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Two Billionaires Next Door: A Dark Bad Boy MFM Romance

Page 12

by Jay S. Wilder

  They lead me to the wide couch in the middle of the floor and gently set me down on it. My chest heaves with excitement. I gaze up at the two of them, feeling raw and exposed.

  Ethan takes a seat next to me and Zack claims his spot on my other side, his hand going to my knee.

  “Tonight is about you,” Ethan whispers. “What do you want?”

  I can barely think for the roaring in my ears. Zack’s hand trails up and down my arm, further distracting me.

  I whisper my words. “I want… I want you. Both of you… at the same time.”

  Ethan growls in satisfaction. “It would be our pleasure to give you everything you crave.”

  Zack gently guides me back so I’m laying down on the couch. He places my head in his lap and runs his fingers through my hair. Ethan’s hands get busy worshiping my legs. They’re all over my thighs, my calves, my hips… Not an inch of me remains untouched.

  Zack’s hands meet my breasts, where they gently massage and pull. My eyes fall closed, four hands on my body just as much of a sensory overload as it was the first time it happened.

  A hot breath between my legs makes my eyes pop open. Ethan kisses the inside of one of my thighs, taking his mouth closer and closer to my opening. A long, languid lick hits my clit. I moan and close my eyes again.

  Ethan sucks and kisses, taking me higher and higher. Lights pulsate behind my closed eyes, the hands and lips on my skin and the jazz notes in the air carrying me away. The pleasure becomes more intense and I buck against Ethan’s mouth.

  “Is she ready for us?” Zack asks.

  His words make my breathing come faster.

  “She is,” Ethan murmurs against my thigh. There’s a zipping and I open my eyes to see him taking off his pants. Zack slowly disentangles himself from me and stands as well. The lines of their muscles gleam in the soft lighting as they undress.

  My heart speeds up. I mean what I said. I want them both at the same time. It’s something we’ve never done, and now I wonder why we even waited so long.

  Both of them fully naked, Zack reaches down and takes my hand, hauling me up to standing. Our mouths meet, a warm embrace of tongues, lips, and passion. The couch creaks. Zack stops kissing me and I turn around to see Ethan laying on his back, stroking his dick. I swallow hard, excitement and anxiety thrumming through me.

  “Climb onto him,” Zack whispers into my ear.

  I do as he says and straddle Ethan. He wraps his arms around me, bringing me down against his chest. His dick pulsates against my opening. With one smooth move it’s inside of me, pressing up against my core.

  I moan into Ethan’s mouth and he kisses me harder. Breaking off from his lips, I sit up straight and begin to grind against him. He sighs in pleasure and rakes his hands across my breasts and stomach.

  Some teeth nip at my ear lobe. I turn my face to meet Zack’s mouth. He’s on the couch behind me, his breath spilling over my neck. His tongue pushes into my mouth and one of his hands presses against my clit.

  I rock back and forth, each thrust of Ethan inside me and each stroke of Zack’s fingers against my mound making me cry out. I begin to shake, unchecked cries leaving me.

  Ethan takes hold of my hips, encouraging me on. I rock harder into him and explode.

  Still full of tremors, I fall against Ethan’s chest. He wraps his arm around my back and guides my face to his. His kiss is salty and unhurried. He begins pushing his hips up against me and I push mine back, my orgasm having done nothing to kill my drive.

  Zack rubs my ass cheeks, massing them in his strong hands as I ride Ethan. He parts them and presses a finger against my hole. Pleasure floods me. I push my rear backwards, asking for more.

  There’s more creaking as Zack gets up. I can’t see what he’s doing, but I continue riding Ethan, keeping the pace slow. He groans and gazes up at me, his eyes heavy.

  Zack climbs back onto the couch and nips my shoulder. I turn my head to the side so he can give me a kiss.

  “Lay flat against Ethan,” he whispers into my ear.

  I do as he says, pressing my chest against Ethan’s. Two broad arms wrap around me, holding me close as I rock against his hips.

