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Jane's Surrender (Hard World Tour)

Page 23

by V. F. Mason

  “I know, Drake. I trust you, and even if I fall in love with the baby, so what? I think Logan would still let us visit her, right? I just want to help her; she’s so tiny.” And it was the truth. Drake and our relationship made me less afraid of everything and opened up my heart to new possibilities.

  He searched my eyes for a moment and, satisfied with the result, gave me a gentle kiss on my forehead and grabbed my hand.

  “Let’s go then.”

  Before we could exit, the sound of the elevator doors opening grabbed our attention. Stunned, I saw my parents enter Drake’s apartment along with his. Needless to say, we were surprised.

  We had discussed meeting the families, because both of our parents wanted to have a big family dinner to put the official stamp on our relationship, but it was supposed to be later on, after we had Hope.

  This wasn't part of the plan.

  We all froze for a moment, each of us regarding the others questioningly. Drake’s mom was a slender and elegant petite blonde with green eyes that sparkled with mischief. She had a warm smile, and softness was in her eyes when she looked at her son. She kept her distance from his father, who was tall and dark-haired with blue eyes that he gave to Ryan and Drake. He reflected power and dominance, and although those people were once married, there was no evidence of a connection or any remaining anger between them. They were two parents who supported their son, despite their less than great history.

  My parents stood as a united front, Dad towering over mom, who was glued to his side.

  Mom smiled at us and even winked, but Dad had this lethal expression on his face when he watched my husband.

  Shit, was he thinking about punching him?

  Drake cleared his throat, his hand on my shoulder squeezing me slightly, and he said in a rather amused tone, “Well, hello there.” His mom laughed melodically, came closer to him, and hugged him fiercely. She then leaned back and patted his cheek before she slapped it lightly, and he scowled.

  “Mom!” I swear he sounded like a kid, which made me giggle, and his mom turned to me and winked.

  “See, grown men always have boys inside.” She glared at him. “That’s for not inviting me to the wedding. A mother deserves to be present when her only son gets married.”

  Drake mumbled something under his breath, but had enough sense not to voice it aloud.

  His father chuckled, while pouring himself a juice and toasting to his son.

  “I agree with her, son. You should have told us.” I was so focused on them I hadn't noticed how my parents came closer, and Mom hugged me tight, her smell enveloping and calming me for some reason. We spoke a lot during that month, so no hard feelings were left. Next was Dad, and he held me tighter and longer.

  “Drake,” he said sharply, which made me tense in his arms. Was there some problem between them?

  “Mr. Armstrong.” They shook hands, but Dad still didn't let go of me and kept me close with his other arm.

  “What are your intentions toward my daughter?”

  “Dad,” I started, but he just shook his head.

  “A man is supposed to answer these questions.” His voice was harsh, but steady.

  “She’s my wife,” Drake answered politely, which made my dad raise his brow.

  This answer wasn’t good enough for him, and it made me fidget by my husband’s side, but he didn't let me go.



  “It’s okay, beautiful.” Drake cleared his throat. “I should’ve made my move sooner, but we are all good now. Hopefully, someday, we can give you grandbabies.” Our moms gasped in joy, but my dad scowled even more while Drake’s dad smirked.

  His words made me panic, though.

  Did he suspect something?

  I tried to be discreet, but what if he didn't tell me that he knew? I took the test, which came out positive, and I wanted to talk with Mom about it.

  It was too soon, us having babies and all, but there was no way I’d end this pregnancy. I was curious about the time we would have with Hope and how it would affect us. I thought it would be interesting to see Drake as a daddy.

  “Sounds good to me,” Dad replied gruffly, hugged me once again, and let me go. “So long as you remember to treat her right. Otherwise, I’ll kick your ass.” Warmth spread inside me. I didn't want Dad to harm him, but it was nice to know that, no matter what, I would still be Dad’s princess.

  Donald came closer, hugged me too, and whispered in my ear, “Welcome to the family.” He took a step back and clasped his son’s shoulder.

