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Bare Yourself (Consumed: Book Two)

Page 7

by Alex Grayson

  Nathan stays quiet as he cleans his stomach with his discarded shirt. We normally don’t talk after our encounters. Not because it’s uncomfortable for either of us; there’s just nothing to say. We both got what we needed, so there’s no reason to speak. He slips his jeans back up his legs and pushes his feet into his boots before walking through the door.

  “Holy shit,” Willow breathes, eyes closed.

  I chuckle, leaning down and running my tongue up her neck. My arms rest on the bed, caging her in. “That good, huh?” I ask against her ear.

  Her breath hitches, her nails digging into my sides. “Oh yeah. I’ve never… umm.”

  She stops, and I pull back to look at her. Her cheeks are pink, the color slowly making its way down her chest. Her eyes are open now, but they slide away from mine, like she’s embarrassed for some reason.

  “You’ve never what?” I ask. There’s no fucking way she’s saying what I think she’s saying. Not with a body like hers. I have to be misunderstanding her.

  She brings her eyes to mine, then she looks over my shoulder to the ceiling. “I’ve never had an orgasm just from penetration. I normally have to touch myself to come.”

  “What?” I’ve heard some women have trouble coming from penetration alone, but I would have never guessed Willow would be one of them. She was so fucking responsive and her pussy was so tight the entire time I was in her that it felt like she was in a constant orgasmic state. And I know damn good and well she was close several times, but I pulled back and didn’t let her go over the edge.

  “There’s no fucking way you haven’t orgasmed from penetration,” I tell her.

  She finally looks at me and shrugs. “I haven’t. I thought maybe it was me.”

  “It most definitely is not you, baby.” I slip my tongue in her mouth and swirl it with hers, then pull back. “Maybe you just haven’t found the right guy yet.”

  Something flashes in her eyes. “Yeah, maybe,” she whispers.

  “I’ll be back,” I say against Willow’s lips.

  “Okay.” She smiles and watches me as I climb from the bed and go to the bathroom to clean up and get a rag for her.

  Euphoria has my limbs feeling weak. I’ve slept with countless women, and I’ve enjoyed them all, but Willow… what she made me feel while I was inside her was unlike anything I’ve felt before. I’ve never come so hard in my life. I may have been taking the lead, but she controlled my body. I want more of her, and if I have anything to say about it, I’ll get it.

  Chapter Six


  I lie on Tegan’s bed and stare up at the ceiling, trying to calm my racing heart. I’m naked and sweaty and in desperate need of a shower. Tegan’s in the kitchen grabbing both of us much-needed bottles of water. We’ve been at it for hours. I’ve never had so much sex in my life. And it’s never felt so good. The first time I found release while he was in me without stimulating my clit was astounding. My whole body felt like it was floating, and I think I may have passed out for a second or two. I never realized how much better an orgasm could be if I wasn’t concentrating on getting myself off. To be totally focused on his dick sliding in and out of me was… wow, there are no words to describe it.

  It just sucks because now that I know what it feels like, sex without that feeling will be a half-assed substitute. Tegan has ruined me, and I barely know him.

  Having Nathan in the room watching us only made the pleasure that much stronger. I never would have guessed I would be into exhibitionism, but boy was I ever. I was nervous, but I was also turned on more than I ever had been before. Nathan is a very good-looking guy with his dark hair, blue eyes, beard, and perfect build, but he isn’t my type. I don’t like my men buffed out in muscles. He’s also too quiet for me and seems very reserved.

  Tegan on the other hand, has a slimmer swimmer’s body, blond hair, and green eyes. He’s also funny and just a bit cocky. He’s confident, but not overly so.

  So, when he asked me if I wanted to suck Nathan’s cock, I wasn’t sure if I wanted to take it that far. I knew Tegan was leaving the decision up to me, and for that I was grateful. I loved having Nathan’s eyes on me and Tegan. Watching Nathan stroke himself was erotic as hell. I was intrigued for the first time in my life about what it would be like to have two guys in bed. I’ve never had that fantasy before. It’s never crossed my mind to wonder what it would be like to have two guys want me at the same time. I decided to give in to the voice in my head telling me to do it. I’m not sure if I would have let it go further than that, though.

