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Kenny (Shifter Football League Book 2)

Page 125

by Becca Fanning

  The guy shrugged. He gave Gemma another goofy grin and she felt like her heart would burst. Just being around him was making her mouth dry and her breath come in short little hiccups. “Just a lucky guess,” he said with a grin. “So, was I a hit?”

  Gemma laughed. “And how did you know that Arthur had been dying for a rabbit? Did your kid tell you?”

  The guy grinned and shook his head. “Lucky guess,” he said, winking at Gemma.

  Gemma felt a hot pink flush take over her cheeks. She bit her lip. “Um, would you like a glass of wine?”

  The guy shrugged. “Yeah, that sounds good,” he said. He stuck out his hand. “I’m Rock, by the way.”

  Gemma’s jaw dropped. “Rock?” She giggled. “Like Rock Hudson?”

  Rock cleared his throat. “Except I like women, but yes.” When Gemma placed her hand in Rock’s, his skin was hot and rough. She could feel heavy callouses on his palm and the touch excited her – a shiver of arousal crawled down her spine. Gemma wriggled. She wasn’t used to feeling things like this, and she knew it was probably dangerous but right now she didn’t care. She was alone with the hottest guy she’d ever seen and he was going to have a drink with her.

  Gemma darted into the kitchen and poured two glasses of wine. “Here,” she said softly, suddenly shy again. “This is all I have. I’m sorry if it sucks.”

  Rock laughed, exposing a row of even, white teeth. “I’m sure it’s good,” he said in a low voice. Gemma shivered again. Rock’s voice was low and deep and it made her toes curl in her leather sandals. She didn’t want to think about what would happen if Rock stayed around….

  Ten minutes later, the two of them were sitting on Gemma’s porch swing. The heat of the day had faded into a dusky, warm evening. The humidity had dried up and Gemma finally felt like she could breathe again. The sky was beautiful pinkish orange and she felt relaxed, calm. Like everything was going to be okay somehow.

  “I’m out of wine,” Gemma chirped. The alcohol was going to her head and making her feel both pretty and fluttery. She loved the way that Rock stared at her: it was just like the attention that she’d received when she was pregnant with Arthur. Only better, because this time she was interested in flirting back. Gemma didn’t really know how to flirt. She’d always watched Talia and her other girlfriends for pointers, but aside from giggling a lot, tossing her hair, and saying stupid things there didn’t seem to be much to it. Now, Gemma knew that was completely a lie. She knew that she was flirting with Rock, but everything felt natural and relaxed, almost like it was supposed to happen this way.

  “I’ll get more,” Rock said in a smooth, easy voice. He stood up from the porch swing, sending Gemma flying back through the air. “Want anything to eat?”

  Gemma bit her lip. She was hungry, but not for food. “No, thank you,” she said, blushing as Rock’s golden-brown eyes stared into her own. They were just the color of backlit honey, of sunbeams on a dark morning. She loved them. They were the most beautiful eyes she’d ever seen. Oddly, they reminded her of big versions of Arthur’s.

  Rock came back, walking in a fluid motion. He gracefully handed Gemma a glass of wine and sipped his own. He’d filled the glasses so high that wine was sloshing over the brim and Gemma giggled as spots of Pinot Grigio landed on the front of her sundress.

  “You look gorgeous in that,” Rock said. He turned to her and stared at her frame. Gemma felt another heated blush come over her cheeks and she bit her lip, glancing down at Rock’s muscular body. Even though he was clad in a loose plaid shirt and dark jeans, she could tell he was really built.

  “Thank you,” Gemma said softly. Before she knew what was happening, Rock was kissing her. It was a beautiful kiss, a kiss about petal-soft lips and gentle touches. As Rock pressed his wide lips against her own, Gemma melted into his arms. Her wine was forgotten as she wrapped her arms around Rock’s neck and pulled him closer. As Rock’s tongue slipped between Gemma’s lips, she let out a long, quiet moan. Between her legs was tingling and thumping with arousal, and when he put his hands on her chest she wriggled and squirmed with delight.

