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Against All Odds Choices (2ndt in a series of contemporary romance books for Kindle)

Page 3

by Sarah Amerson

This weekend, it was all about getting away from it all.

  “So,” started Leo thoughtfully, facing me. “How about we take our stuff upstairs, then head to the beach? Maybe even stop by in town and stroll around?”

  I raised an eyebrow. “Is this a date we're talking about?”

  “Why, are we not allowed to have one?”

  “No, it's just . . . We've never gone on a date before.”

  I looked away, biting my lip.

  It had been straight to sex most of the time these past two weeks. A total booty call, one could say. Then again, Leo's caring personality made it slightly complicated.

  Leo nodded in understanding. “Well, there's a first time for everything.”

  My eyes found him again. It was odd, and this might just be me and my wishful thinking, but he looked hopeful. It was like he really wanted to go on a date with me – even though he was the one who suggested the 'no strings attached' thing in the first place.

  And without me knowing – or realizing – I was beginning to be hopeful, too. That somehow, maybe, this relationship we had might lead to something more. My conscious and logical mind wouldn't want it – that 'something more', but the emotional part of me would beg to disagree.

  Even though I knew that this date was just a way for me to fall even more for Leo, I couldn't find myself to refuse him. At least, not anymore. Not like I used to.

  I was already falling.

  “Okay,” I smiled.

  That simple word was a key that led to something different than what we usually did. It was a big step – for both of us.

  We spent hours strolling around town and the beach.

  Let me be specific, Leo and I spent a long time walking around while holding hands. I wasn't sure who held whose hand – it just happened. It wasn't like he didn't held my hand before. He had done that numerous times, but I guessed this was the first time that people actually saw it long enough to see and maybe assume that we were a couple.

  At least, it felt like we were a couple.

  Yeah, how silly of me.

  Nonetheless, I enjoyed every bit of it. We didn't get to do something like this very often. And it was nice. We were just hanging out, talking about ourselves. I guessed we spent too much time on bed these past weeks that we never really stopped and got to know each other a little bit. But we were clearly making up for that now.

  We were walking down the beach as the sun was setting (pretty romantic, I know) when he said something that even made this night more memorable.

  “It's time for dinner,” he said. “C'mon, I know this amazing restaurant in town.”

  Of course, I couldn't protest. I wasn't even sure if I wanted to. This night was just incredibly simple and perfect that I couldn't ask for more.

  So I just nodded as we headed to his car.

  He took me to a French restaurant. And since I knew nothing about French, he ordered a full-course meal for both of us. I just hoped he didn't order something weird or something that smelled bad because I knew for a fact that rich people ate that kind of food. I've seen it, and I swore to myself that there was no way in hell that I would try it.

  It turned out, the courses were all right. Leo wanted me to try his favorites so he ordered bits of everything. And later, we ate cheese. It seemed like a French tradition, but I wasn't sure.

  As we were waiting for our desserts, we talked about his college life.

  He told me he majored in Business Management, getting ready to take over the company from his dad. He said he wasn't even sure that he'd inherit it because his older brother was always the favorite, that was until his brother passed away.

  Leo was just wanted to have fun then, not taking anything seriously. He stated that he always had a thing for breaking rules and he had a problem with authority.

  “I was in trouble almost all the time,” he laughed, shaking his head.

  “I wouldn't have pegged you for the one who got caught,” I teased lightly.

  I was trying to understand him, even though I didn't like what he used to be that much. Then again, how could I be sure that he wasn't like that now?

  “I was reckless and irrational,” he admitted. “Your typical rich kid act, only much worse because I was aware of the power of my family. On the other hand, I wouldn't be wiser now if I hadn't made mistakes in the past.”

  “So you think you've changed?”

  He looked at me. “I know I have.”

  “But you still like that part of your life.” It wasn't a question.

  He didn't reply. We just stared at each other. He had that unreadable expression again. That poker face of his had frustrated me every time he put it on because I always thought I knew how to read people. And he was a walking example that there was always an exception.

  To think, he was one who I wanted to read the most.

  How ironic.

  Finally, the desserts came, saving us from more silence.

  “How many boyfriends have you had?” queried Leo out of the blue.

  I almost spluttered the water I just drank at the suddenness of his question.

  “Just curious,” he said conversationally.

  I eyed him for a moment, then gave in, “Two.”

  He looked at me in disbelief.

  “Hard to believe?” I asked, slightly amused by his reaction.

  “Quite,” he nodded, his eyes were full of curiosity now. “I'm guessing you have a high set of standards for a guy.”

  “Nope. I'm going out with you, aren't I?” I replied innocently, tilting my head to the side.

  Leo burst out laughing. “Not officially, though.”

  I didn't get to respond because then we heard someone call his name.


  We turned our heads at the direction of the voice at the same time. And there, walking toward us in graceful strides, was Michael Vanderbilt. He still looked as handsome as ever with his blue eyes and neat blonde hair, looking like the perfect All-American boy that he most probably was.

  “Michael!” grinned Leo, standing up and giving Michael Vanderbilt a bro hug. “What are you doing here, man?”

