ROMANCE: Stepbrother Biker's Baby Series ( New Adult Alpha Billionaire Stepbrother Romance) (Forbidden Short Stories Contemporary Taboo)

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ROMANCE: Stepbrother Biker's Baby Series ( New Adult Alpha Billionaire Stepbrother Romance) (Forbidden Short Stories Contemporary Taboo) Page 2

by Wanda Edmond

  “Ok,” He held out an arm playfully, “Coffee it is then.”

  Sarah rolled her eyes and the two walked to the run-down diner, finding a seat at the bar. Inside a few truckers were eating late night meals and an older man sat at the far end of the bar, his eyes staring distantly forward. The lights were dim and white overhead, illuminating the filthy countertops and worn down building. A waitress approached looking as worn as the diner itself. Sarah ordered a coffee and Dan a cold beer. The two sat staring awkwardly at one another for a moment, having not seen one another in many years this was the strangest reunion she could have imagined.

  “So do you mind me asking, what in the hell were you doing outside a slum motel on Route 66 fighting with a biker gang? That is not like the girl Ray talks about constantly.” He was blunt but genuinely curious.

  Ray spoke often of Sarah to him whenever he made it into town to visit the closest thing he had ever had to a father. He saw photos of her after high school graduation as well as when she finished college and heard of her success at the library. Though they hadn’t spoken since youth, Dan knew enough to know that her being out here was way out of character. Why is she here? He studied her face as she sipped her coffee. Her hair was pulled back into a tight bun and her clothes that of a prude, yet there was a fire in her eyes while she stood up against that biker group and even now as she sat fuming about her car. Perhaps there was more to her than meets the eye.

  “I’m on a road trip to California,” She responded coolly, “I was offered a job interview through dad with a research facility out of California.”

  “Why not fly?” Dan chugged his beer.

  “I’m scared of flying,” She frowned, looking down at her feet below the counter, “So I was taking my car down there. If I got the job I was just going to get an apartment and stay on there.”

  “Wait,” His eyebrows raised, “Everything you own is in that little car?”

  “Well, not my furniture and some bigger items but yes, all of my personal belongings are in there.” She thought back to her things being destroyed by the bikers and nearly cried once again, “My purse is in the motel room though too.”

  “So when is your interview?” Dan ordered another, watching her carefully. The way she crossed her legs, and how her jeans lined the perfectly shaped muscles of her thighs and calves. He could feel himself getting aroused, despite her conservative looks.

  “It’s on Friday,” She gave a half smile as the waitress refilled her drink, “I will have to file a police report and head out once they get my car back.”

  Several truckers walked in loudly to the diner and took a booth near the door. The waitress headed over slowly and took their orders, while the cook behind the counter grumbled about not serving eggs after 10pm. It really was a dank and depressing place if ever Sarah had seen one. Dan placed his warm hand atop hers and frowned.

  “If you’re going to wait here for the police to locate your car,” He gave a sigh, “You might as well take a lease on your motel room. They will have one hell of a time finding it, if at all. You will miss your interview.”

  “Well I have to file a report at least,” Sarah gripped the cup tightly in anger, thinking about that nasty group getting away with this. “Then I can worry about getting to California.”

  “I’ll take you there.” Dan spoke instinctively, before thinking it through. What did I just say? His inner voice was shocked.

  Sarah raised an eyebrow and looked out the diner window at the motorcycle outside. “On that thing?”

  “Yes,” He growled slightly at his bike being referred to as a thing, “It’s perfectly safe.”

  Sarah knew her choices were limited. If she wanted this opportunity she would have no option but to take Dan’s offer of a ride the rest of the way and worry about getting her things back after she had been given the job. After heading to the local highway police station and filing a report, the two headed back to the motel for a few hours’ sleep. As the sun rose over the diner the two headed out on the road once more, only this time together.


