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Tycoon's Delicious Debt

Page 7

by Susanna Carr

  “Have you been following me?” Serena asked as she walked a little faster.

  “Are you seriously asking me that question?” His long legs easily matched her stride. “You’re the one who spent the past two years learning everything about me.”

  “Don’t you have more important things to do?” she asked, and scowled at him. “Like calling your financial adviser and transferring the Harrington shares to me?”

  He couldn’t do that but he also couldn’t explain why he needed to keep the shares. Since they weren’t the most valuable shares in his portfolio, Serena would start to wonder why he was so insistent in keeping them. And the woman had managed to uncover many of his business secrets. He couldn’t afford her to keep digging.

  “I’m sure we can come up with a different arrangement.” He placed his hand against her tense shoulders as he guided her through the crowded sidewalk. “In the meantime, I need to find a present.”

  “What’s the present for? One of your mistresses?” she asked. She bit down on her bottom lip as if she didn’t mean to ask out loud.

  “You mean you don’t know?” he teased. He flattened his other hand against his chest. “I thought you had researched me. I’m hurt. Devastated.”

  She rolled her eyes heavenward and mumbled something in Portuguese. He wasn’t sure what she said but he had a feeling she was praying for patience.

  “I don’t have mistresses.” He didn’t know why he was explaining himself to her. He never felt the need to address the rumors or make a formal announcement when he was with a woman. But he needed Serena to know that he wasn’t the kind of man who would pursue her if there were another woman in his life.

  “Girlfriends, then. Female companions. Women you financially support while they share your bed.” She abruptly stopped and raised her hand. “No, I’m sorry, the women to whom you offer your protection. Did I get that right?”

  He leaned forward as if he was telling a secret. “I don’t have one.”

  “Shocking,” she said in a playfully scandalized whisper.

  “Isn’t it?” Cooper mimicked her tone. “It’s been that way since I met you.”

  The twinkle in her gold eyes extinguished. “I’m sure your dry spell has nothing to do with me,” she muttered.

  It had everything to do with her. How could he even look at another woman when all he thought about was Serena Dominguez? “I don’t know what you’ve heard about my private life, but you are the first woman to whom I offered my protection.”

  “I don’t believe you.”

  “Why not?” It was not an offer he had given lightly. Serena should be honored. Grateful.

  “You will say anything to get your way,” she declared. “You seem to think seducing me is the way to change my mind about the Harrington shares.” She clucked her tongue and gave him a haughty glare. “I’m sure you’re good in bed, but you can’t be that good.”

  “Try me.”

  She stared at his mouth and then gave a firm shake of her head. “Unless you are ready to transfer the shares, I don’t have anything to say to you.” She jutted her chin out and walked—no, he thought, flounced—away.

  Cooper thrust his hands in his pockets and watched her take a few steps. “Why are you still bent on revenge?” he called out to her. “You could have done anything with your life and all you want to do is destroy.”

  She stopped and turned around. “Destroy? Your father is the destructive one.”

  He couldn’t disagree and yet he saw Serena was at a crossroads. She had a chance to pull back and enjoy life or to continue with her mission and become bitter and disillusioned. “What else have you done with your life?”

  She pointed a finger at him. “Don’t.”

  Cooper tilted his head. He had touched a sore spot for Serena. She had become wealthy but it was part of her ultimate goal to get revenge. “Why didn’t you pursue your dreams? Why was this need for revenge more important? You could have become anything. Created anything.”

  “Because I didn’t have any dreams, cowboy. That was a luxury I couldn’t afford.” Her face flushed with anger. “Once this is over, I can move on with my life.”

  “And do what?” Cooper asked. “I’m genuinely curious. You are intelligent and you have money but you have no interests outside of this plan for revenge.”

  “I had to put a lot on hold,” she argued.

  “You made too many sacrifices. And if you keep up with this, you are facing a cold and empty life. But you can change that now. Pull back and find something that’s meaningful and fulfilling. If you could do anything right now, pursue any interest, what would you do?”

  Sadness flickered in her eyes. “I don’t know.”

  “Travel?” he asked. “Have children? Get married?”

  Serena pursed her lips as her hands balled up into fists at her sides. “Absolutely not. When a woman marries, she gives up all control to her husband. He has too much power over her finances and her future. I would never put myself in that position of weakness.”

  Cooper knew she was talking about her parents’ marriage. “You don’t trust anyone, do you?”

  “I don’t trust you,” Serena retorted. “Let’s say I take you up on your offer of protection. What would happen? You will make all these promises but if I don’t do exactly what you want you won’t help.”

  “That’s not true,” Cooper said slowly. “I would help you even if we weren’t sleeping together.”

  “I don’t believe you!” She tossed her hands in the air. “You are waiting for me to lower my guard. I can’t forget that you are my enemy!”

  “And you have difficulty understanding that I don’t see you as the enemy.”

  “Why?” She crossed her arms and watched him closely. “You don’t think I’m your equal?”