  “Just taking a break from all the madness in the City,” said Michael. His eyes slowly went to me, then went back to Leo. “I'm guessing you're doing the same.”

  Leo nodded. “You could say that. By the way, this is Bridget.”

  Michael’s eyes returned to me. “Ah, yes. We've met before, if I'm not mistaken.”

  I cleared my throat awkwardly. “I work at –”

  “I know,” Michael cut me off, smiling. He continued to stare at me for a moment before looking at Leo. “Is this the girl you were talking about?”

  Leo gave him a look that fairly said, 'Shut up.'

  Michael just chortled and put his hands up defensively.

  “Yeah,” sighed Leo, his eyes wandering to me. “She's the one.”

  I knew that I shouldn't take that statement seriously. And I knew that Leo meant nothing by it, other than merely answering Michael's question. Yet . . . I couldn't stop my heartbeat from accelerating or the heat that quickly went to my cheeks.

  'She's the one.'

  Maybe a part of me wanted for that sentence to mean something. Because maybe a part of me thought the exact same thing about him.

  Geez. Here I go again.

  Stop, Bridget.

  I shook my head and returned to reality, just in time to catch Michael nodding as though in understanding with Leo.

  “Well, I don't want to intrude any longer,” said Michael, smiling at me and Leo. “Have a good evening.”

  “Thanks, man,” replied Leo as he patted Michael lightly on the shoulder.

  “Nice to see you again, Bridget,” Michael told me. He then offered his hand for a handshake.

  I accepted it. “Same here.”

  “I'll call you tomorrow night, Leo,” added Michael over his shoulder.

  “Talk to you then,” Leo called out.

  Michael glanced at us bri
efly, shook his head in amusement, and left.

  As soon as Michael was out of sight and Leo back in his seat, I was dead curious.

  “You talked to him about me?” I asked Leo

  I tried very hard to contain my eagerness on the subject. After all, who knew what these guys talked about? Still, he actually took the time to talk about our 'relationship' with someone else. And here I thought, we were a secret.

  I shouldn't get my hopes up, though. Leo could just be kissing and telling – like every other young man in the world.

  “He's one of my best friends,” shrugged Leo as if it wasn't a big deal. “Basically, I told him everything about you.” He flashed me a grin, obviously seeing right through me.

  “Define 'everything.'”

  “I didn't tell him the details of our sex life, if that's what you're asking.”

  He looked quite amused now.

  “Huh,” I mumbled thoughtfully. “So guys do it, too.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Gossip about each other's love lives.”

  His lips stretched into a crooked smile – the sexy one I adored so much.

  “We have a love life?” he asked.

  I blinked. “Oh, no,” I quickly said, waving my hands vigorously. “I didn't mean . . . I don't . . . I mean, it's not . . .” I trailed off, saving myself from further embarrassment. I took a deep breath and looked away from him. “It's technically that, isn't it?” I muttered.

  After what seemed like forever for me, I suddenly felt a warm hand took over mine on the table. I automatically looked up at Leo and saw his eyes trained on our hands as he tangled it together. Then, he started to rub the back of my hand using his thumb.

  It was so comforting that I completely forgot where we were until he spoke.

  “I guess it is.”

  It took me a moment to get what he said. And when the words sank, my heartbeat pounded so hard. Then, I felt fluttery things in my stomach. My knees felt wobbly, which was weird considering that we were sitting.

  That was when the realization came to me.

  I wasn't sure how it happened and I didn't know when it started. I mean, I had hints that I was falling for him. But only now did I fully understand what it really was.

  Maybe the logical part of me continuously denied that little fact, and instead I led myself to believe that it was only infatuation I had for him. After all, that was the farthest you could go before you were fully in love, right?

  The thing was, I wasn't falling for Leo anymore.

  I think . . . I already fell.

  “Did you like the dinner?”

  My eyes found Leo, who was looking at me expectantly. We were now waiting for the valet to get his car from the parking lot.

  “Yes,” I smiled sincerely up at him. “Thank you.”

  He grinned, leaning down his face closer to mine.

  “You're welcome,” he murmured, before kissing me full on the lips. “I hope you're not tired from all the walking, because I cannot wait 'til I get you out of that dress. It's been killing me all day.”

  I laughed at his expression as he added the last part. It was as if he was a ten-year-old kid deprived from watching cartoons.

  “Why'd you hold yourself back, then?” I whispered as I gently ran my hand through his hair, very curious as to what his answer might be.

  He leaned closer to me until his lips were right beside my ear. I shuddered, feeling his warmth breath against my sensitive skin.

  “It's a secret.”

  After that, he pulled away and winked at me with a wide grin on his face. I was about to roll my eyes when I caught myself at the realization that he looked so young and carefree just now. It made him twice as handsome, if that was possible.

  “You could try and get it out of me, though,” Leo added.

  I immediately looked at him. He gave me a suggestive look, flashing his sexy smile while he was at it. This time, I returned the smile.

  “We'll see,” I said.

  On cue, his car arrived. We exchanged glances, blue eyes to gray ones. We didn't say anything, sharing a silent understanding on how this night would end.