  Sarah wrapped her hands tightly around his washboard stomach, gripping nervously as they sped down the high way. She looked down at the blurring yellow lines of the road and felt a wave of dizziness rush through her. There is nothing between me and that pavement. She gripped his waist tighter. Yet, despite her fear she felt a rush of freedom and even excitement waving through her as the winds rushed over her body. It was clear to her why so many rebellious types like Dan fell in love with the open road from one of these machines. Just after noon the two pulled into a diner for lunch. As the bike came to a stop in one of the miniature parking spaces designated specifically for bikes, Sarah swung her legs off the back and felt a numbing pain between her legs from the vibration. She made a discomforted face and rubbed her thighs. Dan glanced back and gave a laugh.

  “First time on a bike?” Dan laughed.

  Sarah nodded and followed him into the restaurant. The diner was a huge improvement from their last stop, decorated in a theme from the 1950’s with a neon jukebox playing music in the back of the room. She gave a smile, relieved it wasn’t the dingy dives she had the unpleasant experience of eating in lately. They found a cozy booth near the back and sat quietly across from one another. The waitress came by for orders and then Sarah spent a few moments gazing out the window in distance memory.

  “So Ray told me that the job you’re going for is in research,” Dan cleared his throat, “What type of work are you going to be doing?”

  “I want to investigate families,” She sighed, “What makes one stay together and another separate. What makes parents leave or stay and determines how children grow up.”

  “I see,” Dan frowned, “In other words you’re trying to understand your own life.”

  Sarah felt offended, how dare he demeanor her life’s work in such a nut shell assumption.

  “No,” She shook her head, “Yes I would like some answers about why two mothers walked out of my life, and why I turned out how I did and you…”

  She stopped short of completing that analysis, not wanting to offend her only ride but Dan leaned in, a look of genuine interest on his face. He knew he had always been a troubled kid, growing up without a father until Ray stepped into his life and then without a mother the remainder. But did he really blame his parent’s for the way he lived his life? No. Dan shook his head. He knew he had to clear the air with this woman, though he was unsure why. Dan hadn’t cared much for impressing woman, nor had he ever felt the need to explain himself to anyone let alone a female. But Sarah was different, she knew his past intimately because she shared it with him.

  “No,” He looked up from his plate after some time had passed, “It’s not my parent’s fault I am who I am. I don’t walk around crying about a broken childhood as a way of justifying my actions. I just don’t believe in the cookie cutter lifestyle you people are happy in. I am not a sheep and I don’t believe I have to follow any status quo to be happy.”

  “That’s all fine but why do you feel you have to get yourself arrested constantly and get into fights, and,” She paused hesitantly, “The way you treat woman like their playthings.”

  “Playthings?” Dan laughed sarcastically, “If I treated a woman like that it’s because they wanted to be treated that way. I haven’t met a woman yet that I could connect with and yet woman walk into my life always wanted to change me.”

  Sarah felt a sudden rush of anger and disgust for him. What a pig. She thought quietly and finished her lunch. Soon the two headed back out on the road once again, where she found herself reflecting on his words. It wasn’t that she blamed her lack of a mother directly for the way she was, but the fact that one wasn’t around sure as hell had a lot to do with it. They buzzed down the freeway, getting caught momentarily in a traffic jam where they found themselves surrounded by vacationers in the heat of the midday sun. By evening they found themselves crossing the New Mexico Border and closer to her drea
ms. Sarah rented the two a room and they headed out for dinner. The entire ride Sarah mulled over what Dan had said about his childhood and the way he chose to live his life.

  “Listen,” She smiled over her jumbo sized cheeseburger, “Perhaps I was a little harsh earlier with what I said about you. Your right, people should be allowed to live their lives the way they chose and not be dictated.”

  Dan looked up from his beer and gave a warm smile. That was different. He thought as he sized her up once again. Her bun, blasted from the wind on the road had been left down for the first time the entire trip so Dan was finally able to catch a glimpse of the beauty hiding behind that shell. Her long hair fanned along her delicate shoulders and trailed down her back, bringing out the shimmering of her green eyes even more. Typically any woman he spent this much time with was already on his case, questioning his clothes and his lifestyle, complaining about his bike and his choices. And yet, here this beautiful woman sat genuinely trying to understand him. He couldn’t help but wonder if was truly a woman that may stand of chance of connecting to him, or if this quiet and reserved female was just really good at hiding her manipulation.

