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Amy (Aces MC Series Book 3.5)

Page 9

by Foster, Aimee-Louise

  Chapter 5


  I twirled in front of the mirror making sure that I looked okay from every angle. I'd bought a new dress which hung just above the knee and looking at my reflection I was pleased with my purchase and only hoped that James was too. By leaving work an hour early, I had time to make myself look presentable and was just adding the finishing touches when I received a message.

  I'm so sorry but I've got to cancel this evening. I promise I'll make it up to you. James x

  I read the text and felt an array of emotions from disappointment to rage. I could understand that things cropped up but to be let me down five minutes before I was due to leave was a little rough and hard to swallow especially when I'd put so much effort in. I fell back onto the bed and racked my brain whether to respond to his text or not. I would've much preferred a phone call to explain which also made the whole situation odd, as James had manners and I would've thought that was more his style.

  I decided to not respond, I'd only end up being spiteful and I wanted to at least hear him out if he was prepared to explain at a later date but the whole situation got my mind working overtime. Why would a man cancel a date and at the very last minute? Was he possibly having second thoughts? No that couldn't be the reason otherwise he wouldn't have said he'll make it up to me but then again was he stringing me along? There were so many possibilities but the one thing that kept playing on my mind was the possibility that he may have a girlfriend. I hadn't thought of asking, when he reminded me who he was, I was so taken aback that my excitement took hold and I just ran with it. I let out a loud sigh and draped my arm over my face as I pondered what to do. There was no way I was staying in when I was looking this hot and racked my brains for somewhere to go and who I could possibly invite, then inspiration hit me.

  "Hi babe, what you doing tonight?" I asked Savannah as I locked up my flat and walked toward the taxi that was waiting for me outside.

  "I'm working until 9.00pm this evening. Why you asking I thought you were out with James?" she shouted over the loud music in the background.

  I huffed as I sat in the back seat of the taxi and held my hand over the receiver, "I'm going to the Birdcage." I told the taxi driver as he nodded. I placed the phone back to my ear," Yeah so did I but he's blown me out."

  "Really?" she shrieked surprised by what I'd just said.

  "Really but I'm not wasting this dress. Wanna meet me for a drink after your shift?" I asked hopefully.

  "Okay I'll be there in a minute," Savannah shouted. "Babe I'm up next, come to the club and we'll sort it out when you get here. I've gotta go."

  "I'm already on my way."

  "Good, love ya!"

  "Love you too!" The call ended and I placed my mobile in the breast pocket of my jacket and sat back in the seat to get comfortable.

  "If you were mine babe I'd never blow you off." I glanced at the taxi driver as he leered at me in the rear view mirror.

  "I'd never blow you off either," I sneered. What a cheeky bastard listening to my phone call.

  I folded my arms across my chest and looked out of the window during the short journey to Waltham Abbey, as I contemplated my evening and how differently it could've turned out. I was so disappointed with the situation and not only that but for also opening myself up to someone so easily.

  We pulled up outside the club and I quickly handed the driver a note before he spoke to me, "Keep the change." I stated as I shimmed across the seat to open the door. The breeze blew up my skirt and gave me goosebumps but it wasn't going to sway my good mood although I looked like I was dressed more for summer. I slowly walked across the gravel until I met the path directly in front of the club and breathed in the smell of cigarette smoke.

  "You want one?"

  I turned to see Jacob hold out his box of fags and turned up my nose slightly, "I'm so tempted but I shouldn't."

  "Well the offer's there babe." Jacob shook the box and went to return them to his pocket but I made a quick grab for them.

  "You shouldn't be encouraging me." I said pulling a fag from the box and handing them back to him. I placed the fag in my mouth and stepped forward cupping around it with my hands as Jacob moved the naked flame closer to the end of my cigarette.

  I let out a loud sigh as I exhaled the smoke, "That feels good." I placed the butt back into my mouth but the enjoyment was short lived as the fag was ripped from my lips.

  "What the fuck are you doing?" Savannah shouted. "And I suppose you had something to do with this Skinner?" she asked turning her attention to Jacob.

