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Kenny (Shifter Football League Book 2)

Page 92

by Becca Fanning

  She made it back to her cabin quickly, her coat wrapped around her to fight off the chill. When she opened the door, Petey greeted her, happy as ever. There was a fire roaring in the fireplace, keeping the entire house warm.

  Gina went immediately to the shower. She needed it, more than anything. The water was warm — not hot; they hadn’t perfected that technique, but it was more than she had ever thought was possible.

  She stripped down, tossing her clothes in the hamper. The bathroom was truly amazing. The whole cabin was amazing. Since she was one of the more important members of their new society, the General had insisted that she get a real house. There was a living room, kitchen, small bedroom, and a bathroom. It was so much more than she thought would ever have again.

  She felt the warm water washing away all of the sweat and grime from a long day’s work. The water felt amazing. She heard the door open to the bathroom, then the door to the shower opened and Dean stepped inside.

  It had been nearly five months since Dean had disappeared down the road, and then come back a few minutes later. He had picked her up in an embrace, telling her he would never leave her again.

  “How’d it go?” he asked, coming up behind her and wrapping his arms around her wet body. She collapsed against him, letting him embrace her.

  “A beautiful baby girl,” she told Dean. “It went so smoothly. How was your day?”

  “Tough. But good,” he answered, then he turned her around and planted his lips on hers. She lost herself in them, feeling the softness against her skin. He kissed down her neck as he always did, then moved down to her breasts. She let out a small moan, running her fingers through his wet hair.

  He dropped to his knees, kissing down and down, moving down her stomach, past her navel, and then between her legs. Gina let out a moan as his lips found her, kissing everywhere around. She felt his tongue slide against her clit, then between her lips, then dip deep inside of her. Gina braced herself by putting both hands on the shower walls.

  Dean’s lips expertly kissed her, his tongue moving inside of her. She closed her eyes as he slid one of his fingers inside, bringing an altogether different type of pleasure as he brought her to climax.

  After such a long, exhausting day, it wasn’t long before Gina felt her orgasm building within her. She let it come, quickly, the warmth spreading entirely throughout her body and making her legs weak. She held out against it, briefly, then when she couldn’t hold it back anymore, she let it peak through her.

  Her pleasure hit her like a truck. Her legs shook, and if it wouldn’t have been for Dean, she would have slid down onto the shower floor. Her whole body was hot, the warm water running over it, her nipples hard as her happiness streamed through her like electricity.

  Her orgasm finally passed and Dean stood up, a smile on his face.

  “Was that good?” he asked, though he already knew the answer.

  Gina breathed out a quiet, “Yes.”

  Dean came around behind her, gripping her breasts in both hands. He squeezed gently, cupping both in his large hands, pinching her nipples carefully between thumb and forefinger. Gina moaned, rubbing her body against his. Against her ass, she felt his stiffness and gasped.

  One of his hands came down between her legs, brushing her clit ever so slightly. She bucked forward, still reeling from the pleasure of her orgasm.

  Gina reached around, gripping his girth with one half closed hand, and she angled him towards her. At the same time, she pushed herself down onto him. Gina felt the tip of his wet cock pressing against her lips. Their moans filled the bathroom as his length started to spread her wide. She felt her lips stretch, and as always, she didn’t know if she would be able to take his girth inside of her. But he pushed, slowly, and she felt the warmth of his penis entering her. His heat inside of her was one of the best feelings she had ever experienced.

  He went slowly, pushing in and out, his hands running over her body. She felt one grab her breast, then run through her hair, his lips on the back of her neck. He pushed and pulled his hips, Gina did the same with hers, working in a perfect tandem.

  They made love slowly, enjoying being as one, moving together. Gina pulled herself off of Dean, then turned around until they were facing each other. She placed her lips against his, then raised her body up. He grabbed her underneath her thighs, lifting her with ease, and lowered her onto himself.

  She screamed out in pleasure, breaking the kiss as she sank entirely onto him, burying him entirely inside of her. He spun her around, pressing her against the shower wall, holding her up and moving faster than he had before.

  Their moans were loud, louder than the shower, but there was no one else around to hear them in their own house. Dean’s cock was stroking her clit with every thrust, and she knew that she was going to cum, again.

  The pleasure built and built, and Gina let it take over her body entirely. She went weak as the warmth exploded throughout her, nearly blinding her with the utmost bliss, and she felt herself tightening around his thickness.

  At that moment, Dean’s breathing went ragged. Inside of her, she felt him cum, his penis jumping at the same time she was tightening around him. She felt his warm seed shooting deep into her, flowing everywhere through her. They came together, kissing and moaning, until their pleasure finally subsided for both of them.