  “Let’s go inside,” Rock whispered breathlessly into Gemma’s ear. She nodded and then she felt his strong arms snaking around her body and scooping her into the air. Rock carried her gently, like she weighed no more than a feather. As he walked, Gemma pressed her face into his neck and gently kissed and licked the skin there. Rock’s chin and neck were covered in brown stubble and Gemma found the sensation of the hair brushing against her face to be erotic. She could smell Rock, and that thrilled her, too: he smelled like the woods, all musk and pine.

  Rock pushed Gemma’s bedroom door open with his foot and dropped her on the bed. Gemma squealed softly as she felt her body land on the soft mattress and she reached for Rock, instinctively pulling him on top of her. Even though this was the farthest she’d ever gone with a man, she wasn’t scared. She felt a strong current of love and trust radiating from Rock, and somehow she knew that he wouldn’t do anything to hurt her.

  “You’re so beautiful,” Rock murmured as he moved his head down Gemma’s neck, nipping and biting at her soft skin. She moaned as he slipped his hands under her dress and stroked her thighs with his rough hands. Instinctively, Gemma spread her legs until Rock was stroking her through the damp material of her panties. She blushed hotly and tried to pull away but soon realized the sensations rocketing through her body were incredible. No, she didn’t want to stop, she didn’t want this to end. Gasping as Rock dragged his fingers over a particularly sensitive area, she closed her eyes and reclined on the pillows. Gemma was barely aware of Rock pulling up her skirt and scooting down her body until she could feel his hot breath on the taut skin of her lower belly.

  “I haven’t shaved in a long time,” Gemma said, giggling nervously. “I’m sorry.”

  Rock chuckled. “You’re beautiful,” he repeated, in the same low growl. A shiver of lust and anticipation went through Gemma as he tugged her panties off and tossed them on the ground. When she felt his tongue and lips licking her inner thigh, she thought she was going to die of anticipation. As Rock moved closer and closer to the pulsing center of Gemma’s pleasure, she moaned loudly. He slipped a finger inside of her and moved it around as his lips fastened on her swollen clit and sucked. Gemma thought she was in heaven.

  “Oh my god, Rock,” Gemma moaned. “That feels so incredible!”

  Rock popped up from between her legs and grinned. “I want you,” he said in a husky voice. His golden brown eyes stared into Gemma’s face intensely and she felt another shiver of exhilaration. “I want you so badly.”

  Gemma swallowed. “This is…” she trailed off. She didn’t want to say anything to spoil the moment. There had been so many times Talia had cautioned her against being truly honest with a man, and she didn’t want to ruin anything. “There are condoms in the drawer,” she said instead, blushing as Rock’s hand went to the drawer and yanked it open. She’d bought them years ago – she hoped they were still good.

  Gemma couldn’t keep her eyes off Rock’s body as he undressed. He was sinewy, strong, muscular. He was the biggest man she’d ever seen, she reflected to herself as he tossed his shirt on the floor with her panties. Gemma tried to wriggle out of her dress but Rock shook his head.

  “Allow me,” Rock said softly. Gemma sat up and Rock pulled the material over her head, leaving her naked. When she realized that he was staring at her chest, she blushed furiously. No one, aside from her doctor, had seen her naked in years. She covered her breasts with her arms but Rock grabbed her wrist and looked gently into her eyes. “I want to see you,” Rock breathed. “You have a beautiful body.”

  Gemma allowed Rock to tug her arms out of the way. She felt her nipples stiff and hard with desire, and when Rock moved his lips to her breasts, she felt overwhelmed with pleasure. Her lower belly was tight with anticipation and lust and the hot feeling between her legs was too much to bear.

