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Page 13

by Holly S. Roberts

  I called Jerry and heard the relief in his voice. “Olivia, baby. It’s about time.”

  I cringed over his use of Brack’s endearment. “I’m ready for you to kick my ass. Get a few practice partners lined up.”

  “Is this afternoon too soon?”

  “Not soon enough.”

  I dreaded my next call, but bit the bullet anyway.

  “The world must be coming to an end. What’s up, bitch?” Valery said with her usual air of superiority.

  I went straight to the point. “I’m not sure if you’ve heard about my stalker. He’s killed two people. My friends, or in your case not so friendly acquaintances, could be on the list.”

  “Wow, Daddy must be keeping this quiet in the media.”

  Valery climbed the tennis ladder without the help of rich family. Secretly, I’d always admired her for what she’d accomplished. Aloud was a different story. “Dad’s good at that. Keep your eyes open. I have little info on this guy, but if you have any type of security, my team will share information.”

  Her laugh rubbed my last nerve. “Daddy’s money strikes again. Must be nice not footing any bills. My current sex partner is a black belt in Taekwondo. I think she can handle it. If you need some pointers, I’m sure she’d be up for a threesome anytime you are.” More laughter followed this statement.

  I disconnected the call knowing I’d done all I could. I didn’t expect much from Valery. The reason I won the majority of our matches was because she didn’t take me seriously. My silver spoon grated on her. I often wondered why she chose tennis. She was talented and could compete at any sport she wanted. Roller derby was more her style.

  Cat fight anyone?

  I took a long shower, shaved my pits, legs, and feminine bits preparing to wear my skimpiest practice outfit.

  Come and get me, asshole.


  It was hard not to look over my shoulder or peer into corners in the dressing room at the club. I tried being as covert as possible when I did glance around. I wasn’t stupid and wanted to see him coming. I just somehow knew showing no fear would piss him off. Ty was all about fear and I refused to play his game. He was in my court now. My two current bodyguards remained unobtrusive, though everyone in the vicinity knew they were there and that’s how I wanted it.

  Practice was shaky at best. Jerry’s yelling didn’t help my frayed nerves. I ribbed him on purpose even knowing the outcome. “Let up, old man. The only practice I’ve had during the past month is racquetball.”

  “Racquetball? You played a sport designed for apes? I should quit and then where would you be? Begging that’s where.” His face grew redder as his tirade continued. I was only half listening. I would swear a feather rubbed against the bare skin on my back. Without thinking, I spun around. Brack stood there. I watched one of the security guys walk over. Brack flashed his identification, said a few words, and left.

  What the hell was that about?

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Brack’s presence shook me up. I had no doubt he did it on purpose. Unfortunately, he also activated my libido. The man was a sex rocket to an orgasm and I wanted a hot ride. Just the brief glance and my panties grew wet.

  I took a cold shower at the club while my bodyguards waited outside the women’s lounge. I had no plans to allow Ty to trap me in the shower at my apartment when he decided to pay me a visit.

  After I dried off, I swirled my wet hair around my finger and snapped it up in a clip. My muscles ached, but this was the best kind of pain. Okay, maybe not. Brack’s pain was more delicious, the jerk. Why had he come here?

  One of the new bodyguards drove me to an upscale clothing store so I could find an outfit to match the plans I had for tonight. Friendless, I planned to crash my favorite nightclub. I needed something slinky and daring. I took my time perusing the racks until I found the perfect black glitz dress. I’d wear a skin-tone thong to give the added illusion of being bare underneath. Next stop… my hair stylist. I needed a trim and Petra was the only person capable of doing something with the inch-long frizz left over from my collision with the van. If she failed, I’d cut it all off, dye the top purple, and freak out my dad. I’d called ahead and made an appointment for Petra’s business partner to tackle my nails, too. In order to give my ultimate plan a chance, wild and free Olivia needed to be back in action.