  “Do you have anything to eat here?” Amanda asked, looking around the kitchen counter, and that reminded me.

  “Actually, we were about to have breakfast with the guys.” Just as the words left my mouth, the elevator opened again and all our gang came rushing inside.

  They were loud, and Ariel was arguing with someone over the phone.

  “I don’t want this! I told you to give me that damn dress.” She was all red and fired up, and I raised my brow at the girls, but Sam and Bella just shook their heads.

  I tried to search if Amanda had any reaction to Ryan. After all, he was the bastard child of her ex-husband, but she just hugged him, even though both of them were a little tense.

  Guess Rome wasn't built in a day either.

  Jeremy came with Candace, who was wearing an amazing red dress that emphasized her beauty. She was looking around with wonder, and maybe envy in her eyes.

  Lovely, since when do we bring flings to family gatherings?

  My eyes quickly searched Sam’s and I noticed how she looked at them. With pain and regret, but she covered it with indifference and was even smiling. What Jeremy was doing wasn't right, and I wanted to talk with him about it.

  Drake circled my waist from behind, giving me soft peck on my nape, which made me all giddy inside. Seriously, one hug from this man and I was a goner.

  “What the hell are you all doing here?” His voice was amused rather than angry.

  “Well, Dad called to let us know they were coming here, so we ordered food from Louise's and decided to have our big breakfast here. They are about to come,” Ryan looked at his watch and then back at us, “now.” Sure enough, after his words, the elevator doors opened and the restaurant staff and the smell of good food, which made my stomach growl, greeted us.

  Drake chuckled, patted my stomach, and whispered in my ear, “My baby’s hungry.”

  Did he know? My God, I should have known nothing escaped his notice, and—

  “Don’t worry, baby. I’ll feed you. I know you haven't had anything since last night, and this morning, we were busy with other things.” The relief washed through me, because he meant just me.

  I should stop being paranoid, really. I planned to tell him, but after we picked up Hope.

  People started to set out the tablecloth, plates, and all the other stuff. I guess when you had enough money you could afford the luxury of a fancy restaurant within the walls of your home.

  Ryan was talking with his dad, and Drake decided to join them; it was cool to watch them interact. They all shared many common traits, except Drake was blond, and I think it was the only difference. It was good to know they had found peace in this situation. Bella, Sam, and Ariel were lounging on the couch, and I was about to join them, when Amanda grabbed my elbow. A second later, my mom was at my side too, both of them looking at me with wonder and happiness.

  What was that all about?

  “Did you tell him?” Amanda whispered, and I immediately knew both of them guessed my secret. I opened my mouth to ask how they knew when my mom gently caressed my cheek.

  “It takes a mother to know one. You are glowing. It makes us really happy.”

  “He doesn't know. I want to tell him tonight.” The girls sent questioning looks my way from the couch, but I just shrugged my shoulders. They couldn't keep a secret—well, not from the band—so I didn't want to tell them either.

  “He’ll be happy,” Aman
da said wistfully. “My boy always wanted to find his love and live happily ever after.” She smiled. “I’m glad he did. Romantic, that’s what he is.” It was hard not to agree with her there.

  “This view is amazing,” Candace’s excited squeal was a bit annoying, given that her voice was high pitched, but it was cool to know she liked the apartment. I looked at Jeremy, who just shook his head, which meant leave it alone.

  Like I would go and confront that woman, really.

  “Where is Sparky?” Candace asked, looking around for our dog.

  “On the ranch,” Drake replied. “We wanted to check out the place last night, and it was impossible to get him into the car. Since we are going there tomorrow anyway, we decided to leave him,” he finished, and Candace made more sounds, which apparently were sad whimpers.

  It was hard to understand, because whenever she squealed, it all sounded the same to me.

  “Please don’t tell him,” I asked Amanda pleadingly, which made her furrow her brows.

