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Red Zone

Page 23

by Sherri Hayes

  After several minutes, he picked up his spoon and took a bite of his ice cream, breaking eye contact. She picked up her own spoon and did the same.

  When Gage had decided to cook a romantic meal for Rebecca, he wasn’t at all sure how it would go. All he knew was that he had to do something. He wasn’t one to wait around for things to fix themselves. He was a doer, and always would be. Whenever there was something he wanted in life, he went after it.

  Calling his mom had been a necessity. His cooking abilities were limited, and they tended to fall into the nonromantic variety. He didn’t think cheeseburgers ranked very high on the romance scale. His mom stayed on the phone with him until he was certain everything was the way it should be. Once the food was finished, he set the oven on low and placed their plates inside to keep warm before going up to change.

  Dinner went over about as well as he’d expected, but at least he was able to say his piece. He wanted her in his life. Gage only hoped, once she thought it through, she could see how good they were for each other.

  Saturday morning came earlier than he would have liked. He awoke, showered, and dressed, wondering if he invaded her thoughts as much as she did his. Football had been his life for over ten years, longer if he counted all his pre-high-school time in the Pee-Wee League. It was what drove him, defined him. Over the years, women had come in and out of his life, but very few had made a lasting impression.

  When Gage came downstairs, he found Rebecca standing in the kitchen toasting a bagel.

  “Morning.” He smiled.

  She looked up from her task, her eyes cautious. “Morning.”

  Her stance was tense, as if she were waiting for him to pounce. Although he wanted nothing more than to pull her into his arms and kiss the living day lights out of her, he didn’t. Keeping her in his peripheral vision, he walked over to the refrigerator, took out the orange juice, and poured himself a glass. He grabbed a bagel out of the bag and took a bite, leaning against the counter.

  She went back to her bagel but kept him in her sights. He couldn’t say he blamed her. If he had his way, she would be wearing a lot less clothes, and he would be having something much more desirable to eat for breakfast than a blueberry bagel.

  As his thoughts drifted, he raked his gaze over her form. Her slacks hinted at the curves beneath, curves of which he had intimate knowledge. Although he would have preferred her in jeans, at least she’d worn one of her sweaters and forgone the suit jackets she favored so much. The slacks he could deal with. Her jackets . . . they covered up her backside too much for his liking. She had a fine ass. It shouldn’t be hidden.

  “What time do you have to be at the stadium?”

  He knew she knew the answer already, but he responded to her anyway.


  She nodded and took a bite of her bagel. It didn’t escape his notice that she was avoiding eye contact with him. Her gaze held firm to the coffee mug sitting in front of her on the counter.

  “You know, it’s going to be pretty difficult to protect me when you can’t even look at me.”

  She glanced up at him, eyes wide. Then she seemed to get a hold of herself. She stood up straight, picked up her coffee, and leveled a hard stare in his direction. “Are you questioning my ability to do my job?” she asked, taking a sip and setting the mug back down.

  He smirked.

  “Not at all. Just making an observation.”

  “I see. And do you foresee unexpected danger within the walls of your home in the near future?”

  He smiled wider. He couldn’t help it. Bantering back and forth with her had quickly become one of his favorite things.


  “Given that assumption, is there a reason why I should be watching your every move at this exact moment?”

  No matter how much he knew he shouldn’t, Gage couldn’t back down from her challenge. He laid the remainder of his bagel on the counter along with his glass and stalked toward her. A flash of fear crossed her features then it was gone, hidden away under that mask of hers. Gage wanted to break through that façade. He’d seen the passion, the fire underneath when she let herself go.

  She didn’t back away. Then again, he hadn’t expected her to. He stood in front of her, placing his hands on the counter, effectively trapping her. Her chest rose and fell with exaggerated breaths, the only sign of her discomfort. She held perfectly still, almost as if she were afraid to move.

  He leaned in, his lips skimming the skin of her cheek as he whispered in her ear. “I’d prefer it if you were always watching me, beautiful, but I’ll take what I can get.”

  Gage stepped away, watching her cheeks flush, her chest rise and fall with each breath. She couldn’t hide her responses from him no matter how hard she tried. He reached for his bagel, popped the last of it in his mouth, and strolled toward the stairs, a huge smile on his face.

  Chapter 29

  Rebecca was drained. It was Sunday night, and they were aboard their fourth plane in two days. Traveling didn’t normally bother her. With her job, she was used to it. Then again, she was also used to sleeping at night. That hadn’t been happening. The little bit of sleep she had gotten was full of dreams of someone chasing her. She would wake up in a cold sweat, her heart pounding in her chest.

  Gage sat beside her, more subdued than she was used to seeing him. It was the first time since she’d known him that his team had lost a game. He seemed deep in thought, pensive. The game had come down to the last three seconds. The entire stadium had been on its feet, holding their breath as the ball was snapped. The kicker had made contact with the ball, sending it soaring through the goal posts. Knowing Gage, he was probably running through the game in his head, trying to figure out what he could have done differently. In that respect, they were alike.