  Chapter 4

  Once dinner was done, the two headed back to the hotel room together. Sarah hadn’t anticipated in her overly prepared schedule the chance that she would have an extra person with her, so she was only able to budget for one room per stop. It would have to do. She thought to herself as they walked nervously into the room for the night. Dan had explained he typically stayed with friends or on the open road, neither of which appealed to her, so sharing a room was her only choice. Dan flicked on a lamp and eyed nervously the single bed. This girl is getting to me. He ran his thick fingers through his long hair. Damned if I am actually nervous. Sarah joined him on the opposite side, sore from the day’s ride and over whelmed with thoughts.

  “I don’t see how you can ride like that all the time,” She laughed, “I am so sore.”

  “You get used to it after a while.” Dan was unsure what to say or do with her.

  Sarah excused herself to change, heading into the bathroom with a bag of new clothes she had purchased during one of their stops. It was nice of Dan at least to show her some of the sights she would never have known to look for. She splashed cold water onto her face, feeling the coolness of the water quenching her heat from the motel room’s lack of Air Conditioning. She gazed at herself in the dirty mirror and gave a long sigh. Though beautiful, she didn’t see it. Back in the room Dan had stretched himself out on the bed, sprawled in a fashion that allowed Sarah a sneak peak of what lay beneath his jeans. She felt a rush of hormones as she snuck glimpses of his package. Wow he is a big boy. She licked her lips, assuring he wasn’t watching. She lay down beside him and flicked off the bedside lamp, filling the room with darkness. The flashing neon lights from the sign outside flickered across the motel walls, giving just enough light to see Dan’s silhouette. He rose slowly and peeled the black tank top over his head, revealing his perfectly chiseled back muscles. Her heart raced.

  “So Sarah,” He turned, his face shadowed in the darkness and yet his piercing blue eyes stood out at her, “Is there someone your leaving behind if you make the move?”

  “Like a boyfriend you mean?” She bit her lip nervously, “No I’ve never had one. And I have trouble making close friends.”

  Dan froze in his place, halting the suave move he was attempting to make. Did she say never? His mind raced with the possibilities.

  “Ok wait,” He sat back up, the neon lighting his body once more, “You mean you have never been with a man?”

  Sarah nodded, ashamed. She was too shy to approach a guy even if she really wanted him. The last time she dated was in high school and the jerk dumped her for not wanting to move that fast. So yes, she was a virgin at 26 years old. The idea that this gorgeous specimen had never felt the touch of a man was the tipping point for him, and Dan lost his self-control. I can’t resist her, I want her so badly. Perhaps it was her innocence, or that she seemed to be accepting him as he was, but something inside the sexy loner snapped and desire flooding him like a wave. He leaned in to the frightened Sarah, grasping her hair in a rough but gentle way that told her his body’s needs. Pulling her close his lips grazed hers, pressing his tongue deeply into her mouth. Sarah let out a muffled moan of shock and desire. It felt as if her body was on fire, her cheeks flushing crimson and her clitoris throbbed wildly for more. Deeper and more desperate the kisses became, as if Dan wanted to devour her heart into his. The connection like lightening in her body.

  “Does this feel good?” Dan’s kisses trailed her neck as he watched her chest rising and falling from the pleasure.

  “Yes,” She whispered, her head spinning too fast to muster any other response.

  Dan’s hands found their way to her breasts, sliding a hand under her t-shirt and caressing the nipple until it was hard until his palm. Her breathing was rapid and her crevice pulsed, the wetness growing between her thighs. Sarah grasped onto his long hair desperately wanting more. Touch me now. She whimpered in her mind. He pulled the t-shirt upwards, revealing her supple breasts to the darkness, kissing and sucking at the nipples. Then with a smooth motion his hand slid along her belly and grasped her mound in his hands through her jeans. She let out a cry of sensation and tossed her head wildly, her long black hair escaping the bun and clinging to her sweat beaded skin. He caressed and twirled his fingers around her clitoris sending hot flashes of desire through her. This feels incredible. She cried out in her mind. Faster and more desperate his kisses penetrated deeply into her sensitive skin. She could feel her body climbing closer to climax, the world blurring into a rush of pleasure and desire for more.

