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ROMANCE: Stepbrother Biker's Baby Series ( New Adult Alpha Billionaire Stepbrother Romance) (Forbidden Short Stories Contemporary Taboo)

Page 4

by Wanda Edmond

  (Lead in)

  Darrel paced nervously in the motel room while the others sat quietly around. With his large hands he swooped a stack of empty beer bottles off the dresser, allowing them to smash against the wall and shatter into tiny shards on the carpeting.

  “I am going to get that bitch,” He cried out, and the other’s nodded. “I am going to make her pay dearly for that move.”

  “And the little boyfriend too.” The other added, still twisting his opened pocket knife in the arm of a chair.

  “But we don’t have a clue where the two were headed.” The woman that had stolen Sarah’s car looked up, her eyes soaked with tears from the sudden destruction of her precious roadster. “They could be anywhere.”

  “Oh we will cross paths again,” He punched a wall, leaving a clear hole in the plaster, “And when we do? They will both pay a high price.”


  The motels seemed to be all full as they closed in on the California border. It was too far to head any further for the night, Dan exhausted from the day’s ride and Sarah too sore for one more mile. Dan turned onto a dirt two track, struggling to keep the bike upright in sandy ground. They reached the cabin-like front office of the camp ground and Sarah waited sleepily by the bike until he returned with a night pass. Sarah had parked the Pinto about a mile up the road for the night, to

