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Between (Crossroads Saga)

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by Mary Ting


  Crossroads Saga Book 2


  Mary Ting

  World Castle Publishing

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used factiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events, locations, organizations, or person, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  World Castle Publishing

  Pensacola, Florida

  Copyright © by Mary Ting 2012

  ISBN: 9781937593797

  First Edition World Castle Publishing January 12, 2012

  License Notes

  This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This book may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please purchase your own copy. Thank you respecting the hard work of this author.

  Cover: Karen Fuller

  Editor: Jeff LaFerney

  “Love is in question. Trust is debatable. No one is safe. Between by Mary Ting is an enchanting, nail-biter that will leave you breathless from the exquisite cover to the thrilling end.” Gabby, Nashville Young Adult Fiction Examiner/What’s Beyond Forks

  “The fluid motion of her words and realistic characters wrapped around my imagination like the very angels Mary Ting writes about. OMG I laughed and cried!!!” Joann Buchann, author of I Am Wolf/Shark Radio

  “You will be completed entranced by the world of Mary Ting’s angels. With loveable characters, sweet romance, suspense and an original plot, Between will captivate readers of all ages. A heavenly debut!” Charlotte Blackwell, author of Embrace series

  “Hang on to your wings, you are in for a thrilling and gripping story about love, promises, and sacrifice. Everything a sequel should be, Between is a brilliant and lovely tale that is remarkably tender, sexy, poignant, and made the romantic in me swoon.”Jennifer Howell,

  “Mary Ting does it again! Unlike many other angel stories I’ve ever read, this beautiful love story kept me turning the pages into the wee hours of the night. I couldn’t put it down!” Author Lenore Wolfe

  “Between reaches a completely new level of storytelling. Descriptive writing and heartfelt emotions captures your soul in this enticing saga of Angel lore, romance, betrayal, and the battle for good. One cannot help but fall in love with the superb characters and the world Mary Ting has created.” Michele Luker , PageTurners Blog/Insane About Books

  “A breathtaking sequel that is just as addicting as Crossroads, Between will leave you wanting more. With new characters, a new love interest, danger and plenty of plot twists, I couldn't get enough of Mary's enchanting world and her mesmerizing mythology” Katie, Mundie Moms

  “When reading Between you feel that you are immediately wrapped up in Angel wings and taken for the flight of your life. At times you feel like you might fall but then your back up in the clouds feeling Heavenly again. This sophomore novel delivers everything that makes a book Great: Romance: check, Action: check and even heartache: check plus I can't forget to mention about those swoon-worthy Angels! Between will leave you on a celestial high!” Yara, Once Upon A Twilight

  “The book has this effect of getting its readers hooked up with it and it’s just superb! Between is a very enchanting read that would surely get your head stuck in the clouds!” Angelica, We Fancy Books

  “Between returns us to the vivid world Mary Ting has created where we find Claudia trying to live her life, trying to return to normal in a world that she has learned is anything but. Filled with relatable characters, a love triangle, a battle between good and evil and plot twists I never saw coming, the sequel to Crossroads will draw you in and have you turning the pages well into the night.” Louise, Between The Cover

  “Like a special friend you haven't seen in awhile, you jump in right where you left off. That comforting relationship of a friend sharing stories that take you in and want you leaving more!” Ellie, EllieSewSweet

  “OMG, What a ride!!! I adored Crossroads (book1) but Between oh lord! It blew it right out the park!! It's bigger and better. Full of danger, excitment, passion, betrayal and above all love!” Siobhan, Totally Bookalicious

  “Mary Ting has done it again! She has written a beautifully romantic and suspenseful tale of forbidden love. Micheal and Claudia’s passion in Between will leave you breathless and wanting more.” Shari, My Neurotic Book Fair

  “A heart pounding sequel to Crossroads, Between is as perplexing, intense and endearing as the first. Where love is the reason for everything; readers are bound to get sucked into the supernatural world that Mary has created.” Andrea Newkirk, Dark Readers