  Zack parts my ass cheeks again. A finger, this time wet and warm, strokes my hole. I suck in a sharp breath, slightly nervous. Ethan senses my tension and strokes my hair and kisses me deep.

  A hard bulge presses against my opening. I hold my breath then remind myself to breath. Zack slowly pushes against my ring as I exhale. My skin strains against him, resisting. A bit of pain shoots through me. I take an inhale. Zack keeps pushing and then slides all the way in.

  Pleasure hits me like a freight train. I’m full to the brim, both of my holes jam packed. It’s so overwhelming I can barely think. Zack shoves in a little deeper and I adjust to accept him, pushing my rear further up into the air.

  I can barely move, I’m so tightly sandwiched between the two of them. Luckily, they do all the work. Ethan kisses me deeply as he thrusts himself up into me. Zack holds tight to one of my hips and jams in, over and over.

  The pleasure accumulates and in under a minute I’m exploding, an orgasm like none I’ve ever had rocking me earthquake style. I cry out against Ethan’s mouth. He bites my bottom lip, drawing it in between his teeth.

  Zack groans and clutches my hip tighter. He fucks me faster and faster, and then suddenly stills and cries out. His hot load shoots into me, warming my walls.

  Just as Zack’s own release is ending Ethan’s begins. I run my tongue over his, enjoying being witness to his ecstasy. He clutches me and releases, unloading into me just as Zack did.

  They both still, but remain inside of me. No one moves. I break my mouth away from Ethan’s and drop my head against his chest. Sweat runs down my temple but I’m not sure who it belongs to.

  Zack slowly pulls out of me and climbs off the couch. My limbs feel sore and useless, my whole body absolutely spent.

  “Here,” Zack softly says.

  I look at him in question then sit up. Ethan gently removes me from him. Zack picks me up, literally whisking me off the couch. One of my heels is gone, though, honestly, I’d forgotten I even still wore my shoes.

  Cradling me in his arms, Zack carries me to the master bedroom’s bathroom, Ethan softly padding behind us.

  The three of us take a long, hot shower. The boys lather me up, showing tender care to each and every inch of me. At first I enjoy it, but by the time the shower ends there’s a tight knot in my stomach.

  The sex we just had was off the charts, possibly the best I’ll ever have in my whole life. It was so good it made me temporarily forget about my promise to myself. After tonight, no more. No more romance. No more hanging out.

  And if that means no more Ethan and Zack at all so be it. I can’t keep putting myself in this position. My heart already aches when they’re gone. I spend way too many hours wondering when I’ll get to see them again. Two days a week isn’t enough. I want them more. I want them every morning, afternoon, and night.

  It terrifies the shit out of me.

  I find my clothes and slowly get dressed, the realization of what I’m about to do weighing my movements down.

  Ethan and Zack find me in the foyer.

  “You’re leaving?” Zack asks.

  He shouldn’t sound so disappointed. I always leave. Not always immediately after sex, but at some point in the day or night. Not once have I ever slept over at one of their places. How would that even work? Would we all pack into the same bed, me in the middle?

  I try to ignore how good that sounds.

  “Yes,” I say. “I’m going. But, uh, we really need to talk first.”

  They exchange a look. Ethan nods. “Let’s go sit down.”

  “No.” I forcefully hold my hand up. If I leave the foyer, if I find myself in any other part of the penthouse, I might not leave at all. “Let’s just do it here.”

  They both look at me, their expressions unreadable. Or maybe I just don’t want to
know what’s going on behind their eyes. This is already painful enough. I can’t allow myself to gaze into the faces of two men I might not see again after tonight.

  I carefully choose my words. “Things have been… nice… the last few months.”

  “Absolutely,” Ethan says.

  “The best,” Zack adds.

  I press my lips together and dig my nails into my purse. “But it’s more than we signed up for. At least it’s felt like that for me. Remember when we first started hooking up? We said there weren’t going to be any expectations.”

  Zack looks hurt. “You think there are expectations now?”

  Ethan gives him a surly look. “Forget about it.”