  A ringing sounds from across the room, and it takes me a minute to realize it’s my phone. I crawl from the bed over to my clothes and purse on the floor.

  Bryan calling.

  My stomach cramps and my eyes shoot to the door. I should just ignore it and turn my phone off, but he’s my brother. I haven’t talked to him in weeks, and I still worry about him. I’m an idiot, but I press the green phone icon.

  “Hello?” I say hesitantly.


  I close my eyes at hearing his scratchy voice.

  “Bryan. How are you?”

  “I need you, Lo. Where are you?”

  His voice is slurred and it sends pain through me. I’d give anything to have my brother back.

  “What do you want?” I try to sound firm, but I’m not sure I pull it off.

  “Where are they?” he asks. “They’re mine, and I need them.”

  “They aren’t yours, Bryan. You know Dad wouldn’t want you to have them. Not for what you want to do with them.”

  “They are mine,” he snarls, and I can imagine spit flying out of his mouth. “He fucking gave them to me. Now where in the fuck are they?”

  This is the brother that I’ve come to know over the past several years. No longer is he the soft-spoken sweet brother of before. This new, angry and bitter version of him has taken over. My throat closes, and I have to force the tears back.

  I harden my voice as much as I can. “You’re not getting the watches. Get some help and then we’ll talk. Please, Bryan.”

  “Fuck you, Lo,” he spews, his voice filled with malice. “I don’t need no fucking help. I need what you have that’s mine. Where in the fuck are you?”


  “Goddamn it,” he screams so loud I have to hold the phone from my ear. “Don’t make me come find you, Willow. I swear to God it won’t be pretty. I don’t want to hurt you, but fuck if I won’t. Just give me what the fuck I want, and I’ll leave your life for good.”

  His use of my full name sends a shiver of fear through me more than his threat, and lets me know he’s further down his hole than I realized. The name sounds foreign coming from his lips. He hasn’t used it since we were six years old. When Minnie asked me a week ago if Bryan would hurt me, I told her no, even though I didn’t completely believe it. Now, hearing the hatred in his voice, I have no doubt he will.

  I sniff and wipe my nose with the back of my hand. I have to stay strong. I can’t give in to fear and give him what he wants.

  “No,” I repeat, then hang up on him, dropping my phone back into my purse with shaking hands.

  “What the hell was that about?” Tegan asks from behind me, scaring me half to death. I jump and spin around. He’s standing in the doorway holding two water bottles in one hand and a plate of sandwiches in his other. I wouldn’t say he looks pissed, but he definitely doesn’t look happy either. His eyes shine bright in the moonlight filtering in through the open curtain, showing his displeasure of hearing my conversation with my brother.

  “Nothing,” I mutter, bending down for my skirt, panties, and shirt.

  “Sure didn’t sound like nothing. Is someone bothering you?” His voice is stiff.

  He takes a few steps inside the room and deposits the water and plate on his dresser, then leans back against it with his arms crossed.

  “No. Besides, it really wouldn’t be any of your business if someone were.”

  I slip my pan
ties up my legs, avoiding looking at him.

  “We just fucked like jackrabbits. I beg to differ that it isn’t my business.”

  I roll my eyes, but he doesn’t see it as I’m still not looking at him. He has no right to know what’s going on in my personal life.

  “Just because we fucked, doesn’t mean you can have more of me than I want to give you.”

  I look up just as he leaves his perch on the dresser and starts stalking over to me. His steps and the look he gives me are determined. I stand my ground, refusing to back down. He may be bigger than me, he may be the first man to ever take the time to ensure I have an orgasm without me helping, and he may know just how to touch me to make me feel delirious with desire, but that gives him no damn right to demand I tell him shit. He hasn’t earned that right. He doesn’t deserve it.

