ROMANCE: Stepbrother Biker's Baby Series ( New Adult Alpha Billionaire Stepbrother Romance) (Forbidden Short Stories Contemporary Taboo)

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ROMANCE: Stepbrother Biker's Baby Series ( New Adult Alpha Billionaire Stepbrother Romance) (Forbidden Short Stories Contemporary Taboo) Page 1

by Wanda Edmond

  Stepbrother Biker's Baby Series


  Copyright 2015 by Wanda Edmond

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, Characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission from the author in writing.

  The following story contains mature themes, strong language and sexual situations. It is intended for mature readers. All characters within are 18+ years of age, non-blood related, and all sexual acts are consensual.

  You can find all of the books in my Stepbrother Biker's Baby Series on Amazon

  Stepbrother Biker's Baby Series

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  …Synopsis (Book 1)…

  Sarah Mayfield was a gorgeous girl hiding beneath the shyness. Her long black hair and deep emerald eyes would have any guy worshiping at her feet, except for one small detail. Sarah never learned to show off her beauty and rather hid it behind her tight bun and conservative clothing. Despite her father Ray’s encouragement, she just can’t seem to come out of her shell. Working as a mild-mannered librarian, she bided her time in the solace of fiction, waiting for just the right man to come into her life and sweep her off her feet, loving her for her personality more than anything else.

  Dan Mayfield couldn’t seem to keep himself out of trouble. From the age of four when his father left his mom to raise him alone he had been getting into heat, from scuffs with the law to woman problems. Though his step-father Ray had remained a large influence in his life even after their parent’s divorced, Dan continued his troublesome, womanizing ways into young adulthood. His sandy blonde hair and blue eyes, paired with a muscular figure, made the ladies chase him, until of course Sarah reappeared in his life.

  Route 66, the ultimate backroads adventure, leads from east coast to west, offering tourists and travelers alike many adventures that lay off the beaten path. The perfect chance for Sarah to let her hair down and take the scenic route to a job interview in sunny California, she soon finds herself in a heap of trouble from a misunderstanding at a truck stop. Just when she thinks she is going to land herself on the back of a milk carton, an unlikely hero appears and jumps to her aid. Her step-brother Dan, on a bike tour, notices her from across the stop and steps in to assist. The two attempt to work out their childhood differences and the aftermath of their parents recent divorce as Sarah has no choice but to head the rest of her adventure alongside Dan. The romance of the open road coursing through her blood, Sarah begins to find her knight in shining armor wears leather, and soon the wild side overtakes them both. Can the two keep up this whirlwind love affair?

  Chapter 1

  Sarah Mayfield stood on a tall rolling ladder, arms outstretched as she placed back several returned books in their proper places. As she leaned out, a strand of her long jet black hair escaped from its place in her tight bun and dangled down around her emerald green eyes. She attempted to push the hair aside with her a blow of her breath and the books tumbled down to the floor, echoing as they landed on the hardwood floor.

  “Shit.” She sighed and climbed back down to retrieve them.

  As the last book was finally placed on its shelf she glanced at her watch and smiled. Finally time to head out. She smiled and headed for the front desk where her now-former boss Sally waited patiently. She gave Sarah a warm smile as she approached.

  “So you’re really going through with this then?” Sally asked meekly.

  “Yes,” Sarah nodded and punched out on the out-of-date time clock, “I feel like it’s something I have to do, you. I have worked here since high school and I need to spread my wings before it’s too late.”

  Sally gave a reluctant nod and shook her delicate hand, “Well if you ever change your mind, you know where to find me.”

  “I know,” Sarah smiled and headed for the double doors, “I will I promise.”

  Sarah wasn’t what anyone would describe as a risk-taker, nor was she the type of woman to take any unnecessary risks, but when her father called to tell her of a position in research being offered by a former college of his in California, something inside her shouted out that it was worth at least a shot. With a single phone call from her father, Mr. Daemon Banks was emailing Sarah frantically, a personal invitation for interview from the head of the department. Fearful of flying, she decided to head out on the open road, hitting the famous route 66 for a road trip vacation. The destination? A final job interview that would be a new location and ultimately new life. Her 1980 Lime Green Pinto was already loaded up as she exited her final shift at the Chicago State Library, the only employment she had ever known. She drove along through typical city traffic, following her hand written directions far beyond any area she had ever explored, snaking her way first through the main streets and then several short stints on other highways, until finally she began seeing signs for Route 66.

  The famous highway stretched all the way from her hometown of Chicago to West Coasts, with countless places to explore and side-show attractions littering its pavement. It was a popular route for travelers, hitchhikers, bikers and even individual’s like Sarah who just wanted to take the back roads in life. At just past 7 in the evening she saw herself merging onto the freeway and the long winding road ahead. This is the craziest thing I have ever done. Sarah giggled to herself and cranked up the radio. As the music filled her cramped Pinto and she gazed out at the golden sunset, she reflected on her life and the events that led to the woman she was now. Her mother walked out on her father Ray when she was 10 years old, disappearing into the night and from her life forever. Though he had done his best to raise her a single father, he finally remarried just before her 16th birthday, bringing a new mother and step-brother into her life. Life was not easy for an awkward young girl without a mother around to confess too or ask questions about the important aspects of growing up. Sarah resorted into her own shell, hiding behind her love for books and that bad habit followed her into adulthood.