  “Between is a fascinating angel story that keeps you awake until the last chapter. The portrait of Claudia is beautiful and the world of angel is unique. Best book I have read!” Trajce Kuzmanov, I Love Teen Books

  “Everything you want in a book! ROMANCE that would make you believe in the power of love, ACTION that could make your heart beat fast and ANGST that would make you want to pull your hair out and the biggest plus are the gorgeous beings with wings with whom you can't help but fall in love with. Mary Ting is one amazing author who has the ability to write with so much heart that every word could be felt which captivates her readers!” Lady Krishna Asi, Journey With Books

  “Between is just as romantic and adventurous as Crossroads. This book is a definite home run!!!”– Cierra, Books Ahoy

  “Escape into a beautiful world. Like Crossroads, Between has it all, danger, forbidden romance and everything you want in a book. You will be completely riveted!!!” Muzna Shafi, M.S. from Imprintation


  To the loves of my life, my husband and my two children. I could not do this without their sacrifice and support.

  Countless thanks to my wonderful editor, Maxine. Thanks for being so easy to work with and putting up with my…how about this or one more…lol!!! Special thanks to my publisher, Karen and authors at World Castle and extra thanks to authors Charlotte Blackwell-Embrace series and Joann Buchann-I Am Wolf. The character Caspian and the world of blood seekers were created by author Charlotte Blackwell and used with her permission and guidance. Thank you Charlotte for all your help and encouragement with this addition to my story line. I am so excited to have our characters cross-over in Crossroads saga, book 3.

  Many thanks to these fantastic blogs and Facebook sites: Jennifer, Late Bloomer Online; Michele, Insane About Book/Page Turner; Trajce, I Love Teen Books; Yara, Once upon a Twilight; Gabby with Nashville Young Adult Fiction Examiner/What’s Beyond Forks; Tevya, Reading Lark; Louise, Between the Covers; Angelica, We Fancy Books; Kaite, Mundie Moms; Siobhan, Totally Bookalicious; Shari, My Neurotic Book Affair; Andrea, Dark Readers; Ellie, EllieSewSweet; Cierra, Books Ahoy; Lady Krishna Asi, Journey With Books; Lindsay, Team Twilight; Amanda, Twilight Moms; Krystal, Bellasdiary; Victoria, Team Kellmett; Teri, Twilight Fampire; Muzna Shafi, M.S. With Imprintation; Nanci; Elliot; Tasha; author Patti Roberts and author Lenore Wolfe. I cannot express how grateful I am to have your support and best of all, everlasting friendship.

  My wonderful family and friends, for your love, support and encouragement: My mom and dad, Roy, Maggie, William, Jenny T, Linda, Michelle, Kristina, Jennie, Lily, Jane, Holly, Gracie, Hung, Patricia, Sylvie, Ai, Patty, Jenny S, Eileen, Janet, Tim, and Los Molinos Elementary teachers, staff and parents.

  Writing Crossroads was a way for me to heal the loss of my gran
dmother. I wrote it for her, but I wrote Between for my fans. My fans have been so dedicated, and their encouragement and enthusiasm has inspired me. So, for all the Crossroads fans out there, Between is for you!!! Thank you so much for your support and for loving Crossroads where love and friendship know no boundaries!!! Hugs!!!

  Read how it all began…


  In the beginning…

  God created the world in seven days. Filled with the living and fruitful land, it was perfect–paradise. He then created man in his image to walk upon His world. Then God sent angels known as the watchers with pristine, enormous white wings. These beautiful creatures’ sole purpose was to look after his creations, but they could not resist the temptations confronting them. Thus, forbidden children were created—half angel and half human—called nephilim.

  For their sin and betrayal, Earth was flooded for 40 days and 40 nights, wiping the land clean. But He saved the ones who asked for forgiveness. After the land was fruitful again, God sent both the Twelve and Earth angels to guide his creations. The Twelve resembled watchers with their majestic wings, but the Earth angels had none. The Earth angels’ role was to guide and interact among His creations as the Twelve balanced the world, keeping it safe from unworldly creatures.