  He held up his hands in a defensive stance, "Oh come on Savannah she's a grown woman."

  Savannah flicked her long hair over her shoulders before she stepped directly in front of him, I saw him swallow hard and his eyes widen at her close proximity.

  "She's on a downer this evening and needs cheering up not lung cancer!" She placed her hands on her hips and glared at him, I sniggered at the stand off in front of me. They had it bad for each other but would never admit a thing and it was amusing to see the cat and mouse act to try and hide the fact that they so badly needed to fuck.

  "I think we can safely say that you're overreacting just a little." Jacob placed his thumb and index finger about an inch apart indicating how much she was overreacting which didn't go down too well by the look on her face.

  I watched in slow motion as Savannah grabbed the beer bottle from the wall and poured it directly over Jacobs head without him even flinching, "Oh really?" she said dryly before turning on her heels and heading back into the club, "Are you coming Amy?" she shouted.

  I glanced at Jacob as he wiped the beer from his eyes, as an excited wry smile filled his face at the attention he'd just received.

  "I'm coming," I shouted back but she was already in the club. "Sorry for getting you in trouble."

  "Oh don't worry about it babe, I like getting into trouble with Savannah." Jacob gave me a cheeky wink and passed me his fag so that I could take a couple of drags before it was dead.

  I sniggered to myself before I leaned over and stubbed the butt in the ashtray resting on the wall, when I stepped back I was surprised to see Jacob hold out his arm so I could be escorted into the club.

  "What do you want to drink Amy?"

  "Something very wet and very strong," I replied as I weaved my way through the crowd in the direction of the bar. I was mindful of how short my dress was, I perched on the stool so I wasn't showing anyone my modesty and swivelled around when I recognized the intro to 'Kiss it better'. Savannah looked amazing as she strutted onto the stage with not a hair out of place but I could see that she was clearly pissed off as she danced around the poll.

  "You usually drink vodka and orange don't you?" Jacob asked grabbing my attention.

  I nodded my head, "I am so fine with that, just keep them coming." Jacob drew his brows together looking at me concerned, and I rolled my eyes. "Look, I've been stood up this evening and I just want to have a couple of drinks with Savannah and vent my frustration."

  Jacob held his hands up in defence, "That's fine with me babe but you know your brother will have a fit if you get wasted and I haven't called it in."

  I nodded my head understanding his predicament, "I promise I'm not getting wasted tonight. You can even supervise if you want to."

  "You're a big girl Amy, just look after yourself." Jacob stood and threw some money onto the bar.

  "Aren't you staying?" I asked confused that he was leaving so soon.

  He glanced over his shoulder to look up at Savannah dancing provocatively on the stage, "Nah, I've gotta get out of here babe before I do something I may regret." Returning his attention back to me he gave a small smile that didn't quite meet his eyes and turned to stroll towards the exit, I watched as he said goodbye to a few people before he left the building.

  "So where's he gone then?" I turned my head to the direction of the voice to see Savannah patting down her skin with a lightweight towel as she joined me at the bar.

  "He had an appointment or something." I lied hoping that she wouldn't see straight through me.

  Savannah looked confused but gestured for Natasha to come over. "Iced water please when you're ready." Natasha smiled and turned to walk further down the bar to get Savannah's drink.

  "Okay," she said thoughtfully. "Just seems a little strange as he hasn't been here long."

  "So do you usually keep tabs on when he's in or not?" I asked trying to get a reaction from her.

  She shook her head, "No, it's just that he's a regular."

  "I bet he is!" I muttered under my breath.

  "Sorry what was that?" Savannah asked clearly not hearing what I'd said the first time.

  "Oh nothing." I sang sweetly picking up my drink to take a swig as Savannah looked at me through narrowed eyes. "Are you finished for the night?" I asked changing the subject looking at her attire.

  "Yeah I was allowed to knock off as my friend needed company." Savannah took her drink from Natasha as she handed it to her over the bar with a sad smile on her face taking the piss.

