Amy (Aces MC Series Book 3.5)

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Amy (Aces MC Series Book 3.5) Page 16

by Foster, Aimee-Louise

"It's another long story." I said with humour, referring to earlier conversations we'd had about long and short stories.

  James smiled understanding the meaning, "Well give me the short version then."

  I walked through the living room turning on the lights and the two lamps that were next to each sofa, and placed my handbag down on the coffee table. "Connor's presence around the refuge had worried some of the women, you can sort of see why so they've kind of forced Louise to leave."

  "Well does she have somewhere to go?" James asked sitting on the arm of the sofa.

  I nodded my head, "She will have on Monday, they've found her a two bedroom flat not far from Epping high street." I smiled hoping that this would be the fresh start she needed.

  "You care a lot about her and the twins don't you."

  "What makes you think that?" I asked intrigued by his comment.

  James stood and made his way over to the other side of the living room where I was standing and gently wrapped his arms around my waist, "The way your eyes twinkle especially when you mention the twins."

  I nodded my head slowly agreeing with what he'd said but then I quickly thought of the reasoning behind those feeling towards them and the desire to make sure that they were safe.

  "What's the matter Ames?" James asked seeing the change in my mood.

  I tried to smile, "I'm fine, just a little tired."

  He drew his brows as if assessing me before taking my hand and gently pulled me towards the bedroom. "Now you're talking my language," I willingly walked behind him making sure I got a good look at his arse.

  As we entered my bedroom James turned towards me and circled his finger in the air indicating that he wanted me to turn around. I smiled and lifted my hair at the nape of my neck and did as I was told feeling the excitement building in my stomach.

  James grasped the material of my dress at the top and used his other hand to unfasten the zip pulling it slowly to reveal my back, I let go of my hair letting it bounce around my breasts as James pulled the thin straps from my shoulders. The dress fluttered to the floor revealing my lace panties that covered my modesty and I let out a small moan as the cold air sent shivers up my already sensitive body.

  I heard James move from behind me and glanced over my shoulder intrigued as to what he was doing. He walked over to my bed and pulled back the duvet. "Get in," he stated as he reached for the top button of his shirt and unfastened it. This was different from our other encounters but I was always up for trying new things. I gave James my sexiest smile and sauntered over to the bed. As I perched on the mattress, I watched him remove the rest of his clothes, folding them in a tidy pile and placing them on the chair in the corner of the room.

  I watched him edge closer to the end of the bed before he crawled over the mattress to snuggle by my side. I lifted my legs up onto the bed and turned so that I was facing him, drawing my brows together confused. "What are you doing?" I asked as he pulled the duvet up over our bodies.

  "Snuggling with my girlfriend," he stated as if it were a matter of fact. He must have seen my confused expression as the edges of his lips turned up in a small smile, "I just want to spend some time with you babe, getting to know the real you." James placed his finger on my chest and moved it around in small circles.

  "Why do I have a feeling that this may turn into a Q and A session?" I asked rolling onto my back and tucking my hands behind my head so I could look at the ceiling.

  James sniggered, "Would that be such a bad thing?"

  I glanced in his direction quickly to see the widening of his eyes, "I suppose not, I've got nothing to hide." I quipped.

  James poked me in the side, "And what are you implying, that I have?" he asked humorously.

  "I'll go first," I stated quickly trying to change the subject. I wanted to ask him some questions regarding his private life and thought this game may be my way of finding out some more information.

  "Describe your perfect date?" Although I planned on extracting information from him, there was no harm in having some fun also.

  "It wouldn't matter where it was or even what it entailed as long as the person I spent that time with, was someone special." I nodded my head agreeing with his response. "Now my turn, how did you get that scar?" James pulled at the duvet so the scar on my tummy was visible. My mouth fell open at his direct question and I stared at him as I tried to process what he'd just asked.

  "You don't have to answer but I hope that you trust me enough to share the information."

  I hesitated wondering if this was his idea of a sick game but I wasn't embarrassed, the incident that happened five years ago only moulded me into the person I am today.

  "I was stabbed several times in the stomach and miscarried my baby, there were further complications which have resulted in me not being able to have children." I didn't look at James but I knew the pity would come because that's how people dealt with other peoples grief.

  "And how long ago did this happen?"

  His question took me by surprise and I rolled onto my side supporting my head on my hand, "Five years ago." I replied still unsure of where he was going with his line of questioning.

  "Before or after we met the first time at the club?" James moved his hand to my side and stroked my scar with his thumb.

  "Before, I was in recovery still when I met you as it had only been a couple of weeks." James nodded his head processing what I'd just told him. I was surprised as not once had James told me that he was sorry for what had happened which was a breath of fresh air.

  "What you thinking James?" I asked intrigued to what he thought about my revelation.

  He pursed his lips and pondered my question, looking up in the air as if looking for answers maybe. "Life throws many things at us but it's how we deal with those things that shape us into the people we are today."

  They were my thoughts exactly, I reached my hand forward to caress his cheek, "Thank you."

  It was James' turn to look at me confused, "For what?"

  "For not telling me you're sorry or that I'll get over it in time!" I stated raising my brows.

