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Edge of Forever: The Death and Life of Analey Rose (The Immortal Souls Book 1)

Page 29

by Patricia Galvan

  “I should’ve called but I guess I was just busy getting her to her doctor appointment and trying to get her better,” I lied. I knew it had been an exceedingly long time since Stella had the flu or any other illness.

  “When are you coming home,” Kami asked, her blue eyes questioning me.

  I averted my gaze to the intricate designs in the duvet cover. “I’m staying here with Mikel.”

  Kami raked her eyes around the room then back to me. “Do you really think that’s a good idea, because I don’t.”

  “You can come stay with us and we will make sure you get better,” Kian said.

  I nodded my head, feeling a dizzy spell coming on. “I’ll be fine here. This is where I want to be.”

  “Is it serious between you and him,” Kami asked raising her eyebrows.

  I reached for the glass of water, my mouth feeling dry. “Yes.”

  “I think you’re making a mistake, Analey. He isn’t like us,” Kian said, glancing towards the door.

  I was certain Mikel was outside the room listening to our conversation. “What does that mean?” I asked. I didn’t think Kian or Kami knew about vampires, but they were acting suspicious.

  “I just meant that we’re your friends and know you better than he ever could,” Kian said.

  “What he really meant is that he is not one of us,” Kami said.

  “What are we?” I asked. I knew what I was but couldn’t imagine my friends being dhamirs.

  “Kami, don’t,” Kian scolded.

  “Kianoush, she should know,” Kami replied in the same harsh tone.

  Kianoush, I thought the name sounded familiar, but I’d never heard Kian called by his full name.

  Kami ignored Kian and continued to explain. “Analey, Kian and I are immortal souls, although we haven’t reincarnated or awaken before.”

  “I’m sorry, Kami but I don’t understand what you are saying,” I said.

  “If and when we die, we will experience rebirth into our bodies and sometimes new bodies, but our souls will travel for an unspecified amount of time before awakening again,” Kami said.

  My friends were immortal beings that could be reincarnated. My head was spinning with the unbelievable revelations. I looked to Kian who was giving his sister a disapproving look. This information was obviously not supposed to be shared with anyone. I opened my mouth to ask more but saw Mikel slip into the room.

  “She’s had enough for one day,” Mikel said entering the room and narrowing his gaze at Kian.

  Kian looked at me as if he wanted to say more, then changed his mind. Mikel took a step closer as Kian leaned down and kissed my cheek.

  “Call me if you need anything,” Kian whispered.

  “Ahem,” Mikel cleared his throat, hurrying Kian along.

  Kami gave me one last hug. “Love you babe. Get better soon so we can hang out.”

  “I would love that,” I said smiling, but it faded as I watched my friends leave.

  “Mikel, thank you. That was the best birthday gift,” I said reaching for his hands, but he kept them in the pockets of his jeans.

  “Please,” I begged him, and he reluctantly took my hands.

  I pulled him down to sit on the bed next to me and ran my hands through his hair then pulled him to me. I kissed him, shivering with each touch, but he didn’t pull away.

  “Thank you,” I whispered.

  “Anything for you,” Mikel said as he rose to leave the room. “Now please get some rest and don’t pay any attention to that nonsense they were talking about.”

  I put my head down on the feather pillow, but I didn’t want to rest. Seeing my friends had lifted my spirits but also left me with more questions once again. I decided to get out of bed and trudged down the stairs to find Mikel.

  He sat on the couch leaning forward, his elbows on his knees and his hands folded in front of him. He wore a black long sleeve shirt (the sleeves pushed up to his forearms) that showed every defined muscle in his arms. His cognac brown eyes, focused on the flames in the hearth, looked worried and tired. He sat up, running his hands through his hair as he sensed I’d entered the room.

  “Analey, what are you doing down here? You’re supposed to be resting,” he said reaching for my hands.

  “Where’s everyone?” I asked as I let him pull me down next to him on the couch, the heat from the fire reaching me where I sat.

  “Hunting and checking the perimeter,” Mikel answered.