  Suddenly pissed and still amped-up from my phone call, I hold out my hand to ward off his advance. He stops, but only because his chest meets my hand. He smirks at me and places his hand on top of mine. The next second he has my arm twisted around behind my back. The shirt and skirt fall to the ground as I yelp in surprise and try to brace myself as I land against his chest. I tip my head back with my mouth opened wide, probably looking like an idiot. His blond hair has fallen in his eyes, shadowing them in darkness, so I can’t read his expression.

  “Why are you getting dressed?” he asks softly. His other hand pushes back the hair that’s fallen from my braid.

  I’m so surprised by his question that it takes me a minute to register what he asked. Confusion has my brow furrowing, and I just stare up at him. I expected him to continue with his questioning about my phone call, to demand to know what’s going on.

  “I… uh…” I shake my head, look down at his chest, then back up at him. “I assumed we were done.”

  His lips quirk up into a sexy half smile. “What did you tell me earlier?”

  I shake my head, not knowing what he’s referring to.

  “You know what they say when you assume…” He trails off.

  With that, he lifts me by the ass until I have no choice but to wrap my legs around his waist, and carries me to the bed. I bounce and let out a squeak when he drops me. His laugh is deep and it makes my insides squirm. He yanks my panties back off and climbs on top of me.

  I forget all about my phone call and his curiosity regarding it when his head dips down and he takes a nipple in his mouth. I grip his hair and tug him closer.

  A minute later, he releases the bud and looks up at me. “I hope you don’t expect to get any sleep tonight, because we’re nowhere near done.”

  The next day, I’m sitting at Minnie’s kitchen table with a sleeping Luna in the bassinet beside me. I yawn for the fifth time in two minutes as I watch Minnie make both of us a cup of coffee. I’m in a long baby blue cotton robe I stole off the back of her bathroom door. I have no clue if it’s hers or Logan’s. Serves her right if it is Logan’s.

  I barely stepped foot in the door this morning before she started grilling me with questions. I dodged her as best as I could and begged her to let me at least take a shower first. She relented, albeit reluctantly, and I dashed to the bathroom. I wasn’t in there but ten minutes before I heard a noise and looked out the curtain to see her standing there, hand on hip and tapping her foot impatiently.

  “Can I at least get dressed?” I asked.

  “No,” she answered simply, like talking about my sex life while I’m naked is okay. I raised a brow at her. “There’s a robe on the back of the door. Use it and meet me in the kitchen.” She pointed her finger at me, then looked down at her watch before backing to the door. “You have exactly two minutes to finish.”

  She left, so she didn’t see me roll my eyes and stick out my tongue at her.

  I walked out of the bathroom three minutes later. I purposely stood and looked at myself in the mirror for a full minute, just to show her I can be equally as stubborn. She was in the mouth of the hallway looking petulant.

  “Minnie!” I said loudly. “Oh, my, God! This is so stupid!” I stomped down the hallway toward her. When I passed by her to go to the kitchen, her narrowed eyes followed me.

  “Don’t give me that. You knew I was going to want to know what happened last night, especially since you didn’t call me like you said you were going to.”

  “Coffee,” I muttered, throwing my hand over my mouth when I yawned. “I need coffee first.”

  “You sit, and I’ll make us both a cup.”

  She puts a steaming cup of coffee in front of me and takes the seat beside me, looking in the bassinet before taking her first sip. I lift mine, and despite the liquid being scalding hot, take a much-needed sip. It burns when it hits my tongue. I sigh, loving the blessed caffeine.

  When I look up, I find Minnie’s eye on me.


  I push back the laugh that wants to break free at her look. I take pity on her and start.

  “We went to Blackie’s, had a few drinks, talked, and danced. I met a couple of his friends,” I finish, bringing the cup back to my lips. I smile behind the lip of cup as she inches toward the edge of her seat, waiting for me to continue and give her the good stuff.

  “That can’t be it,” she says suspiciously.

  I set my cup on the table, then look down like I’m inspecting my nails. I slyly look at her out of the corner of my eye. “And got the best orgasm of my entire life,” I add.

  She squeals and jumps up from her seat, which causes Luna to whimper.

  “Shit,” she mumbles, leaning down and smoothing her hand down Luna’s back, putting her back to sleep.