  “It’s the opposite,” Cooper assured her. “I think we are mirror images.”

  Serena gasped and she took an automatic step away. “Take that back!” she said.

  “Why should I? It’s the truth,” he told her. “You are fiercely protective of your family. You’re like an avenging angel. I’m the same way.”

  She tilted her head back so she could meet his gaze straight on. “Is that a warning?”

  “You can take my words any way you want. I also admire your tenacity,” he continued. He thought her persistence rivaled his own. “But I think it’s misdirected.”

  Serena’s mouth twisted. “Of course you do.”

  “I admit that I’m impressed with your courage.” He wanted Serena’s courage and audacity on his team. At his side. They could take on the world together and conquer anything. He smiled as he warmed up to the idea. “You’re a fighter.”

  “Are you just now figuring this out?”

  “I find your energy and drive addictive.” Cooper’s voice grew husky. He didn’t want to be drawn to her vitality. He should home in on her weaknesses instead of respecting her abilities.

  Serena narrowed her eyes. “If you make one comment of wanting to see my energy and drive in the bedroom, I will move up the deadline.”

  He believed her. Cooper raised his hands in mock surrender. “All I am suggesting is that we would make great allies. I want you in my corner.”

  Serena’s eyes widened. Her mouth sagged open as she stammered. She closed her jaw abruptly and pressed her lips together before she tried again. “Not in a million years.”

  He enjoyed having the power to leave her bewildered and unsettled. It felt good. “Why not?”

  She stabbed her finger at him. “I don’t trust you and I know, despite what you say, you don’t trust me. You don’t want me in your corner. You need to contain the threat to the Brock empire. You want me in a corner.”

  “Think about it, Serena. The two of us working together... I could use your
intuitive mind. We would be an indestructible team.” He dipped his head and looked deep into her eyes that flashed with suspicion. He knew that if he could gain her trust, he would have it forever. Even if he failed, she would give him a second chance. He didn’t know what that would be like—having someone adore him unconditionally—but he wanted it with Serena.

  “I work alone,” Serena announced before she pivoted on her heel and marched away.

  “When was the last time you had someone backing you up?” he asked as he followed. “Helping you win your battles?”

  “I don’t need help,” she called over her shoulder.

  “You don’t want help,” he corrected her.

  She didn’t argue with that. “Working with another person would just slow me down.”

  “Right, you are the epitome of speed,” he said drily. “How many years have you been working on this revenge idea? How’s that been working out for you?”

  “Quite well.” Her voice brimmed with confidence. “It should be done by tonight.”

  He walked beside her as she zigzagged along the crowded sidewalk. “If you had a team, you could have faced my father while he was still in power.”

  Cooper saw the annoyance pulling at the corner of her mouth. She knew he spoke the truth. Serena was still angry with herself for missing the opportunity.

  “I face the enemy on my own,” she finally said.


  She gave a short, choppy shrug. “It’s just how it’s always been. People have a tendency of letting me down. I didn’t have anyone to rely on when disaster struck.”

  Cooper realized that Serena might look like a socialite and act like a princess, but she was a survivor. The glamour was a facade, a way of protecting herself from the world. Her traumatic journey had gotten her to where she was today. She had to quickly learn how to survive, but she had faced life alone and afraid at a very early age.

  Felipe had a lot to answer for. So did his father.

  “And just a word of warning,” Serena said with a cold look. “Don’t critique the person who has all the power. It would not end well for you.”

  You don’t have all the power. Where did she get that idea? He’d let her think that, for now. It may help to lower her guard with him. “Sweetheart, here’s a word of warning for you—I always win.”

  She stopped abruptly and turned to face him. “So do I.”

  “Not this time.” Cooper’s tone bordered on apologetic. “Here’s a sure win—give up this revenge and let’s pool our resources together.”

  She scoffed at his suggestion. “Why should I give up something? If you really want us to work together, then I need to see an act of good faith from you.”

  He didn’t like the sound of that, but if it would help protect his family and business Cooper knew he had to consider the option, although it would be considered a failure. He had to protect the empire more than conceal his deepest shame and his lowest moment. “What do you mean?”

  “Exchange the Harrington shares for the Alves land without any delays. And then I know that you really mean it.”

  Cooper looked at Serena as if she were crazy. “Why would I do that? You will get everything you want and I wouldn’t know if you plan to use this so-called proof against my family.”

  “You just have to trust me.”

  Was she serious? Cooper studied her intently and she didn’t look away. His stomach twisted as he saw Serena’s look of determination. He knew what he had to do. He was raised as the Brock heir and it had been drilled into him that the empire came first. Had he been a cherished son, a child raised by attentive parents in a loving home, would he act differently? No, the outcome would be the same. The only difference would be that his parents would appreciate what he had done instead of simply expecting it. Cooper knew, no matter what, he would sacrifice his protection to save his father.

  “I need more than a vague promise before I give up anything,” he said.

  “So do I,” she said as she continued down the sidewalk, leaving him behind. “I need you to surrender.”