  “Are you worried Gina will return to finish what she started?” I asked. I hadn’t expected her to try again but I wouldn’t be surprised if she did. Or maybe they were still worried Aloes would make an appearance, even though Larson assured us he was in another country.

  “No, but we can’t let our guard down,” he said.

  “Mikel,” I said placing a hand on his chin and turning his face towards me, “what’s wrong?”

  “Nothing, Ma Vie,” he answered lifting his gaze to me, a forced smile on his lips. “I think I’ve found an explanation to your condition.

  “You have?” I asked raising my eyebrows, as I felt a wave of hope wash through me, but Mikel looked concerned.

  His smile faded. “The change must be completed and the one who started it must finish it. It has to come from his bloodline.” Mikel returned his gaze to the red and orange flames.

  “Larson,” I whispered.

  Mikel nodded his head slightly, his eyes never leaving their fixed gaze on the fire. “Yes.”

  “What happens if I don’t complete the change?” I asked not being able to bring myself to say the word vampire.

  “If you don’t turn then I’m certain you will awaken as a vampire hunter,” Mikel said.

  I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. “A vampire hunter.” The forces within me, which I referred to as the darkness, was my innate predisposition to hunt and kill vampires. It was what I was born to do. No. It was what I was created to do when Larson intervened and attacked my mother.

  “Yes, when the time comes, the hunter tendencies will rise, and your sole desire will be to kill us.”

  I sat quietly thinking about the sobering truth Mikel had just dumped on me, the truth I’d known but had refused to admit. “Couldn’t you turn me? Does it have to be the Cardamone bloodline?”

  “I don’t know what would happen if I turned you with my venom, but I’m not willing to risk your life based on any uncertainty.” Mikel stood and walked to the fireplace, putting his hands on the mantel and hung his head. “Your situation is so unique, Analey. The way you were born was unintentional and haphazard. The circumstances of your origin are entirely a mystery to us.”

  “So that’s it? That is what I have to look forward to? Either I become a vampire or a vampire hunter,” I said almost shouting, squeezing my eyes shut. I didn’t want to hunt anyone or anything, but it would have to be Larson if I chose to become a vampire.

  “Not all dhampirs awaken as hunters, but your deteriorating condition leads me to believe a change of some sort is inevitable,” Mikel confessed. “But I have another theory.”

  I sat up attentively waiting for him to explain. If there was a way out of this predetermined mess, then I wanted to know.

  “My mother is the one who introduced the idea, but it could be dangerous,” Mikel said.

  “Dangerous how?” My voice cracked.

  Mikel watched the flames dance around the charred wood as he spoke. “You would eventually have to become a vampire, but we could prolong the change.” Mikel returned to my side, taking my hands in his. “Think of it as a blood transfusion where I would introduce my venom in small amounts so that it merges with your vampire blood. It’s possible that your body wouldn’t reject it when the time came to turn, but there is a risk of the process killing you.”

  “But how would your venom enter my body?” I wondered what he meant. I imagined needles and tubes being inserted into my veins.

  Mikel swallowed, his throat moving up and down in slow motion. “I would
drink blood directly from your vein and you from mine,” he said, his voice low.

  “Drink blood?” I never—no I couldn’t do that,” I averted my gaze away from Mikel. My predicament was becoming increasingly dire by the minute, but something had to be done. If I didn’t make a choice one would be made for me.

  “I think I have to try,” I said, holding Mikel’s hand.

  “Are you sure?” he asked.

  I nodded my head. “I think so,” I said. Then, “yes.”

  “You have to understand there may be some side effects like fatigue, amnesia, and hallucinations,” he said raking his fingers through his hair.

  I shrugged my shoulders. I already was tired, and hallucinations were plaguing me too. “I don’t think I have a choice.”

  “Okay,” he said but first let me talk to my mother. I don’t want to make a hasty decision based on fear or worry.”

  As on cue, Sophia entered the room. Her hazel eyes were a pale shade of green to match the olive-green sweater she was wearing, and her hair pulled back away from her face. She approached Mikel and placed a hand on his arm, giving him a warm, motherly smile.