  No luck with dyeing my hair. Petra worked wonders with what I had. I’d save the purple for another day. My nails were now presentable and I was ready for my late night adventure. I picked up sushi for dinner and headed back to my apartment. After a short conversation with my father, I ate and clicked on the news. Within minutes, I clicked it off. I couldn’t watch the injustice that had children dying in house fires, drunk drivers killing innocents, and two murders in the city last night. Thoughts of the future swirled through my head. They weren’t thoughts of tennis.

  Was I doing the right thing? Was I crazy?

  I practiced breathing techniques to control my nerves. I could do this. Brack and his team had given me the skills. My athletic build and ability gave me a chance. I walked around my apartment assuring myself it was safe. This would be my daily ritual until creepo came after me.

  Single and dressed to the nines, I had no trouble getting into Club Ozz. I gave a head nod to a few people I recognized while making my way to the bar. It was unlike me to drink alcohol when training, but I needed liquid courage. I ordered a shot of tequila and downed it. I wasn’t leaving a drink behind while I danced.

  The alcohol instantly went to my head. I ordered another and tossed it back. Maybe I needed to drink more often. The music changed to a faster beat as I made my way to the dance floor. My hips swayed long before I found my spot. I loved dancing in wild club jungles and getting lost in the crowd. I loved the smell of sweaty dancers, sex, and alcohol. I moved my body unintentionally brushing against other dancers in the tight quarters.

  I wanted my life back!

  Strong hands on my ass brought me out of my self-pitying thoughts.

  “Whoa,” Brack’s deep voice stopped me before I could smash his instep with a four-inch heel.

  I glanced over my shoulder and gave him a once-over. No aviators, black linen pants, and a tucked white dress shirt. The man cleaned up nice and caused my breath to catch. “What the fuck are you doing here?” I ground out when I could finally breathe and speak.

  “Dancing with you,” he whispered in my ear. Before I could do more than gasp, he spun me around so we faced each other. His knee moved between my legs as his hands grasped my hips. I’m not sure what surprised me more… Brack’s clothing or his moves on a dance floor.

  “Humor me, baby, and show me what you’ve got,” he said over the music.

  I had hips and thighs built for tennis. And dancing. “Keep up with me, pretty boy.”

  His eyes flared. I had no idea if it was passion for dancing or for me. I’d give him a lot of both. Hell, we might be thrown out; I laughed at the thought. I ground my pelvis into his leg as I unbuttoned two more buttons on his shirt. I needed flesh under my hands and the wild side of me planned to take what I wanted.

  Not only could Brack keep up with me, he led with dominant finesse. Rarely did a man truly know how to lead. Brack did it expertly. The beat changed again and this time it was sultry, which suited my purpose. The man knew his dirty dancing moves, too. His undulating hips had my mouth watering and barely there panties dripping. The slide of his pants over my sensitive skin left me undone. And, I knew so little about him. Marine, cop, bodyguard… what made him tick? I wanted all the answers even though he ruined my plans to take out a killer without him in the picture. I knew he had a thick skull and wouldn’t walk away easily. He’d proved me right.

  His fingers slipped along the edges of my pussy and I stopped thinking about everything but the man holding me, handling me, nearly fucking me in public. I didn’t care. Sweat dampened my skin. Brack twirled me around so my ass rode his leg. He grasped my upper thighs, slipping his
hands beneath my short dress and used his thumbs to rub me into a red hot mess of shameless need. I moved my arms up and threaded my fingers through my hair, fluffing it off my neck. Then, I put my hands to Brack’s neck and pulled him down. He bit my ear as he slipped a single finger inside me. He shifted my body and ground his cock against my ass. I felt as if crack mainlined straight to my pussy. His cock was an addictive drug.

  “Come on,” he said as he twirled me once more. He grabbed my hand and led me off the floor. He bypassed the tables and went down the hallway toward the restrooms. He didn’t stop at the long line of women, just took me straight to the men’s room.

  “Get the fuck out,” he said to two men at the urinals.

  “Lucky girl,” I heard from the hallway. And, “I think that’s Olivia Stradmore, the tennis player.”