  avoid having to pay for more than one vehicle and the two planned to have an impromptu night under the stars after a rather eventful day. As they rode slowly over the uprooted trees and sandy path to the site, Sarah’s mind wandered back to Dan’s words when they met at the diner, as they had several times throughout the rest of the day. They are going to come after us, after him. Her stomach churned once more.

  ~~~ THE END of BOOK 1 ~~~


  …Synopsis (Book 2)…

  With her newfound confidence, the Dark-haired beauty Sarah Mayfield continues onward to her destination alone, but her heart can’t shake the memories of her recent adventure. Though thankful for the new way she feels more comfortable with her own appearance, Sarah’s shyness continues into her job interview, failing to make an impression and losing her the opportunity. Her deep emerald eyes filled with tears of disappointment, she heads back up Route 66 to her home, unsure of what the future now held.

  Dan Mayfield, awaking to find his step-sister and newfound love has made a hasty exit in the middle of the night, is now more determined than ever to never a let a good girl keep him down. With a heavy heart he heads back out on the open road angrier than before and that anger leads him straight into some trouble with the law. His handsome looks and killer blues can’t help him sweet talk his way out of this one and it looks like he’s bound for some jail time, until of course he now finds himself with a heroin he didn’t expect.

  Though the two had their childhood differences and harbored emotions of the divorce, they found out quickly that opposites really do attract with a heated love affair on the road. Misunderstandings led them to part ways, but the feelings lingered on no matter how much highway they put between them. A chance stop in the local police station to check on her report and she finds her love caught up in a police incident that could lead to some real trouble. She swings in to rescue him this time and the two reconnect, but will a highway of trouble still keep them from ever fully succumbing to one another’s love?

  Chapter 1

  Dan lit the campfire as Sarah watched in amusement. She hadn’t thought of this rough and tough biker man having the Boy Scout skills he was showing now. With all the hotels full, Sarah Mayfield and her love Dan settled in to a scheduled campsite for the night, too tired for the final stretch of Route 66 that remained before reaching California. The fire roared to life, lighting the small around the camp with light and warmth. Sarah scooted in closer and raised her hands to warm them from the constant breeze of the road. Her trip thus far had been far from the vacation she had anticipated, though an exciting adventure none the less. Somewhere along this winding stretch of backroad high way she had found herself, as well as love from the strangest of places. Her step-brother for a brief time before his mother ran out on her father Ray, this bad boy was the last person she had ever suspected to come to her rescue when she was attacked by a group of vicious bikers outside her hotel room. He walked to the saddle bags on his bike and pulled out two sleeping bags from the back, which he then rolled out on the dirt beside the fire. Sarah eyed them nervously. I have to sleep in the dirt. She whined to herself. Camping was one thing she and her father Ray had seldom experienced while she was growing up.

  He sat down beside the fire and stared into the flames silently awhile. Then, with a look of worry he gazed at his beautiful woman with a half-smile.

  “So what will you do if you get the job?” He asked hesitantly.

  “Well,” Sarah gave a thoughtful sigh, “I will have to break my lease and find a new place on the coast that I can afford. Then moving down there will be another task in itself.”

  Dan couldn’t help but wonder, is there a place in all this for me? The fear of watching another woman he loved walk out of his life gripped him. He couldn’t bear the thought of losing Sarah, not after his mother disappeared when he was young. She is different. His mind reassured him meekly. It was a risk to open his heart and he knew it, but everything felt different with her around and he wanted more of it in his future, so it was a risk he would have to take. The flames licked at her skin, sending a glow of red hot light across her luscious breasts and neck line. He felt an urge to have her growing once again.

  “Come here Miss Bad Ass.” He joked and patted the bag beside him.

  Sarah laughed and rose from the log she had been seated on, joining him under the covers. As she lay her head down she watched the stars twinkling brightly above head and gave a smile. It was beautiful out here this was for sure, even if she couldn’t help thinking about snakes and other crawling creatures that might invade during the night. She gave a shudder and cuddled into his strong arms. Dan inhaled deeply, filling his senses with her intoxicating scent and closing his eyes. This girl had won his heart in a matter of days, with her beauty and innocence, and a personality that never ceased to surprise him at every turn. I am falling in love. He thought to himself and inhaled once more. Courage finally overtook his fears and he cleared his throat, leaning in to whisper in her ear.

  “I am falling for you Sarah.” He cooed and stroked her long black hair gently, “You have won my heart. And, if you will have me, I would like to give this new life a real try.”

  Sarah looked up into his beautiful blue eyes, full of what looked to be sincerity, but in her heart she began to wonder. As much as she longed for those words to be truth, was this something he had told the others before her. They had cleared the air between them, but Sarah remembered the desperate girls crying and screaming in her father’s front yard all those years prior. Had he promised them the same thing and that was why they stood like maniacs crying out to him after the break up? I can’t let that happen to me too. She thought to herself and choked back a tear. She caressed his stubble with her delicate hands, feeling the smooth yet prickly hairs as they ran along her palm. In her heart she knew that a bad boy like Dan could never really settle down, it would be like caging a song bird and watching the life slowly leave its eyes over time. But this night, beneath the stars, it was still only the two of them and the open road. I will give this tonight. She thought to herself and smiled warmly upward at this sexy man beside her.

  He leaned in and kissed her forehead gently, leaving wet trails down her cheek and planting a deep kiss upon her soft lips. He inhaled again deeply, her scent as strong now as the connection building. Dan could feel his erection growing, his body calling out to take her once more as he had done at look out point the night before. Sarah’s hand slid quietly beneath the covers, finding its way along his washboard stomach to the top of his jeans. She unsnapped the buckle and slid down the zipper, revealing the gr
owing heat of his passion below. With a single hand she grasped his pulsing cock and stroked, watching the pleasure behind his eyes. Dan found her breasts beneath the tank top, fondling each one carefully and paying attention the hardening nipples. The tingling sensation of his touch shot down her belly and found its way to her quivering mound. It longed for him inside of her once again. The kisses grew even deeper, and Dan’s heart swelled with love and desire all at once, a completely new experience unlike any he had ever shared before. He lifted off her tank top and bent down, sucking and nipping at her breasts. His tongue flicked across of the top of one of the hardened nipples, sending a gasp from her lips. Sarah’s body was on fire once more from lust, allowing him to explore her naked skin and head down to navel. She watched, with a mixture of embarrassment and desire as he undid the zipper of her pants with his pearly white teeth and pulled them down with his strong hands. Soon he was gazing at her wet mound and her cheeks flushed from the feelings of exposure.

  “I want to taste you Sarah,” He glanced upwards and gave a wicked smile at her surprised look and flushed cheeks, “Just relax.”

