Book Read Free

Rogue Evacuation

Page 24

by Simon Neilson

  Jackson looked up and down the street.

  “Oh don’t worry, dear. I haven’t seen any of them for such a long time,” said Matilda noticing the concern on Jackson’s face.

  “You mean the infected?” I asked.

  “Infected? Who is infected?” Matilda asked.

  “Who are you talking about?” Jackson asked.

  “Well the soldiers, like you, of course. They haven’t been here for ages.”

  Joyce took hold of Matilda’s hand and took her inside the house. I gazed across at Jackson who was shaking his head.

  “What?” I asked.

  “She doesn’t even know what’s going on,” Jackson whispered.

  Without waiting for a response he walked off towards the house. I felt Rebecca move up next to me. She took hold of my hand and squeezed it.

  “Come on, let’s go inside,” I said.

  Lizzie and Beth took charge of the children and Bruno whilst Lance turned the truck round so we were facing the right direction to make a quick getaway if required.

  We all moved inside and although all hell was breaking loose around the country, I found Matilda’s place comfortable, neat and tidy. Jackson did the necessary checks around the house, I said it was probably not required but in this day and age you couldn’t take any chances.

  Once Jackson gave the all clear we assembled in the living room with Matilda. She proudly made tea for everybody, juice for the children and we all had a couple of biscuits to munch on. Matilda spoke to us like we were family visiting her at Christmas. She told us how David, her son, had moved most of the people in the street out and promised to come back for her. She was still waiting.

  “Why didn’t he take you?” Lance asked.

  “His van was full, dear. I didn’t want to be any trouble.”

  I looked down at the floor. I felt an aching inside for this poor woman who had been left all alone.

  “How old are you, Matilda?” Joyce asked.

  “Eighty-five, dear,” Matilda replied proudly.

  Joyce stood up and walked over to me. She looked out the corner of her eye at Matilda and then whispered.

  “It’s you’re decision, but she could be a liability to us.”

  “There’s no decision to make, she’s coming,” I replied.

  “A word outside,” Jackson said pushing by me.

  I gazed around the room and could feel everyone, except Matilda, looking at me. Even Amelia and Jesse were staring at me. Slowly I rose out of the dining chair I had been sitting in and walked outside.

  Jackson was facing the front door. He looked up and down the street and sympathetically shook his head.

  “I can see what you’re doing, but we can’t take her,” he said.

  “She is coming,” I replied.

  “Why are you being so bloody stubborn?” He shouted.

  “So if that was your mother, would you leave her?”

  “What’s the difference between her and the nutcases Mike killed back at the hospital?” Jackson screamed. “You weren’t going to take them!”

  “You are joking?” I stepped forward.

  “You’re not god. None of us are.” Jackson also stepped forward.

  “She is coming,” I repeated.

  “Are you on some sort of guilt trip because of Mike?” Jackson shouted.

  “At least I never shot an immune person,” I retorted, referring to Lana.

  I felt the punch to my face, but I never saw it coming. The next thing I knew was Lance and Rebecca stepping in between us. I could hear in my dazed state Lance telling Jackson to put his rifle down. I staggered inside to be met by Joyce who handed me a towel to wipe my bloodied nose.

  “I’ll look after her,” Joyce whispered.

  I walked into the living room and stood next to Matilda. Amelia and Jesse stared at me as I wiped my nose.

  “We’re going on a trip, Matilda,” I said.

  “Are we? Where are we going?” She asked.

  “To the seaside,” I replied.

  “Will David be there?” Matilda asked.

  Before I could answer, Joyce stepped forward and told Matilda we would try to find David.

  Joyce helped Matilda pack a bag with some clothes and washing stuff. I wandered outside to see Jackson leaning on the truck. He looked at the ground and then sauntered over towards me.

  “Sorry,” he said.

  “Forget about it,” I replied.

  “I know what you are doing, even why you are doing it. I just feel she won’t make the journey.” Jackson kept his voice low.

