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Finding Harmony (Katie & Annalise Book 3)

Page 29

by Pamela Fagan Hutchins

  Still breathing deeply, I pulled out my phone, scrolled through my favorites page, and pressed Katie’s name. As it rang, I worried about the time difference. I could never remember which time of the year she was two hours later, versus the regular one hour later than me in Texas. Either way, it was only eight-thirty here. It would be okay. After three rings, she picked up.


  “Katie! Has Nick shown up? I haven’t heard from him at all.”

  “No, and his plane is missing and the police are no help.” Her voice sounded brittle and shrill.

  “Are you, um, holding up okay?” She used to have a problem with alcohol. I’d nearly added “sober,” but she didn’t sound drunk. Just scared.

  “I’m not sure. But my in-laws are here—you remember Kurt and Julie?—and our nanny, Ruth. Kurt and I think Nick headed to the Dominican Republic on a case he’s working. We’re headed there in the morning.”

  Nick worked as a private investigator, so this didn’t sound totally implausible. “I’m praying for you guys.”

  “Thank you. I was about to try to sleep, not that I’ll be able to. How are things with you? Everything good?”

  Now was not the time to weigh her down with my problems. I crossed my fingers. “Fine. I’m great, other than worried about you.”

  “Yeah, you and me both. Thanks for calling.”

  “I love you.”

  “I love you, too.”

  We hung up, and I stood staring at the water, my phone still in my hand. It sounded serious. Nick and Katie had twin baby girls and a preschool-age boy. I closed my eyes and said a short, silent prayer for Nick’s safe return, then added, And help me maintain just a little dignity as I go through all my . . . stuff. Amen.

  A throat cleared beside me, and I jumped.

  “So, you’re looking for a job?” a man’s voice asked.

  My eyes, the traitorous little magnets, tracked to the right, following the pull of the sound that I already knew was the voice of Jack, the man formerly known as Little Joe.

  “You following me?” I asked.

  The dimple twitched. “I do believe I staked my claim here first.”

  Oh. I didn’t have a response to that. I just tried another breath of bleachy air.

  “Agatha Phelps is your mother.”

  I pursed my lips, then answered. “I take it the two of you know each other.”

  “She roped me into teaching a class on Apache religion and its Mountain Spirits a few weeks ago in an ‘Understanding our Neighbor’ series on different religions at her church.”

  I snorted. “I didn’t think the Panhandle Believers congregation was into comparative religions.”

  “Let’s just say it felt more like they were gathering information to convert the last of the heathens.”

  “So why do you go there?”

  “I don’t.” Jack raised an eyebrow at me—the one on the dimple side. “Your mother practically runs the place.”

  “Tell me about it.”

  “She talks about you.”

  The muscles around my eyes and across my forehead tightened up. Someday, I’d owe half my wrinkles to my mother and the other half to Rich. “That’s great.”

  He cleared his throat. “I’m looking for a legal assistant at my law firm.”

  I reevaluated his cowboy authenticity again and decided he was still the real thing, just urbanized. I opened my mouth to say I wasn’t looking for a job, but what came out was, “What type of law?”

  His nice, rumbly voice said, “Criminal defense, mostly.”

  I shook my head. “No offense, but yuck. I do employment law.”

  The dimple again, but not so much that it pulled the side of his mouth up.

  “Based on your taste in jokes, you’d probably enjoy the sexual harassment cases.”

  “My clients make your CEO harassment defendants look like they’re still wearing training pants.”

  I remembered flipping through the paper that morning, over dry white bread and black coffee, because that’s how we roll at my mother’s house. What I recalled was a big criminal case, and quotes from the attorney. What was the name? Had it been Jack Holden? Yes. Yes it had.

  “You’re that attorney who got the super pimp acquitted last week, aren’t you?” I said. “Whose client was the guy who ran the prostitution ring cleverly disguised as hot women delivering pizza in tap pants and bustiers? What do they call guys like him? Marketing geniuses? Or sleazeballs?”

  He turned to me and dipped his head, speaking only after an uncomfortably intense and lengthy pause.

  “You’re that woman whose husband took all her money and left her for a man who pretends to be a woman, aren’t you? What do they call that, experimentation? Or a fetish for transvestites?” He asked, sipping his Bourbon.

  Boom! A sound like a cannon shook me to my pointy toes, followed by a nanosecond of stunned silence. A woman’s scream pierced the air just as a loud, slapping sound reverberated from the surface of the pool. Water splashed up on my dress and I gasped. Jack pushed himself in front of me. There was another moment of profound silence, then noise exploded all around us. I was tucked behind Jack, his arms extended low behind him, on either side of me. I stepped around him to get a view of the pool. A cloud of red was growing in the water around what looked to be a man’s torso.

  “Well, that’s something you don’t see every day,” Jack said.

  I looked up from the grisly scene. The man had fallen from above the pool. My eyes climbed, searching each floor of balconies, moving like one of my grandmother’s old Selectric typeballs across a blank page. There! I saw her, three floors up, a gun dangling in her two hands, her black hair pulled back, her white apron tied over her burgundy maid’s dress. The shooter.