  “Why would I do that? Your secret is safe. Your mom and I support you all the way. We can’t wait for Hope either.” That was sweet, and looking around, I almost cried, because I finally had this big family I had always dreamed about. Family wasn't just about the people who raised you, or who gave birth to you. No, family was the people in your life who cared about you, shared your dreams, hopes, and love.

  That’s what family was all about.

  At last, the lonely girl who cried in all those foster houses had it, and truthfully, it was an out of this world amazing feeling of happiness.

  Not to mention a baby that had parts of Drake and me. I could barely restrain myself from putting my hand on my belly, because that would have been a sure giveaway.

  When the food was ready, people headed to their seats. Suddenly, Sam grabbed her bag and made for the elevator. Since everyone was busy, I joined her.

  “Hey, where are you going, stranger?” She smiled, but it didn't reach her eyes. She clicked on the button and the doors opened, which made her enter quickly. “Sam.” I tried again.

  “There is no dessert, or rather any muffins. You know how I love to eat muffins. I just want to grab some, and then I’ll be back.” Yeah, and the sky was pink. She was lying and thought she could get away with it? Before she could say anything else, I stopped the door, searched for Drake, whose worried eyes were on me, and said loud enough for him and, as the result, everyone else to hear, “We are getting muffins. We’ll be back soon.” He didn't like my words, but nodded, and I blew him a kiss before disappearing in the ride.

  The door closed, and the machine moved down. Sam was angry.

  “You didn't have to go with me. It’s not like I can’t do it myself.”

  “Sam, you know you have to tell him, right?” I decided there was no point avoiding the issue; straight up honesty was better.

  “It’s not about Jeremy.” At my silence, she sighed in frustration. “I just can’t stand her. She is not what he needs!” She ended on a shout, which made me raise my brow.

  “And who is?”

  “I don’t know.” The elevator arrived on the first floor, and we got out and made our way to the exit. “He doesn't want to listen to me, Jane. I tried several times. He thinks I was seeing some guy for sex.”

  “Did you?” This wasn't an offensive question. I knew how Sam used to throw other guys in his face, so I had no clue if she did the same after their affair began.

  “No, it was an accident. And it wasn't like I slept with that many guys to begin with. I mean yeah, there were some, but not like he thinks. And sure as hell no one after our first kiss.” We got out and were greeted with beautiful fall weather and a busy New York street, where all the people hurried up somewhere.

  Donovan was already holding the limo door open for us—the guys must have called him—and we got in. The bakery that she wanted was a few blocks away, and with how much we had to bring, it was easier to ride despite the traffic in this city being legendary.

  “Then you should have tried harder, Sam. Come on, she means nothing to him, not that what he is doing is right. He’s trying to make you jealous.” And it was so not like Jeremy either. He was a good guy, the reliable one. Why he was using some poor girl, even as annoying as Candace was, was beyond me.

  “I don’t want to, Jane. Can we just drop this subject? I feel like it’s always on my mind and everyone wants to talk about it. It makes me tired,” she huffed, leaned back on the seat, and watched the city from the moving vehicle.

  “I’m pregnant.” Whoa, where did those words come from?

  She snapped her eyes at me, shocked, and then smirked. “You should see your face. It’s an ‘Oh, shit, I blabbed’ face.” She took my hands in hers. “You happy about that?”

  It was weird to have this conversation with her. It wasn't that we weren't close. We were; all of us were. But if anyone from the band would have been first to know, I always imagined it would be Ariel, because she was my girl.

  “I feel weird, too. I promise to tell you once I’m pregnant too,” she joked, and we giggled.

  “Yeah, it was unexpected.” Boy, was it. “But I’m happy I guess. We are in a good place.”

  She nodded. “And in love. Not that bad for a kid. Plus, you’re already married, which makes everything else easier.” Her words made me pause and think.

  In love.

  I knew he loved me. I had no doubt that he did, but I had reservations about my feelings. I didn't want to name my emotions for him, because they made me vulnerable, out in the open, but the truth was that ship has sailed already.