  Zack glares back at him. There seems to be a second conversation going on and I haven’t a clue what it’s about. All I know is I need to stick to my guns.

  “It’s become more,” I say. “For me anyway. I don’t know if it’s felt like that for either of you.” I wince, half afraid they’re about to tell me I’m crazy and full of myself to think they want me in any real and long lasting way.

  Ethan takes a small step towards me and Zack follows.

  “We care about you,” Zack says. “So much.”

  I frantically look from one of them to the other then back again. What’s going on here? I’m trying to be clear with them, to set my boundaries, but every fact I thought I knew is slipping away.

  It was Zack who told me it would be ‘just sex’ between the three of us, and it was Ethan who always acted like he couldn’t give half a shit whether I came back or not.

  “We want more from you, Mindy,” Ethan says. He gulps, his eyes going a little wider.

  “Exactly,” Zack agrees. “We want you to be with us…like…ours.”

  The last word spins around and around in my head, at first making sense but then slowly losing all meaning.

  They’re asking me to be their girlfriend…

  I realize I’m saying it out loud.

  Zack and Ethan look expectantly at me. My throat burns and I try to speak but nothing other than a harsh croak comes out.

  “You’re joking,” I finally manage.

  Ethan dryly laughs. “No, we’re not joking.”

  I shake my head, so many emotions piling up in me that I don’t even know which one of them is winning out. Elation. Fear. Sadness. Terror.

  “This isn’t how it’s supposed to happen,” I fiercely whisper.

  “What do you mean?” Zack asks. He reaches over for my hand. The second his fingers brush mine I pull away.

  “This isn’t what you wanted,” I say, looking directly at him. My tone is an accusatory one and I can’t help it. Was this Zack’s plan all along, to get me to agree to something casual with him and his friend just so he could trap me and finally get me into a serious relationship?

  And why does the idea make me somewhat happy? I had my chance with Zack. I blew it.

  “I can’t be your girlfriend,” I say to both of them.

  Ethan’s lips purse and he looks away.

  “Why?” Zack demands. “We’ve been having a great time these few months. Admit it. Why would you ever want to let go of that, Mindy?”

  I pull my lower lip in between my teeth, dangerously close to drawing blood. There was the reason in the beginning, the one I gave myself back in July. I didn’t want Zack to think I was in this for his money. No matter what we did, I decided, I had to stick to my guns on that one.

  But now things have taken an unexpected turn. He and Ethan both want me.

  It’s all too much to handle.

  “Why?” Zack asks again.

  I take a deep breath. As long as we’re having this conversation I might as well let it all out. “I don’t want you to think I’m into you for your money.”

  He shakes his head. “Mindy, I know you’re not like that.”

  Next to him, Ethan slowly shakes his head.

  Zack ducks his face and peers into my eyes. “Is that all?”

  “No,” I gasp, looking back at him straight on. “Tell me one thing, Zack. Was this your plan all along? Were you going to reel me in?”

  “What? No!”

  I look down at the floor. I don’t know if I believe him or not. There’s too much to process at once. Here are these great guys standing in front of me, telling me they want me, and yet I can’t accept them. There are just too many reasons to say no.

  Everyone will say I’m just using him for his money.

  Zack was dishonest.

  What if they change their minds?

  What if I fall even harder for them?

  The second I ask myself the last question I realize I can’t fall any harder for them. I’ve fallen about as hard as a person can. I’m in love with both of them.

  The realization shakes me to the core… And makes me realize just how easily everything can go wrong.

  “This isn’t right,” I whisper, taking a step backwards. “This isn’t right.”

  “Don’t say that,” Zack pleads. “You know this is more than right. It’s perfect.”

  “I have to go.”

  Ethan walks towards me. “Wait, Mindy.”

  My hand is on the door knob and I’m already flying out into the hallway. Zack calls my name one last time but I don’t listen. I jam the button on the elevator and haul butt fast as I can.

  I barely sleep that night. When I show up to my eleven o’clock shift in the morning I’m a zombie. I go through the motions, doing my best to give myself to my patients and coworkers, but it’s no use. Something in me has died, and without that thing I’m no good to the world.