  “Hello, Sophia.” I smiled.

  “Analey, my dear,” she said. “I know we are in uncharted territory here and you must be scared, but I have faith in you and in my son. A love like yours will withstand all trials that may come.”

  “Mother, do you really believe this could work?” Mikel asked.

  “Mikel, nothing in life is guaranteed, but if you want to save Analey from becoming a hunter or running back to Larson, then you have to believe it will work.” Sophia gave his arm a gentle squeeze and me a small smile before walking out of the room.

  “That settles it,” I said turning to Mikel and locking my eyes on his. “We have to try.”

  We didn’t waste any more time and immediately started the vampire venom transfusion.

  Mikel moved slowly, carefully moving my hair behind my shoulders. My body trembling as he pulled me to him, one hand on the back of my neck holding my hair in place, the other on my back.

  “Do you trust me?” he asked, his lips moving to my neck.

  I nodded as I anticipated the moment his fangs would pierce my neck. Pushing my fears aside, I held my breath and waited.

  The sting of his bite was quick but intense. I winced as he began to draw my blood out, but I became numb to the pain as Mikel pulled away, his brow furrowed as he watched my expression.

  “Your turn,” he whispered giving me his wrist.

  I was uneasy and my jaws tense as I put my lips on his wrist. I didn’t crave blood and I was afraid of how it was going to taste or feel, but instinct took over and before I realized it, I was drinking his blood. It had a distinct and smooth taste, sweet and warmer than I’d expected. Drinking vampire blood felt like I was quenching an intense thirst I didn’t know I had. Terror rose within me as the darkness began to rumble inside my mind. I quickly pushed Mikel’s hand away, forcing the dark tendencies back.

  “Are you alright?” Mikel asked.

  “Yes,” I said. “I’m just a little tired.” But I wasn’t really tired, just a little light headed and thirsty. I walked up the stairs careful not to rush and alarm Mikel. Once I was alone upstairs, I paced back and forth trying not to think of blood, but my throat felt dry. I waited for the next time I could drink more of Mikel’s blood.

  I took more of Mikel’s venom the following week and waited for the deliria to set in, or to feel tired and weak, but it never happened. I didn’t experience any amnesia or hallucinations either. I felt my strength returning as well as the darkness spreading and rising.

  thirty~ nine

  Istood under the full moon, ruminating on how my life was changing, when I saw him walking towards the house. My eyes didn’t register what I was seeing, blinking several times. I couldn’t decide if I should run into his arms or not. Of course, he read my mind and made the choice for me. Larson walked up to me and lightly kissed my cheek. There was so much I wanted to say, but no words escaped my mouth.

  “It’s good to see you again,” Larson said, breaking the silence between us.

  I could only nod in agreement. I wanted to be in his arms and punch him at the same time. But for a moment, all I wanted was for him to change me right where I stood in front of him. It would simplify everything.

  Leaning back against the columns of the porch, amusement threatening to touch his lips, Larson crossed his arms and grinned. I knew it was a losing battle, standing there with him. I nervously bit my bottom lip. His sculpted body stiffened as his self-control threatened to betray him. His green eyes glowed with desire, his lips parted slightly. A rush of blood filled my cheeks in response to his intense gaze. I felt the pull of the invisible force that connected us, but I knew not how badly this brooding vampire lusted for my nectarous blood.

  “Never.” All lustful desire washed out of his eyes. His flawless face twisted with anxiety. “Your life is my foremost priority. My need to protect you, to keep your heart beating exceedingly surpasses even the strongest desire I could ever have for your blood. I very much enjoy the pleasing fragrance that is your life. It gives my insignificant life hope and purpose. Every beat of your heart beats ebullience into my desolate soul. Your blood, Analey, is the essence of existence.” His eyes were once again alive and glowing.

  “How can you say that to me when you left me,” I asked when I finally found my voice.

  Larson kicked a pebble with the tip of his shoe. “I left to protect you.”

  “You think you were protecting me by breaking my heart?” I all but yelled.