  "It's not my place to do that Ames." I snuggled into his chest and James wrapped his arms around me tightly pulling me in close. The feeling was fantastic to be able to lie here in bed having a cuddle without feeling pressured to do anything, although a little fumble under the covers wouldn't go a miss.

  "Can you stay the night?" I asked hopefully. He still hadn't managed to spend the whole evening with me yet but I hadn't pushed the situation until now.

  "I've got an early start tomorrow as I'm playing football." I stuck out my bottom lip sulking and saw the flash of deviance in James' eye's. "If I stay here I won't get any sleep and I won't be able to perform my best tomorrow." He was right, if he stayed we'd end up shagging all night.

  I rolled over onto my other side and James instinctively spooned me from behind, "Why don't you close your eyes and I'll stay with you until you fall asleep."

  I nodded my head, I liked that idea very much and slowly snuggled into his body.

  I opened my eyes startled by the sound of my phone ringing. I fumbled around on the bedside cabinet and swiped the screen noticing the call was from Taylor before placing it to my ear.

  “Taylor, what’s up?” I asked concerned. I didn't know what time it was but I knew that it was late.

  I heard her whimper. “Amy I need James,” she wailed down the phone.

  “Where are you?” I asked franticly moving from the bed. James must have fallen asleep also as he was still lying beside me although now awake and watching my every move.

  “At home, please hurry.” She sounded like she was in pain.

  “What’s the matter with you? Have you called Mitchell?” I asked grabbing my jogging bottoms from the dresser. James sat up but I saw his concern as he continued to watch me as I moved around the bedroom getting all of my things together. I indicated for him to do the same.

  “I came off the bike. I’m in so much pain
Amy, please hurry.”

  “We’ll be with you in ten minutes.”

  I hung up and threw my mobile onto the bed so that I could get my jumper over my head.

  "What's up Ames?" James asked as he rushed to put on his clothes.

  "I don't know too many details but Taylor has come off a bike and she's in a lot of pain."

  James bent down to pull up his trousers, "So why hasn't she gone to hospital?"

  "Your guess is as good as mine but she sounded like she needed to."

  "I've got my medical bag in the boot of the car but I may need to call my father should I need anything else." I nodded my head and opened the bedroom door eager to get to Taylor's house with James closely behind me. "I wouldn't mind but I'm not officially on the books yet." James said with humour in his voice.

  I sniggered at his comment, "Well let me just formally welcome you to the Ace's family."

  Chapter 13


  Bear's most recent phone call had stirred up a number of different emotions and his proposition of replacing him as the Aces Sergeant at Arms for the Essex Chapter had given me the perfect opportunity to head back home after five long years away and hopefully back into Amy's bed. I felt honoured when Bear informed me that the club had taken a vote to patch me in to the prestigious role and knew that I needed to do Duke proud to show my loyalty and respect.

  Bear had kept in contact during my stint in prison and Justice had attended his monthly visits so that I didn't go stir crazy but it was the information regarding Amy that had been playing on my mind most. Being inside allowed you time to think, you didn't have much else to do but if you weren't of a sound mind, the time inside could quite easily turn you nuts even more so.

  Justice had mentioned during his last visit that Amy was seeing Doc's son James. Now I had known Amy for years and during our six month relationship I got to know her a lot more than most. Amy was a spitfire, she wore her heart on her sleeve and would speak her mind in a way that only Amy could get away with. She was kind, fun loving and could turn her hand to pretty much anything and those were all reasons why I'd fallen for her.

  Our relationship had been all about the passion at first and Amy would give anybody a run for their money between the sheets. She had particular tastes and I found out very quickly that she knew what she wanted and how she needed to be taken in order for her to fulfil those needs, and I was the willing participant that helped her with that. Because of my understanding of what she craved, I was finding it very difficult to comprehend that the doctor's son could give her everything she needed including satisfying her in the bedroom. She'd found happiness with me once before and I was hoping that she'd be able to find that with me again on my return.

  After my release I went back to Norfolk to lick my wounds from Amy's initial rejection. I'd sent her a visitation order and knew it was a big ask but I was quietly confident that she would come and see me despite what had gone on in the past. I was obviously wrong and therefore knew that I needed to work a little harder to win her affections once more.

  On returning to Norfolk Birdie had insisted that I take a week off to recoup before I set off for Essex to start the next chapter of my life, but that week away only gave me more time to think and my desire to have her only intensified.

  "Duke!" I held out my arms and walked towards him. It had been a while since we'd spoken but he was the kind of mate that you didn't need to speak to everyday to know that he had your back. Duke and I had become good mates over the years, we were similar in age, temperament and outlook on life and that bond we'd established in the early years of club had just cemented over time.

  Duke turned towards me and a huge smile registered on his face as he looked genuinely pleased to see me. "Are you sure about moving here? I didn't think it was your scene anymore?" he asked sarcastically.