  "Oh please, I've only been stood up and feeling a little sorry for myself it's nothing serious." I said with a huff. Savannah and Natasha giggled simultaneously as I folded my arms across my chest waiting for them to finish laughing at my expense. "When you're ready ladies!" I stated sarcastically.

  "Oh come on Amy, 'It's nothing serious'," Savannah air quoted to another bout of giggles from Natasha. "You've got a face like a slapped arse so let's get you out of this mood."

  "How are we going to do that?" I asked sticking out my bottom lip to indicate I was sulking.

  Savannah smirked, "You're going to vent all of your frustrations, and myself and Natasha are going to listen and offer advice that only good friends can do." I smiled, "See, its working already."

  "Okay, well it's the fact that he seemed so into me and has just let me down at the last minute."

  "Did he say what cropped up?"

  "No, he just said that he had to cancel and he promises to make it up to me."

  Savannah rubbed her chin thoughtfully, "Well if he wasn't interested he wouldn't promise to make it up to you babe, he'd just give you the flick."

  "See I thought that and then I remembered that he's going to be working for the club." Both women looked at me confused. "Well Mitchell sort of warned him to treat me well."

  Savannah rolled her eyes knowing full well what Mitchell was like. "That man needs to fucking chill, he's always getting involved in other people's shit when he wants to worry about his own."

  Now it was my turn to stare at Savannah. "Well that man annoys me sometimes as he needs to be a little more compassionate where you and I are concerned as we do a lot for him." I nodded my head in agreement as she was right. Mitchell didn't have an old lady, so Savannah and I were his sounding boards, which was okay but sometimes he then treated us like we were his old ladies. He bossed us around and told us what to do at every opportunity. I knew he was just trying to look out for us both but there should be a little give and take on both sides.

  "But my mind has also been working overtime thinking that he may have a wife or girlfriend, or that he's had second thoughts."

  "You think too much, that's your problem." Natasha said leaning on the bar.

  "He's probably still at work, been busy all day and wants to go home and chill. He can't tell you all this as you'll think he's boring so he'd rather blow you off and then make it up to you at a more convenient time." Savannah rested her hand on my knee reassuringly.

  "Do you think it's as easy as that?" I asked.

  "Hell yeah. Look Amy, you're beautiful babe. Any man would be out of his mind to not want to date you." I rolled my eyes at Savannahs comment. "No seriously Amy. You're not only beautiful, you're intelligent, articulate, quick witted and have such a loving heart. If he's getting shitty which I very much doubt he is, then fuck him off and move on because there are plenty of other blokes out there who'd want to get with you."

  "Ah babe, you're going to make me all emotional."

  "Well you need to get it together, don't get emotional and sulk until you know the full story. In fact you surprise me Amy, you never act like this over a bloke." I pursed my lips trying to refrain from saying anything but Savannah was right, the last person to make my heart flutter was Blake and that was five years ago, and even then I didn't go spouting my mouth off about the situation as it was in difficult circumstances.

  "Ah I get it now babe you really like him, don't you?" Savannah moved her hand from my knee and rested it on my shoulder, giving it a light squeeze as I simply nodded my head.

  I did like him, he was different to every bloke I'd dated and I wondered if I needed a change because past relationships hadn't turned out good. He was good looking without sounding shallow, he had a good job, was educated and most importantly had a great personality and made me laugh. These qualities were special and I think that's why I was holding a torch for him so quickly and was upset that I may not get the opportunity to explore these feelings.

  Savannah reached for her glass, "Well don't do anything rash and I'm afraid you're just going to have to wait until he makes contact and explains."

  "And under no circumstance are you to make contact with him first." I drew my brows confused by Natasha's comment but was distracted by Savannah's giggles. "I'm right, you make contact first and he'll see it like your chasing him. You need to make him squirm a little and play hard to get."

  I rolled my eyes at her comment, "Regardless of how much I like him, I'm certainly not calling him because I don't chase." I picked up my glass and swigged the remainder of the contents before sliding it in the direction of Natasha. "Fill it up babe, I need to get drunk."

  "I don't want to be a party pooper but you have work tomorrow and Diesel and Duke will have a shit attack if you're caught here shit faced!"

