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The Nasty Vamp

Page 3

by Gail Koger

  I swallowed hard. Ben was one scary ass predator. “Ah… Well, sir, I kinda wasn’t. My temper’s been a bit iffy lately and when I saw his car I really couldn’t help myself. Once I realized it was trap I should have kept my mouth shut and got the hell out of there.”

  “Damned straight. Why did you bring him here?”

  “Uh… I was kinda hoping for a little backup but…”

  McGregor stepped into the bar and his furious gaze zeroed in on me. “That bitch comes with me.”

  Ben’s power flared as he stepped in front of me. “That bitch is a member of my pack.”

  Yeah, lucky me. Ben had given me the wonderful choice of joining the pack the easy way or the hard way. Since I didn’t want to become furry once a month I picked the easy way.

  The nasty vamp seemed a bit surprised. “She’s human.”

  My Alpha shrugged. “Your point is?”

  Ian’s mental voice snapped, Is he fucking you?

  Like I had time for a boyfriend? Oh yeah, every night.

  You think that will stop me from taking you?

  Pretty much, my werewolf’s a bit possessive.

  McGregor bared his teeth in a feral smile and got in Ben’s face. “I’ll fight you for her.”

  Oh hell no.

  Ben’s fangs lengthened. “Think you can beat me, vampire?”

  Ian’s voice was a purr of menace. “Aye. The winner gets the woman.”

  And testosterone raised its ugly head.


  “What!? You can’t do that. I’m not a piece of property. You can’t just give me away.”

  “You belong to my pack and I can do anything I want with you, sweetheart,” Ben responded and threw me over his shoulder.

  “But…” I wiggled frantically. “Slavery was abolished over two hundred years ago!”

  McGregor’s eyes burned with the promise of retaliation. “Is she always this mouthy?”

  “I’ve been thinking of muzzling her.”

  “You ass! After all I’ve done for your pack…” A yelp broke from me when he smacked me hard on the butt.

  “Shut it.” He turned to Ian. “Follow me.”

  And down to the dimly lit basement we went. A row of battered bleachers surrounded a large pit used for fighting.

  Ben dumped me on the counter of the backup bar and in low, guttural voice commanded, “You will sit here and cheer your Alpha to victory.”

  “Gee and I left my pom-poms at home.”

  His eyes cold with menace, Ben snarled, “Ann.”

  I froze. He only used my real name when he was close to ripping my throat out. “Attack. Attack. Attack. Knock him flat. Sic’em. Sic’em. Sic’em. Gooo Ben.”

  “Good God.” With a disbelieving shake of his head, he turned to Jake. “Do not let her move from this spot.”

  Jake clamped a big hairy hand on my shoulder. “She ain’t going anywhere, boss.”

  Unbuttoning his shirt, McGregor’s possessive gaze roamed over me. “I won’t have a problem taming her.”

  “And I won’t have a problem killing you.”

  The nasty vamp grinned. “Vicious little thing, aren’t you?”

  Ben yanked his shirt off. “Whatever you do, don’t let her get near you with a knife. She’s got a bad habit of gelding men.”

  McGregor raised an incredulous eyebrow.

  I gave him an evil smile. “Hey, I look at it this way. You gotta sleep sometime and when you do, whack. Your little pecker is history. So, you might wanna rethink this fucking me till I scream thing.”

  Jake choked on his beer.

  The big, bad vampire leaned down until we were nose to nose. “I do love a challenge sweetling and you know the size of my pecker.”

  My temper flared and I pulled my feet back for a nice groin kick.

  A low threatening growl issued from Ben. One glance at his lengthening muzzle and I quickly dropped my feet. “Since Ben’s going to kick your ass, I won’t have to see that pitiful thing again.”

  “Won’t you?”

  His massive hand suddenly clamped around the back of my neck and the next thing I knew, Ian’s mouth closed over mine in a punishing, possessive kiss. I groped for the knife in my boot.

  My Alpha jerked the vampire away from me and shoved him towards the pit. “You haven’t won her yet.”

  Implacable resolve stamped on his face, McGregor bared his fangs menacingly. “It’s only a matter of time.”

  I scrubbed a hand over my mouth. It felt like he had branded me.

  A sharp pain suddenly sliced through my head. Hell, blood fiends. I reached out mentally and groaned. A shit load of them were heading our way. Like my life wasn’t exciting enough?

  Until a few months ago I only had to deal with a few of the human monsters. Now, they were organized and doing a tremendous amount of damage.