  Dean lowered Gina to the floor of the shower carefully, then laid next to her. The warm water rolled over them. Everything was perfect.

  It hadn’t seemed like it could ever be perfect again, but it was. She had Petey. She had Dean. She was finally important: she was an integral part of society. A doctor that people respected and looked up to. She was no longer just the morgue worker in an abandoned hospital.

  Dean placed his hand on her growing stomach and looked at her, a smile on his face. More importantly, they were starting a family, something she never could have expected — especially not in the apocalypse.

  “I love you, Dean,” Gina told him, and she meant it more than she had ever meant anything in her life.

  “I love you, too,” he said back, kissing her on the lips, then kissing her on the stomach. “You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”

  They lay together until the water went cold. Gina knew that they would never leave each other again. By some odd chance, the apocalypse had turned out to be the best thing that had ever happened to her.

  The future was bright.

  Bearly Christmas


  Becca Fanning

  Bearly Christmas - Becca Fanning

  Fresh out of med school, Bear Shifter Tye expected to face adversity in joining a top hospital residency program. But feisty little Melanie might be more competition than he can handle, and a terrible rumor about his past catches up with him. Will there be a Shifter Christmas Miracle?

  Copyright Becca Fanning 2016.

  Chapter One


  Tye hurried down the street towards his favorite coffee shop. He was running late to find out if he had been able to snag one of the coveted internships at Pittsburgh’s top teaching hospital. He had high hopes, but was ready to be disappointed. Shifters didn’t get opportunities like this one. He was lucky he had even been able to get into the university let alone medical school.

  Lost in his thoughts he didn’t realize the young woman making her way out of the coffee shop. He flung the door open, and rushed inside. His momentum met her small stature and sent her flying backwards, her coffee sailing through the sky. They both landed in a heap on the floor in front of him. He immediately started to try and help her up. His clumsiness and overall size caused him to slip in the spilled coffee and land on rump.

  The lady finally righted herself, and snatched her hand away when Tye tried to take it to help her to her feet.

  “I think you’ve done enough here don’t you?” The snarl she gave him could have matched that of a she-bear.

  “I’m so sorry ma’am. I was in a hurry and not paying att
ention. That’s no excuse I know, but I’m terribly sorry. Can I buy you another coffee?” Tye turned into a clumsy fool around humans, let alone one as beautiful as the tiny, yet angry, one standing in front of him.

  “No. You’re not the only one in a rush, with a life and places to be. Now I get to finish my big day covered in coffee. How fantastic.” She was trying to dab some of the coffee off of her beige colored business dress.

  “At least it’s brown. Maybe it’ll blend when it’s dry?” Tye immediately regretted his attempt at consolation when her ferocious gaze met his. She was a pistol for a little thing, he gave her a sniff to make sure she wasn’t a Shifter. She had him almost wanting to cower. He had to suppress a smile at the thought.

  Being a big man like he was he drew enough attention to himself, at six foot six he was already hard to miss. Most shifters, especially a bear shifter like him, were big men. Tye was even more so though because he shifted into a giant Kodiak bear, largest bear next to the polar bear. It made him extremely uncomfortable to be around a lot of humans, something he had to deal with if he wanted to proceed with his dream of being a doctor. He had survived medical school learning to deal with the starring and pointing.

  “Are you going to stand there and stare at me all day or let me past you.” She reached her arm out and meant to shove him aside so she could pass. She misjudged their height difference, and ended up putting her hand right on his groin.

  He saw the embarrassment cross her face as it flushed to a beautiful bright red. She snatched her hand back like he had bit it. She fumbled a mess of inaudible words, he could only assume as an apology.

  “Well I don’t know about you, but this has been a most enjoyable meeting.” He knew his comment would get a rouse out of her, and it did. She blew out a frustrated breath, lifted her head up, and all but ran him over to get out the door.

  Tye turned and watched her leave, forgetting for the moment that he was running late. At the sudden realization he ditched the coffee shop and hustled down the street to the hospital. He could feel the eyes of the coffee shop patrons on him as he sprinted out, which made his heart speed up for a moment. He didn’t like the attention especially when it was solely because he was a shifter in a human city.

  Humans had known about shifters for centuries now, but the two species lived separately. Shifters lived in their own towns, usually called a Haven of whichever city they were closest too, which in Tye’s case was Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. His family lived with the rest of the bear shifter clan within the Haven. His Haven, like most, had several packs of wolf shifters, and even some feline shifters living with their packs as well.