  * * *

  She was getting nervous. Agitated. Serena walked barefoot along the beach as the sun began to set. The wind pulled at her hair and her yellow strapless dress. She crossed her arms and hunched her shoulders, protecting herself from the cool breeze. From the possibility that she had failed.

  The deadline she had given was approaching quickly. Cooper should be kneeling at her feet, groveling for a reprieve. He should beg for the mercy his father hadn’t shown the Dominguez family. Instead, she was looking for him!

  Why was he waiting until the last minute? From all she knew about Cooper Brock, he was very protective and territorial. He would have faced the threat right away and accepted her terms. He wouldn’t ignore potentially damaging rumors that could destroy his father’s legacy.

  Not unless he was calling her bluff. Serena pressed her lips together, nauseous as she battled back the fear. The man knew how to gamble.

  If he were playing mind games with her, she wouldn’t show that he was succeeding. He wasn’t aware that she got the financial backing from Spencer Chatsfield. Cooper didn’t know that she had overpromised and underestimated her power.

  How had it all gone so wrong? She knew Cooper Brock. Admired his strengths and accepted his weaknesses. She understood what he valued and how he would respond. But Cooper did not follow the plan.

  Like suggesting that they bury the hatchet and become allies. Preposterous! She, going into business with a Brock? She wanted to give a theatrical shudder but there had been a moment when she had been intrigued.

  She rubbed her bare arms as she turned the idea over in her head. What would it be like to have a partner? An advocate? The idea of having someone like Cooper Brock on her side instead of opposing her was...welcoming.

  No, no, no! The only reason Cooper would suggest something like that was to control her. If she worked with Cooper, she would hesitate in ruining the Brock name.

  To think that she might have fallen for his idea for even a minute! Serena stopped, digging her toes into the packed sand as she rubbed her hands over her face. That was why she was becoming so upset. She was falling for Cooper’s charm. She liked the idea of having him on her side.

  “Idiota,” Serena muttered to herself. She was so close to the end of her quest. Now was not the time to fall for the oldest trick in the book.

  She scanned the beach for Cooper, but there were very few people enjoying the last rays of the sun. Where was he? She looked at the ocean but the calming rhythm of the waves did nothing for her. She didn’t know how long she was staring at the ocean when she gradually noticed a man swimming toward the shore.

  Cooper stood up in the water, proud and strong. The black swimming trunks he wore emphasized his lean, muscular body. Serena was mesmerized as he waded through the water to the shore.

  She couldn’t look away. Her body flared to life as she took in his solid shoulders and the curling hair on his broad chest. His muscles rippled with every move. His powerful legs propelled him straight toward her.

  She wanted to run but her feet didn’t move. She needed to leave, for her own self-protection. She didn’t want to lust after him. She rarely allowed herself to get distracted by men. So why did Cooper Brock have this sexual power over her?

  Cooper was now in front of her. She should have seized the opportunity to escape when she had the chance. His blond hair was slicked back as water ran down his arms and chest. He was breathing deeply, gulping for air as if his lungs were going to burst. Cooper’s intent gaze held her immobile. She suddenly didn’t know where to look.

  “You win.” His tone was low and raspy.

  She stood silently, unable to comprehend what Cooper said.

  “Did you hear me?” He grabbed her arm and she had a sense
that he wanted to shake her. “I will give you the Harrington shares in exchange for the Alves land. And you will not use the information you have on my father to destroy his legacy.”

  Serena gave a sharp nod and yanked her arm away.

  He shoved his hands into his hair and gave a staggered sigh that came from deep within. “I will meet with you tomorrow to discuss the details.”

  “Why not now?” Her voice sounded high and tight to her ears.

  Cooper gave her a look of fury and hate that should have maimed her but she was too numb to feel it. “Because right now I need a drink,” he said as he strode away.

  Serena didn’t turn around to watch him return to the hotel. She remained where she stood and watched the sun dip past the horizon.

  She’d done it. Serena closed her eyes, waiting, wishing, for the knowledge to set her free. For the fear that was such a part of her to finally subside. But she felt numb.

  It should have been Aaron Brock who felt as if he had no control in the situation. Aaron who worried about his future and waited for his world to come crashing down. He was the guilty one, yet his heir had assumed the debt. It wasn’t fair.

  No, Serena decided. It was fair. After all, she had inherited her father’s battle. And like David fighting Goliath, she’d felled a powerful giant. She’d made the great Cooper Brock surrender.

  She slowly opened her eyes and waited for the knowledge of her win to register. Why didn’t she feel jubilant? Where was the victory coursing through her veins? Why did she feel cold and alone, worse than before?

  And why, after everything that she had gone through, did she feel that she was no better than Aaron Brock?


  COOPER STOOD IN the large, winding swimming pool, alert and ready. It felt as if everyone visiting the exclusive hotel was here but he had found a quiet spot next to the floating bar. He ignored the splashing and the laughter from the hotel guests as he waited for Serena. Where was she?


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