  I loved him. I really, truly loved him, and that made me so happy. The kind of happy I never expected in my life, the kind of happy that probably happens once in a lifetime. The emotions I once had felt for Jeremy were nothing compared to this.

  Before I could think anything else, a loud crash came from my side, made me slam back. Sam’s scream filled the car. My pain was so intense that it was impossible to keep my eyes open. Darkness welcomed me.


  Everyone was sitting at the table having fun, while I wondered where the hell the girls were. It wasn't that it was taking them so long, but I wasn't born yesterday. It had little to do with muffins, and more with the whole Candace situation, who was now sitting next to Jeremy and rubbing his leg under the table, while he tried to push her hand away subtly.

  What an ass, and here I thought he was one of the good guys. I really didn't appreciate his behavior toward my friend. And since he was sitting right in front of me, I kicked his leg under the table, and since he wasn't expecting that, he jumped slightly and narrowed his eyes. I was wearing heels, so it was a painful experience for him.

  “Problem?” he asked carefully, but we both knew what that was about. He needed to man up and just claim Sam like a Neanderthal, and he needed to stop bringing his flings, or whoever those women were, to our private meetings.

  Before I could voice any of my concerns, Drake’s phone rang and he picked it up immediately. His face paled and shouted at the phone, “Where? How? I’ll be there as fast as I can.” The whole table grew silent and worried looks glanced his way, but he was already running to the elevator, Ryan hot on his heels.

  “Where are you going, Drake?” He tried to reason with him, but Drake kept on pushing the buttons, and it didn't make the ride appear faster.

  “Fuck,” he screamed, and then turned to all of us who stood in front of him. “There was an accident. The girls were inside the car when another one crashed into them. They are both in the hospital and it doesn't look good. That’s where I’m fucking going.” His words made everything inside me freeze in dread and desperation, and for the first time in my life, I decided to pray and beg God to make sure my friends were alive. Losing them was not an option.

  It was my last thought before my body became too heavy for me to hold up, and some strong hands grabbed me from behind as I was slowly claimed by the numbness inside me.


  The waiting room was quiet. Only the ticking of a clock could be heard as everyone sat deep in thought.

  I wanted to scream in frustration, to hit something, to do anything, but I sat my ass here and waited.

  For some news, for some good fucking news about the girls…about the love of my life. I couldn't lose her. I just fucking couldn’t.

  We arrived as fast as we could, and the nurses let us know Jane and Sam were in the OR and it didn't look good. They couldn't give any details to us, so we had to sit in the waiting room and wait, which we had been doing for six hours. For the first time since we had arrived, I raised my eyes from the floor and looked around at our family, and it was devastating to see.

  Bella sat on Ryan’s lap, her face in his neck, and her body shook slightly. She probably remembered what happened a year ago with Nick and tried not to sob.

  Jane’s parents and mine were sitting next to each other, but her parents were holding each other tightly. Their son, Ben, arrived several hours after us. Her mom cried silently while both males from her family tried to comfort her, but it was evident they were breaking apart as well.

  Jeremy was by the window, his arms on the glass, frustration evident in every movement he made. He didn't say a world, but he didn't have to. The women we loved were in there, and he felt probably as fucking bad as I did.

  Ariel sat next to me, finally some color back in her face. She fainted back at the penthouse, and the moms made sure to watch over her. She was pregnant, and all this stress wasn't good for the baby.


  We were supposed to pick up Hope, but that wouldn't be the case. Jeremy called some people and they worked out something with Dad. I had no clue what, and right then, I didn't care, no matter how selfish it sounded. I knew they would have the kid’s best interest at heart, but at that moment, the woman who was the love of my life was behind the closed doors of an OR suite, and that knowledge gutted me.

  Eventually, a doctor wearing blue scrubs came out, his face exhausted, and by his expression, it was easy to know he was bringing bad news.

  Everyone stood up at once, and we all waited for him to speak up. His eyes roamed over us and he took a deep breath.


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