  Brack slammed the door and locked it. The next thing I knew my back was to the same door with my legs wrapped around his hips. He ripped my thong away and struggled for a moment with his zipper before entering me. I was so fucking wet there was no resistance. He watched me with insanely intense eyes and fucked me hard, just the way I liked it. I gave no thought to the comments from the hallway or my missing bodyguards. The door and my legs anchored me to Brack’s body leaving our hands free. I grabbed his pecs and dug my fingernails in. My only thought was Brack’s cock driving into me—his fingers rubbing my clit. The sounds he made as he fucked me. The feel of his flesh beneath my nails. The overwhelming need to possess him like he possessed me.

  I was so close I could taste it. And that’s when he stopped. I hadn’t realized I closed my eyes. With the lack of stimulation from his cock, they flew open. His flushed face only accented his spectacular eyes. It wasn’t that sexy gaze I wanted, though.

  “I’m going home with you tonight,” he ground out.

  What the hell?

  “Say it, Olly, or your bare ass will hit this dirty floor.”

  Well damn. “You’re going home with me, you crazy asshole. Now fuck me.”

  He did. His cock gave me the ride of my life. I tore the rest of the buttons from his shirt and left scratches down his chest and back. This crazy fucker took me in a bathroom. A filthy, disgusting bathroom with the whole world knowing exactly what was happening in here. And I didn’t give a fuck. Actually, I loved it. I cried out when my orgasm crested. Finally, his lips clashed with mine. He took every last cry, moan, and sigh. Thirty seconds later, he came. I returned the favor and swallowed his moans.

  When our breath returned to normal, Brack lowered me. There was no sense in checking the mirror or washing up with more than a wet scratchy paper towel wiped down my legs. I was well and truly fucked and refused to hide it. Everyone outside the door knew exactly what happened. Okay, it wasn’t the entire world out there. Didn’t matter if it was because I couldn’t care less.

  Brack picked up my thong off the floor and stuffed it in his pocket. “You ready?” he asked and took my hand. I led the way.

  Stupidly, I didn’t expect the cell phone cameras going off when we walked out. Fuck, I was a fool. Brack took the lead shielding me and walked us from the hallway. Our walk of shame, as I’m sure the tabloids would report.

  My poor father.

  Chapter Thirty

  I should feel dirty. I should punish Brack for fucking me in a bathroom when I was tipsy. I should fuck him again in the back of a town car. That last thought won.

  “Naughty girl,” he groaned when I straddled his lap.

  “I’ll show you naughty,” I whispered as I slipped from his lap to the floorboard. It took all of six seconds to slip his cock from his pants. Brack complemented my wild side. He fucked up my plans, too. Right now I refused to think about it. I slid my lips over his dick.

  There was no divider between the driver and us and I really didn’t care what he thought. I slurped just for the hell of it. Fuck, Brack tasted divine. I circled my tongue around the head of his cock and sucked. I moved my fingers off the base and rested my hands on his thighs using only my mouth and tongue. He allowed me to control what I took. My jaw was sore the last time I did this to him and it would be sore again. I didn’t want to ever adjust to opening my jaw wide enough to take him.

  I watched his face in the shadows. I couldn’t see his eyes, but his teeth flashed as he ground his jaws together. I loved this man. He took me where no one had before. And I took him along with me. No care for tomorrow. I lived for the moment.

  “Ahhh,” his groan was low as he came.

  I smiled after swallowing every last burst of cum, then let his cock slip from between my lips. He lifted me from the floor and tucked me in close to him. “What the fuck am I going to do with you?” he grumbled in a teasing manner.

  “If you don’t know that, you’re an imposter.”

  He pinched my leg. “Behave,” he said as he zipped himself back into his pants.

  Just to be wicked I said, “My father will kill you. You know that don’t you?”

  “That’s not a conversation I’m looking forward to, but I’ll handle it.” If anyone could, it would be Brack. “You’re not taking on this guy alone, Olly.”

  Well that took me out of my post-blow job afterglow. I stiffened, ready to set things straight.

  “I love you. We will get him together.”