  Chapter 3: Old Meets New

  A month usually passed by so long that I normally wished it was the next month already. But since my life wasn't exactly normal anymore, I guessed it would only be suitable that I didn't realize the month passing by so quickly.

  Remember the phrase, 'Time flies when you're having fun'?

  It was undoubtedly true. And I must admit, Leo was a huge part of it.

  Defining our relationship now got even more complicated. Yes, we had the 'friends with benefits' thing. But I couldn't help but think – in my case, hope – that maybe there was more to it than that. Then again, maybe that was just my wishful thinking. It wouldn't be the first time for me to think like this.

  Sometimes, I want to slap myself for being ridiculous.

  We called each other everyday now, even if we didn't see each other in person. He was a busy man, after all. But we made it our thing to meet up every weekend and spend it at their Villa in The Hamptons.

  As much as I hated to admit it, he managed to convince me to quit my job at Rusty's. In my defense, he caught me off guard. He was pleasuring me in the most sensitive part of my body. While I was high on ecstasy, he was thinking clearly and took it to his advantage.

  He's one cunning man, I'll give you that.

  So for the past weekends, we'd leave the City in late Saturday afternoon, so that I could spend time with Ariana and Sarah. And we'd leave the Villa same time the next day, so that he could have dinner with his family.

  He explained to me that every Sunday night, their family would get together and eat supper. Apparently, his father was big on spending time with his family and made it a tradition – especially after Carlos died.

  Carlos Russo, his older brother who died a few years ago.

  Leo wouldn't tell me more about it and give details. He just said that his brother was at the wrong place at the wrong time. So I dropped the subject, since it was obvious that he wasn't comfortable discussing it.

  On the lighter note, I was growing fond of Susan. It was strange, but I noticed she seemed to get happier and happier every time I saw her. Whenever she could, she would tell me Leo's childhood. It drove him nuts.

  I laughed at loud at the memory.

  “What's funny?”

  I snapped out of my thinking and raised my head. I saw Jack, looking at me curiously. It was just the two of us in the locker room. I was about to finish eating my lunch, when I replayed all that had happened these past month.

  Of all people, I wouldn't tell Jack what exactly was funny. I didn't even dare tell him that I was seeing Leo – or that we were sort of friends.

  I knew Jack enough to know that he would freak out if ever he found out, especially after clearly warning me to stay away from Leo.

  Gosh, that night felt like a lifetime ago.

  “I just recalled something amusing, that's all,” I answered him, smiling weakly.

  He watched me for a moment as I took the last bite of my sandwich.

  “Mr. Vanderbilt asked about you,” he said a-matter-of-factly.

  My eyebrows raised up in surprise.

  “When?” I asked, trying to keep my voice casual.

  After our unexpected encounter in The Hamptons, I'd seen Michael Vanderbilt a couple more times – with Leo there, of course. One could say we all hung out together. He even brought a date with him once – a supermodel date, mind you.

  He was a nice guy, as far as I could tell.

  It made me wonder if Michael knew all about Leo's secret life.

  “A few minutes ago,” Jack told me. “Right before he left.”

  “Did he say why?”

  Jack shook his head. “I think you made an impression when you served him almost two months ago. Were you that good a waitress?”

  “Doubt it,” was all I could reply.

Bridget,” he started, “I mean not to offend you, but . . . You didn't sleep with him too, did you?”

  My mouth dropped open. I couldn't believe he just asked me that.

  “No!” I scoffed indignantly. “How could you say that?”

  “I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. He just surprised me, that's all.”

  I sighed, and threw the paper towel to the thrash bin.

  “Yeah, whatever,” I grumbled, standing up and getting ready to get back to my shift.

  After that, I avoided Jack. I gave him the cold shoulder all day. We were still friends, but I just didn't like him right now. I still could not wrap my head around the fact that he asked me the most insensitive question of the year. I thought he knew me better than that. And for him to say that, it really made me feel low.

  He apologized discreetly quite a few times. Although I still felt angry at him for assuming I slept with yet another rich bachelor like I was some sort of slut, I couldn't help myself but to let it go and forgive him. I guessed there was that part of me that was guilty for seeing Leo when Jack made sure I knew how he felt about Leo.

  As soon as my shift ended, I quickly got dressed in my casual clothes in the locker room and left the restaurant.

  I thought that little event was it for the day. I didn't expect there would be another surprise waiting for me at home. It wasn't a good surprise either.

  The thing was, I should have seen it coming. With everything good that was happening, there was something bad that was bound to happen.

  I just didn't think it would be this bad.

  I was wrong.

  The first thing I noticed was his tousled brown hair. As I got closer, his tall figure and stance was growing familiar. The way he leaned on the railing in front of my apartment building like he was waiting for someone . . .

  I halted to a stop.

  Suddenly, all the air around me was being sucked away. And I couldn't breathe. My eyes were in disbelief as I stared at the man from a distance.

  I wanted to turn around and run – run far away from here. Run to Leo.

  But I couldn't seem move my feet. I was frozen on the spot, just a few feet apart from the guy I was most dreading to see. I prayed so hard that he wouldn't turn around and see me. I didn't want to see him.


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