  Savannah made a very good point but I was yearning inside just to get wasted and forget about all of my insecurities and imperfections. I groaned, "Why are you so bloody right all the time?"

  She giggled, "Not right, just pointing out the obvious."

  "And I've been told not to serve you more than three drinks." Natasha laughed as she took my empty glass from the bar.

  My mouth fell open with shock at her comment and they laughed in unison. "Are you for real? You've actually been told not to serve me?" Natasha nodded her head. "They are unreal. I'm twenty-six not sixteen!"

  "And you've had a hard time and they're just looking out for you."

  I let out a sigh, "I'm going to take myself home." Their comments were a buzz kill and thoughts of James and the disappointment I felt when he cancelled this evenings date came flooding back. Why would he blow me out? The question continued ringing in my mind and I knew I wouldn't be able to concentrate until I was given answers.

  Chapter 6


  I was pissed last night when Savannah persuaded me not to drink but standing here now behind the counter in the cafe I was grateful of her words. There was currently a lull in the customers as it was just after the lunchtime rush, which was great as it gave me the time to clear away and get organised and even have something to eat myself. I heard the bell ring indicating that someone had just stepped through the door. "I'll be with you in a minute," I shouted over my shoulder as I continued to wipe down the work surfaces behind the counter. I threw the dishcloth into the bowl full of soapy water before wiping my wet hands on my apron. As I glanced towards the customer, my eyes enlarged and my heart beat quickened as I took in the sight before me.

  James was wearing a tight navy polo shirt, his arms were flexed as he hugged his chest but I noticed his hardened nipples as the material of his top was pulled tightly across his chest. I unconsciously licked my lips with appreciation but tried to refrain from ogling too much as I needed to keep it together. James had some explaining to do and the fact that he was here was a good sign as I hoped he would at least try to explain.

come in peace," James stated before moving his head in the direction of the counter. I hadn't seen the large bouquet of flowers until he indicated that they were there, I was too busy transfixed on his beauty as he stood before me.

  "They're lovely thank you but it really wasn't necessary." I reached for the bouquet and lifted the flowers to bring them to my nose so I could smell them. I let out a satisfied sigh as the sweet aroma filled my senses and was secretly pleased that he had selected different shades of purple as they would look lovely in my living room.

  "Yes it is, it's by way of an apology. I'm sorry about cancelling last night and especially at the very last minute but something important came up." I raised my brows silently asking him to continue but I could see the anxiety on his face by not wanting to carry on the conversation.

  "Well thank you, and like I said you really didn't have to." I took the flowers over to the sink and placed them onto the draining board. Bending down I opened the cupboard next to the sink and routed around until I found a large jug, and stood so that I could fill it with water. I placed the half full jug onto the draining board and positioned the bouquet gently into the water, making sure I leaned them against the wall so that they didn't fall. Stepping back from the arrangement I could see that they must have cost a small fortune but it wasn't as if he couldn't afford it. The thing was though, I wasn't interested in his money or gifts, I wanted his attention and most importantly wanted to spend the evening in his company last night. I turned on my heels and was taken aback to see him still sitting silently observing me from across the counter.

  "And you're still here because?" I said rudely.

  James placed both hands on his chest over his heart mimicking that he was hurt. "Oh babe, are you always this vicious?" James pulled a pained expression which made me giggle. I didn't want to give him an easy ride but he made it difficult to stay angry with him because of his charming nature.

  I tried to narrow my eyes and look affronted but it was no use, he could see straight through my bravado. James stood from the stool and leaned over the counter to take my wrist in his hand, gently pulling me closer until my stomach was flush with the work surface. "Don't get the hump with me Ames. I really want to explain but I just can't give you the answers you're probably looking for at this moment in time." I drew my brows together and tried to pull from his hold but James held firm. "I like to have control in everything that I do Ames but last night was beyond that. Please accept my heartfelt apology and I truly promise to make it up to you if you will allow me?" James continued to apply pressure on my wrist, my mouth went dry as I nervously allowed myself to be pulled towards him and couldn't take my eyes from his ripe lips.


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