  Our conversation was cut short as Beth leapt from the truck and ran towards us.

  “Is that your radio?” She shouted to Jackson.

  “Yes, it’s been faulty.” Jackson frowned as he heard the radio bursting into life. “How did you get it to work?”

  “Loose wire, no time to explain. We need to move and move now,” screamed Beth.

  “What’s the matter?” I asked.

  “Just picked up a military radio message. I know why this area has been cleared.” Beth was pointing up and down the street.

  “Why?” Jackson asked.

  “One hour Liverpool is being bombed.”

  I didn’t want to hear anything else. I rushed inside the house to relay the news. This seemed to get everyone moving and within minutes we piled into the truck. Matilda was placed in the back, near the front by the sleeping bags. Lance and Jackson assisted her into the back, it took a little while.

  I heard the bombs dropping on Liverpool, exactly an hour after we left. Beth explained there was no reason given on the radio as to why Liverpool was bombed.


  27th December – evening

  Night began to draw in just before we reached Bristol. On the journey down, Beth and Jackson played around with the radio listening out for any broadcasts. Lizzie sat up front with Lance, Joyce spoke to Matilda and I huddled up with Rebecca, the children and Bruno.

  Even though the explosion was loud from Liverpool, just after we left, there was confirmation on the radio of the destruction left behind. This caused the silence inside the truck as we moved along, apart from Matilda who chatted away to Joyce, completely oblivious as to what had occurred.

  There were other broadcasts, some of which appeared coded and I did not understand. Lance and Jackson between them were able to piece together what was going on.

  With Liverpool destroyed the next targets appeared to be Birmingham, Leeds, Newcastle and York. Beth became upset about the Leeds news.

  “Do you think Matilda will make the journey?” Rebecca asked me in a whisper.

  “I hope so. Joyce is doing a good job.” I looked over at the both of them chatting away.

  “You know I support you on this, but what’s the end plan?” Rebecca asked cuddling into my chest.

  I sat for a moment and just stared down at her. I could not explain in full. The only answer I had was to make it to the coast, but with Beth telling us that was where all the X Camps were, it seemed dangerous.

  “We head for the coast,” I replied eventually.

  Lance brought the truck to a stop just as we reached Bristol Temple Meads train station. Jackson jumped out, followed by myself and Lance so we could check the area. It was only just getting dark. I could see some movement further down the road towards the city centre. Uncoordinated stumbling, it could only be the infected.

  I heard the commotion first and as I turned I saw two infected clawing at the front of the truck. Stepping forward I could see Lizzie squirming in the passenger seat as one of the infected moved round to the passenger door and tried to push its hand through the part opened window.

  A single shot to the head made sure the figure was put out of action, its forlorn, lifeless body dropped to the floor. The second infected spun round and moved towards us, quicker than I had expected. Lance moved into position and took it out with a well-placed shot to the centre of its forehead.

  “Did you see how
quick it moved?” I asked.

  “They’re not the only ones,” Jackson replied pointing down the road.

  I turned and saw a pack of infected heading in our direction. They also moved quickly. I would say at the speed of a slight jog.

  “We can’t stay here,” I said.

  Jackson and Lance didn’t need telling twice and we boarded the truck.

  “Where’s our next location?” I shouted to Lance.

  “Knowle. Just on the outskirts. Not far.”

  “Go!” I shouted.

  With barricades and vehicles littered everywhere it took a little while for Lance to turn the truck round. Once we were facing the other direction I had a good view of the pack closing in on us. One of the infected was close enough to the truck that it was able to place a hand on the back board. Jackson pushed the muzzle of his rifle against its head, the tip pierced the soft, mushy skin. He pulled the trigger and our unwelcome passenger was gone.

  Lance pushed his foot down and the truck sped off. I could see other infected coming out of buildings on either side of us until the road behind us was full of them. Most of them had the quicker movements than those we had encountered anywhere else.

