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Red Zone

Page 27

by Sherri Hayes

  Once they’d arrived in Vegas late Thursday night, Rebecca was exhausted. Since she’d gotten pregnant, she seemed to get tired easier. She didn’t completely understand it, but her doctor said it was normal.

  Friday was just as busy. They’d met with the hotel’s event coordinator in the morning, and then the women had taken her out for a day of shopping and food while the guys whisked Gage away to do who knows what. She didn’t ask, and to be honest, she wasn’t sure she wanted to know.

  After running a brush through her hair, Rebecca washed her face and took another look at herself in the mirror. She wasn’t one to wear lingerie, but she figured tonight would be a good night for it. When she’d gone shopping on Black Friday, her sister had convinced her to go into a lingerie shop with her. Somehow, Rebecca had ended up buying a pink lace and satin corset with matching panties. It was tight, and not all that comfortable, but she had to admit it looked good. She only hoped Gage liked it.

  Hearing the door to their suite close, Rebecca knew Gage was back. She’d had a bad bout of morning sickness earlier in the day, probably a combination of the baby and her nerves over the wedding, and had eaten through all of the ginger cookies she’d brought with her. When Gage found out upon them entering their hotel suite after the reception, he’d insisted on running to the store and getting them for her. She had no doubt he could have easily picked up the phone and had room service deliver them, but since finding out she was pregnant, Gage had become extremely hands on when it came to her and the baby. It was nice, although, a little overwhelming at times.

  “Rebecca? You okay in there?” he asked through the closed bathroom door.

  “Yeah. I’ll be out in just a minute.”

  Taking one last look at herself, Rebecca grabbed the pink satin robe she’d picked up two weeks ago. Maybe it was strange, but she felt more awkward and nervous in the lingerie than she ever did naked. Tying the ends around her waist, she reached for the door.

  When she walked into the bedroom, Gage was standing next to the bed, lining up five boxes of cookies. His back was to her, and she took a moment to admire his broad shoulders. It was hard to believe he was now her husband.

  “Did you get enough boxes?”

  Gage turned around quickly, and she heard him suck in a sharp breath upon seeing her. Definitely a good sign.

  “I wanted to make sure you had enough.”

  She nodded. “That should last me for a few days at least.”

  He didn’t move, and neither did she. “I can always go out and get more if you need them.”

  He gave her appearance a slow appraisal. She saw the rise and fall of his chest increase in speed as he continued to take her in.

  Rebecca had no idea how long they stood there staring at each other before he finally spoke. “Is that new?”

  “The robe is.”

  Gage looked up, meeting her gaze. He swallowed. “And underneath?”

  “I’ve had it for a while, but I’ve never worn it before, so I guess you could say it’s new, too.”

  She watched as he closed his eyes for a brief moment, and then he was across the room in less than a second, pressing her against the wall. He threaded his fingers through her hair, as he brought their mouths together for a searing kiss. “I need to see you.”

  She reached up toward his neck, and began unbuttoning his shirt, as he lowered his lips to her neck, and began working to untie the belt at her waist. “I hope you like my surprise.”

  “What—” The words died in his throat, and she knew he’d felt the lace beneath the robe.

  He raised his head, and pushed the robe from her shoulders. The silky material fell from her body leaving her torso covered in pink lace and satin. It was dainty—feminine—in complete contrast to what she usually wore, both in and out of bed.

  Her chest rose and fell under his gaze as she waited for his reaction. He looked up at her. She waited, unsure, hoping he liked it.

  Before she had time to react, Gage bent down and swept her up into his arms without warning. She gasped and wrapped her arms around his neck, holding on tight.

  “What are you doing?”

  He didn’t answer, just walked her over to the bed, and placed her gently onto the mattress. She propped herself up onto her elbows, as she watched him remove the rest of his clothing, before he joined her on the bed.

  As he towered over her, she saw his eyes dilate, and heard his breathe quicken. He leaned down and brushed his lips over the top of her breast causing a shiver of anticipation to run through her entire body. “You certainly surprised me, Mrs. Daniels. Now, let’s see if I can return the favor.”




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