  Shifters got along together just fine, they were very close knit species. Humans however stayed far away. Some of them would venture to the bars on the outskirts of Havens, but that number was small. Tye had been the talk of a lot of people’s lives when he enrolled at the university, and then went on to medical school. Nobody had wanted him there. A lot of the other student’s parents, all human of course, rallied and protested trying to get him kicked out. It hadn’t worked though: the dean of the school was empathetic to the Shifter struggle. He gave him a chance, and Tye was forever grateful to the man.

  He finally made it to the hospital not the least bit out of breath from his run, and wove his way through the hallways to the conference room the letter had designated. Today he would find out if he would be able to continue his path toward being a doctor. When he scanned the room he was hopeful to see there was only around ten or fifteen other applicants there. A good sign. Maybe they had just called back the ones who had been chosen.

  His eyes then landed on that same ferocious gaze from the coffee shop. He immediately tripped and stumbled over a chair which had the eyes softening with a flicker of humor. Tye’s social anxiety kicked in now that everyone in the room was noticing his deep golden eyes giving him away as a shifter. The tiny angry lady from the coffee shop seemed more perturbed at him for spilling her coffee and less concerned with his being a shifter so he made his way to the chair next to her.

  “I thought shifters were supposed to be agile and graceful. You can’t seem to figure out how to use your feet?”

  “Or maybe humans just don’t make their buildings bear accessible.”

  She rolled her eyes at his response. She really was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Maybe not by everybody else’s standards, but to him her long brown hair and big brown eyes fit perfectly on her narrow face. Her features were pointed which gave her a good look for a doctor, and her eyes seemed to not miss a thing. She came off as a hard-nosed bitch, but he could sense her underlying emotions. She was nervous, just like him and the rest of the students here, but she also seemed sad. He didn’t like that one bit, he wanted to pull her into his arms, and make things better for her.

  He had to shake himself out of his own thoughts. He was obsessing like an adolescent just hitting the mating frenzy. He wasn’t a cub anymore, and he didn’t need to be lusting after a human female of all people. Disappointed in himself, he looked around the rest of the room sizing everyone up. They were all giving him nervous looks. A very awkward silence came over the room like they were waiting for him to explain himself.

  Humans. They always felt like everyone owed them an explanation. He had come this far, he definitely didn’t owe anybody in this room an explanation. He put on his best piss off face and leaned back in the tiny chair. The only person who didn’t seem bothered by him at all was her. She had spunk, he liked that. There he went again lusting. Goddess help him he prayed that they both hadn’t got the internship. How did she manage to smell so good too? With that thought Tye stood up and walked across the room and leaned against a wall, determined to put the tiny tormentor out of his mind.

  Chapter Two


  Melanie watched as the giant of a man made his way across the room. She felt bad for being so cold towards him. She was sure he didn’t have many friends being a Shifter in a regular city, but she didn’t have time to be his friend. She had to stay focused on her goal. He did smell delicious, like earth and honey and she couldn’t seem to think straight with him close to her. Nevertheless, he had been icing on the cake for her already crappy day. Someone that big shouldn’t hustle around like that. He could have knocked her clear through the coffee shop had he been moving any faster.

  She had woken up with such a positive outlook today. She was wearing her Calvin Klein beige suit dress that had cost her almost two weeks worth of wages when she had been waitressing her way through her undergrad. It had been tucked away in the back of her tiny apartment closet waiting for a day like today.

  Then her dad had called. He was a doctor in her hometown, a small town along the Ohio River a couple hours southwest of her new life in the Pittsburgh. He had always wanted a son, but instead had Melanie. She had tried everything to please him her whole life, and thought she had surely found the key by following in his footsteps to becoming a doctor. That too had disappointed him. He was still stuck in the age old belief that women were better left in the household popping out kids, and fawning over their husbands. Her mother had been that way, and she seemed content to stay that way. Not Melanie; she was going to earn her father’s love and respect if it killed her.

  “Hello father.” She answered impassively. She had always wanted to call him daddy like the other girls she heard call their dads, but he had quickly nipped that in the bud. It wasn’t lady like to use slang, father was more proper. As the only physician in town he had to keep up his prim and proper appearance, and daddy just didn’t fit that appearance.

  “Melanie, I’m surprised I caught you, you should be at the hospital by now shouldn’t you? You’re running late on today of all days? Doesn’t surprise me, this is why I keep telling you to give up this notion and come home. Craig Carr’s son is home fresh out of law school, and taking up practice with his father. He asks about you all the time. Couldn’t be a better match if you ask me.”


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