  “Kiss me,” Gemma whispered. Rock p
ressed his lips against hers and climbed on top of her body, spreading her legs with his strong hands. As he positioned himself between her thighs, Gemma bit her lip and screwed her eyes closed. She’d always heard that this part was exceptionally painful. But as Rock pushed against the entrance to Gemma’s most secret place, she didn’t feel in pain at all. It pinched – just for a moment – and then a sensation like a warm bath came over her body. Rock slid his massive cock all the way inside of her, until their hips were touching.

  “You feel so good,” Rock whispered in Gemma’s ear as he thrust against her. “I love the way you feel.” Her body responded to every motion of his; Gemma felt like they were truly joined as one. As he began to thrust in and out of Gemma’s pussy, Rock arched his back and tightened his muscles. Gemma wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist, whimpering and grinding her hips at the incredible pleasure that was filling her body.

  “Rock,” Gemma moaned, throwing her sweaty head back on the pillows. “Rock, please don’t stop!” She shivered and dug her fingernails into his back, pulling him closer. He felt so good inside of her, like he filled her completely. Like they were made for each other. As he bucked faster and faster, Gemma felt her lower belly clenching harder with each thrust. Finally, a sensation like an explosion came over her, with little shockwaves of pleasure following each thrust. Gemma was barely aware of the sounds she was making: strangled little cries and grunts of ecstasy. Rock slammed his body against hers and groaned loudly, pausing for a moment and then arching his back. Gemma could feel his cock pulsing and twitching inside of her.

  “That was incredible,” Rock murmured as he lay down on top of Gemma before pulling out and rolling to the side. He wrapped an arm around Gemma’s sweaty waist and pulled her close. “That was the best thing in the world.”

  Gemma sighed happily. She felt sated and exhausted. She yawned. “I’m going to close my eyes for a little bit, okay?”

  “Okay,” Rock murmured sleepily. “I’ll be right here.”

  Chapter Two

  In the morning, Gemma’s eyes flew open. For a moment, all she saw was the white ceiling and lavender walls of her bedroom. What a crazy dream I had, she thought blearily. I dreamed I lost my virginity. To the most gorgeous man I’d ever seen.

  “Morning, gorgeous.” Rock’s voice startled Gemma and she bolted upright. Rock laughed. “I’m sorry, babe, did I startle you?”

  Gemma put her hand to her chest and looked at Rock. “Oh my god,” she said. “I just had a one night stand.”

  Rock shook his head. “I was actually about to ask you if you wanted to go out for breakfast,” he said, rubbing his hairy, muscled stomach. “I’m so hungry I could eat this whole house.”

  Gemma blushed and giggled. “Okay,” she said softly. Her heart was pounding. “I mean, we don’t have to. Not if you don’t want to. I understand if you just want to leave.”

  Rock gave her a funny look. “Why would I want to do that?”

  Gemma bit her lip. “Nevermind,” she said, sliding out of bed and taking the sheet with her as she wrapped it around her body. She was slightly nauseous and her head was pounding: it was her first hangover, too. This is a bad morning for firsts, she thought uncomfortably as she pulled a pair of jeans and a blouse out of her bureau and disappeared into the bathroom. I made a complete idiot out of myself last night. She frowned as she turned on the hot water. Talia always told me that men would bolt away after sex, why is he hanging around? Doesn’t he know that looks weird?

  A hot shower restored some of Gemma’s lifeblood and by the time she was rubbing her brown hair dry with a towel, she was starting to feel a little bit more human again. She dressed and put on a light coat of mascara, swiping her lips with gloss and then emerging into the bedroom. Rock grinned at her sheepishly: his brown hair was sticking up in tufts all over his head and his golden eyes had a drowsy, sexy look to them. She giggled – Rock’s hair actually reminded her of Arthur’s, right after he woke up in the morning. It always took a ton of time with a brush and some product to straighten out.

  “What’s so funny?” Rock looked at her with a mischievous grin on his face. “Laughing about me, I assume?”