  She looked out the window at the night sky, wondering which state they were flying over at that moment. Their plane was due to land in Los Angeles around midnight local time, which would make it right around three in the morning back in Tennessee. Too bad the three-hour difference wouldn’t help her catch up on her sleep.

  Even if they were able to sleep in, Rebecca doubted she would be able to take advantage of it. She suspected she would be sharing a bed with Gage. The hotel they had stayed at on Saturday night had been booked for the team and had two double beds. She’d learned from Gage that the players were always assigned roommates and given rooms with two beds. The room in LA had been booked by his manager, and only for him. Why would there be two beds?

  Over the past two days, she had nearly broken more times than she could count. Keeping herself from touching him was a lot harder than she’d originally thought. How she would manage lying in the same bed with him she had no idea. Sitting there, seeing him with his brow wrinkled in concentration, she wanted to run her fingers along the puckered ridge and provide comfort. She knew it was only a game, but she also knew how hard he worked and that it was important to him.

  Rebecca closed her eyes, trying to distance herself, but it didn’t help. She could still feel him beside her. The impulse to touch him increased with every second.

  “You okay?” he asked, startling her.

  “Yeah. Yes,” she said, sitting up straighter in her seat. “I’m fine. Just tired.”

  He frowned.

  “You haven’t been sleeping.”

  “I . . .” She took a calming breath. “No. Not really.”

  Gage didn’t touch her, but he might have. His gaze bore into her as if he could see into her soul. “Me either.”

  “Excuse me.” The flight attendant interrupted the moment, breaking the spell.

  Rebecca swiftly turned her head back to the window, allowing Gage to address the woman.

  “We’re going to be dimming the lights in a few minutes for those passengers who’d like to sleep through the flight. Is there anything I can get either of you?”

  Gage paused before he answered. She could almost feel his gaze through the back of her head, but sh
e refused to turn around and face him.

  “No, thank you. I think we’re good for now.”

  “Okay. Just press the call button if you should need anything.” The woman spoke with a little too much cheer. She was probably leaning into him, letting him know there was more on offer should he be interested. Rebecca couldn’t blame her. Gage was gorgeous. Add to that his being a professional athlete in the prime of his career . . . the man was hard to resist, which was exactly the problem.

  They encountered a handful of reporters at the airport, but other than asking for a few pictures they mostly left them alone. The local papers in Nashville had already publicized their relationship, so their being together wasn’t really newsworthy. Not on a national scale, anyway.

  The hotel was right in downtown Beverly Hills, and quite a bit nicer than anything Rebecca was used to. It was late, especially since it was after four in the morning Nashville time. Luckily, they had nine hours before the town car was due to take Gage to his photo shoot. She only hoped she would be able to get a few hours of actual sleep in that time.

  Gage walked to the large front desk and checked them in under his name. Other than a few employees, they were the only people in the large lobby. After signing some papers, the man handed Gage two key cards, and a bellboy appeared to take their luggage. They followed him to the elevators, Gage placing a light hand on the small of her back as they stepped through the metal doors. Everything inside the hotel was clean and polished. Not even the elevator doors had smudges.

  The bellboy took them to the fifth floor and led them to their room at the end of the hall. He opened the door and then stepped aside, allowing Gage and Rebecca to enter first.

  She had to admit, the room was beautiful. It had a contemporary feel, but with enough color to make it comfortable. There was a balcony directly behind a small sitting area. She could only imagine the view at sunset.

  Rebecca stood to the side as Gage tipped the bellboy then shut the door after him, leaving them alone.

  “Are you hungry? I could order room service.”

  “Won’t the kitchen be closed by now?” She hated to admit it, but she was starving. They had been offered food on the plane, but her mind had been in such a jumble she hadn’t been able to eat much. Plus, that had been four hours ago.

  He picked up a menu from the coffee table and handed it to her. “Order whatever you want and then double it. Have them charge it to the room. I’m going to jump into the shower.”

  She listened for the bathroom door to close before turning her attention to the menu. There were no prices, which made her a little uneasy. It was a reminder of how different their worlds were. Gage hadn’t blinked at the extravagance of the hotel, and she doubted he would react if she ordered fifty-dollar cheeseburgers. He seemed to be at home no matter where he was. He adjusted to his surroundings whether they were posh or basic. He . . . fit.

  Rebecca picked up the phone and called downstairs to place their order. The man on the other end of the line informed her it would be delivered to the room in about twenty minutes. After placing the menu back on the coffee table, Rebecca walked out onto the balcony. Most of the city was sleeping, but she could still see cars moving about on the streets. She was alone, yet surrounded. It was an all too familiar feeling.

  At dinner on Friday night, Gage had asked her to consider a relationship with him. A real relationship. There was no denying what her heart wanted. Her head was holding her back. She knew herself well enough to know that she didn’t do things halfway. With the men she’d dated in the past, she’d gone into it looking for a long-term partner, a husband. She didn’t play games. Gage was the first man she’d broken her rules for, and he was the only one who’d stolen her heart.

  A knock sounded at the door, and she walked back inside to answer it. An older woman stood in the hallway holding a tray, her smile way too bright for that time of night. Rebecca took the food, laid the tray down on the table against the wall, and went to get the woman a tip.