  She pulled into a seedy motel parking lot at nearly midnight, too exhausted to continue any further for the night. Inside the office an overly tattooed man handed her the key to a room without so much as a word, let alone a smile, and she stumbled along the barely lit hallway until she finally found it and unlocked the door. Inside the room she gave a scowl. It was filthy and smelled of stale cigarettes and cheap cleaner. She lay down on the bed, staring up at the ceiling as an argument persisted between her neighbors well into the wee hours. She took the time to continue lost in her thoughts. She recalled the nasty divorce that occurred between her father and his new wife. After just one year of marriage Ray was laid off from his position as factory manager, leaving the family to tighten their belts while his factory rode out the recession storm. His new wife didn’t fancy the idea of having to work outside the home or pull her weight by cutting her overly elaborate shopping habits, so once again Sarah watched another motherly figure walk out of her life. It’s no wonder I can’t open up to people. She sighed, finally drifting off to sleep as the motel fell into silence.

  The next morning Sarah was in rush to head back out on the road
and away from the dumb she had barely slept a wink in the night before. She glanced up at the broken signs and cracking walls and cringed. I hope the whole trip isn’t going to be this trashy. She laughed and climbed back into the driver’s seat. It was difficult to move in the seat, as the bags and suitcases crammed into every spare inch of the tiny vehicle. Sarah also believed in being overly prepared, and a wild road trip across the entire country was no time to deviate from her golden rule of “Better safe than sorry.” As the sun reach high above head, more traffic joined her on the open road and she found herself backed up momentarily. As she sat, bumper to bumper, it was a good opportunity to check the week’s itinerary.

  “Let’s see,” She spoke aloud to herself, “I compensated for exactly 5 hours’ worth of traffic jams so this shouldn’t put me too off course, though it will mean having to find another hotel on the route for tonight.”

  Soon the cars once again began to move and she was headed on the road at faster speeds. Dan. She thought as a pack of motorcycles sped by to her left. Dan Mayfield was her step-brother for only one year, as the gold-digger ex of his father was his mother. Although she took off on his dad, Dan stuck around the house, as he had taken to Ray as a positive influence. Her dad’s model must not have been enough however, because the guy was always in trouble one way or another. He was still living with her dad when she moved out 6 years ago and yet she hadn’t seen him since. The last interaction they had he was not only in trouble with the law but had several love affairs revolving that cause drama in a regular basis. Sarah laughed, thinking of the leather clad blonde standing in the front lawn shouting and throwing rocks. Dan was such a player bad-boy.

  She drove until the sun once more began to set behind the horizon. As he passed the neon signs littering the side of Route 66, she scanned desperately for a motel still flashing their room’s available signs. Her eyes were growing heavy from the blurred lights of the highway and her back hurt from the old, worn seat. Finally she have a smile and pulled into a smaller motel, equally as disgusting as the previous nights, attached to what appeared to be a truck stop and diner. She paid cash for her room and headed indoors with her purse and change of clothes, wanting nothing more than a shower and good night’s sleep. She passed a group of rough looking bikers on her way to the door that glared at her and eyed her reserved look suspiciously.

  Chapter 2

  Sarah rolled over and stared at the alarm clock beside her motel bed. It’s only 10 o clock? She growled. The motel was cheap but also a slum with only porn on the television and no working air condition. The roar of motorcycles as they roared in and out of the stop and the low vibrations of huge semi-trucks made it impossible to read or get any decent rest. She stretched and rose from her place, the sweat beading on her neck and trailing down to her supple breasts. Coffee. She grumbled, eyeing the beat up diner across the paved parking lot. She placed on her boots and headed out the door for a quick cup, in the hopes that she could buy some time for the temperature in her room to cool. Though late, the parking lot was still bustling with tough looking individuals coming in for the night. She eyed her Pinto and clenched her teeth. The group she had noticed on her way in was now surrounding her car, and all of her belongings, with several rough looking men sitting on the hood. The group was deep in conversation and drinking large amounts of beer, to which they tossed the cans on her hood and bumper. Sarah swallowed hard, though she would rather have her teeth pulled that start a fight, her car held everything she owned in the world and it was too valuable to have it damaged by a bunch of irresponsible bikers. With fear racing through her, she walked meekly towards them.

  As she approached, the group’s chatter stopped and suddenly all eyes were on her. One of the largest of the group, a tall bald man with a huge burling gut stepped forward and eyed Sarah hungrily. Her cheeks flushed red with embarrassment, his eyes leaving no inch of her curvy body unexplored. He rubbed his greasy hand across his lips and chuckled.

  “Well, well,” He smiled wickedly, “You’re not so bad, for a nun.”

