Book Read Free

Not Sorry

Page 3

by Ella Miles

  I begin reading the email from her.

  To Sean Burrows,

  I am writing to inform you that I would like to apply for the management position. As an assistant, I know I have limited qualifications, but I am loyal and have been an assistant here for almost five years.

  I apologize for the initial meeting where I was late in picking you up from the airport, spilled coffee on you, and introduced you incorrectly, among other things. I know I did not make a great first impression, but I need this job. No one should still be an assistant when entering their thirties.

  I have attached my résumé. I’m sorry for taking up so much of your valuable time.

  Thank you for your consideration,

  Olive Porter

  P.S. I’m sorry for kissing you on the lips. I really was trying to kiss you on the cheek. I was told you were European, so I was trying to make you comfortable. I was clearly wrong about both.

  I chuckle, reading her email. I don’t know why she thinks she should be our manager or why I would even consider her. She has no experience, and on her résumé, she doesn’t even list if she has her real estate license. She has no qualifications for the job. But I have to hear her try to explain herself to me. Maybe it will cheer me up from the fact that Jamie will never be mine, but I’m stuck in this frigid, cold place anyway.

  I stand up and walk over to my office door before opening it. Olive is seated at her desk, typing away on her computer.

  “Olive, I’d like to see you in my office.”

  She narrows her eyes and frowns but then slowly turns her frown into a fake smile before getting up from her desk. “Of course.”

  I hold the door open for her as she walks into my office and takes a seat across from me. I take my time in walking back to my seat behind my desk, letting the anxiety that I know she must be feeling creep up higher and higher until I’m sure it’s seeping out of every pore in her body.

  “Do you know why I called you into my office?”

  “No idea,” Olive answers honestly.

  It’s strange not to hear a sir or Mr. Burrows. That’s how I’m always treated—formally and with respect. Olive doesn’t bother with sir or misters though. At least, she doesn’t today.

  “I wanted to talk to you about your application.”

  Her eyes widen. “Is this an interview?”

  I smirk at her thinking I would give her an interview so easily. “No, this is more like a preinterview.”


  “Tell me why you think you have the qualifications to even apply for this position?”

  She takes a deep breath, and then for the first time, I see the tiniest spark in her eyes.

  “Because I have more experience than anyone other than Jamie in this company. I know my title says assistant, but I do a lot more than a typical assistant would. I am Jamie’s right-hand woman. And I know that, if she had to choose a manager, she would choose me. I deserve this position. I’ve worked my ass off for five years. I’ve earned a promotion. I don’t have my real estate license because it’s expensive to take the test, and there was no need to get it if I was never going to get promoted, but I could pass the test in my sleep. I know everything there is to know about real estate, and if I don’t get this job, then I quit.” She bites her lip when she says the last word, like she didn’t mean to reveal to me that she planned on quitting if she didn’t get the job.

  But her biting her lip has drawn my attention back to her lips instead of staying focused on the task at hand. It would be nice to have that lip on my mouth again.

  “You should quit.”

  Her eyes widen so much, I’m afraid they are going to pop out of her head. “What?”

  “If you quit, then I can fuck you, and I really want to fuck you. If you stay, well, then I can’t.”

  God, what am I saying? This is definitely harassment.

  I’ve been forward with women before, but this might be taking it a bit too far. It’s just been too long since I’ve had a woman in my bed.

  “I have a boyfriend.”

  I smirk. “I doubt that.”

  She frowns. “His name is Owen, and he’s a musician. And I quit, but not so that I can fuck you. I quit. Good luck running this company on your own without me. You’re going to need it.”

  I watch as she stands up and begins to walk out of my office. This really isn’t going how I planned it.

  “Wait,” I say, standing up.

  To my surprise, she pauses. I don’t know why I’m going to say what I’m going to say next. I suspect it’s because I’m thinking with my dick instead of my brain. I should just let her walk out of here, but Jamie would be upset with me. And, for the first time today, I’ve seen something in Olive that I think could be developed into a more confident woman with just a little help. And I know just what she needs to do that. She could become my pet project, and just maybe, I can show Jamie that I’m not such a bad guy. That, if things don’t work out between her and her baby daddy, then she should give me a second chance.

  “I’ll give you a real interview, just like everyone else.”

  “And you’ll stop talking about fucking me and being an asshole in general to me?”

  I take a step forward until I’m invading her personal space. “I’ll stop talking about fucking you, and I’ll try to behave more like your boss instead of an asshole.”

  “Good. I’ll see you for my interview…”

  “Tomorrow,” I answer.

  “Tomorrow. If you need anything taken care of today, let me know. It was nice speaking with you, Sean,” she says.

  She extends her hand, but she’s not paying attention to how close we are, and she grazes across my dick that is hardening more each second.

  “I’m so sorry,” she says, retracting her hand.

  I laugh. She almost made it out of here without apologizing.

  “I’ll see you tomorrow, Miss Porter.”

  She turns and walks out of my office without looking back.

  I smile to myself as I walk back to my desk chair and picture what it would be like to bend her over my desk and fuck her here. How pink would her cheeks get? Has she ever been fucked properly by a man? Or is she secretly one of those quiet, insecure girls who becomes a fierce tiger in bed?