  Again, temptations were irresistible and nephilim were born. Instead of cleansing the land once more, the Royal Council, a group of God’s first angels, sent the nephilim to a place called Crossroads. These nephilim were known as the alkins—the only group of nephilim sent to Crossroads. All was peaceful until Aden, one of the Twelve, rebelled and procreated a legion of evil angels known as the fallen. More of the fallen escaped when he opened the gates of the Abyss with Alexa Rose’s help. Out of the Abyss came many demons and fallen and one of God’s first angels named Aliah—the most dangerous, heartless angel ever created.

  “The earth also was corrupt before God,

  and the earth was filled with violence.

  And God looked upon the earth,

  and, behold it was corrupt;

  for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth.

  And God said unto Noah,

  The end of all flesh is come before me:

  for the earth is filled with violence through them:

  and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth.” (Genesis 5:11-13)


  A blanket of thick fog settled along the dark entrance of Specus, a place between Heaven and Earth. The stench within the cave smelled sour, foul, and like burnt flesh. The inner walls were cemented with the bodies of dead souls, crying out to be saved, but there was no way out; they were trapped for eternity. No sound was audible from them, but sorrow and pain screamed out from their eyes. Their tears dampened the walls, forming a constant, wet residue that trickled down a path to the core of the cave, creating a pool of acid water.

  In the stomach of the cave, light beamed through cracks from high above, providing just enough light to see the nearby surroundings as it glistened within the pool of tears. The water sparkled with colors of fuchsia, turquoise, and violet—overlapping, hypnotizing the eyes.

  Kyle stood nervously between his two victims. They were petrified, slumped over on bended knees as they shivered from the freezing cold. Their hands were tightly bound behind their backs, cloths were stuffed inside their mouths, and their faces were shielded by black hoods. Their hearts were thumping out of their chests in sheer panic, and their breaths were short and heavy. As hopelessness settled in, death was the only thing on their minds. Desperately, the male victim groaned loudly through his muffled covering.

  “Shut up!” Kyle scolded and saw mist puff out of his mouth when he spoke. “You need to keep your mouth shut. Master does not like noise. He will be here soon, and when he does arrive, both of you must cooperate.”

  The female victim whimpered softly as frightened tears escaped her eyes, but they were soaked up by her mask before they could fall down her cheeks.

  “Don’t be afraid, my sweet. Your life will be taken for a good cause.” Kyle smiled cunningly, running his hand through her soft, long auburn hair.

  The temperature was slowly rising. Kyle could feel the heat as one drop of sweat trickled from his dirty, silver hair, and he began to tremble in fear. “Master is near.” Then he stood tall, trying to look confident and proud.

  Without a sound, Aliah appeared. His once pure alabaster wings were now filthy and unevenly sheared at the bottom, and countless feathers were missing, as if they had been randomly plucked.

  “Ahhh, you have brought Claudia Emerson to me—the one with the soul of the Holy Spirit.” Excitement rushed through his evil veins as he circled his victims. How long he had waited for this moment! “Are you positive she is the one?” Aliah questioned, desperately wanting it to be true.

  “Yes, without a doubt.” Kyle was almost certain, but not absolutely so. Please let her be the one, he thought as he crossed his fingers in hope.

  “Take off her mask…let me take a look at this beauty,” Aliah commanded.

  Kyle exposed Claudia’s face. Her forehead was damp and strands of hair clung to her face. She blinked her teary eyes to adjust her vision. When it had cleared, her eyes widened with horror and disbelief, and her heart hammered even faster.

  “Master, have I fulfilled my duty?” Kyle asked nervously, wanting to leave as quickly as possible. He didn’t want to stick around, afraid of what Aliah may do to him if he had brought the wrong girl.

  Aliah gave him an icy, ominous stare. “You leave when I tell you to leave.”

