feelings about money and saving, yet he acted as though it was a fresh, impulsive idea.

  I sighed, walking away from him to Mel. It was her last day as a human. It was her day, and I knew I should be focusing on that.

  “Now we take this stuff home, somehow squeeze it into the freezer in your garage, and do what?” I prompted.

  “First, I want Starbucks on the way home. Then you guys can unload—” She looked at Jack, Craig, and Kellan pointedly. “And we can get the popcorn and movies ready. I already have the ones I want to watch.”

  “Sounds good. You know, I think I’m going to try to invent a special Frappuccino for us after tonight.” I linked my arm through hers and we skipped to the car.

  “I don’t know quite what to think about that one yet.” She bit the inside of her cheek as she considered the idea. “Not that it’s a bad one. I’m sure I’ll want it, but just the idea of it now, when my stomach is still human, kinda gives me the heebie-jeebies.”

  I chuckled. “I get it. I still remember all of that.”

  I could tell she was jumpy by the way her grip tightened. Luckily, Craig changed the subject.

  “What dopple of an uttfas have you picked for black bugs to see tonight?”

  “If by ‘uttfas’ you mean outfit, then I haven’t picked one yet. That’s part of my plan for tonight.”

  “Oh! I can’t wait to rip through that closet of yours. I seriously wish I was two hundred pounds lighter to squeeze myself into them.” Gabi shooed Craig out of the way to sit beside Mel in the back seat of his car, which was nearly identical to Kellan’s black BMW.

  I tossed Kellan my keys. “Do you mind?”

  “What if I do?” He pursed his lips; he loved watching me squirm.

  “Please.” I pushed my lower lip out a bit.

  “What if I want to be selfish and ravish you on the ride home?”

  I sucked my lower lip between my teeth, passing my eyes towards Craig’s car. Gabi and Mel sat in the back seat, talking animatedly over fashion, I was sure. Craig was already behind the wheel, prepared to be the chauffeur. Jack had given Gabi a quick kiss before heading to his car.

  “Give me a sec.”

  “Babe.” He reached out and snagged me at my waist. “I was just kidding. Go with the girls and have fun. I’ll see you back at Mel’s.”

  I turned in his arms to face him; our bodies pressed together. The way his eyes glittered lightly reminded me of green glass, freshly blown and cooling within a tub of water. My lips lifted at the corners as I gazed at him. “Are you sure?”

  He nodded but pulled me closer to him. He leaned down and captured my lips. The second he touched me, the millisecond that his tongue swept out to taste me, all of his barriers came crashing down. “Of course, you’ll have to make it up to me later.”

  “What do you have in mind?”

  He didn’t reply, merely ran the tip of his fingers down the pulse point on my neck, sending a chill down my spine and all the heat in my body to my center. I groaned, both excited and angry at his torture. He knew what he was doing. The way he angled my head to deepen the kiss as his fingers teased my upper body, he was winding me up to ensure I knew what I would be missing while with the girls.

  “Since when did you become the devil?” I chided.

  “Since you became irresistible,” he countered.

  “Uh-hum!” Gabi interrupted. “If I wanted to watch a porno, I have a collection at home.”

  I jerked away from Kellan, my eyes widening with shock. “Gabi!”

  “What?” She shrugged. “I’m way beyond the minimum age to watch those things.”

  Mel was blushing and giggling beside her. “Come on, Lex, before she says something else my innocent mind can’t handle.”

  “Innocent, my big behind. You can’t tell me you’ve been with Craig for all these months without doing anything,” Gabi said.

  I turned back to Kellan. “I, uh, better go run interference in there.” I threw my thumb over my shoulder towards the car.

  “Alright, babe. Have fun, stay out of trouble, and I’ll see you later.” He gave me a quick peck on the lips.

  I smiled up at him. “You be safe, too. Turn on all the equipment in my car right away.”

  “Yes, Mom.” He smirked, winking as he walked away.

  I shook my head, racing over to Craig’s car. I forced Mel to scoot over so I could sit in the back with them.

  “Seriously, Gab, not that it’s any of your business, but we haven’t done anything. We can’t.” Mel’s shoulders sank down as her eyes glued themselves to the floor of the car.

  I’d already talked to Mel about the issue. Craig had been with a vampire. Originally, I’d believed that the whole pick and choose forever was only a female issue, but it turned out male vampeens were faced with the same dilemma. Since he’d been with a vampire, he was predisposed to them. He couldn’t hop around with any other species.

  Mel was fifty-fifty. There was a chance they could connect and things would work out perfectly, but there was also the risk that his body would reject her. She’d been with a human before, so there was a chance that her genetics were pre-wired based off that, or it could be that the transformation gave her a clean slate. I knew she regretted being with Ben, b
ut when you’re young, you live in the moment. Repercussions aren’t considered. The idea that you may not be with the same person years from then isn’t conceivable.