  I leaned in toward Jack and pointed at the woman. “Better hurry, she looks like she needs a lawyer.”

  To continue reading Heaven to Betsy, click here.

  Excerpt from How to Screw Up Your Kids (Parenting Blended Families)

  Despite Our Best Efforts

  It’s not that we didn’t try to screw this parenting thing up. By all rights, we should have. We did everything that we possibly could that we weren’t supposed to do. We gave them refined sugar when they were babies, didn’t enforce nap times, spoiled them with expensive and unnecessary gifts. We said yes when we should have said no. We said no when we should have said yes. Our swear jar was always full.

  Oh, yeah. And we were one of those “blended families”—you know the kind, the ones with broken homes, divorces, stepparents and complex custody arrangements. Those people. The ones other parents are leery of, like divorce is a communicable disease or something. Who knows? Maybe it is. My own parents even told me once that I had made my children a statistic by choosing to divorce their father. That I had created an at-risk home environment for them.

  Me? Perpetual overachiever, business owner, attorney, former cheerleader and high school beauty queen? The one who’s never even smoked a cigarette, much less done drugs? My husband? Well, he’s the more likely candidate for an at-risk homemaker. Surfer, bass player, triathlon enthusiast. Oh yeah, and chemical engineer and former officer of a ten-billion-dollar company—but you know how those rock-n-rollers are. We probably teeter somewhere between the Bundys and the Cleavers.

  But there we were, watching yet another of our kids cross yet another stage for yet another diploma, with honors, with accolades, with activities—with college scholarships, no less. Yeah, I know, yadda yadda yap. There we were, cheering as the announcer called Liz’s name. Three of her four siblings rose to clap, too. The fourth one, Thomas, couldn’t make it because he was doing time in the state penitentiary in Florida. (Just kidding. He had to work. At a job. That paid him and provided benefits.)

  We tried our best to screw it up. We had the perfect formula. But we didn’t—not even close. Somehow two losers at their respective Round Ones in love and family unity got it close to perfect on Round Two. By our standards, anyw
ay. Because we didn’t give a good goldarnit about anyone else’s.

  What’s more? We got it right on purpose. We made a plan, and we executed the plan. And it worked. After all that effort to screw things up, after the people in our lives who loved us most wrung their hands and whispered behind our backs (and those who didn’t love us chortled in anticipation of our certain failure), we went out and done good.

  Now, I’m no expert on child rearing (although I’ve had lots of practice), but I am an expert in helping grownups play nice and behave at work. How annoying is that? I know. I’m a scary hybrid of employment attorney and human resources professional, blended together to create a problem-solving HR consultant. And from where I sat, our blended household—or blendered family, as we call it—looked a lot like a dysfunctional workplace in our early days.

  Or a little warren of guinea pigs on which I could conduct my own version of animal testing.

  The HR principles I applied at work were, in theory, principles for humans, humans anywhere. Blendering occurs in workplaces when a leadership team gets a couple of new members, and it happens in a home with kids from different families of origins. HR principles = people principles = blendering principles. Right? That was my theory, anyway.

  Statistics tell me that you, dear reader, are or will be in similar straits: divorced, starting over, trying to make it work. If you’ve already been there and done that, I hope you’ve disappointed all your naysayers, too. You’ll enjoy this book all the more as you relate to the pains and the joys of blended families. But if you’re on the cusp of what feels like an express train descending into hell and wondering how to buy a ticket back, I can help you.


  Okay, probably.

  If not probably, then quite possibly.

  At the very least, maybe I can say I warned you, or made you laugh. It’s a crazy and unpredictable ride, but the destination is worth it.

  How did the Bradys do it?

  Blendering Principle #1: It’s hard to get anywhere if you don’t know where you’re going.

  Most of the members of my generation know all we need to know about blended families from the Brady Bunch, right?


  Please, folks. That was just a sappy television show, and didn’t Florence Henderson have an affair IRL with one of the TV sons? Sounds a lot like incest to me. We clearly need a new set of role models, yet I’d be vacationing in Fiji right now if I had a nickel for every time someone said to me, “Oh! You’re just like the Brady Bunch!”

  The Bradys wove their magic through engaging scripts and clever sets, cute young actors and the star power of Florence Henderson. Eric and I didn’t have those crutches to lean on. Neither will you.

  Real blended families start with two adults who want to pledge their troth, which in English means they want to marry. Or at least cohabitate with commitment. Oh, hell, maybe not even that. But that conundrum brings us to the genesis of our blended family success, and IMHO, a critical element.

  Each of our kids had already endured one familial breakup. Were we ready to provide them stability and an example of enduring love? If not, why would we knowingly put them through sure trauma again? Nothing is certain in life, but Eric and I were all in. Not only were we all in, but we both had a consuming desire to demonstrate to our children the type of relationship we dreamed of for them, and neither of us felt like we had done so in our past lives. Scratch that. We absolutely knew we had not done so in our past lives.

  So, we were madly in love and promised forever. Believed forever. Were confident in forever.