  “Thank you,” Rebecca said, handing her several bills.

  “Anytime. Have a good night, ma’am.”

  Rebecca closed the door, her hand pressing firmly against the wood. She turned around, about to pick up the tray and carry it over to the sitting area, when she noticed him. Gage leaned casually in the doorway wearing nothing but a towel wrapped around his hips. Droplets of water dripped slowly down his shoulders and chest. All thoughts of food were forgotten.

  Rebecca lifted her gaze to meet his. He was watching her, waiting. The next move was hers. She knew what he wanted. She knew what she wanted. The only question was whether or not she would take that step.

  Blocking out the voice that was telling her she shouldn’t give in, Rebecca crossed the distance between them, throwing her arms around his neck and pulling his face down to hers. Her tongue plunged into his mouth forcefully, her fingers burrowing their way into his damp hair. She was taking everything he was willing to give her, and it still didn’t feel like enough.

  She felt his hands pull at her clothing. He seemed as desperate as she was to get rid of the barriers between them. Piece by piece, her clothes dropped to the floor, until the only thing separating them was the thin fabric of her panties, his towel discarded along with the rest of her clothes.

  Her hands slid down his chest, enjoying the feel of muscle beneath the tips of her fingers. She scraped her nails over his nipples. He responded by digging his fingers into her hips, grinding her against him.

  She gasped, breaking the seal of their lips. He reached from behind, moving her hair out of the way and holding her at the angle he desired before attacking her neck with his mouth. Rebecca dug her fingers into his back, trying to hang on as wave after wave of sensation took over. She couldn’t think, only feel.

  The next thing she knew, she was being lifted, her legs encircling his waist. She knew he was taking her somewhere, but she didn’t much care where as long as he didn’t stop what he was doing.

  In what felt like an eternity later, she was laid down on the cool sheets of the bed. Gage was poised over her, his lips and tongue continuing to work their magic on her neck and collarbone. The material of her underwear was still in place, separating them. Reaching down, she pushed the fabric down her hips. He brought his right hand down to help rid her of the last obstruction.

  The feel of his skin pressing against hers was indescribable. How had she willingly gone for days without feeling this? She needed him inside her, wanted to feel the pleasure that only he could give. Her fingers tugged at his hair, urging his lips to return to hers.

  His mouth sought hers vigorously. All the hunger she felt was given back to her and then some. He kissed her with bruising force, and she reveled in the sheer emotion behind every kiss, every touch.

  When he finally entered her, it was as if something inside her clicked into place. All the feelings of detachment and separation, of isolation and uncertainty, were gone. With him, she felt full, not only physically but also emotionally. The rush of emotions overwhelmed her and sent her clinging to him as she fell over the edge into the most intense orgasm of her life.

  She continued to hold onto him as he found his own completion. He collapsed on top of her, his body weight more than welcome. Her fingers drew small circles on his shoulders, feeling the damp skin beneath that had nothing to do with his shower.

  Gage pulled out of her, shifting his weight to the side so as not to crush her, but never released his grip on her. He laid his head on her chest, his arms wrapped around her, holding her tight as if willing her not to pull away from him. She responded by hugging him closer. He didn’t have to worry about her going anywhere. She wasn’t sure she could leave him if she tried.

  Rebecca lay in bed with his head cradled to her breasts. She listened to his breathing slow as he drifted off to sleep, and felt her own eyelids growing heavy for the first time in days. Tonight, one thing had become clear to Rebecca. Although she wasn’t sure how a relationship between the tw
o of them would work, she knew they had to try. She couldn’t attempt to gloss over the truth anymore. She loved him. Whether or not he fit into the plan she had made for her life didn’t matter. He was the man she wanted to spend the rest of her life with. She just had to figure out how to tell him.

  Chapter 30

  Hansen had spent almost the entire weekend parked outside Fuller’s house with no luck. His neck was cramped from sleeping in his car, and he was badly in need of a shave and a good meal. The fast food and convenience store fare was starting to turn his stomach. He never thought he would crave leafy greens, but they would be a nice change from the grease he’d consumed over the last three days.

  It was already noon, and there was still no sign of Fuller at his house. Hansen checked his notes for what felt like the hundredth time. Fuller was due at work in a little over an hour. Figuring he might have better luck there, he started the car and pulled away from the curb. He would have just enough time to swing by the hotel, shower, and change. Hopefully, in an hour’s time, he would be face-to-face with the mysterious Mark Fuller.

  Forty-five minutes later, Hansen was feeling much better. It was amazing the difference a shower and shave could make. He’d even stopped in the hotel restaurant and picked up a salad, which he was eating while parked across the road from Fuller’s place of employment.

  By one o’clock, Fuller hadn’t made an appearance, and Hansen was starting to think the man had skipped town. He was about to pick up his cell and call Rebecca to let her know the stakeout had been a bust, when a car drove past and pulled into the restaurant parking lot. The man inside had sandy blond hair, same as Fuller. He took his time exiting the vehicle, but once Hansen got a good look at him, he was certain it was his guy. Making sure his gun was in his holster and his cuffs easily accessible, Hansen jogged across the street.


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