  These losers actually believed vampire blood was the answer to all their pathetic problems. Sure it temporarily gave them strength, speed and glamour but it was also highly addictive. The dummies failed to realize when you tortured said vamps before forcibly taking their blood they released a toxic enzyme which quickly caused bits and pieces to start rotting off. It usually started with the nose or ears. Believe me it got pretty damned gross.

  To keep their bits intact the fiends needed more and more blood. Which lead to another wonderful side affect, the insatiable need for sex. They were like the Energizer Bunny on crack and they didn’t care what they were humping. Don’t ask.

  Bloodcurdling howls sounded from my drunken pack members as Ben transformed into a pony sized black wolf.

  God, this night was turning into a major cluster fuck. I put two fingers into my mouth and let out an ear-piercing whistle.

  Everyone stopped and stared at me in astonishment.

  “Blood fiends.”

  “Trying to save your Alpha, sweetling?”

  I ignored him. “In about five minutes we’re going to have a whole lot of company, Ben.”

  A low rumbling growl issued from the wolf and seconds later my very naked Alpha stood there. My gaze locked on his gargantuan pecker. Good God! How in the hell did that thing ever fit?

  “How many?”

  I watch in fascinated horror as the thing got bigger and bigger.



  Ben’s callused hand tilted my head up to meet his amused gaze. “How many fiends?”

  “Oh!” My face burned with embarrassment. “About thirty.”

  McGregor demanded, “Is this some kind of trick?”

  “Oh yeah, I can summon blood fiends at will.”

  “Show him.”

  Let him invade my mind? Was he nuts? “I think that’s a really bad idea, sir.”


  The menace in Ben’s voice sent chills down my spine. “Yes, sir.” I reluctantly opened my mind and flinched as McGregor slid in and made himself at home.

  You haven’t slept with the wolf or any other man.

  We are so not having this conversation.

  Do you long for my touch, sweetling?

  I long for the day when I can stake your ass.

  His amused laugh echoed in my head. You couldn’t harm me then and you can’t harm me now.

  Dammit! He was right. I had tried. Repeatedly. What did you do to me?

  Other than fucking you senseless?

  Answer the question, you gutless bastard.

  I bound you to me.

  God, you’re such a liar.

  Am I? Then remove your medallion.

  Panic cramped my stomach. Omigod! There was no way… A searing pain slashed across my mind and a cry broke from me.

  McGregor blocked the pain. Blood fiends?

  Yes. Gritting my teeth, I focused on them and thankfully McGregor snapped into his predator mode.

  Tightening his grip on me, he thoroughly examined the fiend’s auras. A very unique talent.

  Now you know so get the hell out of my head.

  I felt him link with another powerful vampire and project the images of the fiends into his mind. Gather the men, Ajax.

  As you command, sire.




  My Head!

  You will make a useful addition to my clan.

  I’ve already got a job but thanks for the offer. Now can we go kill some blood fiends?

  His approval swept across my mind. You have a warrior’s heart.

  Now that we’ve established that swell fact, get out!

  Pain suddenly vibrated through every cell of my body. Watch your tone.

  Wincing, I quickly added, I can’t hold my focus with you in my head. Okay?

  It will come with practice, Ian stated and was gone.

  With practice!? Oh, hell no. The thought of him in my head on a regular basis totally freaked me out. I had to get far, far away from him.

  “You okay, Bunny?”

  “Just peachy,” I snapped at the rotten sonofabitch that had put me in this situation. A cold chill skittered down my spine at the triumphant gleam in my Alpha’s eyes.

  Ben held out his right hand to the nasty vamp and asked, “Truce?”

  The nasty vamp shook it. “Truce. We’ll settle her ownership later.”


  I bristled. “Ownership!?”

  Ben handed me a crossbow and a quiver of arrows. “Sic’em girl.”

  “Har. Har.” I slid off the bar and headed up the stairs.

  McGregor added, “And Bunny, if you run, you won’t like the consequences.”

  For a long moment I was tempted to shoot both of them in the balls. Thankfully, sanity got the upper hand. “Yes’um master.”

  “She’s a bit of a smart mouth,” Ben commented.

  “I have ways to keep her mouth busy.”

  Calling on every bit of control I had, I continued up the stairs. I really needed to kill something.

  Okay, I’d be the first to admit I’m a bit of a rookie in the whole sex department. Six Tequila shots had made my first sexual experience a bit of a blur. The only thing I remember clearly is McGregor’s fangs buried in my neck and the orgasm to end all orgasms ripping through me. I never really got an up close and personal look at his penis.