  “You’re the one who admitted to being in love with Mikel,” he wasn’t smiling anymore, his lips pressed together in a tight line.

  “I said that because I thought she would let me go if she knew I was in love with someone else,” I said but I didn’t deny loving Mikel, because I did love him, but I also loved Larson. I couldn’t be sure if I was in love, but I did love them both.

  “Analey, you can’t expect me to believe that,” he said.

  “Where have you been, Larson?” I asked, fighting back tears.

  “Please just understand that I left to protect you, but I’m with Gina now,” he said meeting my gaze.

  “What?” I whispered. “You’re with Gina?” I raised my voice, no longer holding back the tears. I wiped them away with the back of my hand. “What does that even mean?”

  Larson took a step closer, closing his eyes as he leaned in, taking my scent. “I’m sorry,” he said, lightly brushing his lips over mine.

  I was enraged hearing Larson had sided with Gina. I pounded my fists on his chest nearly breaking my hand. “She tried to kill me, and now you are—what—her boyfriend?”

  Larson grabbed my wrists to keep me from hitting him and hurting myself. I jerked out of his hold and moved back. I squeezed my eyes shut, tears falling down my cheeks.

  Larson hung his head, averting his gaze away from me. I had nothing more to say to him, but I was paralyzed and couldn’t move. I flinched as the front door opened and Mikel rushed out to me. He glared at Larson, his eyes blazing with anger. Mikel put his arm around me and without saying a word, he steered me towards the house.

  Larson tugged on my collar as I turned my head to go. “What have you done?” he clipped.

  I reached up to my neck and put my hand over the faded bite marks. I silently thought about the bloodletting with Mikel. “It’s not any of your business,” I snapped.

  Larson pulled me out of Mikel’s arms, forcing me to look at him. “Don’t you know how dangerous and stupid this is?” he asked, reading my thoughts.

  “Don’t you ever touch her again,” Mikel warned Larson.

  “And you,” Larson narrowed his eyes on Mikel, “you should know better. Are you trying to kill her?”

  “I’m trying to help her,” Mikel fumed.

  “Help her?” Larson scoffed, clenching his jaw. “You’re not helping her. Your venom is her death s

  “I’m not the one who left her to run off with that monster. Or did you forget how Gina left her broken and bleeding in the forest?” Mikel tightened his fists.

  “If anyone is to blame, it’s you. She was under your watch when Gina attacked,” Larson growled.

  “You can’t put this on me when you were the one who invited her into your house,” Mikel shouted back at him.

  I shuddered as I stood between their anger and rage. I wanted to step in between them and stop the fighting but I felt betrayed by Larson. He had hurt me more than I could have imagined, and I was hoping Mikel would punch Larson at least one time.

  Larson’s eye flickered with regret. He scooped me up and ran towards the forest, the trees a blur as we moved past them. He finally came to a halt several miles from the Aragon’s house. He put me down on my feet and I knew he sensed the struggle within me. I wanted him to take me back, but I didn’t say or think it.

  He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close to him. Cradling my face in his hands, his voice was soft and calm as he spoke. “Analey, please understand how deadly Mikel’s blood can be to you. I would die if anything happened to you.”

  I pulled away from Larson, my eyes filled with tears. “What do you care? You left me.” I was crying again.

  Larson shook his head. “It’s not like that, Love. I left to keep you alive.”

  “You keep saying that, but Mikel is the one trying to keep me alive.” I didn’t owe him an explanation, but I defended my actions. “I don’t want to be a monster and I don’t want to hunt anyone.” I pleaded with him to understand.

  “No, Analey. You don’t get it. If you were to die with Mikel’s venom in your body, the change would begin. But you can only be turned with the Cardamone bloodline. Any other venom will kill you,” he said.

  “You can’t be sure of that,” I said.

  “You are my destiny,” Larson whispered into my ear, his lips skimming my earlobe. “I detest Mikel for wanting to take what is mine. I vowed I would never give in to my desire for your blood, but Mikel’s left me no other choice.” He pushed my hair back over my shoulder and without hesitation he took what (he believed) was his.


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