  This girl is so beautiful, so innocent. Dan’s mind raced as he savored every delicious kiss on her soft skin. Her emerald eyes glazed brightly towards him, showing her emotions in the blinking lights of the neon. But amidst the lust, there was something else growing. His erection was guiding his body, pushing him to feel the warmth inside of her and yet his heart was also pursuing her. He actually wanted this girl’s approval, her love. Sarah gripped at his naked back, the orgasm rushing out as the wetness filled her jeans, dripping lustfully from her throbbing crevice.

  “Oh Dan!” She cried out as the waves of pleasure slammed into her body like the ocean upon a beach.

  He paused, watching her as she withered and moaned from his touch. Normally this scene was exactly what he wanted, pursuing his chase for the night and ending with his person satisfaction of making the woman cry out his name in pleasure. He got off on it. But not this time. He smiled, watching this amazing and fascinating woman bending under his touch and he wanted to pleasure her more. Not for his own rocks, but for her. Not like this. His conscious suddenly shouted out from beneath the conflict. Take her, but take her in love and not as another conquest. Dan knew this woman was different and worthy of more than some lustful playtime in a seedy motel. He backed away from her body, attempting to slow his breathing and his erection until they were back in his control. Sarah opened her eyes once more, suddenly aware that Dan had stopped, now staring at her like a frightened boy. She sat up beside him, confusion taking over her mind and mixing with a panic.

  “What’s wrong?” She looked down at the wetness of her jeans, “Do you not find me attractive?”

  “Yes I do, Sarah you have more beauty that you obviously realize. It’s me.” Dan shook his head and rose from the bed.

  “Where are you going?” She watched helplessly as he slid on his shirt and leather boots.

  “I need some air.” He didn’t even look back and closed the motel door softly behind him.

  Sarah sat on the crumpled bed stunned, unsure of what to make of the scene that had just played out. They were hot for one another, which was clear in his kisses. So why did he push away? Am I not bad enough for him is that it? The possibilities rolled around in her head. Maybe he only goes for the bad girl type. Sarah growled and walked into the bathroom,
slamming the rickety door behind her. She gazed at herself in the mirror, the way she wore her hair tightly back and the clothes that revealed nothing to the eye. She had become a librarian in every sense of the word, and now she wondered who this prude, uptight girl was looking back at her from the mirror. In her youth, she too had a spell of rebellion that took her on a few adventures. But somewhere between the second divorce and her graduation she lost sight of that girl. Maybe it’s time for my wild side to make an appearance. She gave a wicked smile, a plan devising in her mind. She would have Dan for herself, whatever it took.


  Dan walked the entire night, his mind swirling with thoughts of her and his heart bursting with emotions he had never felt before. Was this love? His heart leapt at the thought of being with this girl for the rest of his life. It was just past 10 in the morning when he finally crept back into the motel room. He glanced at the bed, still made, with no Sarah in it. Fear gripped him, and he checked the bathroom finding it empty as well. He thought the worst, which his sudden ending of their encounter had pushed her to leave in the middle of the night. Suddenly the motel room door opened and the silhouette of a sexy girl came into sight. Her tight jeans displayed her sexy legs, every muscle perfectly curved and ready for action. The dark tank top, lined with studs, was low cut and her luscious breasts teased the eye from underneath. She stepped inside and came into full sight of the terrified Dan.

  “Sarah?” His voice cracked.

  Chapter 5

  The two rode off on Route 66 in silence. It was clear Dan was intimated by the newly dressed Sarah, wondering to himself if it was his rejection that caused her to think she needed to change. Guilt plagued him as they soared past crystal blue waters and the flat lands of the prairies beyond them. He wrestled with reasons, and excuses, for his behavior the night prior but deep down he knew he was afraid of his feelings for her. You are going to have to tell her the truth. The voice inside him repeated as they stopped for lunch. Sarah’s new look was definitely drawing attention, of the wrong kind. She gave a sly smile as the heads of men would turn everywhere she and Dan went. She knew exactly what she was doing, and it seemed to be working to her advantage. He couldn’t take his eyes off her either. As nightfall fell upon the highway once more Dan pulled the motorcycle into a large, two story bar and cut the engine.


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