  She did as he instructed and allowed her long hair to rest on the sleep bag, her eyes closed to feel his touch even deeper in her skin. His tongue dancing along her naked thighs, planting kisses as he went. Sarah could feel her legs already shaking in anticipating for what he would do next. Dan stopped just above her throbbing sex and gave a smile, then dove in roughly. Sarah gasped in surprise and pleasure, allowing the feeling of his tongue on her clitoris to send lightning bolts of pleasure through every ounce of her being. The feeling was torture and yet she didn’t want him to stop, the pressure continuing to build into an explosive orgasm that echoed her cry through the woods beyond. He looked up at her face and rose to meet it with another wet kiss.

  “Tell me you want me Sarah.” He commanded and rose to mount her body.

  “I want you Dan,” She cried out desperately, her eyes still shut tightly, “Please.”

  He smiled in pleasure at her words and slid his hard cock inside, watching her squirm under his size. With a grunt he thrust deeply into her soaking wet sex and pressed firmly against her most intimate of spaces. Sarah cried out, the feeling of fullness returning to her body once more. He retreated slightly, pulling out until just the tip of his manhood remained inside and loomed there for a moment, watching her body wiggle under the torture. Then with a thrust he filled her once more, smiling in delight at the tight grasp of her hands on his backside. Again he pulled back slowly and hung in anticipation, slamming forward just a roughly. The torture was getting to him too, teasing his own body closer and closer to orgasm as he went.

  “Please.” She cried out, clawing at his muscular back.

  “Please what?” He chuckled playfully.

  “Take me hard,” She called out into the night air, “faster please.”

  “Yes my love,” He whispered.

  Harder and faster he pumped his hard cock inside of her, watching happily as she grew wilder under his constant pleasure. Sarah could feel her sex aching for a final release and she thrust her hips upward to meet his in desperation. The need was so overpowering, so strong within every inch of her heated body. Faster he pressed, gritting his teeth and grasping at the earth beside her. Finally the two collapsed into a rush of orgasmic pleasure on the ground. The waves still shot through her body like pulses of euphoria as he held her close to his warm chest. Sarah attempted to steady her breath, her chest falling rapidly below the sleeping bag. He was incredible in bed, making her feel like a complete woman and yet helpless in his hands like putty. It was no wonder the woman clawed so desperately to keep him. Soon she dressed, feeling the chill of the night air creeping onto her naked skin, and snuggled in closely to him for warmth and comfort. I wish this could last a lifetime, she frowned and closed her eyes. The world around the two lovers was silent, with the occasion sounds of winds rustling through the branches above head. At least for the moment life had been put on pause and peace surrounded them both.

  Chapter 2

  Dan awoke to the sounds of a woodpecker overhead, tapping reverently upon a large tree. He rose, glancing to his left and finding the sleeping bag beside him empty. She must have gone to the bathrooms. He stretched and rolled up the bags, placing them neatly into his bike’s saddle bags. He dowsed the fire and waited for Sarah to return, fixing his sandy blonde hair down with his rough hands. The night before had been the beginning of the rest of his new life, and he was excited to find what the future would hold. After half an hour had passed, he began to worry. What’s taking her so long? He muttered impatiently as the sun grew higher in the sky above the trees. It was then he realized that her bag was missing, as well as her other belongings. Panic raced through his heart as he realized the truth.

  His worst fear had come true. The minute he had opened his heart a woman she left him, snuck out in the middle of the night. A mixture of depression and anger began to fill his heart. He cried out to the morning sun in utter devastation. Then the confusion began to set in, wondering what he had said or done to make her leave. It’s too late to find out now. His mind growled as he kicked at the ground with his boots. Despite his bad boy look and history of trouble, underneath there was that little boy that watched his mother running for the door with a suitcase in hand. She never even looked back as she closed the door behind her. I wonder if Sarah even looked back as she drove off for her new life in California. He began to weep.

  Noon fast approached as the signs began to indicate she would soon reach the California state line. Almost there. She smiled to herself and cranked up the radio in her Lime Green Pinto. To her left a single motorcycle passed and her stomach churned. Don’t think about him. Her mind was coaching her along, resisting the temptation to turn around and find him. She knew that there was no way a bad boy like Dan Mayfield could ever settle down and be the family man she had desired for her future. Yes he was gorgeous and incredible in bed, but she just couldn’t picture him living in a two story home and working a steady job, which is what she needed. It was best if they parted ways silently, before she allowed her heart to get involved any further than it already had been. It was a crazy adventure, one she would take with her on her days ahead, but that is all it could ever amount to in the end.

  By midafternoon she found herself driving down a long stretch of high way surrounded by palm trees. Skateboarders and rollerblades lined the street’s sidewalks and the city was bustling with summer life. Sarah gave a long sigh and inhaled the salty sea air blowing in from the coast line as she gazed out at the ocean and its vastness of blue. I could get used to this. She laughed to herself and pulled into a larger chain motel parking lot. After the seedy motels and a night in the dirt, she was aching for a decent lodging. At the front desk she was greeted by a very tan, and smiling young blonde that looked up her reservation.

  “Oh yes, Miss Mayfield,” She tapped on her keyboard. “We’ve been expecting you.”

  She was shown to her room and gasped at the gorgeous ocean view from her balcony. The hotel had been arranged by the man she was meeting in the morning about an important position in research with the University. A long shower and some of the best food she had tasted in nearly a week and Sarah began to feel somewhat like herself again. She sat on the Balcony sipping an iced coffee and gazing out at the shimmering waters, confident that tomorrow’s interview would go off without a hitch. On the beach, she noticed a man that resembled Dan and her heart sank once more. Why did he have to be such a rebel? She let a tear fall down her cheek. If only things could be different, she would have spent the rest of her life with that man. It was too late to go back now, and even if she had it would change things. She couldn’t tame his wild heart and he belonged out there, somewhere lost on the open road. Her heart was heavy with the memories of his rough but gentle touch and the way it brought her body to life. A long sigh and another sip.


  Dan sat at the empty campsite awhile, staring dista
ntly into the woods beyond. The site beside his was home to a young family, complete with mother, father and two young boys. He reflected back to his own childhood and how there was always something missing from it. For the first portion he grew up fatherless, his dad leaving them behind for the open road. Then when his mother married Ray he thought his life would finally be complete, until she too took off and left him behind. Ray had been a voice of wisdom, though he seldom actually took the good advice, and the closest thing to a father he had ever known. But his heart called for the open road and trouble lay at every winding bend in it. He watched for some time as the family went about their vacation, the mother cooked eggs over an open fire while the father played with the young boys, swinging them around and filling the quiet woods with laughter. He gave a sigh and finally mounted his bike for the road. At the entrance to the campsite he looked to his right, reading the signs that indicated the California border was just ahead a few more miles. To his left, the road back onto Route 66 where he had spent most of his young adult life. For a moment he sat, the engine of his bike purring underneath, and contemplated going after her. Sarah why the hell did you take off? He shook his head and turned back onto Route 66.


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