  The group laughed at his insult and Sarah felt a rush of shame flush through her. It was like high school all over again, being teased by the peers in class. She held her ground.

  “Excuse me,” Her voice was barely loud enough to carry over the background noises, “But could you and your friends please step away from my car? Find somewhere else to hang out and drink?”

  “You got a problem with us?” A brawny woman wearing leather stepped forward as well.

  “Well, no,” She glanced nervously at their faces, “I have no problem with you people personally, but that is my car.”

  “You people?” Another chimed in, “Hey did you hear that guys? You people. She must have something against bikers.”

  The bald man slipped even closer, until she could smell the beer on his breath and bike grease on his body. Sarah’s heart was being so hard she thought it would burst from her chest, and a tear welled up in the corner of her eye.

  “That’s not what I said,” She shouted louder, eager to have this parade of toughness end, “I just want you off my car.”

  “This car?” The woman stepped towards her driver’s side window and smashed with her fist, shattering the glass into shards on the pavement.

  “No stop it!” She lunged forward but was caught swiftly by the bald man. He grasped at her pocket and pulled out the keys roughly. As Sarah kicked and shouted, he tossed the keys to the woman who leapt inside and speed off through the parking lot and back onto Route 66. She watched helplessly as her only car, and everything she owned, drove off out of sight into the darkness.

  “You stole my car!” Sarah shouted, the tears now streaming down her face, “You’re a bunch of animals.”

  The laughter stopped at her words and the remaining group glared at her silently. The bald man, who had let go of her arms, now moved towards her once more only this time he was serious. The others began to crowd around her as well. Oh that’s it I’m dead. She thought to herself as the brooding group moved in.

  “Perhaps I should show you just how animalistic we can be huh Mrs. Prissy?” He raised his hand high into the air.

  Sarah winched, shutting her eyes tightly and preparing for the blow. She stood helpless, knowing full well she was no match for this hulking biker and was ready to just let what would happen, go forward. The roar of an engine was loud behind her as she waited anxiously, and yet, no strike came. She opened her eyes fearful to the bald man standing froze, fist still high above his head. She heard a deep, low voice rise up from behind.

  “You know,” The man started from a distance, then grew closer, “How do you expect to change that bad reputation we bikers have if you go around beating up helpless woman?”

  The bald man lowered his fist and glared at the source of the voice, but remained in place.

  “Look Dan,” He sighed, “This isn’t any of your business bro, just move on.”

  “Oh I think it is,” The voice placed a large hand on Sarah’s trembling shoulder, “She’s family.”

  Sarah whirled in her place, wide-eyed, to find a tall man with sandy blonde hair and stunning blue eyes glaring eye to eye with the bald biker. He was muscular beneath his leather jacket, each ripple visible through his white tank top. His tight jeans and leather chaps outline his shaped thighs. Though his face was rough and full of stubble, she recognized him almost right away. He stood firm behind her, not letting the biker out of his site.

  “Hi sis,” Dan gave a half smile, “Having a bit of trouble out here?”

  “That’s your sister?” The bald man raised a shocked eyebrow.

  “Yep,” Dan laughed, “Well step-sister but just the same. She’s the good of the family.”

  “Ah man,” The bald man laughed and rubbed the back of his neck nervously, “Oh well man, guess she shouldn’t have mouthed off to us and called us animals then. Sorry honey but I don’t give a shit who your brother is, your car’s gone bitch and so is all your shit.”

/>   “I want my car back or I will call the police.” She shouted, more confident with Dan behind her.

  The group laughed, flipped the two a bird as they turned and walked away. With a loud rumble the group sped off to join her car somewhere in the blackness of the high way. She collapsed onto a parking block and began to sob, once they were safely out of sight. Her emerald eyes were soaked with tears, the devastation of what had just happened slowly began to creep in. Yes, she still had her license and credit cards which were safely in the motel room but her clothing and her maps were all in the Pinto now speeding off to who knows where. Dan bent down in front of her, unsure at first of how to approach a balling woman in the middle of a parking lot without raising some kind of unwanted attention to himself. He placed his strong hand on her knee.

  “You held your own fairly well back there,” He chuckled, “Considering you were about to get a beating from a rather nasty group of bikers.”

  “Yeah?” She glared at him, the fire burning in her eyes, “What good did it do me then? My car and everything I own is gone.”

  “Your life is still yours, be thankful for that.” His voice was low and serious.

  Sarah paused. He is right, I could have lost my life too.

  Chapter 3

  Sarah sat on the curb, sobbing for some time as Dan sat silent. This wasn’t his area of expertise after all, considering he is usually the cause of all the tears. Even with tears soaking her face, she was beautiful no doubt. Sarah collected herself and rose from the cement, brushed her jeans off and straightened her bun. This is no time to panic. She coached herself through the moment. Dan gave a half smile.

  “Hey how about a beer?” He motioned towards the diner behind him.

  “I was headed over there to get a cup of coffee before all this crap started.” She sniffled.


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