  I promised I wouldn’t mention fucking her again, but I didn’t promise not to think about fucking her.

  And that’s how I get through the shit-ton of emails I have—by envisioning her naked ass up in the air as I bend her over the desk.



  I sit nervously at my desk as I watch Floyd enter Sean’s office. Floyd is the last person to interview before it’s my turn, which means I only have fifteen, maybe twenty minutes tops, until it’s my turn to interview. Most of the interviews have taken less time than even that. If I’ve learned anything from watching Sean interview, it’s that he is quick and efficient, most likely because he’s already made up his mind of who’s going to get the job. If I had to guess who Sean is going to pick, it’s going to be Floyd. The other women who applied don’t really have the skills for the job or the boobs to make hiring someone with a lack of experience worthwhile.

  Floyd is my only real competition. And who am I kidding? I’m no competition for Floyd. The fact that I know more about this company than anyone else other than Jamie doesn’t mean I’m qualified for the job. I’m nothing but an assistant. An assistant who’s never been promoted and who doesn’t have any real responsibilities—at least, not on paper. There’s no way that Sean’s going to hire me, no freaking way.

  I already spent most of my evening looking at the classifieds, trying to find a job that would be a step up and provide me with a lot more opportunities for growth. But, so far, nothing. At least nothing that doesn’t require a college degree that I don’t have. It means that I will continue being an assistant.

  Besides, with all my talk about quitting, I would have a hard time doing that to Jamie. Despite the fact that she’s
never promoted me, we are good friends, and I know that she’s counting on me to make sure that Sean doesn’t fuck up her business. I’ll stay for the year and maybe take some college classes or something on the side. I’ll learn all that I can, and then I’ll be better prepared to find a new job when Jamie comes back.

  I look down at the blue blouse that I bought to go with the black skirt. I just bought the outfit last night, so I could look my best for this interview for a job that I know I have no chance of getting. I sigh as I undo the top two buttons on my blouse. I know I have no experience and that I have no shot at getting the job. Well, that’s not true. My only shot is to look sexy as hell and to convince Sean to give me the promotion because he wants to keep looking at me every day, not because he thinks I’m the most qualified. My only shot is to make him think that he has a chance at sleeping with me even though he has no shot.

  I try to focus on answering emails while I wait for my turn to interview. But I can’t focus, just like I haven’t been able to focus all morning. I shouldn’t feel anxious. There’s nothing to be worried about. After the interview is over, I’m going to be no better off but also no worse off. Sean already doesn’t think well of me, but Jamie will never fire me.

  My heart stops when I see the door to Sean’s office open. I watch as Floyd exits with a large smile on his face. I glance down at my computer to see the time. Ten minutes. He was in there for ten minutes. That’s five minutes less than everyone else’s previous interviews. So, if I can keep Sean talking for ten minutes, maybe I’ll have a chance. Should be easy, right?

  I nod at Floyd as he passes, but he just gives me a smirk and then walks off, like he knows he has the job in the bag. I close my laptop and then take a minute to straighten out my skirt and blouse one last time. I decide to really go for it and unbutton one last button, making sure that my lace bra pokes through just enough beneath the blue blouse.

  Then, I stand up. I walk over to his office and knock quietly. “Mr. Burrows, are you ready for me?” I ask, my voice a bit shaky.

  “Come in, Olive,” Sean says matter-of-factly with no emotion in his voice.

  I try to shake off my nerves as I step inside, and I take a seat in the chair across from his desk. The office has changed a lot since Jamie occupied it. Gone are all the girlie candles and paintings, replaced with art that is dark, black, and manly. He doesn’t have any picture frames on his desk. Nothing personal at all.

  I open my mouth to ask how his day is going, but he speaks first, “What skill sets do you have that you think makes you right for the job?” Sean doesn’t look up from his computer.

  I blink several times, confused because he’s not even really giving me the time of day. But it does make it easier for me to answer him. When he’s not looking directly at me, it somehow makes it less intimidating.

  “I’m loyal. I think that the most important trait when it comes to being a manager is someone who puts the company first. Someone who cares so deeply about the company that they are willing to give up a part of themselves. They are willing to make sacrifices in order to do more for the team. In real estate, I think it can sometimes get extremely competitive, and I think there needs to be a fair amount of competition in order for individual realtors to do a good job. But we also work for one company, and I think the manager of that company should be one who can inspire and support the team as well as help foster a healthy level of competition.”

  “And what weaknesses do you have, and how do you plan on overcoming them in this job?” Sean asks, still not looking up from his computer. He clicks on something with his mouse, not paying attention to me.

  “You. You’re my biggest weakness. Every time your hot-ass body comes in the office, I lose my mind. I can’t think about anything else other than you. I struggle to get my work done because all I can do is think about you and how big your cock must be beneath your slacks. And how do I plan to overcome it? By getting you to fuck me a lot,” I say because I realize it doesn’t really matter what I say. He’s not paying any attention to me.