  I was too shocked to say anything. Brack’s deep chuckle echoed in the back of the car before he kissed me. He pulled back and whispered in my ear, “I’ve finally left you speechless. I’d have said it earlier if I knew how it would affect you.”

  He said he loved me and then teased me. That was Brack—serious, silly, sensual. I wanted to speak the words and tell him how I felt. My heart fluttered with rapid staccato beats. He terrified me. I loved him and that terrified me. Tennis kept me from loneliness or I thought it had. I’d been lonely since my mother died. Brack filled a place inside me. Losing him would kill me. Knowing he felt the same way shattered my illusions that I could win against my stalker. When I died, Brack and my father would suffer the loss.

  “Olly, talk to me.” He cupped my cheek and tipped my head up. I didn’t know I was crying until he thumbed the tears away. “No, baby, don’t cry. We will survive this.”

  He knew. He knew everything. It only made me love him more. And hurt more. I snuggled my head into his chest breathing in the musky scent of him. My fingers had a death grip on the edges of his open shirt. He knew what I needed because he threaded his fingers into my hair and held me close. Few saw my weaknesses. Brack cherished them. He gave me strength where others siphoned it from me.

  We stayed like that until I felt Brack’s body tense. Flashing lights filled our car. I sat up straight and looked out the window. Police cars and an ambulance waited at the entrance to my apartment building.

  This couldn’t be happening again.

  “Stay with her, Nelson,” he ordered. “She doesn’t leave your sight or move two inches away,” Brack said to the driver as he opened the door.

  “No. You aren’t leaving me here,” I shouted as I pushed against the closing door.

  “Fuck,” Brack swore as he ran his fingers through his hair. He took my hand and hauled me out of the seat before I could complain again. He looked over his shoulder to Nelson. “Stay with the car, they may need you to move it.” Brack’s clasp on my hand tightened. “I want skin on skin. Don’t even think about releasing my hand.”

  That was just great. His dominant hand was free while he squeezed mine tightly in his left. I didn’t argue. Fear drowned out any arguments I could make. We walked toward two officers who were keeping people from entering the building.

  “I’m the head of Ms. Stradmore’s security team hired by Senator Stradmore. She lives in this building,” Brack said with authority. He’d pulled me slightly behind him so our clasped hands weren’t obvious.

  A man in a suit stepped away from the doors. “We need to speak with you both. Your father is upstairs, Ms. Stradmore.”

  My heart stopped beating. My body froze.
  I heard Brack speaking through a tunnel. “Is Senator Stradmore safe?”

  “Yes, sir, his security team is with him. If you will both follow me.” The man opened the door for us.

  Brack’s warm hands captured my cheeks. “He’s safe, Olly. Breathe.”

  The clearing of a throat and Brack’s words registered at the same time. My father was okay. I blinked.

  “Stay with me here.” Brack put his arm around me and led me to the elevator.

  My heart started beating again.

  Chapter Thirty-One

  My father waited inside my apartment. He and his security team had made a surprise visit to check on my new team. A man delivering a bouquet of flowers tried to enter the building at the same time as my father. Lilies. He carried a full bouquet of lilies. When my father questioned him, the man ran. A security member followed while the other remained with my father and called the police. Because he was a U.S. Senator, half the police department showed up.

  They caught the man with the flowers. The lead detective in Bethany’s homicide investigation had interviewed him. He wasn’t my stalker and ran only because he had an outstanding warrant. He did have a vague description of Bethany’s murderer or at least I hoped it was him. The man who paid him wore a dark hoodie that obscured most of his face. He was somewhere between five ten and six foot with a medium build. The flower guy hadn’t looked too closely; he was more interested in fifty bucks and another fifty after he delivered the flowers. The detective told me there could be a middleman involved in the transaction, so they were not assuming they had a description of Ty. The police continued monitoring the location where the money was to change hands a few blocks away in case someone showed up.

  I could read between the lines and knew there was a good chance my father saved the idiot’s life. If it was Ty handing over the money, he wouldn’t leave someone alive who could possibly identify him. I didn’t have a chance to see the flower guy; by the time Brack and I arrived, he was on his way to jail for the warrant.


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