  After she’s sure her daughter has settled, she retakes her seat, but slides it closer to me.

  “More.” Her hands wave in the air frantically. “Gimme more.”

  I laugh and lean toward her. “It was so good, Minnie. Unlike anything I’ve ever felt before. He knew just what to do, how to touch me.”

  Her eyes go wide. I’ve talked to her before about my problem with having an orgasm just from penetration.

  “Oh,” she breathes. “Wow.”

  “Yeah. Wow.” I grin. I wait a beat before I tell her the other stuff. I’ve never kept anything from Minnie, and keeping this from her doesn’t feel right. “He had a friend watch us while we were having sex.” I whisper that part.

  “What?” she yells, again waking Luna up. “Damn it. Logan!” she calls, scooping Luna up into her arms.

  Logan appears in the doorway seconds later, looking worried. “What’s wrong?”

  She hands Luna over to him. “Here. Take her and stay down here.”

  “What’s going on?” he asks, cradling Luna to his chest.

  “Never mind that.” She walks over to me and grabs my hand, hauling me from my chair. “Willow and I need to talk.”

  I laugh as she leads me out of the kitchen by the hand. I turn my head and shrug at a confused-looking Logan. We enter her bedroom, where she slams the door shut, then walks me over to the bed, forcing me to sit.

  “Shit,” she says to herself, sitting beside me. “I wish I could have whiskey.” She turns to me, pinning me with her gaze. “Now, explain.”

  Not really sure where to begin, I start from the beginning. “You know the guy he was with at the diner?” She nods. “Well, Tegan and I were on the dance floor when I noticed him watching us. I pointed it out to Tegan and he said he knew, asked me if I liked it.” I look down at my hands in embarrassment. When I bring my eyes back up to Minnie, she’s watching me like a hawk. “I did,” I whisper. “I never would have thought I would like something like that, but I did. I liked knowing someone was watching us, was getting turned on by what we were doing.”

  I turn my body toward Minnie, tucking one leg under me.

  “We went back to his house and were in his bedroom when a few minutes later, Nathan showed up. Oh, my, God, Minnie!” I lean forward and lower my voice. “It was so hot watching him touch himself while Tegan touched me. I’ve never been turne
d on so much in my life.”

  She gives me a cheeky grin. “What else? Did he join you?”

  My cheeks heat. “Sort of. I, uh… sucked his dick, while Tegan fucked me.”

  “Damn woman,” she exclaims, fanning out her shirt like she’s hot.

  I giggle. “You have no idea.”

  “I can’t believe you had sex with a guy and sucked off another at the same time.” She stares off across the room dreamily. “I’ve always had the fantasy of having two guys at once.”

  This time I laugh. “You may want to forget about that fantasy. I don’t see Logan letting another man see you naked.”

  She looks back to me and shrugs. “You’re definitely right. He’d cut off a guy’s balls if he saw me naked. It may still be an unrealistic, distant fantasy, but Logan keeps me completely satisfied in bed, so I’m not heartbroken it won’t ever happen.”

  I bite my nail nervously and say quietly, “I’m seeing him again in a couple days.”

  Her smile is big. “You like him, don’t you?”

  I can’t help the huge grin that takes over my face. “Yeah. I really do.” My grin fades slightly. “That’s not normal though. I only just met him and still know hardly anything about him. How can I like him so much, but still know so little about him?”

  She pushes me with her shoulder. “Don’t do that,” she scolds me, and I look over at her. “Maybe it’s just a feeling you have. Maybe you just know deep inside. Maybe it’s fate.”

  I scrunch my nose. “I don’t know about that. It could just be my neglected libido.”

  I yawn again; my night of having the best sex of my life is finally catching up with me.

  “Come on.” She tugs me from the bed. “It’s bed for you. You look dead on your feet. Guess having wild monkey sex will do that to you,” she says, winking at me over her shoulder.

  I laugh and follow her out the door. I head to my room as she goes back to the kitchen. Discarding the robe, I slip on a pair of sleep shorts and a T-shirt before climbing in bed. As soon as my head hits the pillow, I’m off to dreamland.


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