  “Well. I feel like a speck of dirt on the floor. Sorry, chica.” Gabi placed a soft hand on Mel’s back and rubbed gentle circles. “Take it from me when I say everything happens for a reason. We don’t quite understand it at first, but everything works out the way it’s supposed to. If you’re meant to be, then things will work.”

  Craig reached between the console of the car and linked his hand with Mel’s. He didn’t say anything, but was silently offering her all the comfort and strength he could. That one move told me just how much Mel meant to him; he was a male who wasn’t getting laid yet was still completely devoted to his girl. That alone spoke volumes. It was said that if a man really cared, he’d wait. He’d continue to be with you, even if there was a chance he’d never experience that part of you, because he loved you enough, because his connection to you was deep enough, strong enough without the physical union mixed in.

  Chapter 10

  When we arrived back at Mel’s house, her dad was waiting. Craig and Jack put away the shopping bags from the mall and what groceries were hers while we made the popcorn.

  “Mind if I use the kitchen, Mr. Hartford?” I asked.

  “Of course not, Lexi. I know things were different when she was around, but you don’t have to walk on eggshells with me. Mi casa es su casa.”

  It wasn’t lost on me that he didn’t say her name, or that he got a faraway look in his eyes when he said she either. I knew he felt a loss; after all, she was the mother of his children, and, from what Mel had told me, the love of his life.

  “Thanks.” He nodded before walking away.

  I stuffed a bag of popcorn into the microwave and started it. I opened a cupboard and pulled out a small pan. I set it on the stove and poured a cup of sugar in the bottom, followed by half a cup of water. Turning the stove on low, I grabbed a wooden spoon and began to stir the ingredients patiently for a minute before allowing the mixture to sit and start bubbling on its own.

  “Gabi, will you please pour all these packets into a cup or bowl for me?” I struggled to remove ten condiment packets of blood from my pocket for her.


  “Um, I’ll be in the living room sipping my human drink and setting up the movie.” Mel gagged at the sight of the blood dribbling into a bowl. At the restaurant, I’d discreetly mixed it into my salsa and poured it on my tacos like hot sauce.

  Gabi and I chuckled together as she left the room, disgusted. I knew I would have reacted the same in her shoes, but as a vamp, I saw blood as my life source.

  Gabi had all the packets emptied into the bowl in no time. I turned the stove off the simmering sugar. Carefully, I emptied the blood into the pot. I grabbed some cream from the fridge and dropped a splash of it into the sauce. I immediately began mixing the ingredients together, turning the concoction into a red-orange caramel sauce.

  I pulled out a sheet tray and arranged half the popcorn on it. Dipping the spoon into the glaze, I drizzled the bloody caramel over the popcorn. I followed with a sprinkle of coarse sea salt.

  “Oh, God, these look heavenly,” Gabi cooed. “Can I have one yet?”

  “It might taste better if you let them cool first; it gives the caramel a thicker texture.”

  “I can’t wait.” She grabbed two pieces and shoveled them into her mouth. “Oh. My. God,” she mumbled around a mouth full of food. She grabbed two more pieces and ate them with gusto. “Um, you know I’m not sharing, right?” She grabbed the tray and turned towards the back door.

  “Gabi!” I laughed.

  “Okay, maybe I’ll give a couple to Jack.”

  “Knock, knock!” Aunt Claire called as she entered the house.

  I peeked my head around the corner to see her walking in the front door. “Hey. We’re about to watch movies and eat popcorn. Do you want to stay?”

  “How kind of you to ask the old woman who transformed nearly twenty years ago to join you, but I think I’ll hang out with the adult in the room. Hello, Mr. Hartford.” Claire smiled. She lifted her eyes to meet his with genuine welcome.

  “Hello, Ms. Maxwell. Why don’t we go somewhere else and chat?”

  “Oh, God, Steven. When did we get so uptight and formal?” She guffawed.

  “Sometime after high school I suppose, though when I’m not sure. Seems the numbers just creep up on you.”

  “I can certainly attest to that one.” Aunt Claire placed a hand on his upper arm and followed him to the office.

  I walked into the living room, the surprise and confusion on my face evident, I was sure. “When did they meet exactly, and how long have they known each other?”

  “Since elementary school, my dear Lexi,” Aunt Claire replied before she closed the office door.

  “Well, that was a stunner.” Mel furrowed her brows, a wistful smile on her face.

  “I’ve gotten more shockers in the last six months than I did all fifteen years of my life before then.”