  Was it as big as Ben’s? Who knew? Maybe gargantuan peckers were common in vamps and werewolves. It’s not like you could ask them to drop their pants before you staked them.

  For the last three years my social life had sucked. Alfred training was extremely rigorous and I was kept segregated from the general population. My trainers had strict order to keep me confined to the base. Seemed my little side trips to blow up McGregor’s cars didn’t sit well with the Council. Go figure.

  Of course, Bambi was free to roam and never seemed to have a problem getting laid. I think she slept with every instructor in the academy. Probably how she managed to graduate at the top of her class.

  Unfortunately, what I learned about sex came from my cousin. She’d come to my room bragging about her latest conquest and then describe every act in graphic detail. Bambi’s pretty limber but some of the positions she boasted about were anatomically impossible. It was like she was out to prove something. What? I hadn’t a clue and I really didn’t give a fuck. After that disastrous night, the last thing on my mind was doing it again.

  I stomped through the bar and right out the front door.

  Ben shouted, “Dammit Bunny, wait for us.”

  “Tic tock. Time’s up,” I shouted back, grabbed a handful of flash bangs from my saddlebags and hurled them around the parking lot as three of the fiends’ bright red Hummers skidded to a stop.

  The fiends boiled out of the cars like roaches and scurried towards the bar with their stun batons.

  Ewww. Their pallid faces were a rotted mess. Sliding my sunglasses on, I hit the timer and yelled loudly, “Fire in the hole.”

  My pack members stampeded back into the bar and the startled vamps popped out an instant later.

  Bam. Bam. Bam. Bam. Bam. Night turned into day, blinding the ghouls and I started firing. Time slipped into slow motion as the vampires and werewolves joined the fight. Sixty heart-stopping chaotic seconds later it was over. Bloody bits and pieces of the fiends littered the parking lot. My eyes watered. God, the stench was enough to make a mortician puke.

  Unease skittered down my spine. This had been way too easy. Had desperation made this bunch suicidal or were they a diversion?

  My cell phone rang. One look at the caller ID and my stomach clenched. “What can I do for you Mr. Bodine?”

  “The fiends are hitting Sanctuary. Bring your new friends.” The line went dead.

  “This was a diversion Ben. They’re hitting Sanctuary.”

  “Dammit! Everyone mount up.” The pack ran to their bikes.

  Chapter Three

  I climbed on my Ducati and started the engine.

  McGregor swung on behind me and wrapped a massive arm around my waist. “Let’s go, sweetling.”

  A feral little smile pulled at my mouth. He wanted a ride? I’d give him a ride he’d never forget. I revved the engine, shot out of the parking lot and made a kamikaze cut across two lanes of traffic. Horns blared, tires squealed, people shouted profane curses at me as I zigzagged wildly through the cars.

  I don’t scare that easily, sweetling and if you damage yourself, I will not be pleased.

  Maybe death’s better than a life spent in sexual servitude. I almost ran us into the back of a taxi when his hand caressed my left breast.

  Spoken like a love-starved woman.

  Love starved? I was so going to stake him.

  Ben zipped up beside me. “Dammit Bunny, knock it off.”

  Bitch. Bitch. Bitch. A green light turned to red. I blasted through it with a snarling werewolf right on my ass.

  “Slow down, Ann!”

  “And let those monsters destroy Isobel’s Sanctuary? Not happening on my watch.”

  My warriors have teleported to her aid.

  Reluctantly I dropped my speed. His warriors were very, very good. Why didn’t you pop in with them?

  And leave you unguarded? I think not.

  Ditching him was gonna be a bitch. My headlights hit Sanctuary’s crumpled iron gates. Or maybe not. A piece of the jagged metal dangled from the archway. Grinning, I shot under it and wham! My hitchhiker went flying.

  That was a mistake.

  Every nerve in my body tensed at the menace in his voice. Maybe, but I’m not going down without a fight.

  The battle is over.

  Is it? Brave words but I knew if I didn’t put the pedal to the metal, the nasty vamp was going to make me rue the day I was born. I barreled up the drive and yelped in surprise when McGregor’s powerful arms suddenly wrapped around my waist and I was abruptly plucked from my bike. Hey!

  My Ducati crashed into a tree. You ass!

  You will soon learn that there are consequences for your actions.

  That’s when I realized I was twenty feet off the ground and zooming up the drive at breakneck speed. I clung to him. Omigod! You can fly.


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