  Still, this left a lot up to chance.

  Pretend for a second that you married a touchy-feely HR consultant. Imagine that she had a penchant for things like mission, vision, and values statements. Picture her love of goal-setting and accountability. Some of you have mentally drawn up your divorce papers already.

  Eric didn’t. He and I created a relationship operating agreement (ROA) for ourselves as a couple. I may or may not have promised years of sexual favors to secure his participation, but his attitude about the project was good. Now, this isn’t a relationship book. Well, it is, in a way. It is a book about our relationships with our children within a blended family. But it is not a couples’ relationship book, so I’ll spare you the gory details behind the ROA.

  While we entered into our ROA to make our great relationship stronger, we did so knowing it would set the framework for co-parenting. Why? Because our kids were the most important things to each of us, besides one another. And since most second marriages break down over issues of stepparenting, money, or sex. Hell, many first marriages crash and burn on those issues. We had less than ideal co-parenting relationships with our exes, for sure.

  So here’s how our ROA looks:

  Our (Exceptionally Wonderful) Marriage

  Mantra: Make it all small stuff.

  Our relationship’s purpose is to create a loving, nurturing, safe environment that enables us to

  make a positive, joyful difference in each other’s lives,

  respect each other’s needs and differences,

  encourage each other’s spiritual, emotional, and physical needs and development,

  practice caring, open communication,

  role-model loving relationships to our children,


  work as partners when we parent and make major decisions.

  Because we recognize that life is not always about the incredible highs, we are committed to these strategies:

  Stop, breathe, and be calm.

  Allow ourselves to cherish and be cherished.

  Be positive. Assume a positive intent and give a positive response. Speak your mind as positively as possible.

  Be reasonable. Am I being oversensitive? Am I dragging my own issues in unnecessarily?

  Be considerate. Is there anything to gain from what I am about to say? Is this the right time to say it?

  Be respectful. Don’t mope, don’t name-call, don’t yell, don’t be sarcastic.

  Be open. Explain your intent.

  Be present. Don’t walk away, physically or emotionally.

  Be aware of time and energy. After 60 minutes, stop talking. Schedule another conversation for 24 hours later if there’s no resolution.

  Make it safe to cry “calf rope.”

  Be it. Do the behaviors you’re seeking in each other within an hour of the first conversation.

  Be loving. Don’t go to bed angry or with things unresolved.

  He asks of her:

  Trust and have faith that I love you, enough that we don’t have to solve everything the second it happens.

  Assume a positive intent.

  Listen, don’t interrupt.

  Don’t be sarcastic.

  She asks of him:

  Come back to me faster and don’t drag things out, because I need you.

  Speak your mind assertively, and don’t be sarcastic.

  Don’t assume the actions I take are always because of you.

  Assume a positive intent.

  We didn’t get this smart on our own. Both of us were trained to draft this type of agreement in our work lives, one of us more than the other. I specialize in working with hyper-competitive, confident-bordering-on-egomaniacal executives who are somewhat lacking in people skills, so I’ve spent years mediating, soothing, recalibrating, and at times walloping high-level business people into line. One of the best tools to get all the warring co-workers from different backgrounds to reach détente is an operating agreement. Even better? An operating agreement grounded in shared values, vision, and mission.

  This worked so well for me with one of my problem executives that we ended up married. In fact, you just read our operating agreement.

  Blendering Principle #2: Your mom was almost right: Do unto others as they would have done unto them.

  So we addressed parenting, but more importantly, we addressed how we would handle ourselves in situations of higher stress and greater conf
lict. All of our commitments about behavior applied equally to the parenting context. Now, when a parent/stepparent decision point arose, we could act in accordance with pre-agreed principles.

  Or we could try.

  Execution got a little sloppy at times. When it did, we always had the agreement to return to, a touchstone, a refocusing point, a document which reminded us that for all we didn’t agree on, there was oh-so-much-more that we did.

  We filtered our day-to-day co-parenting decisions through this model. Chores, allowances, length of skirts, cell phones—you name it, we used it. Even better, we used it when we designed our family structure and plan. Did I mention I believe in planning? I believe in plans. And I believe in modifying the plan within the context of agreed principles when new circumstances arise. We got the chance for a lot of planning and re-planning, right from the start.

  When Eric and I first married, his eldest son Thomas had graduated from college and had a real job, Eric’s middle daughter Marie was entering college in the South, and his youngest daughter Liz lived with her mother on the East Coast. My Susanne was in elementary school, and my ADHD son Clark was in middle school; they split their time between their father and me. Our original parenting plan called for the two youngest kids to live mostly with us, for Liz to visit frequently, and for us to see Marie and Thomas as often as possible.

  We envisioned all of our children, and someday their children, in our home as frequently as we could get them there. We bought a house in a great school district in Houston, with a veritable dormitory of four bedrooms upstairs and our master bedroom on the far side of the downstairs—because we love our kids even more from a distance. And how could we resist this house? It has a lush back yard with a three-level pond full of fat goldfish and koi that reminds us of the home we left behind on St. Croix in the U.S. Virgin Islands.


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