  Why did I tell them no? Wouldn’t it have been easier to just accept what they offered me?

  I got scared. I freaked out.

  Just like I always do.

  Years ago, when Zack wanted more from me, I did the exact same thing. I lost my shit. Though I probably knew even then I loved him, I ran because I didn’t know how to handle it. I thought maybe something better might come along.

  Idiotically, I never saw that ‘something better’ was Zack.

  Or, more specifically, he was half of ‘something better’. My dream relationship still needed one more piece to complete it.

  It needed Ethan.

  And now I’ve fucked it up. I don’t even know what to say to the guys. When they came at me in the foyer I was so thrown for a loop I couldn’t even think straight. Fears rose in me and unchecked words spewed from my lips.

  I’m an idiot. That’s what I’ll tell them. And then I’ll beg them to keep their offer open. I’ll beg them to make me theirs.

  Their woman…

  My heart floods with emotion. It’s what I always wanted to be. I just wouldn’t allow myself to face the truth.

  But now I’m going to.

  I grab my backpack from my locker and fly out the door. I could go straight to Zack’s or Ethan’s, just to see if they’re home. I could also send them a group text. I don’t have my exact words ready yet, though, so I’ll wait.

  First I’ll go home and shower. And then I’ll call them up. Yes, that’s a good idea. Maybe by then I’ll have figured out just what I’m going to say.

  And it’ll be late, sure, but this can’t wait till tomorrow. Zack and Ethan need to know tonight how I feel about them.

  I’m walking on air as I leave the subway station. The neighborhood is quiet, with only a few cars gliding down the main street. I round the corner and pick up my pace, my feet hitting the pavement at a slow jog. Each exhale creates a thick cloud of fog around my face.

  I’ll call them before the shower. Yes, that’s a better idea.

  I feel in my coat pocket for my keys. They’re not there. I panic a bit, then realize they must be in my backpack.

  I stop walking to fish them out.

  “Hey. Hey!”

  For a second I freeze. I don’t recognize the voice. On top of that, anyone who’s out in Castle Hill near midnight in December isn’t someone I want to meet. Adrenaline pu
lses through me and I start walking again, each step brisk and hurried.

  Why oh why didn’t I slip my keys into my coat pocket? It’s where I always put them, on account of it being the most accessible place. Not only does it allow me quick entry to my house, it also makes my pepper spray easier to get to.

  “Hey!” the man shouts from behind me. “Let me talk to you. Let me ask you a question.”

  “Nope,” I forcefully say, never once breaking my stride.

  He runs up next to me then hops in front of me, blocking my path. I skid to a halt, immediately checking out alternate routes. With a car to the left and a brick wall to the right, turning around and running for the end of the block makes the most since.

  The guy nods his beanie covered head at my bag. “Gimme that backpack.” His teeth are decayed and yellow. He bounces from one foot to the other. He’s high as a kite. Judging from my ER expertise, it’s probably heroin.

  I’m not an idiot. I unhook the bag from my arm and start to pass it over to him. There’s a loud noise like a trash can falling over and the junkie’s eyes dart over my shoulder. He makes a little gurgled noise then launches at my backpack.

  He grabs the strap in one hand but a second later makes a fist and punches me in the stomach. I bend over.

  “Asshole,” I gasp, though he’s already gone.

  The pain blinds me. I stumble backwards. My heel hits a broken part of the sidewalk and I go down. Something hard smacks the side of my head, the thud so loud it fills the whole world.

  And then everything goes black.



  I test the lock on the knob, shift the heavy box to my other arm, and give the door a good slam. Even from outside I hear the sound reverberating in the near empty house.

  I spent the whole day clearing out Dad’s place. The movers took most of the furniture hours ago, leaving nothing other than a few small tables and lamps, which I’ll come back and get tomorrow.

  After the scene with Mindy yesterday I knew it would be impossible to go into the office and go about my work like any other day. I couldn’t sit around crunching numbers and taking business calls while all the while knowing the love of my life had gotten away.


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