  I wait for his next pointless question, but he doesn’t ask a question right away, like he did previously. Instead, he slowly closes the laptop sitting in front of him and looks up at me. His eyes travel from mine to my breasts. I glance down and find that I’m exposing a little more of my cleavage than I was planning on.

  “What are you doing?” he asks as his eyes travel back up to mine, not bothering to hide the lust that is there after getting a taste of my body.

  I fold my arms across my chest. “You aren’t taking this interview seriously, so why should I?”

  “Maybe because you’re the one being interviewed,” he says as he leans back in his chair. He cocks his head to the side as he looks at me with an expression I can’t read.

  “I’ll just let myself out and get back to work. Do you want me to let Floyd know that he got the job?” I ask as I stand up.

  “Sit down, Olive,” Sean commands, like I’m a dog.

  “No. I’m tired of being humiliated. I’m sorry if you expect me to quit now, but I’m not. I’m good at this job, and I would have been good at the manager job as well if you had given me a chance. But I promised Jamie that I would stay here as her assistant and keep an eye on you while she was gone. And I’m a woman of my word. So, I’ll stay here and report back to her until she returns. Then, I’ll find a new job.”

  I start walking to the door when Sean jumps up, and just as I begin to open it, he slams it shut. I jump back, startled.

  “Sit back down, Olive.”

  Whatever confidence I had a moment ago vanishes when he growls at me that way. The look he is giving me is more than enough to make my panties wet. And I don’t even like this man. But the way he’s looking at me now is enough to make me forget about all of that.

  We cautiously sit back down as we stare intensely at each other.

  “What makes you think I’m giving the job to Floyd?”

  “Aren’t you?” I ask.

  “I was, but then you came in here and did that.”

  My eyes widen. “I don’t understand. I just said some ridiculous crap about finding you attractive, and you’re going to give me the job because of that?”

  He shakes his head. “No. I’m not giving you the job.”


  “But I am giving you a chance to learn to become a manager. I’ll put you through a training program of sorts, and if you pass, then you’ll get the job.”

  “What kind of training program?”

  Sean leans forward on his desk as a slow grin spreads on his face. “The kind that’s going to test your limits. The kind that will prove to me who the real you is—that confident woman you were just a few minutes ago or the shy, pathetic woman I met the other day. Either way, you’re probably going to hate me after this is all over. And there’s no way I think you’re going to follow through with the program to the end in order to get the job.” Sean pauses as he leans back, smiling. “But then again, I’ve been wrong before.”

  My mouth drops open in complete shock. I have no idea what Sean is talking about. All I know is that he’s giving me a chance to be manager if I complete whatever silly training he has planned. And I’ll do anything to make this work.

  “Well, I already hate you, so what difference does it make?”

  “Is that a yes?” he asks.

  “Sorry. Yes, that’s a yes.”

  He shakes his head. “I don’t want to hear sorry drop from your lips again. That’s your first lesson. No more saying I’m sorry or apologizing of any sort. Managers don’t apologize for the decisions they make. They stand behind them. And, if I hear anything like it again, you will be punished. Do you understand?”

  I bite my lip as he says the word punished. Because all I can think about are naughty things involving spankings and whips. But I know that’s not what he means. It’s just my dirty mind playing tricks on me.


  “Good. Now, our first real less
on will begin at dinner tonight.”

  I scrunch my face. “Dinner?”

  “Yes, dinner. We both have to eat, and I don’t have time to train you during normal work hours. I have enough on my plate with running my own business and keeping Jamie’s afloat while she’s gone. I need a manager to get on board as fast as possible to help me out when I need to travel for my own business.”

  I nod. “I understand that, and I’m willing to come in after hours or do whatever it takes to get this job. It’s just that I was unaware that training was going to start tonight, and…well…”

  “For goodness’ sake, spit it out, Olive!”

  “It’s my and Owen’s one-year anniversary tonight. We were going to go out to dinner.”

  “The training times and places are nonnegotiable. I don’t want to hear your excuses or reasons for not being able to attend them. Either meet me for dinner tonight or consider yourself out of the running for the job, and I’ll just give it to Floyd. It will make both our lives easier. You can go out with Owen or whatever after we finish our training. I don’t care if you starve and wait and eat until after we’re done, most likely nine thirty or ten, but I will be eating.”

  I frown, trying to think about what I should do. I think about what Keri would say. That I should go out with Sean. Do something for me for once. Give myself a shot at taking my career to the next level. Owen and I can always go out tomorrow night to celebrate our anniversary.

  “What time and where do you want me to meet you for dinner?” I ask.

  Just the tiniest bit of a grin forms on his face. “Seven. And we can leave from here. I’m sure you have more than enough work to get caught up on ’til then since I know you got nothing done this morning,” he says with a smirk.

  I frown and storm out of his office before he can say anything more to me. I have to cancel my date with Owen, but I have a chance at a job that could change everything for me. Absolutely everything.

  As I walk back to my desk, I see the men in the office staring at my chest, and I quickly button up my blouse. I have a chance at the job I want, but somehow, I’m worried that it’s going to feel more like a date than training. I shake my head.


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