  Gemma bit her lip. “Your hair looks cute like that,” she said softly, blushing hotly. Just as she wasn’t used to being complimented, she wasn’t exactly used to doling them out, either. “What do you want to do for breakfast?”

  Rock drove them to a diner a few miles away. It was the kind of greasy spoon place that Gemma avoided, but as soon as she stepped inside she couldn’t deny that something smelled wonderful.

  “This place makes their own bagels,” Rock said, sliding into a booth. “They’re the best, especially when you’re hungover.”

  “I’m not hungover,” Gemma lied. She felt awkward, like all of the magic between them was gone. Even though Rock was still acting the way he’d acted last night, she was confused. She couldn’t figure out what he was doing with her, and she had a feeling she was going to be more than heartbroken at never seeing him again.

  “I am,” Rock admitted. He reached for a glass of water and downed the whole thing in one gulp. Setting it back on the table, he looked at Gemma with a sheepish grin. “So, what do you do?”

  Gemma frowned. “What do you mean?”

  Rock shrugged. “Well, I meant for work,” he said. “But really, you can tell me anything you’d like.”

  Gemma laughed. “Wow, sorry,” she said. “I feel so stupid. I…I don’t really know what you meant by that, I guess.” She bit her lip. “I’m an engineer,” she said. “I work with the highway department, designing bridges and roads.”

  “Wow,” Rock said. “I’m impressed. I totally had you for like, a librarian.”

  Gemma laughed again, more easily this time. “And why is that?”

  Rock shrugged. “Don’t hit me for this,” he teased. “But you’re so beautiful, I wouldn’t have thought an engineer could look like you.”

  Gemma looked down at her feet, blushing madly. “Thank you,” she whispered. “What about you?”

  Rock laughed. “Well, I have a degree in animal husbandry. But right now I’m working for a farm outside of town, helping the owner out with seasonal stuff. He’s getting old, it’s hard for him to use the equipment by himself.”

  Gemma giggled. “I can see that,” she said honestly.

  Silence fell between them as the waitress appeared to take their order. Rock ordered the biggest breakfast they had – four pieces of toast, three eggs, bacon, sausage, ham, scrapple, and a bagel on the side with butter and jelly. Gemma ordered a bowl of cottage cheese with fruit.

  Rock raised his eyebrow. “You got a boyfriend?”

  Gemma flushed crimson red. “Are you kidding?” She covered her hand with her mouth. “Like I’d have slept with you if I had a boyfriend?”

  Rock grinned. He winked at her and Gemma felt a sense of pleasurable calm come over her stomach. “Just checking,” he said, flexing his arms. “I had to make sure there wasn’t any competition.”

  “God,” Gemma muttered. “No, there’s definitely not.”

  “Why?” Rock frowned. “You’re so beautiful, and smart, and fun to be with. I can’t believe no one’s wifed you up by now.”

  Gemma choked on a piece of fruit. Rock waited patiently for her to finish coughing and wiping her mouth. “No,” she repeated. She glanced away. “I’ve never actually had a boyfriend.”

  “What?” Rock laughed. “You can’t be serious.”

  Gemma bit her lip. “I’m totally serious,” she said. Rock glanced at her – this time, his golden eyes penetrated more deeply, looked at her with something like sympathy and affection. Gemma was embarrassed; she hadn’t exactly wanted to disclose that.

  “You were probably too busy getting your degree,” Rock said calmly. He shoved a piece of toast in his mouth. “I get that.”

  Gemma shook her head. She wanted to lie, but something was stopping her. “I mean, no one’s ever asked me
,” she said in a huff. “I always wanted a boyfriend, but I’ve never had one. And then…” Gemma paused and had a sip of tea. “When I turned thirty, I didn’t think it was going to happen. So I went to Speculon Labs and picked a good father for Arthur.”

  Rock’s eyes bulged slightly. “I’d love to be the first,” he said with a grin. “An older woman. I like that.”


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