  “We’re going to have to move at night,” Jackson said.

  I just about heard him over the sound of the children crying and Bruno barking.

  “It’s too dangerous,” I replied.

  “Will you listen for once, we can’t stay here.” Jackson grabbed hold of me.

  “He’s right,” Rebecca said.

  Reluctantly, I nodded and shouted to the front for Lance to get us to our next destination.

  It did not take long to reach Knowle on the outskirts of Bristol. A sprawling residential area with a massive housing estate set off from the main road.

  This road bent round until we came to a small shopping centre on the right hand side. The big houses opposite the shopping centre was where our next destination would be. I could see a few infected staggering around, their attention was immediately drawn to us as the truck pulled up.

  I ordered everybody to stay inside the truck. The first two infected, who were quite near, were taken out pretty easily. This attracted the others. Lance moved to the front and sprayed the four closing in, I was concentrating on three more near to the pavement whilst Jackson was riddling the group standing near the shopping centre.

  Once I was happy the infected had been dealt with I turned to see the women and children lying down in the back of the truck. Their hands covered their ears. Amelia and Jesse were crying and I could see in Rebecca’s eyes that we weren’t going to be able to live like this for much longer.

  Lance appeared at the rear of the truck with the worst news possible.

  “We are out of fuel,” he said.

  “And you tell me this now!” I replied angrily.

  “With everything going on, I didn’t check,” replied Lance.

  “Shit,” I replied.

  “Look, there’s a petrol station back down the road. I can take some canisters, enough to get us out of here,” Lance said.

  “I’ll go with him,” Jackson said.

  I nodded and took the piece of paper from Lance showing me the address, although the face of the woman standing in a top window of one of the houses was a bit of a giveaway as to what address we needed.


  27th December – evening

  Lance and Jackson grabbed a few canisters and headed off towards the petrol station. Beth decided to go with them, radio strapped to her back. Funny how when they first met she wanted to kill both of them?

  I gazed towards the elegant house. The door slowly opened and out stepped the woman. She looked mid-thirties, smartly dressed in a close fitting turquoise top and crisply ironed black trousers. Her hair was short, just below the ears but very neat.

  As Lance and Jackson walked away, I could see the woman gazing in their direction as if in a day dream. I had walked over to the gate and called out her name, Selina, which appeared to startle her. She turned and looked at me and slowly walked towards the gate.

  “You know my name?” She asked.

  “Yes,” I replied.

  “So you are here for me?”

  “Indeed we are.” I smiled.

  “Give me a moment.”

  Selina turned, walking back up the path and into the house. I had been expecting some kind of invite inside, but it never came. Moving back to the truck I leant on the side and waited. After a few moments Selina appeared with a small pull-along suitcase.

  “Does she think we are going on holiday?” I whispered sarcastically.

  “At least it’s a small suitcase,” Rebecca joked.

  I smiled at her equal sarcasm. The suitcase wheels rumbled along the concrete. Rebecca and Lizzie jumped down from the truck and strode over to Selina welcoming her. This woman appeared nervous and distant. Maybe this was due to a bunch of strangers turning up on her doorstep.

  Lizzie kindly took the suitcase from Selina, who smiled politely. Rebecca was doing her usual welcoming role telling Selina there was nothing to worry about and how we were here to help. Rebecca stopped short of telling Selina she was immune, which I was quite relieved about as this was not the right time or place to have that particular conversation.

  Suddenly, there was a loud scream from the back of the truck. I had momentarily moved away but rushed back to see what the commotion was all about. Joyce frantically appeared at the opening, she looked blurry eyed and her hair was slightly messy.

  “I must have fallen asleep. I’m so sorry,” she said.

  “What’s the matter?” I asked.

  “Matilda,” Joyce cried.

  I gazed inside the truck, I could see Amelia, Jesse and Bruno, but there was no sign of our confused, elderly guest. Looking around I could not see her anywhere. In the distance, a long way down the road, I could see some figures stumbling about. This was not a good time to lose Matilda.