  "Yeah, I need a change of scenery and pussy!" I stated knowing that's the kind of response he'd expect from me although I knew there was only one pussy that I wanted to be seeing, tasting and fucking. I glanced around the room to see that the party was in full swing and there were a lot of ladies around that had been put to work tonight to keep us guys happy. I tried to refrain from asking about the one woman I was so desperate to see but the urges outweighed the response I may get from Duke. "How's Amy doing?" I asked raising my brows expectantly.

  "Just fine, so you can take that look off your face." Duke said bluntly not wanting to discuss her further. He cared for her a lot and I knew that he was going to be one of my biggest obstacles with trying to win her around. Amy was headstrong and knew her own mind but she would listen to the advice given to her by Duke and I was concerned that he wouldn't want us hooking up again.

  "Are you sure it's just pussy you want, you're not getting any younger mate!" I was pulled from my thoughts by Duke's smart arse comment.

  "Fuck off, just because you've claimed a bird doesn't mean I have to." I said sniggering although I wanted it to be true. Duke had finally settled down with what I had heard to be a good woman who gave him a run for his money and was strong enough to pull him up on his shit. He needed that because of his strong character and position within the club and I was pleased for him but it only highlighted the fact that I was missing something from my life. I wasn't ready to have that difficult conversation with him yet and tell him the real reason I'd come back but I would in good time.

  I glanced around the room, "Who can you recommend?" I asked loathing the thought of being between anyone else's thighs.

  Duke raised his brow, "Depends what you're into?"

  I sniggered, "Everything!"

  Duke looked around the clubhouse and caught the attention of two buxom women, a blonde and a red head and beckoned them over with a nod.

  "I want you to take special care of my dear friend, and give him anything he wants!" Duke told the two women with humour in his voice.

  They giggled as I walked towards them and placed my arms around their waists as I led them through the bar.

  "Grab me a beer," I stated to the red head. She smiled and loosened her grip around me to go to the bar as I continued in the direction of the back rooms with the blonde. The very back rooms that I'd started my relationship with Amy in. I grimaced at the thought and pushed the door open to the first available room, it hadn't changed much since the last time I was in here but it had everything needed to accommodate a person and thinking about it, it would probably be my room until I sorted out a permanent place to stay.

  "I didn't know what you wanted so I brought a selection." The red haired stated pulling me from my thoughts as she walked through the door holding a variety of different bottles.

  "That's fine babe, just put them on the side." I indicated to the bedside cabinet and delved into my pocket to retrieve my keys as I had a bottle opener attached. I grabbed a bottle of Budweiser, and used the bottle opener to loosen the lid as I felt a pair of hands wrap around my waist from behind. The giggling from both women filled the room, I rolled my eyes and let out a loud sigh at the scene that I had seen so many times before but it just wasn't having the same desired effect. I placed the bottle onto the cabinet and grabbed the wrists of the blonde haired bird, stopping her from unfastening my jeans. As I turned I saw the confusion on her face as she looked at me questioning my motives, "It's been a while babe, I've just got out after a stretch inside." She nodded her head understanding as I leaned over to pick up my bottle of beer again and strolled over to the chair positioned in the corner of the room. "What I'd really like to see is a little girl on girl to get me in the mood."

  A smile spread across her face, "We can do that babe." She stated giving me a cheeky wink before moving over to the other willing participant who was already lying comfortably on the bed.

  I took my phone out from my cut and sat in the chair, taking another swig from my bottle as I watched the two women undress each other. Glancing back at my phone I scrolled through my contacts and hovered over Amy's name, I wasn't sure if she'd kept th
e same number or if I should even dare making contact this evening. I was surprised not to see her here tonight although I'd heard that she had distanced herself somewhat from the club since our spilt five years ago. I couldn't get my head around that as she'd been reared to become an associate and even an old lady with the qualities she had. She needed to be my old lady, I only hoped that I could convince her and hadn't left it too late.

  "Are you going to join us?" I glanced over at the bed to see the two naked women touching each other's breasts. I placed my hand on my cock through my jeans and there was nothing, not even a stirring. What the fuck was wrong with me? "Carry on ladies, I've just got to send a few messages and then I'll be with you." I let out a sigh and took a swig from my beer, it was going to be a long night.

  Chapter 14


  I pressed the button for the central locking as I made my way over to the garage. Frank said he'd take a look at my car this morning as it was still being very temperamental.

  Frank looked up from the bonnet of a Ford and smiled as he saw me walk into the garage, "Good morning beautiful and how are you?" he asked rubbing his hands on a cloth he took from his belt.

  I liked Frank, he'd been like a father figure to myself over the years looking out for me and some of the other children when our own fathers were incarcerated or too shit faced or high to know what day of the week it was let alone remember if they had a child to look after.

  "Hi Frank." I opened my arms wide as I walked towards him and wrapped them around his middle as he enveloped me in his embrace. "I'm very well thank you and you?" I asked concerned as he looked a little tired.

  "All good Amy," he stated giving me a small smile that wasn't at all convincing. I let it drop as he obviously didn't want to talk about it, and held up the keys to my Mini.

  "I appreciate you taking another look. If it's not worth repairing let me know Frank and I'll think about purchasing a new one, I need something reliable."

  Frank nodded his head, "I'll take a look babe and let you know. Do you want a lift somewhere?"


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