  “Yes, Master.” Kyle looked down submissively.

  “Bring the girl to me.”

  “Yes, Master.” He gripped Claudia’s arm firmly, pulled her up, and dragged her to Aliah. She tried to wiggle free from his hold, but it was no use. All she could do was stare at the being in front of her that was staring back with eyes like endless, black holes.

  “I heard you were feisty.” Aliah ran his index finger along the side of her right cheek. Claudia jerked back from his icicle touch, and her whole body shook from being deathly frightened beyond her control. Aliah continued and ignored her response. “And beautiful.” His jet black eyes sparkled as he lowered his face to breathe in her scent, filled with jasmine. “Splendid.” He ran his hands gently down her arms, and Claudia shivered in fright and disgust, yanking her arms back when he touched her. “Soft. You’re slimmer than I had imagined, but nonetheless, perfect.” Then he took the cloth out of her mouth.

  Claudia’s mouth felt dry, sore, and hot, and she used her saliva to moisten what she could. She desperately needed water, but she was in no position to ask. Unable to catch her breath, her chest heaved with terror and exhaustion. Every nerve in her body had awakened, and she had never known fear like she had known today. The creature before her was unlike anything she had ever seen—something straight out of a nightmare. This had to be just a terrible dream; after all, this place and whatever he was didn’t exist in real life.

  “Is your name Claudia Emerson?” Aliah asked. He placed his finger under her chin, forcing her to look him in his eyes.

  “Yes,” Claudia nodded hesitantly.

  “Does he mean anything to you?” Aliah pointed at the male victim. Kyle pulled off the boy’s covering, unveiling his face.

  “Ryan,” Claudia said in hoarse whisper.

  “Do you love him?” Aliah asked.


  “Then do as I say, and he will be set free. Do you understand?” Aliah’s voice was calm, yet forceful.

  After Claudia nodded, Aliah held his long sword upward as if it was an extension of his arm. Horrified, Claudia backed away as far as she could, but Kyle was right behind her. At that moment, she prayed to God, asking for forgiveness, for she knew that she would face death today. Ryan’s eyes grew wide in panic, grunting, begging for Aliah to let her go. Aliah gave him a bone-chilling look and pointed his hand toward him. Ryan flew across the room. His body slammed against the wall, an
d he fell to the floor, unconscious.

  “Ryan!” Claudia cried. “No!” She tried to run toward him, but Kyle held onto her shirt. Claudia’s tears poured down. “Why are you doing this? Who are you? What do you want with us?”

  “I just want your soul, that’s all. Just say, ‘I give my soul willingly unto thee’ and he shall live.”

  “Are you going to kill me?” she asked hesitantly, afraid of his answer.

  Before he could answer, they were abruptly interrupted. Aliah turned to two angels that appeared behind him. His eyes rolled with irritation. “Michelle, Gracie, I told you not to disturb me. Why must you disobey my order?” Aliah scorned.

  “Master, your demon spirits are out of control. Many have escaped, invading human bodies,” Gracie informed.

  “The demon spirit can only possess the weakened soul, especially those who do not believe. Their souls are already destroyed. They didn’t escape; I sent them. They are under my orders to look for Claudia since I can’t leave the realms of these dimensions. I can only travel in the Betweens.” Aliah looked at Claudia standing in front of him, his eyes gleaming with hope. “Perhaps…after today, I can.”

  “Is she the one for sure?” Michelle asked, glaring at Claudia.

  “Kyle brought her to me. Fly away and let me continue, and don’t forget to find the healing crystal.”

  “It’s nearly impossible. We would have to get close to the Twelve.”

  “Find a way!” he snapped. “And don’t come back to Specus without it!”

  “Yes, Master,” the girls said. They opened their silver wings and disappeared.

  “Now, repeat the words,” Aliah demanded, pulling her closer.

  Claudia stood her ground, looked straight into his eyes and shook her head. “I won’t give you my soul.”


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