  I ordered everybody inside the truck. My focus was on the shopping centre situated on the other side of the road opposite Selina’s house. Surely Matilda had not decided to go on a shopping trip?

  Rushing across the road I reached the entrance of the shopping centre. the automatic glass doors were smashed, glass fragments scattered across the floor. I paused for a moment and peered in. I held onto the gun tightly, my heart was pumping. I heard some movement inside, not knowing if it was Matilda or an infected I pushed myself against a wall and waited for a moment. I was used to Jackson and Lance having my back.

  Gritting my teeth I dived inside with my weapon pointed and ready to let off a few rounds anything wanting to take a bite out of me.

  Staring down the empty, derelict centre I could see Matilda standing and looking into the shop window of a small gift shop. I rushed over and stood next to her, making sure I didn’t startle her too much.

  “Isn’t it beautiful?” Matilda smiled.

  I glanced into the gift shop and could see decorative ornaments and Christmas decorations hanging loosely down. Snow village scenes, ice dragon ornaments and snowmen filled the window.

  The shuffling caught my attention. I looked beyond Matilda and could see four infected shuffling in our direction, their attention drawn to us. Stepping out into the open of the centre I gently pulled Matilda behind me, raised my weapon and let off a volley of shots. The putrid bodies exploded with the impact of the bullets and they slumped, heads torn apart, to the marble floor.

  To my right I heard a noise. I spun and saw an infected just about to latch onto me, I got one shot off which fortunately pierced its eye causing it to lurch back and slam onto the floor with a thud and a cracking sound as the infected skull smashed on the marble.

  The scream from behind caught my attention, spinning round I could see Joyce being dragged to the floor by two infected, for god’s sake, I thought, I told everyone to stay in the truck.

  “Oh dear, poor woman,” Matilda said quietly.

  One of the infected
was tearing at her arm, its teeth sunk into her skin and the other was just about to do the same when I managed to get off a few rounds. Blood and brown slush splattered all around the floor, Joyce was screaming and writhing in pain on the floor. Looking to my side I notice Matilda had disappeared again, where the hell had she gone?

  With no time to waste I took hold of Joyce’s good arm and drag her across the slippery marble floor to the entrance of the shopping centre. I could see Lizzie and Rebecca standing at the back of the truck, I shouted over to them to come and get Joyce.

  I had to go back in to find Matilda. How many times can you lose an old woman in one day? I was about to dive back into the shopping centre when the crunch of glass from behind startled me.I stumbled back and was about to let off some more rounds when Matilda appeared.

  “Fuck!” I gasped.

  “Now, now, dear. No need to swear,” Matilda said pointing her finger at me.

  Bizarrely, I found myself apologising. I saw Matilda holding a dark coloured bottle. Getting up off the floor I gazed around to see the infected I had noticed in the distance getting closer. Matilda pushed the bottle towards me. I looked at the label. “Cough Medicine”.

  “What is this?” I asked.

  “It’s for the little girl. she has a little cough, dear.”

  Matilda wandered off towards to the truck leaving me standing there a little confused. Checking there were no other surprises waiting for me I trotted off after Matilda.

  Lizzie had jumped into the driver’s seat. I could see Rebecca tending to Joyce in the back of the truck, she was crying and I could see the deep bite mark on her arm. Selina looked at me in fear.

  Helping Matilda up onto the truck, she thanked me, I was just about to run round to the front of the truck when I heard a chesty cough. Looking up I could see Amelia coughing into her hand, her eyes were streaming. In all this confusion I had not noticed that Amelia had developed a cold. looked over to Matilda who asked for the cough medicine. Bewildered I gave the bottle over.

  I moved round to the passenger door and gazed down the road to see Beth, Lance and Jackson jogging up the road, with petrol spilling out the top of the canisters they were holding.


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