  “You can say that again.” She nodded her head in agreement, taking a sip of her Frappuccino.

  “Hey, guys.” Kellan waved as he entered.

  “Hey, K. Welcome to my preformation party,” Mel greeted.

  “Preformation?” I cocked a brow.

  “Egh. I’m still working on the perfect title.” She turned back to Kellan. “Oh! Vamptastic! Welcome to my vamptastic party!”

  I placed my hand on her shoulder. She curved her head towards me. Her expression became unsure as she faced me. I shook my head, frowning. She shrugged.

  “Hey, mate.” Kellan and Craig exchanged a fancy handshake.

  “Show-offs.” Gabi rolled her eyes.

  “Hey, Kellan.” Jack half-waved his hand from the love seat, his other hand fighting for the last few pieces of popcorn on the tray.

  “Hey,” Kellan said as he made his way towards me. He planted a quick kiss on my lips.

  “Lex, how much do you love me?” Gabi feigned childlike innocence.

  “Not enough to make more popcorn. Plus, I used the last of my packets.”

  “I was serious about the bakery thing. Hell, I’d even sign on as a silent partner if it meant I got to be your permanent taste tester.” She tossed the last piece of popcorn into her mouth as a punctuation to her offer.

  “You definitely have a knack for it. I can’t say I’ve come across any other vamp offering it either.” Jack slid his arm around Gabi.

  “You haven’t even dipped your piddles in the glutten hops yet, mate.” Craig pointed at me as he spoke to Jack.

  “Sugarplum. Now I’m super curious, Lex. I mean, you have a room full of vamps all ready to claw each other up for your stuff. It must be good.”

  I felt myself blush.

  “I volunteer for Lex to make you a bloody cake for your special day, Mel. Of course, if you want to make it past your first day as a vamp, you’re going to have to share.” Gabi beamed.

  Mel shrugged. “I’m game. But don’t you dare make it until I have a pair of fangs.”

  Kellan burst into laughter. I faced him. I knew he was remembering just after my transformation when I’d asked about my own fangs. “You’re so wrong for that.” I shook my head negatively, but my lips betrayed me by lifting into a smile.

  “What’s the daffle over, Ellen?”

  “Don’t you dare!” I pointed my index finger at him, giving him the evil eye.

  “I guess we’re not going to watch any movies,” Mel sighed, clicking the television off with the remote.

  I looked around. Jack and Gabi were making sweet faces at each other; Kellan and Craig had started a blast-to-the-past conversation, which left me and Mel twiddling our thumbs on the couch. “Guess not. Is there anything else you want to do as a human?”

  “Jump off a bridge.”

  “Seriously?” I threw my head back to study her.

  “Those MTV challenges make it
look fun. I know doing it as a vamp won’t be the same because there’s no risk for me then.”

  “Other than decapitation by a rock.”

  “Please, like I’d be dumb enough to jump into a rock pit.”

  I glanced at the clock. It was a little after six. “If we go now, we’ll make it back in time.”

  Her eyes widened, excitement glittering in her sapphire eyes. “You’re serious? I mean, Bible, you’ll take me now?”

  I checked on the others, confirming they were still deep into each other. “Let’s go.” I leapt up, grabbing her hand and pulling her along.

  At the door, I realized Kellan had my keys. I dropped Mel’s hand and raced back to him. “Mel wants Ye Ole Fashioned Ice Cream. We’ll be back.” I kissed his cheek and grabbed the keys from his pockets.

  “Be careful,” he tossed my way.

  “Always.” I smiled devilishly.

  Craig blew Mel a kiss from the couch. She pretended to catch it before tossing one back. I chuckled softly. At times, I swore they were more in love than Kellan and me.

  Mel and I ran to the car, laughing like the schoolgirls we still were. Once inside, I turned on all the security features before pulling out and speeding off.

  “I can’t believe they went for the ice cream bit. Seriously, their vamp hearing is lousy,” Mel stated.

  “They were just focused.”

  “Yeah, well, you see how easy it is to miss the obvious.”

  “Hold that thought.” I punched in the phone number for the only vamp I knew who would help me with this mission of insanity.

  “Hey, Leka.”

  “Hey, Kai. I have you on speakerphone in the car. I have a big favor to ask you.”

  He hesitated. “Details.”

  “Will you help me and Mel bungee jump off the Cooper River Bridge for one last human hoorah?”

  Mel was biting her lower lip, leaning into where my phone was docked on the dashboard. Her hands were clasped together as she anxiously awaited his response.

  “Who else is with you?” he asked.

  “No one.”

  “I’m in. I’m at the condo downtown, so I can be there in fifteen. Drive towards Mount Pleasant and park on that side of the bridge. I’ll meet you there.”


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